Night of the Zandians_Zandian Brides

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Night of the Zandians_Zandian Brides Page 18

by Renee Rose

  I’m lost in sensation as I drive into her wet heat. She’s always so tight, her body fitting me to perfection, and there’s no better feeling in the universe than this.

  Just as I asked, my mate wiggles and squirms against me, pushing her hips up into me, working as hard as I do, arching and pulling to meet my body every time I thrust. There’s something incredible about a mate who loves this like I do, who gets so vecking lost in her own pleasure that she uses me like a toy to tip off her cliff of passion.

  The sensation of her fingers stroking and pulling my horns is delicious, and within seconds I feel my balls tighten and tingle with the inevitable urge to come, but I force myself to wait. “Riya. You don’t get to come until I tell you.”

  “Oh, please!” she loves being told to wait, but right now she’s as on edge as I. Luckily for her, I won’t drag it out too long.

  I slow my thrusts, tantalizing her with my cock, letting it brush her clit each time I pull out, until she squeezes her eyes shut and pants, making little moans—that means she’s about to come. The sight of that alone makes me explode. “Come again for me, Riya,” I demand, and she immediately cries out and arches into me with all of her strength, and I feel her pussy clench around my cock as I release into her, pure bliss suffusing my entire body.


  Riya’s ready for me, now—after relaxing in Ronan’s arms, and refreshing herself in the shower, Tarren took her ass. Now she’s lying on the hoverdisk, naked. And she shows no signs of exhaustion. I’d never want to push her while she’s pregnant, but lately she’s insatiable. Who knew it would take three of us to satisfy one human female? Veck, I can’t imagine doing it alone.

  Right now, though, alone is what I want—my turn alone with Riya. I lock eyes with her and smile, then look at the box. “What do you think I should use on you, Riya?”

  She licks her lips, a flash of pink that drives my cock to get harder. “I…”

  “I’m partial to the strap, as you know.” I bend down and pick it up. I slap it against my palm, and she starts at the crack. I toss it to the hoverdisk and pick up a new little crop, a thin whippy strip of leather that Dr. Daneth said has proven highly effective in field studies. I didn’t smile at all, even though I suspected that his field study was a monumental sex session with his mate, Bayla. I merely nodded and accepted the offering, telling him I’d try it out as soon as possible. Which is right now.

  “And there’s this,” I add, swishing the little crop in the air. It makes a satisfying hiss, and I like the way her eyes widen. “It’s supposed to sting quite a bit,” I explain, testing it on my arm once, and again, to practice. “Oh, it does.” I raise my eyebrows.

  I can’t wait to see you stripe her ass with that,” remarks Ronan, relaxed, on the side hoverdisk. He’s the picture of lazy rest, but his eyes are alert and bright. “Turn her pink for us, Jax, so we can veck her again later and enjoy the heat and marks on her skin.”

  She moans at those words and I know she’s getting wetter. She loves what we do to her, which is a vecking blessing from the stars.

  “Lean over the hoverdisk,” I order her. “Ass out, nice and high. Present yourself to me, Riya.”

  She scrambles to obey, getting in the wide-legged stance I like without needing to be asked, and I smile at the way she rushes to please me. “Is this wide enough?” she asks, darting a look over her shoulder, but then she licks her lips deliberately and smiles.

  I growl. “Don’t tease me, Riya, or I’ll have to whip you harder for it.”

  Veck. I could spend just from that expression in her eye.

  I stand at her side and run my hand down her back, the skin impossibly soft and pale, until I reach her ass. “So soft and pale,” I remark. “For now.”

  She shudders under my touch, and I rub between her thighs, soft touches designed to tantalize. “Do you want my cock, Riya? Tell me.”

  “Yes, I want it, Jax, I do.” she gasps as I press my finger deeper into her core, finding the spot that drives her wild. “Oh!”

  She undulates her hips as I stroke. “Mmm…”

  “Stand still,” I whisper, pressing one hand into the small of her back, and bend over to speak into her small, perfect ear. “Don’t move your hips one inch. Let me touch you and tease you until I decide you’re ready.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispers back, the tension already sounding in her tone. I can tell from the way she clenches her thighs that she’s very needy, but she’s obedient, our little mate. She takes a deep breath and stills her hips as I stroke and flick her clit.

