Chubby Chaser

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Chubby Chaser Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  His friends would think him a pussy for wanting Elena. They also liked to call him “chubby chaser”, which had followed him to high school. When they’d been eight years old, they’d had to say who they thought was the most beautiful girl in school, and he had said Elena James without even thinking. His friends had burst out laughing saying he liked fat girls.

  Anyway, what they didn’t get wasn’t the fact he didn’t like “fat girls”. He liked one girl, Elena.

  Still, he’d decided he wouldn’t let his friends know his feelings anymore.

  Entering the high school, he was rounding a corner when someone plowed into him. He worked out every single day, and so his body was like that of a rock.


  He looked down to see Elena sprawled on the floor, several of her books dropped on the floor.

  “Sorry,” he said, bending down to gather them up.

  “No problem. It teaches me not to look behind me as I’m walking straight ahead. Wrong move, totally wrong.” She was crouched down, gathering the books up along with him.

  Standing up, Cole wanted to say anything, something to keep them in this moment, and yet there was nothing to be said. There were no words, and as she smiled and said thank you again, she was gone.

  Glancing behind him, he watched her curvy ass in the jeans she wore, and knew one day, if he was patient, she would belong to him.


  Present day

  It had taken a long time to make his boyhood vow an actual reality. Three years stood between them. Those three years had made a hell of a difference.

  He’d graduated high school while she still had time to go. Leaving town, he’d gone to college for an entire year, dragging out one semester’s worth of classes. When he returned she’d still been in high school and so far away from him. There was no reason for him to hang out at the school. Even he wasn’t that kind of perv.

  Over the next few years, he’d become a professional plumber, and then bought his house, spending every available second renovating it. Elena had left high school, and was dating someone else. Their paths rarely crossed, and he just wasn’t ready. Every time he was close, he’d always found another reason not to ask her out on a date.

  Then finally, it was like the fates just couldn’t handle them apart any longer, and there she was, in his DIY store, looking for a job. It had been too good of an opportunity to pass up.

  Cole stood in the doorway of his office and watched as she served the customers. Deuce was in one of the aisles showing what the best kind of tool was to fix a treehouse. Cole’s gaze was only on Elena though, her bandaged hand upsetting him as he’d not meant to hurt her. All he did was leave the damn knife in the water, which he felt responsible for.

  He didn’t know how long he stood there, but all too soon, five o’clock had come, and he was bolting the front door.

  Elena was counting the money in the till and placing it in bags.

  “Today was a long day,” Deuce said. He stretched out his muscles, and moaned. “Damn, I need a beer, a massage, and good meal.”

  Cole thought all of that sounded good.

  “What do you say, Elena?” Deuce asked. “You want to serve all of those needs for me?”

  Cole’s hands curled into fists, and he was ready to take Deuce down, only Elena burst out laughing, cutting through any anger he had.

  “You’re a sexist pig, Deuce. You’ve got no chance. Find yourself someone else willing to do all that crap.”

  She was still chuckling as she left them.

  “Don’t ever ask her to do that again,” Cole said, staring at Deuce. “You’ll be out of a job so fucking fast, I will make sure you don’t get another one.”

  Deuce held his hands up. “Sorry, dude. I had no idea that she was taken. Besides, I was only joking around. Honest. You saw her. She was laughing. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Cole didn’t back down, and he went in search of her. He found Elena in the staff room. She was at her locker, and her hands were on her shoulders, stretching her head from side to side.

  Moving up behind her, he gripped her shoulders and began to massage them.

  “That feels good, Cole,” she said.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  She chuckled. “I just did. Have you finished telling Deuce off now?”

  “I wanted to do a lot more than that.”

  “You really didn’t have to, Cole. He was just joking around. There was something I wanted to ask you actually,” she said, grabbing her bag, and turning toward him. “Martha came back today. She wanted to talk about possibly re-hiring me on a part-time basis.”

  “The library?”

  “Yeah. It would seem I’m actually a credit to them.”

  Cole didn’t like the thought of her working anywhere else, but he also wasn’t going to stop her.

  “What is it?” she asked. “You’ve looking at me strangely.”

  “I don’t want you to go. I’d like you to stay here, but I’m also incredibly selfish.” He smiled because the truth was, he really didn’t want her to go.

  “It’s a part-time thing, Cole. I don’t want to give up my job here either.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “I like working for you, and being close to you.” She closed the small distance between them. “But I do enjoy working at the library.”

  He cupped her cheek, and tilted her head back. “Then if it’s what you want, I’m happy for you to do it.”

  “Thank you, Cole.” She pressed a kiss to his lips. “Stop threatening every single guy, okay? It’s really not good.” She winked at him, and this had him laughing. “I would have to start threatening every single woman that came your way, looking at you, wanting you.”

  “There is no other woman for me, Elena. Never has been. Never will be.”

  She kissed his lips again, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth. “And there’s no one else for me.”


  Date three went better than Elena expected, only as they came out of the movie theater, Cole got a call. There was an urgent job that he needed to go to, so dinner was a no. She offered to go with him, and instead he dropped her off at home.

