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REM Page 9

by Valentine, J. D.

  The scream came from the boy now as he ripped at the carpet coming after Danny like he was possessed. A light flashed, and Danny saw the boy slump back. Another two flashes and the boy's face tore open, leaving bright red and pink tissue hanging from the hole in his forehead. Danny looked at the door, and Eric had his back pressed against it. He was yelling at Danny, which was nothing but a loud whining. Eric was shouting louder now and pointing. This time Danny could hear muffled sounds that came from Eric's mouth.

  "Window! Window!" Eric yelled, pointing with his free hand.

  Danny looked back and saw the door start to budge.

  Eric's eyes looked panicked. "HURRY UP!"

  Danny ran to the wood panel and started ramming his shoulder on the board. It took a few times until he heard the nails rip from the frame. He stepped back and started kicking the panel until it hung awkwardly open. A final heavy kick splintered the bottom of the window frame creating a wide hole. Danny quickly jumped out. He pulled the rest of the board off as he yelled at Eric to get ready to move. Danny slammed a fresh magazine into his pistol. Eric looked at him like he was sentencing him to death.

  "I got you," Danny said nodding.

  Eric nodded back.


  The bearded man ran from the door. The door latch snapped open, and two men ran through screaming at the top of their lungs.


  The light from Danny’s muzzle lit up the entire room like a flash from a camera. He fired as fast as he could, watching the rounds tear through the tattooed man. The man’s leg snapped, sending him crawling towards the ground. Danny pulled the trigger once more, and nothing happened. The second man tore towards Danny, as he let the empty magazine from his pistol fall to the ground.


  He pulled out a new magazine and quickly slammed it into the mag-well. Danny sent the slide home and looked up to find the man only a few feet from him. Another flash of light erupted near him. Eric emptied his pistol just as the two men reached out at Danny through the window. Out of pure instinct, Danny fired three rounds into the tattooed man's face making one of his eyes pop out of its socket. The rabid man sunk to the floor, he started to convulse rapidly. More emerged from the door, now clawing their way towards him. Another figure was now in Danny's view, trying to claw over the dead man.

  A flash of light to Danny’s right blinding him.

  "Get the fuck on the ground!" Someone yelled.

  Who the hell is this?

  "I said on the ground!" a man yelled from behind.

  Danny tossed his pistol as far as he could.

  "Get down!"

  Danny complied as he lowered himself onto his knees and sank to the floor. He could see Eric had done the same as they both looked at one another. Danny could hear screaming as heavy footsteps came from inside. The sound of a suppressed gunshot went off making the screaming fall silent.

  I should have just let this go. Goddamn you, Danny!

  Danny could hear several men surrounding them. He felt hands grab him and something was shoved over his face.


  "Get these two in the van," someone said. "Have two guys from the security element take your place."

  "You got it," a man said next to Danny.

  Who are these guys?

  Danny struggled as his hands were bound. A hood was placed over his head as men shouted to one another.

  "Hey!" Danny yelled at the top of his lungs. "Hey! What is going on here?"

  Danny felt himself get picked up as he started rocking back and forth like he was being carried. He heard a door open and suddenly he was tossed. The metal floor of the van greeted him as he slammed his face on it. Things became blurry now as the tires squealed.


  IT WASN’T THE piss-smelling hood that bothered Danny or the fact that he was blindfolded. What crept under his skin was the light screeching sound that tore at his ears. He tried to move, but his bound hands that were pulled above him only made that metal on metal screeching worse.


  Danny could make out Eric’s voice just as the screeching erupted once more.

  "Yeah," Danny said. His mouth felt like a cotton swab dipped in sand.

  "Smells like piss in here," Eric said slightly muffled. "Where the hell are we?"

  "Beats the hell out of me."

  "I swear to God, if there is a midget clown riding a tricycle, I’m out!"

  Danny was about to laugh when the sound of a heavy metal door swung open and slammed closed. Distinct boot heels echoed off the room drawing nearer to Danny.

  Eric cleared his throat. "I do not want to play a g----"

  A heavy thud cut Eric off as he started coughing.

  "Shut the fuck up!" a familiar voice said. The deep voice fell silent letting the screeching metal take over the room.

  Eric’s coughing stopped eventually and the heavy footfalls approached Danny now. He could feel strong hands grab his head and rip off the hood. Strands of hair went with the hood as Danny’s eyes were blinded by a fluorescent light. Eventually, his eyes adjusted and sitting in front of him was a very familiar face.

  "Agent Anthony?" Danny said softly.

  The black suit and tie had been replaced with tactical gear that was colored in a flurry of green and light tan.

  Anthony cocked his head slightly. "Dan Etter. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see you again after our little one on one earlier this week."

  Eric looked over at Danny still blindfolded. "You know this fucking g---"

  A masked soldier hit Eric in the stomach again. This time Eric started to gag as he hung from his bound hands.

  "Dan, over here," Anthony said, snapping his fingers.

  Danny took a deep breath as his eyes settled on the man.

