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His Brother's Wife

Page 147

by Michelle Love

  Lucky for my girl, I was a man who looked at what others would deem insurmountable and figure out how to overcome that. “There’s no other who is more suited to care for you, Blyss. I’ll help you find yourself. I’m kind of great at it.”

  “Good. I’d like to be a lot more rounded before I start seeing patients.”

  “So, one day you’ll be Doctor Blyss Danner?”

  “In a few more years, yes I’ll be a doctor. If everything goes as planned, I will be.”

  I took the exit to downtown. There were brightly illuminated buildings that lit up the night. I watched her eyes go wide with excitement. “Pick out the hotel you’d like to stay at tonight.”



  She looked like a kid in a candy store as her head moved back and forth. “I like the lights and the inviting fountain of that one. Do you like it?” She looked at me with a wide smile.

  “I love it.” Turning in, I drove up and stopped the car as a valet came out.

  He opened her door for her as I got out and came around. “Are your bags in the trunk, sir?”

  “They are.” I scooped Blyss up, dropping my arm around her shoulders.

  A porter hurried to get my things out of the trunk as we headed inside. The lobby was lavishly furnished, and Blyss seemed to be in awe of everything. “This is the nicest place I’ve ever been in.”

  “So far,” I said then kissed the side of her head.

  Going to the reception desk, I found a nice-looking older woman smiling at us. “Welcome. How long will you two be staying with us?”

  “One night. And I need two rooms. Next to each other is preferable.” I had to let Blyss go so I could pull out my wallet. “Is there any restaurant in the hotel that you recommend for a late dinner?”

  “That one right through those doors.” She took my credit card. “Mr. Masterson.” She looked around me at the one bag that was brought in. “And we have a few shops that are open twenty-four hours, for our guest’s convenience.”

  “Good to know.” I signed the receipt then took the cards that would let us into our rooms.

  “The rooms are right next to each other on the third floor,” the receptionist told me. “Your bag will be taken up right away.”

  “Thank you.” I put my arm back around Blyss and headed to the restaurant. I was starving and knew she had to be as well. A little dinner, some more conversation, then bed. Tomorrow we’d head out to start camping and working on bringing B


  “Pizza and salad, mostly,” was my reply to Troy when he asked me what I ate most of the time. I had difficulty picking something out from the menu of the restaurant he took me to in the hotel.

  “I’ll order for both of us. Don’t worry, I won’t make it anything too weird.” He gave me a smile, and I put the menu away as he looked at our waiter. “Two steaks, medium rare, baked potatoes, broccoli and your best Merlot.”

  “I will get that ordered for you and Svetlana will bring your appetizers shortly.” The waiter left us, and I was left wondering how an entire glass of wine would affect me.

  “I’ve never had any alcohol. Well, that’s not entirely true, I’ve had one medium sized sip of red wine. Nothing more than that.”

  The way his hand moved over mine was comforting, as was the soft gaze he gave me. “You have nothing to worry about, there’s not a lot of alcohol in wine, and you won’t be drinking that much. It’s time for you to venture into the world of adulthood.”

  “Thank you, Troy. I was afraid whoever won me would laugh at all I haven’t done.”

  “You’re welcome and go easy on the part about how I won you. We don’t want to give anyone a reason to put their two-cents into our business.”

  I nodded, knowing he was right. I mentioned BDSM to one of the girls I had classes with and boy did she have a lot to say about it. None of it good. So far, I didn’t have enough evidence, either way, to argue points with her. Not that I was into arguing.

  The meal was served and finished before I knew it and the wine tasted grapey. It was enjoyable and didn’t seem to have much of an effect on me. Internally, I bandied about telling Troy how I’d been addicted to all sorts of things when I was born, alcohol being one of them. In the end, I decided not to worry about it.

  Hanging out with him brought out more in me than hanging out with anyone had. He was cool, kind of classy, and the way he took charge was sexy. I could see myself having no qualms about doing anything he asked or told me to.