  “I’m not sure you’re wet enough,” I remark. “Let’s see if this can help.” I raise the crop and bring it down hard across both of her pert ass cheeks.

  “Ouch!” She squeals and jumps, one hand darting back. “Jax, that’s insane!”

  All three of us stare at the thin red line across her pale skin, and I know I’m not the only one who finds this vecking hot.

  “Hands down,” I murmur, taking her palm and squeezing it, then arranging it back above her head. “You know the rules. Are you supposed to interfere with a punishment?”

  “No, but that’s wicked,” she complains, twitching her hips.

  “Mmm,” I say, tracing the thin welt, making her hiss. “Just as wicked as you were. Shall we say, ten to start?”

  “I think fifteen,” says Tarren, from his hoverdisk, watching intently. “Five for each of us, just to remind her that she’s ours.”

  “I agree,” Ronan adds. “Nice hard ones, too.”

  Riya gasps and I can practically see new moisture between her toned thighs.

  “What do you think, beautiful?” I ask her, pressing one finger against her clit. “Fifteen nice hard strokes so you don’t forget your masters?”

  “I don’t… ow!” She squeals, because I don’t wait for a reply. A perfect red line appears just under the first. “Veck, Riya,” I curse. “You look good with my marks.” I bring the crop down again and again, enjoying the swish and crack and the way she moans and writhes at each strike. By the time I’m done, she’s kicking up her heels and yelping, and neither of us can wait much longer for release.

  I toss the crop aside and run both palms over her heated ass, rubbing and stroking, because I know this turns her pain to pleasure and makes her even needier for my cock. Sure enough, she pushes back into me with her body, hard, forcing her firm ass cheeks into my hands, and begs, “Please, veck me, Jax.”

  I’m already there, and as I push against her soft folds, she shifts her stance to accommodate me, going up on tiptoe and tilting her hips upward.

  No matter how wet she gets, her sweet cunt is so vecking tight, and I have to go slowly at first, easing into her body.

  “Riya,” I mutter. Today she feels better than ever—how is it possible that each time is so good?

  “Jax,” she moans, and the sound of my name on her lips inflames me. I start to thrust, harder and harder, and she matches my moves like she did for Ronan, bracing on the hoverdisk and pushing back into me to maximize our pleasure. Taking her from behind is one of my favorite ways because it allows me to get so vecking deep into her body, and it’s only seconds before I’m ready to come. I know she’s more than ready by the way she’s gasping and pleading with me for release.

  “Come, Riya,” I snap, and she cries out, unintelligible sounds of passion as we both explode, my pleasure bursting like fire throughout my body. Her orgasm goes on and on, even after I finish, as she continues to clench her pussy and twist her hips, wringing every burst of pleasure she can from my cock. Finally, she sinks forward onto the hoverdisk and gasps, panting.

  I ease out of her and scoop her up, then lie her down on the hoverdisk so I can hold her and relax. As my heartrate comes back to normal, I can feel hers still pounding, and I smile, touching the drops of sweat at her brow. Veck, it feels good to make her come apart with such pleasure.

  Ronan comes up with her fleece and places it over her, then lies beside her, stroking her sho
ulder. Tarren sits on the edge of the hoverdisk to run his fingers along her calf. And as I lie holding her, my cousins all around us, I feel that life is perfect at this moment. Our family and Zandia are safe and growing. The future is bright.



  What did you name them?” Lily asks.

  “What?” I am so mesmerized with their small perfect faces, their tiny little fingers, that I don’t even pay attention.

  The smaller baby fusses a little bit, and I stroke him, murmuring soothing words, and he settles down with a little gasp, the petal of his mouth opens like a flower, his lids fluttering, his lashes already impossibly long. He has a little dark fuzz on his head, the color of mine, and the most adorable tiny horns.