  "You see, Dan, I was perfectly content just letting you go about living your life after that incident with---" He looked off trying to remember.

  "Kevin," Danny said in utter distaste.

  "Ah yes, that’s the one. See, I’ve been so busy trying to keep this whole thing from coming to the surface that I can be so forgetful." Anthony stood and walked towards Danny. "Regardless, I want to know why some forty-something fucking street cop decided to shake a tree that he shouldn’t have been shaking."

  "It was a lead I was following up on at the precinct, that was all."

  A deep laugh came from Anthony now as he shook his head. "You call trespassing on private property with an unregistered firearm following up?"

  Danny was about to speak but fell silent.

  "Dan, I’d say the two of you are fucked six ways to Sunday in my book, but the shame in all this is that I genuinely like you. I mean shit, you have that old-school-fuck-you attitude. It’s admirable."

  "Why don’t you just suck his dick?" Eric yelled out just before another hit quieted him.

  "Would you just shut the fuck up?" Anthony yelled. "I’m trying to have a conversation with the man here!"

  "What do you want?" Danny said. He stared Anthony down with cold eyes.

  "Me, Dan?" He said pointing to himself. "I don’t want anything from you, but my boss thinks differently. Let’s just say they are not too happy about which tree you decided to shake."

  "What about Kevin’s mother? Did she shake a tree?"

  Anthony laughed. "Yeah, about that. See, that came from above me. We made it quick though."

  "You son of a bitch," Danny yelled as he shifted in his restraints.

  Anthony waited with his arms crossed smiling.

  "Who are you?" Danny yelled.

  "Can’t tell you that, but what I can tell you is that we sure as hell aren’t DEA."

  All the men laughed in the room now except for Danny and Eric.

  Danny looked down at the floor shaking his head. "Look, I don’t know anything," He said through clenched teeth.

  "That’s not what my boss thinks, Dan."

  "What do they think then, Anthony?"

  "They think I shoul
d take this Sig in my holster and blow your fucking brains out."

  Danny’s skin went flush and suddenly his mouth felt even drier than it was before.

  Anthony smiled. "Ah, see? Right there! That face you are making right now. The tough man suddenly becomes a scared shitless boy. See, that is why I love this job." He pulled out his pistol from the holster.

  Shit. Holy shit! This is really happening!

  A harsh laugh came from Anthony. "Dan, relax. I am not gonna kill you because you have got a lot to lose. I mean killing someone is just really complicated these days. I don’t mind it, but you have a family and let’s say that they start asking questions---" Anthony shook his head. "See, I’d rather not go there, at least not when I have to. It’s that whole slippery slope argument and it just gets so---out of control." He shook his head looking over at Eric and then back at Danny. "Anyway, you still have a lot more chapters ahead of you, Dan, but for your lonely friend over here that might not be the case."

  Rage filled Danny, like a scalding shower. He thrashed against the steel cuffs cutting some skin. "You motherfu----"

  Anthony suddenly rushed towards Danny and shoved that Sig pistol deep into the side of his throat. Danny fell silent as the cold steel made the hairs on his neck stand up and his balls shrink.

  "I see now I really have your full attention," Anthony said sternly. "So here is the deal. You will keep your mouth shut about what happened this evening and about Kevin. The same goes for your boyfriend over there. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

  Danny swallowed heavily. "Yes."

  "Great," Anthony said. He pushed the pistol deeper into Danny’s throat. "If I were you, I’d take some leave. Things are gonna get a little spicy down here. Hell, maybe head up to Tahoe to see the wife and kiddos."

  Danny’s eyes went wide.

  Anthony smiled as he took a step back. He holstered his pistol and walked off. "Alright, boys, I’m done with him. Let’s pack our shit and get ready to move. We got a flight leaving March Airforce base before morning."

  The bag was shoved over Danny’s face now. The chain holding him up suddenly fell away making him slump to the floor. Danny could feel the blood rushing to his arms like a sea of numb-tingling needles. Someone grabbed his hands and pulled him up. He tried to keep in pace with whoever was pulling him, but Danny kept stumbling on his own feet.

  The van door opened and he was thrown into the back. It was gentler this time except when Eric was thrown in on top of him. The van accelerated making Danny slide on Eric. They cut a hard left and then stayed at a constant speed.

  Danny tried to count the seconds, but he lost it somewhere around five hundred and seventy-three.

  Or maybe that’s how many days I’ve been sober.

  The van suddenly stopped and Danny could hear the car doors slide open.

  "Get ‘em out," a gruff voice said from the front.

  Hands grabbed Danny and suddenly his hood was gone. He looked up to find himself on a sidewalk looking up at a darker skin man with a beard staring down at him. His hands were then freed as he stood up, still staring at the man.

  "If it were up to me, I’d get a drink," the man said looking down the block at a bar. "Shit is gonna get crazy in the next couple of days."

  He threw a bag onto the ground. "We left some cash in there for you boys."

  "Where are you guys going?" Eric said.

  Both men looked at each other. "Far from here," The driver said laughing. The man in the driver's seat leaned forward. "I hope you all have plenty of toilet paper."