  After dinner, we went up to our rooms. His hand held mine the whole way up to them, and then we were at our doors. He looked at me for a long moment. “Wanna come into my room for a little while?”

  My heart raced, my body flushed, and I stammered, “Huh? I mean, yes.”

  He opened the door and led me into the room. There was a little sitting area with a television. I was surprised to see no bed. “Are you going to have to sleep on that little sofa? Is that how my room is too?”

  With a chuckle, he led me to one of the doors that were at the back of that room. When he pushed it open, I saw a large bed, what I suspected was a king-sized one. I’d never seen anything so big before. “Wow, that’s big. A whole family could sleep on that thing.”

  He sighed. “For tonight, it’ll just be me. Yours is that big too. Don’t get lost in it.”

  Pulling me with him, he sat on the edge of the bed then pulled me onto his lap. His large hands caressed my face. I had no idea what to do with my hands, and he noticed that. He took them and placed them around his neck. I was glad to see he’d help me and not make fun of me for not knowing how to do anything.

  “You’re so handsome. Um, since we’re in private, am I supposed to call you, Master?”

  He stared at me for a moment. “What do you want to call me?”

  “Whatever you want me too.”

  The way his eyes moved back and forth so rapidly had me wondering if something was the matter. “Blyss, I think it’s important that you make some of your own decisions. This is an easy one. At this point, right now, with what we’re doing, getting to know each other, what do you want to call me? For instance, I want to call you Blyss, not sub.”

  “Then I’ll call you Troy.”

  “That was pretty easy, huh?”

  “It was. Troy, I don’t want you to think I’m not a strong woman. I’ve overcome adversity and am working on making something out of myself. I’ve spent all of my life thinking for myself.” I paused and looked down as I felt like I was talking too much about things that didn’t matter. “That might sound kind of stupid.”

  He pulled out the rubber band that held my braid together and ran his hand through my hair. “I get it. You want my opinion on things. I can do that. In the end, I want you to make your own choices. And I never want you to go past any of your pain limits. When you begin to feel overwhelmed, you let me know right away. I never want to hurt you.”

  “Isn’t that what this is all about? Hurting me, then kissing me to make it better?”

  “No.” He kissed my neck, making my nails push into his back. “Ow.” He pulled his head back to look at me. “Less nail, baby.”

  Moving my hands, I blushed. “Sorry. You just made my toes curl, and my fingers went right along too.”

  “One little nibble to your neck and all that happened. Boy, are you going to like what I do to you.” He bit his lower lip and cupped the back of my head, holding me still as he kissed me.

  I tried not to curl my fingers as I put my hands on his shoulders. I thought about everything I was doing. Moving my tongue with his, kind of sharply had him ending the kiss. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m pushing you. I’ll stop.”

  “No!” I looked down then looked back at him. “I like when you kiss me, and I want to get better at it.”

  He picked me up and laid me on the bed, moving to one side of me, he stroked my cheek then kissed me again, moving my arms around his neck, where I let them lie in a
relaxed state.

  The position had me comfortable, and I felt more at ease, somehow. It was cool to me how he instinctively knew how to get me comfy and open to him. He ran one hand up my leg, and I moaned. It was my first sexy moan, and it must’ve been a good one because he pulled his mouth away and looked at me with a lusty gaze. “Damn, we’re going to have fun, you and I, Miss Danner.”

  “That’s good to know.” I pulled him back to me and kissed him. It was the first kiss I took charge of and found things were coming quite natural to me.

  As we kissed, he moved his hands all over me, stroking my stomach, then massaging my breast. It was exhilarating and not at all what I thought it would feel like.

  When he took my hand, my stomach went tight as he moved it to his groin. He made me touch his rock-hard dick and pulled his mouth away to look at me. “Look what you did to me, Princess.”

  I gulped as he moved my hand up and down it. “Can I feel it, for real?”

