His Brother's Wife

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His Brother's Wife Page 142

by Michelle Love

  “Sorry, but in my defense, you’re gorgeous and I’m only human.”

  There was that adorable blush on her face. “Ludo …I take my job very seriously. You should know that. And any …fraternizing,” she grinned as he laughed at the word, “would compromise your case and my job.” She looked over at him; he was still grinning. “Why are you smiling?”

  “Because my case won’t last forever.”

  “Ludo.” She tried to make her voice serious, but it wavered at the end, and they both laughed. “You are incorrigible.”

  “I hope so.”


  “Yep. At least as far as you’re concerned.”

  “Lu-do.” She shook her head, laughing.

  God, she was adorable. He wanted to kiss her so badly, his chest hurt. But he wouldn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Quite the opposite.

  They chatted and flirted all the way back to the island and Thalia drove him back to Molly’s place.

  “I meant to ask—how come Molly has all this security?”

  Thalia tapped in the security code at the gate before she answered. “After Cade died, she got a lot of threats, saying it was her fault he killed himself. She got scared, and so we had this system installed. Thankfully, that all died down, but I think Molly feels safer when she’s here.”

  “Where is she at the moment?”

  “Madrid, teaching. She has a brain the size of a planet. I wish you could have met her. You’d really like her.”

  Inside, he checked the refrigerator and saw that she had stocked it with everything he might need. “You need to tell me how much this all cost so I can pay you back.”

  Thalia shook her head, smiling. “Think of it as a housewarming gift. Besides, you’re going to cook for me, right?”

  She looked so eager that Ludo laughed. “I like a woman who loves food.”

  “Me too, pretty boy. Get cooking.”

  They chatted easily again as he prepared a pumpkin ravioli that made Tahlia promise to give him her first born.

  “I’ll take something else instead,” he said, leaning toward her. Tahlia beamed at him, then very slowly and deliberately wiped a streak of marinara sauce down his nose.

  “There you go. My gift to you.”

  Ludo crossed his eyes to look at the mess, making her laugh. “Does it suit me?”

  “You look like a movie star.” She grinned at him, then grabbed her napkin and wiped his nose clean.

  “Maybe I’ll …” She never got to finish her sentence. Ludo’s lips were against hers, then, as he was unable to stop himself. He felt her start, then respond, her lips moving with his, her tongue against his. God, she tasted so sweet, her lips so soft and so yielding.

  Finally, they broke free. “I’m sorry,” he said in a low, soft voice, “I wasn’t strong enough to resist.”

  Tahlia was trembling. “Ludo …we can’t. I’m sorry, it’s just …” She looked upset, then, and Ludo felt horrible.

  “I’m sorry, Tally. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  She gave him a half-smile. “No. But, then, neither should I. I think I should go. It’s late.”

  Ludo walked her to her car, but before she got in, he took her hand. “Tally …when my case is over and done …”

  “When your case is over and done with, and your movie is shot, there’ll be no reason to stay in Seattle.”

  Ludo stepped closer and touched the back of his fingers to her cheek. “I’ll have the only reason I need to stay.”

  She smiled up at him then, her eyes soft. “After the case is done.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  Tahlia grinned, but said nothing and got into her car. Ludo watched her drive away with the biggest smile on his face.

  That girl …

  …she’s going to drive me crazy.

  They fell into a regular routine. They would drive into the city, where Tally would drop him three blocks from the set, then, at night, or whenever they had both finished for the day, he would walk the twelve blocks to a coffee shop Tahlia had chosen. She would meet him, then they would go back to the island, where one of them would cook for the other. There, they would talk and laugh into the night.

  To Tahlia’s relief, when Ludo came to the law office, he gave no indication that they spent all that time together. He was friendly, but not flirty, and he and Ellory seemed to get along amiably. Marianne, evidently rocking back from the few days in jail she had spent for violating the restraining order, hadn’t made a reappearance.

  “I still think it’s important we go ahead with the permanent restraining order,” Tahlia said in one meeting, three weeks after their first session. “Just because she hasn’t shown up again doesn’t mean she won’t. And I’m damned if I’ll let her make your life a misery for one more minute.”