  His brother is larger and louder. When he cries, he wails like the planet is dying, but when he sleeps, he falls so deeply into his slumber that a storm could crash through the room and he wouldn’t awaken. Right now, his hands are clenched into fists and he breathes in deeply. I wonder what he’s dreaming.

  “Their names?” Lily sits beside me on the hoverdisk. “Have you decided?”

  “We picked Tarrian for the big one, because he’s so like his father. And Ronan’s son is Rylan.”

  “Tarrian and Rylan. Sweet babies. I love their names.” She squeezes my hand. “Nice work, Mama. They’re perfect.”

  I wiggle and preen, even though it was out of my control. “I love them,” I say simply.

  “How is Jax taking it?” She pauses and lowers her voice. “I don’t mean to imply that he should have an issue, or that he does. But… does he? I could see how some Zandians, maybe, might?” She bites her lip.

  “He’s fine.” He really is. “He’s so laid back nothing seems to bother him. He said that all it means is that he needs to veck me a lot more in the future.” I blush, but she smiles.

  “Also,” I disclose, “Dr. Daneth gave me the tools to monitor my ovulation exactly with the thermo-monitor and scanner. It will tell me exactly when my egg releases, so Jax and I can try on those planet rotations. So we can be sure the next will be his.”

  “Yes, he’s distributing that to all the humans now. He said he’s disappointed he didn’t have it ready in time for the early teams.” Lily smiles. “I have one, since we’re trying now.” She bounces a little. “I think I want to have twins, too.”

  “I think it’s going to be a lot of work.” I look at the babies. They’re quiet now, but when they’re awake and both want to nurse? Mother Earth, it’s impossible to fill them fast enough! Also, the crying is enough to shatter eardrums of steel. Tarrian is… loud. Very loud. I smile indulgently. I can’t wait to see my boys grow… learn to talk and walk. I already love them so fiercely.

  “Your mates will help,” she assures me. “And so will your friends. Lamira asked me to set up a visit/share program for new mothers, to ensure they are getting support and not falling into postpartum depression.”

  “It’s a good idea,” I agree. How far we’ve come since those early planet rotations—not all that long ago—when I first entered my dome, nervous, asking when I’d even get to see my friends again. Now I have mates, and babies, and an entire community. It’s miraculous.

  My mates enter the chamber, all of them, just as Rylan wakes up and begins to scream. He may not be as loud as his brother, but he’s very persistent, and his little face reddens as he shrieks.

  Ronan doesn’t miss a beat. He scoops up the infant and soothes him, patting his back, until the baby hiccups and settles down. “Want me to change him?” he asks. Without waiting for an answer, he heads to the little station we’ve set up with diapers and supplies and gets to work.

  “I should go,” Lily says, and bends to give me a hug. “I’ll visit again soon. I love you.”

  “You too.” I smile as she leaves, and then turn my attention to my men—all five of them.

  Tarren sits beside me and kisses me. “Dr. Daneth said you can start walking more this planet rotation, if you’d like.” I had a surgical birth, because the twins came early. Dr. Daneth cut open my belly to get the babies out. But everything is fine now.

  “The big question,” says Ronan, looking up from Rylan’s diaper, “is when you can start vecking. Did he tell us that?”

  “He said a few weeks.” I laugh. “Until then, make your palm your friend, my love.”

  Ronan lifts his son’s small hand and taps his palm to the tiny one. “Little man, your mother says I have to make do with my hand. Commiserate with me, son. And learn well, how your own palm will become your friend someday.”

  “Stop! That’s disgusting! You can’t talk to a baby like that!” But I’m laughing.

  “What? My son needs to learn compassion, as well as self-care, and he should start now. Don’t worry. He can’t understand me yet.”

  “He can understand everything you say,” I argue. “My babies are geniuses.”

  “Then they will understand how hard this is on their fathers.” He rolls his eyes.

  “I’m interested in the few weeks’ timeframe,” Jax says, giving me a kiss. “Because I plan to put another one of these in your belly as soon as possible.”

  I smile. The thought of his child makes my heart melt. “He’ll be gorgeous, like you.” I touch his face.

