Afterlife Adventures

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Afterlife Adventures Page 10

by William Fergus Martin

  A good example of some of the deeper experience of music is this description of a classical concert (though of course they have a wide variety of music).

  “Edwin our Guide, suggested to us that we might like to hear a concert of the spirit world, and then he made a strange proposal. It was that we should not take our places in the seats of the [arena, the top of which was at ground level], but that we should take up a position at some distance. The reason, he said, would be manifest as soon as the music began.

  We could, of course, see nothing of the performers from where we were situated, and so when a hush came upon all around us, we were thus sufficiently informed that the concert was to begin. As soon as the music began, I could hear a remarkable difference from what I had been accustomed to hear on the earth-plane. The actual sounds made by the various instruments were easily recognizable as of old, but the quality of tone was immeasurably purer, and the balance and blend were perfect.

  The opening movement was of a subdued nature as regards its volume of sound, and we noticed that the instant the music commenced, a bright light seemed to rise up from the direction of the orchestra until it floated, in a flat surface, level with the topmost seats, where it remained as an iridescent cover to the whole amphitheater. As the music proceeded, this broad sheet of light grew in strength and density, forming, as it were, a firm foundation for what was to follow. So intent was I upon watching this extraordinary formation that I could scarcely tell what the music was about. I was conscious of its sound, but that was really all. Presently, at equal spaces round the circumference of the theatre, four towers of light shot up into the sky in long tapering pinnacles of luminosity. They remained poised for a moment, and then slowly descended, becoming broader in girth as they did so, until they assumed the outward appearance of four circular towers, each surmounted with a dome, perfectly proportioned.

  In the meanwhile, the central area of light had thickened still more, and was beginning to rise slowly in the shape of an immense dome covering the whole theatre. This continued to ascend steadily until it seemed to reach a very much greater height than the four towers, while the most delicate colors were diffused throughout the whole of the etheric structure. I could understand now why Edwin had suggested that we should sit outside the [arena].

  It is difficult to give any adequate idea of the beauty of this wonderful musical structure. The amphitheater being built below the surface of the ground, nothing was visible of audience, of performers, or of the building itself, and the dome of light and color had all the appearance of resting on the same firm ground as were we ourselves.

  This has taken but a brief while in the telling, but the musical thought-form occupied such time in formation as would be taken by a full-length concert on the earth-plane. We had, during this period, watched the gradual building of the outward and visible effect of music. Unlike the earth where music can only be heard, there we had both heard and seen it. And not only were we inspired by the sounds of the orchestral playing, but the beauty of the immense form it created had its spiritual influence upon all who beheld it, or came within its sphere. We could feel this although we were seated [outside] the theatre. The audience within were basking in its splendor and enjoying still greater benefit from… its elevating rays. On the next occasion, we should take our places in the huge auditorium. We wondered how long this musical structure would survive, and we were told that it would fade away in roughly the same time as would be taken by an earthly rainbow - comparatively a few minutes.” — Life in the World Unseen


  On all but the lower planes, they no longer feel the need for food. However, they do eat fruit of various kinds for enjoyment anyway. This is especially good for New Arrivals who are encouraged to eat fruit specific to their needs, as it helps them get over any leftover shock from their transition, such as from a long illness, an accidental death, or just needing help to adjust.

  “We have the most wonderful fruit on this plane, of a texture and quality that I am unable to describe to you fully. It has a spiritual quality of sustenance, suitable to our bodies and is greatly enjoyed by all. There are many varieties. Replicas of earth fruits abound, perfect in every detail to look at. There are, also, many kinds that are unknown to you. But here fruit is of a different substance, as I have said, and although other foods are not necessary to us, we gain much from eating fruit. Like everything else here, the colors are indescribably beautiful.” — Letters from Mother

  “My friend said he would like to take me to visit a man who lived in a house which we were now approaching. We walked through some artistically laid out gardens, crossed a well-turfed lawn, and came upon a man seated at the outskirts of a large orchard. As we drew near, he rose to meet us.

  Our host led us into the orchard where I beheld many trees in a high state of cultivation, and in full fruit. He looked at me for a moment, and then he took us to a splendid tree that looked strongly like a plum tree. The fruit was perfect in shape, with a deep rich coloring, and it hung in great clusters. Our host picked some of it, and handed it to us, telling us that it would do us both good.

  The fruit was quite cool to the touch, and it was remarkably heavy for its size. Its taste was exquisite, the flesh was soft without being difficult or unpleasant to handle, and a quantity of nectar-like juice poured out.

  My two friends watched me closely as I ate the plums, each bearing upon his face an expression of mirthful anticipation. As the juice of the fruit streamed out, I fully expected to spill an abundance of it upon my clothes. To my amazement, although the juice descended upon me I could find, upon examination, no traces of it! My friends laughed uproariously at my astonishment, and I thoroughly enjoyed the joke, but I was much mystified.