  Ellory gave her a strange look and Tahlia realized she had sounded way too intense. She swallowed, avoiding both the men’s eyes. Ellory cleared his throat. “Well, we have the date set for the court hearing. Tomorrow at noon. After that, I think I can confidently say that if Marianne breaks the order—ever—she’ll be spending a lot of time in jail. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.”

  Ludo nodded. “I can’t thank you enough, both of you. You have made this whole process a lot less stressful.”

  Ellory smiled. “Glad you think so. It’s been a pleasure, but we’re not over the finish line yet.” He stood and shook Ludo’s hand. “We’ll see you in the morning, Ludo.”

  When Ludo had left, Ellory asked Tahlia to stay behind for a moment. He studied her. “Tahlia …I know you wouldn’t be this stupid, but I have to ask …”

  “I am not sleeping with my client, if that’s what you’re going to ask me.”

  Ellory rocked back. “Well, okay. I wasn’t going to go there, but I did wonder if you’d gotten a little too attached.”

  Tahlia was embarrassed. “Oh. No, I promise. Nothing going on between Ludo and me. Just friends and colleagues.”

  “Good. Obviously, after tomorrow, it’s none of my or the firm’s business, but I do caution you, Tal. He’s a movie star. A good man, yes, but …”

  “Let me stop you there, Ell. I don’t need a lesson in movie stars.” It came out harder than she’d intended and she gave him an apologetic smile. “But I appreciate you trying to protect me.”

  “That’s all I meant by it, sweetheart.”

  Later, at home, she chewed over what Ellory had said, and Ludo, sitting opposite her, noticed. “You okay, cara mia?”

  She nodded. “Ellory asked if I had gotten a little attached earlier.”

  Ludo put his wine glass down. “And have you?”

  Tahlia drew in a deep breath before meeting his gaze. “Yes,” she said quietly. “But I meant what I said …until we no longer work for you.”

  Ludo smiled and moved to sit next to her. “Which could be as soon as tomorrow, Principessa, and then what?”

  Tahlia gazed back at him. “Yes, and then what?” Her voice broke and he tilted her chin up to look into her eyes.

  “Tahlia, tomorrow, when we come home, I won’t cook for you. As soon as that door closes, I’ll pull you into my arms and kiss you until you can’t breathe. Then I’ll take you to bed and kiss every part of your skin, run my tongue along your inner thigh, suck your nipples, take your clit into my mouth, and make you come again and again.”

  Tahlia gave a soft moan of longing, and Ludo, his eyes lazy with desire, smiled. His fingers trailed along her inner thigh, through her jeans, stopping before he touched her groin. “Then I’ll kiss your belly and run my tongue around your navel and up your stomach until my lips find your throat. I’ll hitch your legs around my hips, and my cock will plunge into your swollen, red cunt. My teeth will nip at your earlobes as I fuck you harder and deeper than you’ve ever been fucked, Tahlia Penn …tomorrow, Tally …in your bed. And believe me, you won’t get a wink of sleep all night.”

  “God …” Tahlia was so turned on, she nearly dragged him to b
ed then and there, but the anticipation was so sweet and so exciting. Ludo leaned in and brushed his lips softly against hers, then drew away.

  “Goodnight, Tally.”

  She laughed as he headed for the door. “Goodnight, Ludo.”

  Tally went to take a shower to cool down her burning skin. Her clit was hard as she began to caress it, thinking of what Ludo had said, and she came quickly, gasping and moaning. God, the man was sex personified—and he wanted her …

  As she brushed out her damp hair, she saw her wide, excited eyes in the mirror. Don’t get too presumptuous, she thought to herself. It all depends on the courtroom tomorrow.

  But she couldn’t help but replay Ludo’s words over and over to herself before she went to sleep.

  The next morning, her stomach was in knots, even though Ellory had assured them both that the hearing would be a formality. “Her little excursion to your film set worked in our favor, Ludo. This will be a breeze.”