  His lips curved into a smile and he opened his pants then slipped my hand under his boxers. I felt the soft skin of his dick that covered the hardness of his shaft. He wrapped my hand around it, moving it up and down. All the while, my vagina was on fire, and it ached, it actually ached.

  I had no idea why it felt that way from just feeling a penis in my hand, but it did, and it watered. I felt so wet that it I was pretty sure there was going to be a wet spot in my panties.

  Troy gazed at me as he moved my hand then he blinked and asked, “Would you like to see it?”

  “I should look at it, shouldn’t I?”

  He nodded and moved away from me, getting onto his knees and pushing the pants and underwear down. His cock stood straight up, and I gasped then closed my eyes.

  The laugh he made was hearty and deep. “Now how about you let me take a look at yours?”

  My eyes sprang open as I nodded but couldn’t utter a single word. He pushed my dress up and pulled my panties down in the front and whistled. I was already blushing with a ferocity liked I’d never known and wondering if mine was any better looking than all the others he’d seen.

  “Does it look okay to you?”

  “Okay?” he asked then shook his head. “It’s a hell of a lot better than just okay, Blyss. It’s beautiful. Can I kiss it?”

  I threw my hands out to the sides of me and shouted, “Oh hell!”

  “Is that an oh, hell yes, or an oh, hell no?”

  “Are you sure you wanna do that? I mean, shouldn’t I go clean it all up for you or something? I mean, I wanna be fresh for you.” I was rambling and knew it, but I was nervous.

  “I think it’s fresh enough. So, may I kiss you, Blyss?”

  He was asking, and I thought that was odd for a man who’d just bought me for the summer. But I was leaving him hanging, and that was rude, so I nodded and closed my eyes tightly as I waited.

  His hands moved over my inner thighs, sending a chill through me as I could feel his warm breath on my private area. An area that had only been seen by a doctor when I had to go to him to be where I was.

  Warmth spread over me as his lips touched me. His tongue moved fluidly through my folds, and I moaned. My fingers curled into the blanket, and my toes did too. I was so thankful for the open-toed sandals I had on, they made the curling so much easier.

  I couldn’t believe how easy he was being with me. The intimate kiss was glorious, and I was going out of my mind with all the new sensations. His fingers pressed into my ass cheeks as he lifted me and kissed me harder.

  Panting with harsh breaths, I felt something stir inside of me. My fists were pounding the bed, as I pulled my knees up high. His hand moved over my stomach, and he pushed it up. Then his mouth moved up, and he tapped my clit. I screamed, and he did it again. “More!”

  He tapped then made a long lick, and did that over and over as my insides began to quiver. Then be put his lips on my clit and moved up and down on it, making something burst inside of me. Pure desire, joy, and fireworks went off as I shrieked and tried not to pass out.

  His lips left mine, and his tongue went into my vagina. He pushed his tongue in and out of me as he seemed to be licking inside of me. It had the crazy sensations multiplying, and I found myself needing more. “Troy, why does it feel so damn good but I want more?”

  He looked up at me with a grin. “Because your body wants my cock inside of you. But I’m not about to do that yet.”

  “Please,” I begged him. “Oh, please, Troy!”

  He took his cock, and it still looked big as he held it in his large hands. I leaned my head up to watch him push that monster inside me. He smiled as he pressed it against my vagina that was pulsing and needing him.

  I felt something go inside of me and cried out as it burned. He moved his hand and then I realized it was only his finger that he was pumping into me. “You’re so tight, it defies my imagination, baby. We’ll have to work up to getting this into you.” He pulled his finger out and pushed his cock against me again.

  “Just do it, Troy. I want it. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Please.” I was desperate and hated that my stupid vagina was being so small and uncooperative.

  He pumped his finger some more and sighed. “I’m not about to hurt you. And it will hurt you without you being stretched at least some. I have a dildo that’s smaller than I am. I could use that.”

  “I want you.” I groaned with frustration. “I want to feel your skin inside of me.”

  When I opened my eyes, I found him looking at me. “That’s one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me.” He wore a half-smile and laid on his side next to me. “Wanna taste yourself on my tongue?”