  They hastened to explain to me that as I am now in an incorruptible world, anything that is ‘unwanted’ immediately returns to its own element. The fruit juice that I thought I had spilled upon myself had returned to the tree from which the fruit was picked.

  Our host informed me that the particular type of plum which I had just eaten was one that he always recommends to people who have but newly arrived in spirit. It helps to restore the spirit body, especially if the passing has been caused by illness. He invited us to walk through the orchard where I saw every kind of fruit known to man, and many that were known only in spirit. I sampled some of the latter, but it is impossible to give any indication of the delicious flavor of them because there is no earthly fruit that I know of with which comparison can be made.” — Life in the World Unseen

  Animals and Birds

  “You… will be delighted with the bird life. Their plumage appears to have taken on a wealth of additional colors, quite indescribable in its grace. I have, at last, realized a life-time’s ambition and have two beautiful peacocks strutting on my lawn. They are like living jewels and are a great source of inspiration and joy to me.” — Letters from Mother

  Animals and birds have their own spheres and places, but they often mix with people too. For those who love animals, they are great source of companionship in the next world just as they are in this one. The underlying law that where there is natural affection each is drawn to the other applies just as much to our affection towards animals as to humans.

  “Do you remember my dear horse? Well, he is just as much alive as I am. Animals have a special sphere of their own, but we are free to have them with us if we will. Dad had already collected Paul, Scrappy and Scratcher, the boys’ dogs, [and they] are very much at home and have lost nothing of their character and individuality, though that old warrior Scratcher has ceased to indulge in dog fights, which were such a sore trial to me on earth. Phyllis has commandeered… the old horse that you children loved so much when you were small. He is now a source of great delight to the children in his care. Billy and Daisy, the pet lambs that you are most likely to remember are also there, in company with the multitude of other pets in the Children’s Sphere.

  The earthly bonds of affection pull the same
animal towards us here. Animals, sometimes, play a part in helping new arrivals to adjust themselves to this life. There are many who are more willing to accept their pets than their relations in the bewilderment of their awakening.” — Letters from Mother

  Chapter 7: When a Child ‘Dies’

  "Some are bewildered at first, and call often for their mothers. But the love and tenderness that is here soon helps them to be happy, and wait for their earth parents with love in their hearts for those who loved them from the first.” — Spirit World and Spirit Life.

  There must be few things more difficult to face in life than the ‘death’ of a child. This can be hard to bear no matter the age of the child whether pre-born, due to miscarriage, all the way to the death of an adult child of physically still-living parents. Let’s look in-depth at this heart-rending issue.

  "Just as your hospitals on earth have devised a means of incubating premature babies, to protect their bodies until fully developed, so we, too, have protective housing for the little ones who have not achieved full development and have returned to those realms prematurely. There are many devoted workers who undertake the loving care of these little ones, until they are ready to take their place… with their more boisterous brothers and sisters, who have experienced some measure of life on earth.” — Letters From Mother

  “There are many who receive them, and they are very tenderly cared for until they awaken; that is, begin to see and hear by spirit means. We have watchers for them, like nurses in a hospital. And when it is noticed that one begins to show signs of wonder or curiosity, this one is taken to another place where experienced teachers look after them until they can understand that love surrounds them.” — Life Here and Hereafter

  The Afterlife information is unequivocal; the process of physical life starts at the time of conception. When a life is terminated for whatever reasons, and by whatever means, the individual will still develop and gradually mature in the Afterlife. They will continue to do so till they reach the age of 'the prime of life' around the equivalent of mid-twenties. Even children who die before birth continue to develop in the Afterlife and reach full maturity there. When there is termination of a pregnancy, by whatever cause, the spirit of the child will be matured till it reaches birth age and then continues to mature along with the other children there.

  Asked if a child who passed over before birth continues to live in the Afterlife, a communicator answered:

  “Yes, it lives, of course, and is cared for as tenderly as if years older. What difference does it make whether it is a few weeks old or many months old? It is a human being started on an immortal journey, which is only slightly interrupted no matter at what stage death may occur.” — Life Here and Hereafter

  When I heard about this some time ago, I remembered that my mother had ‘lost’ one of her children who had been stillborn, or a miscarriage (my mother did not like to talk about the details). The child was a girl and my mother had intended to call her “Heather”. I made a point of having a little ceremony and welcoming Heather into the family as my sister. I wonder if it is sometimes her presence I feel occasionally since then. As children mature in the Afterlife, their guides and helpers often encourage them to cultivate love for their family on Earth, where this is appropriate.

  All relationships in the Afterlife are governed by natural affection. If there is some natural affection between the child and one or more of the family, then the child, when mature enough, is brought from time-to-time into the Earth conditions of the parents. This allows the child some understanding of Earth conditions and their insights into their families’ problems and challenges. Also the parents, and other members of the family, may meet the child during sleep. It may not come through into their waking consciousness, but when they eventually pass over, they will not only know their child but they will eventually remember the relationship they have maintained during sleep time. However, how soon this remembering happens after passing over depends on the spiritual maturity of the people concerned.