  Tahlia got her first look at Ludo’s tormentor as she was led into the courtroom by her lawyer. Marianne O’Connor was a small, very slender woman, with her tight, mousey, blonde curls pushed back from an overlarge forehead. She was middle-aged and dressed expensively in a Chanel suit, which surprised Tahlia, who then felt scruffy in her off-the-rack, store-bought suit. Marianne gazed at Ludo with such intensity that Tahlia felt sick with concern. It wasn’t the look of love—it was the look of obsession. Marianne didn’t hide her feeling at all, Tally guessed. The blonde woman’s eyes moved to her and Tahlia saw them harden. Marianne’s lip curled up almost in a snarl.

  Tahlia looked away, but she could feel the other woman staring at her, her hatred like a heatwave from the other side of the court.

  In the end, it only took a few minutes for the judge to look over the case and for the permanent order to be given.

  “Now, you understand, Miss O’Connor, that if you break this order, you will immediately be incarcerated for a potentially lengthy period of time?”

  Marianne nodded earnestly. “I do, your honor.”

  “Good. I hope I nor any other judge will see you again. Despite his fame, Mr. Ricci has every right to live his life without being harassed.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The judge then granted the order, and Ludo, Ellory, and Tahlia left the courtroom. Outside, Ludo, who looked like a weight had been lifted from him, shook Ellory’s hand and hugged Tally. “Thank god. I can’t thank you both enough. I feel liberated.”

  Tahlia grinned. “We should go celebrate.”

  “We should.”

  Ellory smiled at them both. “Lunch at Kline’s? On me.”

  Ludo shook his head. “Oh no, on me. I insist.”

  Tahlia excused herself for a few moments to use the restroom. In the stall, she leaned her hot head against the cool tile and tried to calm herself. She still had the rest of the work day to get through before tonight …tonight …

  She was washing her hands when the door opened behind her and Marianne O’Connor walked in. The blonde woman stopped when she saw Tahlia. Tahlia met her gaze in the mirror, but didn’t speak. Marianne stared at her.

  “So you’re the new girl. I wondered. Last time I saw him, he looked different. Like he’d fallen in love. I never thought it would happen. Not Ludo. He’s so guarded.”

  Tahlia felt so uncomfortable, but she couldn’t leave without barging past Marianne and she did not want a fight. Marianne came closer, her eyes searching Tahlia’s face.

  “You’re beautiful …those big soulful doe eyes, that mouth made to give a man head …”

  Tahlia had finally had enough. “Excuse me.” She pushed past the other woman, bracing herself for a slap or a punch, but Marianne just laughed. As Tahlia opened the door, Marianne spoke again. “He’ll destroy you. He can’t help it.”

  Tahlia slammed the door behind her.

  She soon forgot all about Marianne when they headed to the restaurant. Ellory seemed oblivious to the tension between Ludo and Tally. When he excused himself to make a call, Ludo slid closer to Tally, his lips at her ear. “You don’t work for me anymore, beautiful girl.”

  His hand drifted up her skirt, and she gave a low moan of desire. Ludo’s fingers stroked the length of her inner thigh, and when they reached her, he caressed her through her panties. God … Tahlia gave a little gasp. The thought of them being caught was turning her on and Ludo saw it in her eyes. Her nipples hardened, and with a quick move of his head, Ludo’s teeth brushed over her left breast, nipping lightly through her blouse. Tally almost came. Her whole body was on fire. Ludo’s fingers slipped into her panties and found her clit, kneading and rubbing it. Tahlia’s own hand slid over his crotch, feeling the hot length of his cock, erect and pressing against the fabric of his pants. God, he was huge.

  Ludo smiled at her. “That’s going to be inside you tonight, Tally.” His fingers increased the pressure and Tally gasped through an orgasm, her face flushing and her breath coming in short gasps.

  “God, I want you,” she whispered, and Ludo grinned.

  “And you shall have me, any way you want, Bella …”

  When Ellory came back to the table, he looked apologetic. “Sorry, kids. I’m going to have to break this up. Tally, we’re needed back at the office.”

  “Of course.” Tally felt as if she surely was a wreck to look at with her blouse disheveled and her skirt hiked up, but in truth, she looked the same as she had earlier. She smiled at Ludo, their eyes meeting and a silent communication passing between them. “Same place, later?”

