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REM Page 5

by Valentine, J. D.

  "So, you gambled?"

  Danny smiled. "I told you I am good at reading people. The guy was a coward like most of them are. Very rarely do you get someone crazy enough to go after you."

  "Well, I don’t think I’ll be dealing with someone with a knife, but I’ll keep that in mind," Julie said laughing.

  "I think you’re good," Danny smiled. "It’s just crazy though with all the homeless coming down from Los Angeles. People are really struggling."

  "I see it first hand. A lot of people are barely getting by." Julie took a sip of water before she grabbed her clipboard and pen. "You doing okay with the wife?"

  "As good as I can be." Danny rubbed his forehead. "I mean she wants to take a teaching job in Tahoe."

  "That seems to bother you quite a bit. Why is that?"

  "She says maybe a little distance will make things better," Danny shrugged. "I mean, maybe she is right. Maybe, I just need to focus on me."

  "Stop deflecting, Dan. Be honest, don’t feed me bullshit."

  A heavy sigh left Danny’s breath as he leaned an elbow on the armrest. "Goddamn it, I mean it takes all the wind out my sails. I can handle myself in dangerous situations. I struggle when things are calm. I mean, I feel like no matter how hard I try to pull everything back together, it’s just not good enough. It’s like this ever-expanding void that I can’t seem to get ahead of and I just can’t stop blaming myself for the things I’ve done."

  Julie leaned back in her seat. "Dan, come on. You can’t hold this over your head. Some people just need time. I can tell you that if all the things you are doing and telling me are true then you are truly doing all that you can do. I really wish there was an easier way, but there is not. What I can say is that things have a way of working out if you truly wish it."

  A knock came from the door.

  "Lenore, I am with a client," Julie said.

  "Julie, we have a 5150 that just walked in."

  "Shit," Julie said under her breath.

  Danny cleared his throat. "Julie, is everything okay?"

  Julie’s hand started to tap the armrest rapidly. Her eyes moved as though she was reading something out of thin air.

  Finally, she looked up, meeting Danny’s gaze. "Dan, I am so sorry, but this is an emergency. I will have to cut our session short, but I promise you that we will reschedule."

  Danny put his hand up. "It’s totally fine. It was wonderful just to get some time with you."

  Julie stood and walked Danny to the door. "Again, I am so sorry, Dan. This usual---"

  "Julie, it’s okay. Let me know whenever a slot opens up next week."

  Danny was about to walk out the door when a hand grabbed and pulled him back in. "Dan, I don’t normally tell everyone this." Julie looked outside before she spoke again. "I am heading up to our cabin in Arrowhead tomorrow with my husband. I don’t know when I will be back, but I just want to make sure you are good." She quickly scribbled on a notepad. "This is my email. If anything comes up don’t hesitate to reach out."

  Danny grabbed the paper quickly as the door shut in front of him. He uncrumpled the paper in his hand and folded it. When Danny walked out into the lobby, a woman was rocking back and forth in the chair he had sat in earlier. Her hair was a tangled mess. Danny walked past her, barely making out a few words.

  "Miss, is everything okay?" Danny said.

  The woman looked up with scrapes over her face. "I am okay. Just tired is all."

  She smiled, showing yellow stained teeth. Danny tensed up as he walked to the elevator. When he looked back she was staring at him with wild eyes. She slowly rocked back and forth.

  "Sleep. Just need some sleep is all," The woman said to him as the elevator door closed.

  He kept tracing it over in his head.

  What did she say? Why did it end the way it had with Julie?

  Before Danny could grasp his thoughts, he was back in his car with the engine idling. It was dark out, but somehow people were moving about in the small town center, laughing and smiling, unaware of just how close hell was to their little oasis of happiness. His phone started to buzz in his pocket.

  "Mar," Danny said. He could feel his heartbeat faster in his chest as he waited for a response.

  "Dan," Maria sounded like she was crying. "Anna just called me. She said something was going on with Kevin."