  Again, she didn’t mind at all.

  Date four was back at the hospital to remove the stitches in her hand. She was good as new.

  By the time the second week rolled around, Elena was back at the library and working there. She took over from Claire for the reading, and kids slowly began to come back to listen to her. She did love being in the library, and she also loved working with Deuce and Cole. Of course, it meant that he had to hire another person. David seemed nice enough as well. He got the work done, and he knew a thing or two about DIY, which always came in handy.

  Two weeks into being back at the library, and Elena was sitting on her sofa inside her apartment, eating chocolate ice cream.

  Juliet entered at around seven in the evening, and paused. “Do I need to be worried?”

  “Why would you need to be worried about anything?” Elena asked.

  “You’re back on the sofa eating ice cream. Where’s Cole? Wasn’t he attached at your hip?”

  This brought a smile to Elena’s lips. “Nope. I think he’s upset with me.”

  “Why?” Juliet collapsed down onto the sofa, and took the spoon once again. This was not the first, the second, or probably the last time this would ever happen. Her best friend was always stealing her ice cream.

  “He’s been off with me since I told him I wanted to go back. One of our dates was to get my hand fixed. Since then … nothing. We’ve not had any dates.”


  Elena shrugged. “Maybe he’s bored or something.”

  The apartment doorbell rang. Both of them turned toward it.

  “Ignore it,” Elena said. “I’m going to feel sorry for myself, and eat this entire carton of ice cream.”

  The doorbell went again, and this time Juliet sighed. “There are times I find you so depressing.”
She slapped her hand down on her knee, and got up.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Finding out who is at our door, and trying to pull myself from depressive land.”

  Elena didn’t like feeling this way either, and she didn’t know how to pull herself out of it. Cole was distant, and she hated that. The library was fun, and she loved being there. In a weird way, she also missed Deuce, and his sexist comments. Of course she missed catching glimpses of Cole, and then there was the office sex. They had done that one time, and since then, it was like he’d been way too busy to give her the time of day.

  When she was at the store, he wasn’t there.

  It was crazy, and now she was freaking out a little.

  “Erm, Elena, I think you should come here,” Juliet said.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I want to sit here and wallow in self-pity.”

  Juliet stormed over, took the ice cream from her, and the spoon. “Door, now!”

  “You’ve only just got home from work, and you’re being really bossy. I don’t like you right now.”

  “You love me. You know you love me. Stop being a pain in the ass, and go and see.”

  Getting to her feet, Elena vowed that if it wasn’t for a good reason to be at the door, she was going to take Juliet’s vibrator, and throw it in the trash.

  She stood in front of the door, and froze. Cole stood there with a bunch of red roses and a smile.

  “Cole,” she said.

  “Hey. Erm, so I saw these at the florist, and I thought of you.”

  She leaned against the door and stared at him. “You thought of me.”

  “Yes, I did.” He glanced at the flowers and then up at her. “I’ve been … busy. Words are not my strongest thing, and I do struggle. I’ve not been ignoring you, and I’m not angry at you for going back to work part time at the library. I know you’re really good at it, and I’m so happy for you.” He stopped, took a breath, and smiled. “Will you go out with me tonight? Just for a walk and we can talk.”

  “Yes, I will.”

  Juliet handed her a jacket.

  “You want rid of me?”

  “No, I just want you to be happy, and we can’t afford another carton of ice cream every night. Go, have fun.”

  Elena closed the door behind her. Cole handed her the flowers, to which Juliet opened the door again. “I’ll put these in water for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Cole took her hand, and together they left her apartment building.

  “I didn’t know what to think,” she said. “I don’t know what we are, and if I should be expecting anything from you. I’m sorry. I don’t … there’s a lot I’m not sure of.”

  She felt crazy just putting her own doubts into actual words. This wasn’t because of him at all. This was her own fault, no one else’s. Cole was perfect in every single way.

  He stopped, and took her hands. “Just ask me, Elena.” He cupped her chin, and tilted her head back. “You can ask me anything, and I will do my best to answer.”

  “What are we?” she asked, blurting the words out. “I don’t know if we’re dating, or having fun. What are we doing exactly?”

  This time, he smiled. “Is it too childish to say we’re boyfriend and girlfriend? Should I write it on a piece of paper? Will you be my girlfriend, Elena?”

  At first she thought he was mocking her, but she saw he wasn’t. He was being serious.

  “If you sent me a piece of paper like that with boxes, I’d tick yes. I’ll be your girlfriend. What about you? Would you be my boyfriend?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I kind of have to. I mean, I did cut your hand, give you stitches and all. I guess I can make it up to you like that.”

  This time she did chuckle.

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her close. “I don’t know how you could have any doubt that I wanted you.”

  “So where were you then?”