  This is the story of Phyllis who was stillborn and who continued to grow and mature in the Afterlife realms. The family were very loving so she was regularly brought into the family situation so that she could have a taste of an Earthly experience. Some years later, when the father had passed on, one of her Earthly sisters, Lesley, developed mediumistic skills. Since Phyllis had matured, she was able to contact her family through Lesley, much to the remaining family's surprise.

  "My beloved sister, it has given me great happiness to draw so close to you in the communion of this contact. I feel that we have gained a mutual understanding of each other’s minds, because I have established myself in your consciousness, just as firmly as my other sisters and brothers who have shared your earth life. I love you all so dearly, and I have always longed to be recognized as one of the family. I have followed the progress of your earthly lives with eagerness and I have shared in your happiness.” — Letters From Mother

  At first, even the Earthly brothers who had passed on had been wary of accepting Phyllis as a sister as they were not used to the idea of someone who was stillborn being very much alive in the Afterlife. However, when her Earthly father passed on, he accepted her immediately and the brothers soon accepted her too. The brothers and the father, who were working to help Lesley develop her psychic gifts, then helped Phyllis communicate through Lesley to establish the bridge between the two parts of the family; those living in the Afterlife and those living on Earth.

  "Through this [contact with Earth], I have gained much knowledge and experience. But all this I could not have done, had I not been privileged to establish myself on the earth plane, even for so brief a period. It was not until father came to this side that I was able to make a firm contact and take my rightful place in the family group. He had attained great heights of spiritual awareness while yet on earth and found no difficulty in accepting me. I was then able to prove my relationship to [my brothers] Douglas and Clifford {also in the Afterlife}, as well, It was at their instigation that an attempt was made to contact you all…They wanted me firmly to establish myself with the rest of you who were still on earth.” — Letters From Mother

  The mother of the family found it particularly challenging to accept she had an additional daughter; when she believed her to be lost. When she too passed on, they were able to re-establish their connection. Phyllis continues:

  "Dear mother still gets teased by [Douglas and Clifford] for resisting the idea, in the shock of the first contact, that she had a daughter named Phyllis on this side. I was grateful to you for remembering that father had, indeed, given me a baptismal name before my earth body was laid to rest… Whatever doubts mother may have had, they were soon dispelled when she came over here. So, I am greatly rewarded by her love. It is a wonderful experience for me, to enjoy the close companionship of my own mother and father and brothers in the beautiful surroundings of these realms. These I have waited, so patiently, to show them. I find I have a great many ideas in common, which are family characteristics.” — Letters From Mother

  Phyllis goes on to describe her adventures in the Afterlife with her newly found family and then finishes with these words:

  "May my story lead the minds of many parents to their often-forgotten children in these realms who are being directed and guided into maturity in the Nurseries of Paradise.” — Letters From Mother

  Phyllis’ bond with her family was made easier because she had been given a name. It could be a very good thing if a stillborn, or miscarried, child were given a name – whether by a parent, or even discreetly done by a sibling or relative.

  A Child ‘Dies’ in a Road Accident

  In this example, the child was killed while crossing a road. She was well settled not long afterwards and she was given the chance to communicate through a medium who was using automatic writing.

  "My darling, darling Mummy and Daddy! Your Desiree is here. I am going to write you a letter and tell you lots of lovely things. Mummy, d
arling, I am so happy. I am going to a lovely school full of happy boys and girls. We learn lessons, but some are about different things to what we had to learn at the convent. I know where I am now and it is a beautiful place to live in.” — Travellers Return

  The child was asked to tell what happened before she came to that place.

  "I was crossing the road. Then I was being picked up by a very lovely lady. She kissed me and said, 'You are all right, Desiree, and quite safe.’ She took my hand and we went along a road a little way. Then we came to a house where there were other children. The lady said: ' This is Desiree, and she has come to join you. I know you will all welcome her and make her feel happy, because, like all of you, she has had to leave her mother and father who loved her very much. They all came round me, made friends and said, 'We will all love you, Desiree'.

  I am always thinking of you and loving you. I know that Jesus and our Blessed Lady will pray for you and comfort you. Now I can write to you, you know I am quite well and very happy and learning lots of wonderful things. I am here with this very kind gentleman who came to tell me he was going to show me how to send a letter to you. Oh, my darling Mummy and Daddy. I love you so much, so much.” — Travellers Return

  A Boy Child ‘Dies’ in an Accident

  When a little boy, this child was much loved and the family were very close so he was kept near the family home in the Afterlife for a while before moving on. The boy had grown up in the Afterlife and was now a young man and is commenting on his experiences of passing over. He does not describe the actual accident that caused him to pass over.


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