  “I have a feeling we’ll have a daughter,” Jax says. “And she’ll be beautiful like you.” He turns to the others. “And she’ll probably have her brothers, and all of us, wrapped around her tiny fingers.”

  I can already see her, this vision of a small girl, and I tear up. “I hope so, Jax.”

  Tarren picks up Tarrian. The sturdy little baby doesn’t even stir, but when Tarren holds him against his chest, the child sighs and snuggles in, as if recognizing his father’s touch and scent. Who knows—maybe he does. We have much to learn about babies who are half Zandian, half human. We don’t truly understand which traits they will inherit from humans.

  As my mates gather around me, holding our young, I’m filled with peace and joy.

  “I never dared dream I’d have this—any of this,” I say. “Freedom from slavery. One mate, much less three. Babies.” My eyes swim with tears. “And now I have it all.”

  My mates tighten their circle around me, stroking my hair back from my face, kissing the top of my head.

  “We dreamed. We dreamed of winning back Zandia. Being near our crystals again.” Jax strokes a thumb down my cheek and I lean into his palm. “But we had no idea the real treasure on Zandia would be you.”

  “That’s right,” Tarren agrees.

  “What he said.” Ronan flashes his boyish grin.

  I blink back the tears and smile up at them, my heart full to bursting. “I love you.”

  And then they smother me with kisses, making me giggle, the moment complete.

  Want More?

  Night of the Zandians Bonus Scenes!

  Click here to read a the scenes where Tarren and Riya first meet, and one with Riya reflecting on what happened with the Ocretion guards.

  Please enjoy this excerpt from Bought by the Zandians, Zandian Brides Book 2, coming soon!

  Bought by the Zandians - Chapter One

  Aurelia Minor 2, Slave Auction


  Naked, strapped to a post on the auction block, I suck the blood from my cracked lower lip.

  Please let this be quick.

  The longer I stand up here, trembling and on full display, the greater the chance of some being searching my barcode and discovering me wanted.

  I guarantee my former master, Akron, put a bounty on my head the moment he realized I escaped. And he doesn’t even know the secret I’m keeping. The one that would spell my death.


  So it was escape or die. And I escaped. Briefly.

  Three Ocretions walk by chortling to themselves. One of them slaps my tit and the three of them roar with laughter. I make my stare blank, like no sentient being is inside my body, as I fiercely pray they won’t stop. Ocretions wo
uld know to check my slave barcode and trace my history back to Akron. It wouldn’t take them more than half a planet rotation to find out about the bounty and deliver me to my rightful owner.

  I hold my breath until they move on.

  Other than them, I really don’t care who buys me. I plan to escape again as soon as possible. Supposedly, there’s a planet where human slaves can go and be free. Jesel. It’s wildly dangerous, but that doesn’t bother me. My life is probably forfeit, anyway.

  I wriggle in my tight straps. The animal hide bites into my skin. My arms and legs have gone numb, but worst of all, the one around my neck is too tight and I can scarcely breathe. I work to slow my inhalations, because panic will only make this worse.

  The market is full of beings of every species. Most appear too poor to even offer twenty steins for me.

  Of course, I don’t look like much. I’m filthy and bruised, covered in scrapes from getting here. When I first arrived, I rubbed some of the crimson dirt from this planet on my hair to cover the exotic color. Blondes are considered a rarity amongst human slaves. Unfortunately, I was caught moments later. At least I was grabbed by a small-minded, greedy smuggler, whose only interest was a quick sale.

  Two large purple beings with horns stroll idly along the stalls of the market. Muscles bulge beneath their clean white tunics and they carry old-fashioned swords on their belts.

  Real Zandian warriors.

  I’ve never seen one before, but I’ve heard of them. They study for battle until it becomes an art. Long rumored to be extinct, the recent word around the galaxy is they just took back their planet with a tiny army.

  They look at me from across the crimson dirt expanse and one of them leans into the other one and says something. When they start walking toward me, my heart inexplicably hammers.

  I moisten my cracked lips with my tongue. I can’t decide if my response means I’m afraid or excited.


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