  "What’s going on?"

  "Dan, I don’t know, but something sounds very wrong. There was banging and screaming in the background. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but you need to get over there immediately."

  Danny ran his hand through his hair. "Um...shit, okay. Is it still that 288 Orange Blossom address?"

  "Yes, Dan, I’ll send you Anna’s number just in case. Just get there, Danny. I need you to help that boy!"


  TIRES SQUEALED AS Danny's sedan swerved into the driveway. Heavy footsteps echoed off the concrete walkway and onto the front steps. Danny looked out to see people emerging out of their homes to see what was happening.

  What is going on?

  Danny knocked on the door. He paced back and forth until the bolt unlocked. The door opened a crack revealing the eye and nose of a middle-aged woman.

  "Anna?" Danny asked as he stood on the front step.

  The door half way making Danny squeeze through. He walked in quickly as the door shut behind him. When he turned, a blonde woman around Danny's age was cowering near the door.

  "Thank you for coming, Dan," she replied, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  A scream erupted from upstairs, making both of them jump. Anna started to weep to herself gently.

  Danny grabbed her shoulders so she was face to face with him. "Anna, what the hell is going on here?

  "I don't know, Dan." Tears poured down her face. "He has been acting strange lately, but this just happened. I've never seen him like this."

  "Did he take something?"

  Anna started to tear up as she shook her head. "I don't know. I don---"

  A loud banging erupted upstairs, and an ear-piercing scream made Danny take a step away from the stairs. Heavy footsteps began to make their way back and forth above them. They both watched the ceiling as their eyes traced the sound from the footsteps as upstairs. The steps cut with a loud crash, making both of them jump.

  Danny's eyes lingered on the ceiling for a moment before he looked at Anna.

  "This isn’t normal, are you sure he didn’t take anything?"

  She whispered to Danny, "I have no idea. Everything was going fine the past couple of weeks, but he just snapped today. He said he was having trouble sleeping the past couple of days, but today—"

  Another loud thud made Anna jump again.

  Tears poured down her face as she sniffled heavily. "Dan, I don't know who that is up there, but that's not my son. I know my boy. He is a sweet, gentle soul, and whoever is up there is not him. Please help him. He has always told me how good you were to him. us."

  Danny swallowed heavily as he removed his jacket. "I think you should call an ambulance."

  Anna nodded in agreement. "Just see what you can do."

  Danny turned facing the stairs, where a dull light shined down on him.

  What the hell?

  His boots sounded like hammers on the wood staircase. Danny had to squint as the hallway lights shined down from above, which made him feel somewhat uneasy. He touched the hilt of his 1911 just to make sure it was secure. The footsteps picked up again, sounding like someone was running back and forth.

  "Hey, Kev? It's Dan Etter."

  The heavy footsteps stopped abruptly.

  "Kev, I gotta know what's going on, man. What's wrong?"

  A hoarse laugh came from the other side of the door. The laughter was cold and soulless.

  What did he do?

  "Look kid, let's talk about this. Your mother is freaked out, and frankly, I am a little too."

  The stairs ended, and Danny slowly walked around the handr
ail. A white door with a golden knob stood at the end of the hallway. Danny was about to take another step when he saw the knob turn. The hollow creaking pulled the door slightly open, revealing a darkness that emerged from the room.

  "Kev, what the hell is going on?"

  Danny took each step slowly. Blood raced through his veins as he inched closer. A crash came from the room making him sink lower to the ground.

  Easy, Dan. Easy.

  His boots echoed against the hardwood floor making each step agony as he drew closer and closer. He finally reached the door. His breathing felt labored now as he slowly pushed the door open. A smell engrossed Danny that made him want to gag. His hand felt the side of the wall and suddenly the darkness lit up as his hand flicked the switch.

  Danny used his hand to cover the harsh light that came from the lamp that was thrown on the floor. The lampshade had been removed from it, making the light nearly overwhelming to his eyes.