  It wasn’t really what I wanted, but I wanted more of him so I nodded and he kissed me. The taste was salty, kind of musky, and not bad at all. The best part was when he took my hand and put it on his dick and moved it back and forth as we kissed.

  He kept it up until I felt him go stiff. He looked at me as warm liquid spilled all over my hand and he made a terrible groan. It was the first time I’d ever had oral sex, and I liked it. But I wanted more. I wanted so much more, and I had three months of being with Troy to get all that and then some.

  “I think you and I will find a lot we like about each other,” he told me then kissed the tip of my nose. “I need a shower and so do you. But I’m not up to showering with you if I can’t fuck you. Time for you to go to your room.”

  Before he could get up, I grabbed his arms. “Tomorrow, can we do it all the way?”

  “We can. We’ll be in a tent, all alone and have all the time in the world to stretch you out. I’d have done it tonight, but I know you’re tired and I want you to be up for it all.”

  He rolled off the bed and held out his hand, helping me up. I staggered a little as my head was light. “Whoa. I wonder how my head will feel when you and I really do it.”

  He laughed as he walked me to the door then pulled my key-card out of his pants pocket and handed it to me. “I’ll watch you, to make sure you get in okay.” He kissed the top of my head then smacked my ass.

  I liked it even though I made a tiny scream. “Being yours is the best thing that will ever happen to me. I know it is.”

  “I think we both will learn a lot out of this. Goodnight, Blyss. I’ll have some clothes for you to put on about ten tomorrow morning. Be showered and ready to put them on, k?”

  “K.” I kissed his cheek and walked out the door. After I opened my hotel room door, I waved at him then walked in and closed it behind me. Leaning back on it, I looked up and thanked God for Troy Masterson. He’d be the man who’d make me who I was supposed to be.

  I was never as sure of anything as I was of that.


  I tossed and turned the entire night after I sent Blyss to her hotel room. I wanted to tell her to come back to my bed, but I knew where that would lead and I wanted to go easy with her.

  There was a lot more to Blyss than I knew. I had an idea the background story on her
was something I had to know before I planned out our activities in the BDSM world.

  She’d said she was in orphanages, which can be rough on a child. She was moved around a lot too, which means she must’ve been troublesome. I could see she was clearly intelligent but lacked common social knowledge. And she was in school to become a psychologist, which meant she was more into human behavior than most are. Which was great for what I wanted her for.

  My work was cut out for me. Blyss Danner was fragile. She was, by far, the most delicate female I’d ever known. With all that in mind, treating her with kid gloves wasn’t the answer, but it was going to be damn hard not to do.

  I also had to watch out for her becoming too bonded to me. She and I would be done in a matter of three months, I didn’t want to send her home broken because she was in love with me. That could happen, and I didn’t want it to.

  The only idea I could come up with was talking to her straightforwardly. Speak to her psychologist’s mind and constantly remind her that I’m her Dom, her teacher, not her boyfriend. I’d have to leave the romance off the table, or she’d fall for sure.

  Sleep finally found me but only for a few hours before the sun shone through the window, waking me up. Instead of feeling rested, I felt even more tired and got out of bed to go shower. I wanted a bottle of water first and went to the living area to get one out of the mini fridge. And that’s when I found a piece of paper had been pushed under the hotel room door.

  When I picked it up, I chuckled. Blyss had written me a letter. I leaned on the door as I read the words she wrote, thinking before I read them that she’d be telling me how special the night before was.


  I’m glad you won me. I think you’ll teach me a lot about life in general and BDSM thoroughly. I’m not made out of porcelain like some doll you have to be careful with. I feel as if you think I’m breakable. I am not.

  There are things about me that you might think make we weak or fragile. For instance, I was left at a fire station when I was a tiny baby. I was naked, left in a box, and a storm was raging. It wasn’t known how long I’d been left outside and all thought it was a miracle that I survived.


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