  Ludo nodded. “Coffee shop at six. Got it.”

  Ellory shook Ludo’s hand again. “Sorry to cut and run.”

  “Don’t be. The show must go on. I’m sure we’ll speak again.”

  On the way back to the office, Ellory smiled at Tahlia. “You must be feeling pretty good. About the case, I mean.”

  “Definitely.” Was she imagining it, or was there a double meaning in Ellory’s words? Had he seen her and Ludo at the restaurant? They had been in a private booth, but …

  Ellory smiled at her, with no sign of jealousy, and she relaxed. “Just glad it panned out okay for Ludo.”

  “He’s a good guy. Still, onto our next case. You okay to start prep?”

  “Definitely.” You sound like a parrot, woman. She smiled at Ellory. “Although, I might take a few days off, if that’s okay? Regroup? Deal with this crap from the police.”

  “They still hounding you?”

  She nodded. The detective leading the cold case had contacted her again this morning. “I told them I would help if I could, but that there was no reason for anyone to kill Cade. In my mind …I think it was an accident. Although, why he was there and not meeting you, I don’t know.”

  “Well, quite. You need me to support you with them, you let me know. But, yes, take next week off. We can manage without you for five days.”

  “Thanks, Ell. You’re the best.”

  They were called into a meeting as soon as they got the office, which ended up being a lengthy one, but absorbing, to Tahlia’s relief. She forced herself to concentrate on her work rather than on the evening ahead, but when half-past five rolled around, she could barely wait to get out of the door. Ellory called out his goodbye to her as she hurried past his office, and then she was free. She ran down to her car and set off for the coffee shop.

  When she saw him waiting outside the coffeehouse for her, her heart started to beat wildly. Usually they would grab a coffee together, but today he pushed away from the wall and got into the car. Tahlia smiled at him, and Ludo leaned over and kissed her tenderly.

  “Let’s go home, beautiful.”

  Tahlia didn’t remember the journey back to her place. She didn’t remember parking the car or walking to the doorway or turning the key. Her memories only began the second the door closed, when she was in Ludo’s arms, kissing, almost frenziedly tearing at each other’s clothes. Ludo tumbled her to the floor, pressing her legs apart and finding her already wet for
him. “Don’t wait,” Tahlia urged him, and smiling, he launched his already diamond-hard cock into her. Tahlia gasped and moaned as Ludo fucked her hard, almost roughly, such was his desire for her. Tahlia clawed at his back, urging him deeper and deeper, needing him to fill her. His cock, huge, long, and thick, plowed into her ready cunt, every fiber of her being attuned to just him and the rhythm of their lovemaking. They came together, Ludo shooting deep inside her and Tahlia reveling in the feeling of his seed in her belly. They moved to her bedroom and fell on each other again, with mouths hungry, teeth biting, and hands clawing as they gave into the craving they had been harboring for weeks now. Their bodies turned and curled around the other’s, eyes meeting and locking as they fucked, screaming the other’s name over and over again.

  Ludo kept his promise. Tahlia did not sleep at all that night, but she couldn’t have cared less. Ludo fucked her in every way she had ever dreamed of, and she reciprocated, releasing all of her inhibitions.

  Finally, as dawn broke, they collapsed, laughing and gasping for air. Tahlia had never felt so unself-conscious and yet so in touch with her body as she did with this man. Even now, he was running his hand over her breasts and her belly.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said softly, “Not just that unreal face of yours, but your body, your brain, your sense of humor, and your spirit …how am I the lucky one to be here with you now?”

  Thalia laughed, breathless. “I’m the lucky one, Ludo Ricci.”

  She sat up and straddled him, gazing down at his sensual, heartbreakingly handsome face and his body …the body that had dominated hers so thoroughly. His hands kneaded the flesh at her hips.

  “There isn’t one sharp angle on you,” he said admiringly. “Everything is just curves and softness, like a peach. Your body is heavenly.” He traced the circle of her navel. “Thalia Penn, you have enchanted me. I can’t think. I can’t concentrate. You are all I think of.”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “That’s the sweetest thing to say, Ludo, and I feel the same. You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever met. Truly.”


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