  His wide eyes took in the entire room. The bed had been stripped bare, half-cocked on its frame with blankets and linen thrown throughout the floor. The flat screen television on the wall had been smashed and was hanging at an awkward angle. The walls had holes punched through them at all different heights with clumps of drywall added to the clutter on the floor.

  "Where are you at, man?" Danny walked through the door.

  His boots splintered glass that was scattered under linen and clothes. The smell finally registered with Danny as he looked at brown streaks that lined the walls.

  Is that shit?

  Danny covered his mouth with the sleeve of his flannel as he walked deeper into the room. The smell grew worse as he got a closer view of the mud looking streaks on the wall.

  It is shit.

  He walked towards the closet that stretched the entire right-hand wall. The mirror on the sliding doors had been cracked. He slid the door open, expecting to see Kevin cowering in the corner, but he wasn't there. Danny looked back at the bed frame behind him. Something caught his eye to the left. Random words littered the wall, "Sleep" being one of them.


  Danny looked at the door behind him, noticing a small pocket knife that had been buried in the back of the door. He grabbed the knife and pulled it out. There were mushy brown marks that looked like fingerprints on the hilt of the blade.

  "Ah!" Danny yelled as he grabbed a piece of linen on the ground.

  He wiped his hand off, cursing to himself as he set the knife in a laundry bin. The hairs on his neck sprung up like little prongs. It felt like ice-cold water was dropped into his veins.

  Where the hell is he?

  Before Danny realized what had happened. Something strong gripped his ankle. He backpedaled till he hit the wall.

  "What the hell, Kevin?" Danny screamed. His eyes fell on a pale hand that disappeared under the bed. "Get the out from under there!"

  Hoarse laughter came from under the bed.

  "Kevin, get the fuck out of there. What is wrong with you?"

  "Shh. They will find you," a low voice whispered back

  Danny cocked his head, "What are you talking about?"

  It was quiet, but Danny could hear the hoarse breathing from under the bed. He backpedaled to the door slowly.

  "Who are they?" Danny said louder this time.

  "The Darkness, Mr. Etter," Kevin said in a hushed tone.

  Danny fell silent as the same pale hand came out from under the bed. It touched the lamp that sat on the floor, and then the light was instantly gone.

  Oh, God.

  Danny felt for the doorknob, but something was moving in the room.

  Where are you?

  Glass shards snapped as something ran at him. Small hands ripped at him as though the darkness had come to life, pulling Danny to the floor. He grabbed for his pistol, but it was pressed against the floor. The sound of hollow clicks were right by Danny’s ear. It sounded like teeth. He slammed his elbow at the sound. A few little teeth clattered on the ground as a high pitch scream was just inches from his face. Suddenly, Danny was released. He struggled to his feet. His breathing was labored and heavy, as he felt the wall as his eyes finally found the light at the bottom of the door.

  Where are you? Where are you!

  He gripped the knob and pulled the door open, quickly slamming it shut as something rammed into it from inside. Red and blue lights started to blink in the window to Danny's right. The knob jiggled slightly.

  It's not going to hold, Dan.

  Danny grabbed the knob with both hands now as it was jerked left, then right, and the door opened a little as Danny pulled it back.


  Fingers reached out at him, but were slammed in the door frame again. The screaming came from inside again as the pale fingers disappeared. The splintering grew louder and Danny could feel the door catch about to give.

  Come on! PLEASE STOP!

  A scream came from the other side. That horrible scream felt as though Danny's ears would burst at any moment. The doorknob stopped moving, and it fell silent inside the room.

  Danny was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself. "Kev?"

  A massive crash came from inside the room. He could hear people crying out in the background.

  Oh, no!

  Danny pushed the door open only to find a broken window with the glass still clinging to the frame. The stars shined in cascading a grey hue inside the room, as the chaos erupted down on the street.

  "Kevin!" A woman yelled from outside.


