The distance was such that Georgios always believed she did it on purpose. One could arrive furious, and having to pass the miles of halls to reach her, that anger could burn out as rationale overtook a mind. She was a manipulative bitch, their Queen.
He grunted at the thought and shot his mate a quick smile when she looked at him in question. He pulled his arm from hers and curled it about her shoulder so he could tuck her close.
It didn’t surprise him when Remy did the same. They were both feeling on edge.
For so many years, they’d had nothing to fear. No one could hurt them as they had no weakness.
Now, their lemans were their biggest weaknesses. The most precious of treasures.
It gave the other races power over them, and both refused to allow their lemans to be used against them.
Within feet of the door, pounding footsteps sounded behind them. They echoed down the hall, as did panting breaths.
Remy and he spun around on their heel, alert and ready to shift if danger approached their mates. But it was Alexa.
Another of Remy’s Enforcers.
“Sire!” Alexa gasped. “It’s Eirik!”
Remy and Georgios rushed forward, leaving their mates behind…until both females strode beside them, refusing to be left out.
“What is it?” Remy demanded when Alexa was gulping down air like she’d been holding her breath for hours.
Before them, she staggered to her knees and fell forward onto her hands. “A Pack in the other realm… They have him.”
Georgios frowned. “What do you mean they have him?”
She sucked down more air, and suddenly, Lara’s claws bit into his forearm. “Blood,” she whispered. “I can scent blood.”
Like her words were an omen, blood started to appear through Alexa’s shirt. Down her side, great lines oozed and ran.
Remy ducked down and picked her up. Uncaring that blood transferred onto his ceremonial garb—the most important clothes a Dragon and his leman ever wore in their life.
To the guard protecting the entrance to the room where Arista held court, he shouted, “We need a room. She’s injured!”
The men shot one another a look and one rushed toward them, then guided them back down the hall where there were staterooms.
As they ran, Alexa reached up, grabbed a hold of the collar about Remy’s throat and pulled it taut. “Siberia,” she gasped. “They’ll kill him if you don’t get to him first.”
And with that, she slumped in his arms and ceased breathing.
Also by Serena Akeroyd
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Until I see you there or you write me an email or PM, here are more of my books for you to read…
Dragon Bound
Eight Wings Academy
Faeling for Them
Faeling Hard
Finally Faeling
HawkRidge High
Dare You To Love Me
Dare You To Keep Me
Hell’s Rebels MC
Their Sinner
Their Saint
The Sex Tape (Co-written with Helen Scott)
The Professor
The Caelum Academy
Seven Wishes
Eight Souls
Nine Lives
Naughty Nookie
Sinfully Theirs
Sinfully Mastered
The Gods Are Back In Town
Hotter than Hades
The Sun Revolves Around Apollo
Five Points, Hell’s Kitchen
A Screwed Duet
Screw You
Screw Me
Queen of the Vamps
Kingdom of Veronia
Perry & Her Princes
Her Highness, Princess Perry
Long Live Queen Perry
Hers To Keep
Theirs To Cherish
Anchor Pride Series
Claimed by Caden
McKinnon’s Mate
The Corsakis
Three’s Never A Crowd
Old Enough to Know Better
The Federation
A Menage Made on Madison
La Belle sans La Bete Series
Menage Material
A Thoroughly Modern Menage
Forever Theirs
Secrets & Lies
The TriAlpha Chronicles
Los Lobos
The Raw Touch
The Salsang Chronicles (written with Helen Scott)
Stained Egos
Stained Hearts
Stained Minds
Stained Bonds
Stained Souls
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