  “I was actually called to the city. Someone there had heard of my work, and for some reason, they decided to give me a go. It turns out, the guy is a friend from high school. He’s now a big time CEO guy. It was a pretty big job at one of his buildings. One of the floors was leaking. I got it fixed but ended up being there most of the day. I wasn’t ignoring you. Every time I tried to catch you, it was late. I’ve been wanting to do this all week.” He pulled her close, and slammed his lips down on hers. All of her doubts left her with his kiss. “I don’t know how you could think that there’s nothing something between us. I can’t go a moment without thinking about you.” He pressed his lips against hers again, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I’m kind of insecure. I don’t have a good track record with men, and we didn’t really put a label on this thing, and I didn’t know what to call it. I guess I was just … confused.”

  “Don’t be. Any time you have a question or you have something you need to say, say it. I’ll never hold anything against you.” He kissed her again.

  He opened his mouth as if to say something more, only he didn’t finish what he was saying. Nothing came out of his mouth, and she frowned. “What is it?”

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “You can tell me anything.” She squeezed his hand. “Anything at all.”

  “I missed you, Elena.”

  “I missed you, too.” She winked at him. “Shall we go to your place and we can show each other how much we’ve missed each other?”

  “Are you just using me, Elena James? I’m surprised.”

  “You want to use me, too, so don’t go pretending you’re perfect. We both know you’re not.”

  He twirled her around and lowered her gently. He held onto her tightly, and she was laughing.

  “You’re right, I want to use you. I want to fuck you, and make you forget everything else in the world.”

  His lips pressed against hers, and Elena knew that she didn’t need sex to forget about everything else. Just being in his arms helped her to forget.

  Damn it!

  She was falling in love with Cole, and that wasn’t even funny. He was going to break her heart, she was sure of it. Her doubts were ruining her happiness again.

  Still, she forced a smile to her lips, and knew no matter what, she was just going to enjoy her time with him. There was no way he’d want to be with her. He could have anyone he ever wanted. Why would he want her?

  Chapter Nine

  Four weeks later

  Cole pushed Elena to the bed, and he had her hands pinned above her head. They were both naked, and after he had just bested her at a word game, he now could do whatever the hell he wanted with her. It had started out innocently enough. Just a small game they had played earlier. He’d been going through his attic, and Elena had found the game, which had all the pieces, and she’d wanted to play.

  Never one to turn down an opportunity with her, Cole began to play, and throughout, their words had been kinky, and explicit. Then Elena had made it a game he had to win. She’d offered up the challenge that the winner could do whatever they wanted to the loser, and she’d also specified without a condom.

  In the past four weeks, Cole had been sure to spend as much time with Elena as possible. He’d heard the pain in her voice as Juliet stared at him, and he’d hated it. Knowing that he’d been the one to make her feel that way, he’d been determined to change that. He wasn’t using her, nor did he want to.

  He loved her. He’d always loved her. There was not a chance that he was going to let her go.

  “You’re at my mercy now,” he said.

  “I always have been.” She didn’t fight him as he released her hands, and that smile, it was one of the many things he craved.

  “I do, and now you’re all mine.” She had lost her clothes downstairs, as had he. Sitting between her thighs, he ran his fingers down her body, teasing her nipples, cupping her tits, pressing them together, and sliding them down her body. Running his hands down her waits, hips, and then up to her thighs, gripping her k

  “I’m not running.”

  She wanted this. He saw it, and as he glided his fingers down her thighs toward her pussy, he opened her lips, and saw that she was already aroused. He pressed a finger through her slit, pushing inside her, watching her eyes as he filled her cunt. She was so tight. He added a second finger, stroking his thumb across her clit.

  Her legs fell open even more, and as he lifted her, he saw the puckered hole of her anus. She looked beautiful, open, and her hands were still where he had left them. For tonight, she was his to do with as he wanted.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he covered his cock with her cream, and then placed the tip at her entrance. Without any latex between them, he slowly began to fill her, feeling her tight heat wrap around him, and it made him groan. He wanted more, so much more, but he didn’t just slam inside her.

  Cole took his time, feeling every single inch of her wrapping around his cock, sucking him inside.

  “You’re already so wet for me, baby,” he said. “Do you want me to fuck you?”


  “I’ll fuck you when I am good and ready.” When he was balls deep inside her, he paused, basking in her pulsing pussy. Cole had her ass resting on his knees, which allowed him to also tease her clit. She gasped at the pleasure, her pussy tightening around his cock.

  He ceased his teasing and gripped her hips, easing out of her pussy, to see that his cock was indeed covered in her cream. Pushing back inside her, Cole watched her, seeing her wriggle.

  “Play with your pussy.” He still held her hips, and he wasn’t going to move. “I want you to come all over my cock, and I’m not going to move until you do. Lick your fingers.” She did as he asked. “Now put them on your clit, and show me how you like to play with yourself. Show me what gets you off.”

  Two of her fingers slid across her clit, and Cole watched as she teased herself. Each pulse of her pussy made it hard for him to not just slam her to the bed, and fuck her raw. She showed him that she liked the light touch, and she loved to take her time, to prolong the pleasure. He felt every wave of her cream as her arousal heightened.


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