  Danny left the door open as he ran for the stairs. He reached the bottom floor and saw the front door wide open. Blue and red lights cascaded all over the street as men started to yell. He ran outside and found Kevin holding up a piece of glass. Several officers had their weapons drawn as the boy waved the small shiv around violently.

  "Kevin, sweetie, please!" Anna yelled as an officer held her back.

  "Son, relax, it's okay," an officer said over a loudspeaker.

  A smile came across Kevin's face, and a horrid laugh followed.

  "No, no, please," Danny said to himself.

  Kevin suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs. Two red dots leveled onto his pale body, and then he was on the ground convulsing. The two officers quickly covered the distance to Kevin as they restrained him.

  Danny looked at Anna, who was being held back by an officer. It took three men to finally get the boy into the back of a police cruiser. The clapping of the surrounding crowd pulled Danny's eyes to the main street. Dozens of neighbors stood on the sidewalks. Some people had their hands to their faces, while others cheered for the police. Danny took a seat on the front steps. He ran his hand through his hair. When he looked up, he made eye contact with Kevin, who was laughing at him through the rear window of the car.


  "I PROMISE I'LL tell you a bedtime story tomorrow night okay, Susan?" Danny said over the phone.

  "You promised, though," Susan said.

  The disappointment in her voice made Danny feel helpless. "Look, kiddo. I promise you that I will tomorrow night, alright. Daddy needs to speak to Mommy."

  "Fine," she said over a heavy sigh. "I love you."

  Danny smiled. "I love you too, Susan."

  The phone ruffled, and Maria spoke. "We will be there tomorrow evening."

  Danny ran his hand through his hair. "Look, Mar. I think it's best if you stay up there."

  "Are you crazy? What the hell is the matter with you?"

  "Mar!" Danny shouted. "Wait a few more days. Just something isn’t sitting right with me. I think it's best if you and the kids stay up there."

  "Dan, you can't---"

  "Maria, you need to listen to me!"

  It was quiet on the other end for a moment. Danny could hear sobbing on the other line.

  "Look, I am here Mar, okay? I am here for Anna."

  "I need to be there for her," Maria said softly.

  "You need to make sure our kids are safe. Right now, it’s n
ot safe here."

  Maria fell silent on the line.

  "You can count on me. Okay?" Danny looked through the window and saw a man and woman walking up in dark suits. They cut left and walked into a room. "Mar, I gotta go. I'll call you after. I love you."

  "Take care, Dan," Maria said as the call ended.

  Well, that hurt.

  Danny quickly ran inside the police station. It was packed like an airport terminal during a storm. There was an energy that made Danny feel uneasy. Like at a morgue or a hospital. It might have the smell of overused cleaning products or the line of people trying to talk to the overweight woman at the front desk. The vinyl seats squeaked and popped as he sat down next to Anna.

  "Where the hell is Kevin?" Anna said, bitterly crossing her arms.

  Danny shook his head as he patted her leg. "I don't know, but I'm sure he is being taken care of."

  This isn’t normal. Not a single thing was normal about this.

  In truth, Danny had no clue what was going on. A man had called saying they needed to talk to both him and Anna. Danny tried to ask questions, but the man was firm and wouldn't divulge anything else. All he said was to meet at the police station off Peach and Wintermist and gave them a time to be there.

  "It has been too long, Dan. I want to know where my son is!"

  Anna jumped up from the seat and walked over to the bulletproof glass cutting off the line of people who started to yell at her. A woman in a uniform leaned back as Anna approached.

  "Ma'am, just have a seat," the woman said.

  "No! I am done waiting! I want some fucking answers!"

  "Come on!," an overweight man yelled.

  Danny locked eyes with him causing him to fall back into place.

  "Ma'am!" The woman got up from her chair and disappeared out of view.

  Danny rushed up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Anna. Come on, just calm down."

  Anna started bawling as she sank to the floor. "Dan, what happened to my little boy?"

  Danny hugged her as he pulled her from the floor. "It's gonna be alright, okay."

  What is going on here?


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