  Both men laughed at each other. Eric and Danny just stood there expressionless. The van suddenly sped off making a hard right down the street. Dany sighed as he massaged his wrists.

  "What the fuck just happened?" Eric yelled as he watched the van go by.

  Danny walked forward and pulled out his phone and wallet. "I’d say we are lucky to be breathing right now, Eric."

  Eric looked down the street. A few people laughed from the patio of a bar as they kicked down a few beers.

  "I’ve never had a good reason till now. You coming?" Eric said.

  Before Danny could reply Eric was already walking.


  ERIC SIGHED AS he lowered himself into the booth. He held his ribs trying to hold his composure.

  "Can I get you gentlemen anything?" The waitress asked.

  "Jack and Coke," Eric said.

  "Eric," Danny said, shocked. "What are you doing?’

  The waitress looked at Danny. "Should I come back---"

  Eric put his hand up. "Don’t worry about him. Make that two Jack and Cokes. More Jack than Coke, if you know what I mean," Eric said winking.

  "Coming right up," The waitress said. There was a slight bit of worry in her voice.

  Danny waited till she left before he leaned in. "What are you doing?"

  "Dan," Eric said holding a glass of water to his head. "You realize we just looked death in the face right? The fact that you and I are still breathing is a fucking miracle."

  "So you want to just blow everything we worked for because of that?"

  Eric smiled as he leaned back in his seat. "You bet your ass I do. I have no fucks to give after what we just went through."

  Two short glasses were set on the table and the waitress smiled at Eric. "Can I get you guys anything else?"

  "I think that will be all for now," Danny said, still staring at Eric.

  The waitress faded away as the two men stared at one another. The ice in their drinks floated like a ship lost at sea.

  "You are my best friend and my sponsor," Danny said with distaste. "Not my damn drinking buddy."

  Eric put his index finger up. "I am asking for one night. One single night, where I can try to forget this shit show."

  Danny sat there, looking at the fizzling beauty in a glass. Memories popped through his mind of Maria, Lucas, and Susan. It was good, and then the memories went darker. Like the darkness itself was dragging him deeper and deeper into the abyss. All that was in his mind now was that crazy woman who sat in the chair with her hair covering her face.

  Ring around the rosy. Pocket full of——Screw this.

  Peer pressure was the achilles heel of an alcoholic and Danny had no excuse to not have a drink. He pulled open the envelope that had their wallets and a couple twenties thrown over the top. Danny guessed for all the trouble or more of a goodluck statement.

  "One night and then we set each other straight," Danny said, grabbing a glass.

  Eric scooped up his glass and raised it. "Straight as a fucking arrow, chief."


  "What's the matter? She had eyes for you, my man," Danny teased.

  He leaned to the side and saw the bartender still staring at Eric. She noticed Danny staring and pretended to start working again.

  Eric set the glasses down and slid into the booth. "I came here to get drunk. Once that is accomplished, then I will look towards other things."

  Danny grabbed one of the pitchers and set it next to him. "I’m already there," he said with slurred words. "I think you should go back and talk to her."

  "Like I said, drunk first."

  "Well, you're up then." Danny slid a twenty to Eric smiling. "Another pitcher, and get her number."

  Eric laughed as he grabbed the back of Danny’s head and pulled him close. "I love you, you son-of-a-bitch." Eric looked back at the bar.

  The bartender smiled as she filled another pitcher. An argument started to ensue. Danny turned to the billiards tables to find two men in each other's faces. Both of the men were built, but the dark-haired one was much taller. Bouncers immediately rushed into the situation separating the men. The incident was over within a minute, and the bar started again. Still, there was light energy of caution that filled the air. A glass slid across the table. Danny caught it right before it slid off the side.

  Eric raised his eyebrow as he sat down. "Getting a little slow there, chief."

  Danny took a s
ip and exhaled. "As I said I am retired, but still fast enough to kick your skinny ass."

  "Yeah, yeah in your dreams, grandpa," Eric teased as he filled his own glass. He poured too quickly, and the beer began to foam faster, causing him to sip it before it overflowed. Eric drank as fast as he could cursing himself between gulps. He wiped the remnants of foam off his upper lip and sat back.

  "Did you already get her number?"

  Eric slid a coaster with ten digits neatly written on them.

  Danny grabbed the coaster laughing. "What did you say to her?"

  Eric put his hand up. "A gentleman never tells his secrets." He swept up the coaster and stuck it in his pocket. "On a serious note, we should probably call Chad."

  Danny spun his empty glass. "Poor guy probably thinks we are dead."

  Both men looked at each other and started laughing hysterically.

  Someone in the crowd started laughing and both men now looked at each other spooked.

  Eric leaned back in his chair. "I have never seen anything like that. I saw something similar in Afghan, but nothing like tonight."

  Danny played with his glass having the images of Kevin's cruel smile. He tried shaking it from his mind. "Kevin acted like that. He---just absolutely lost it."

  This time Eric sat up and leaned towards Danny. "Etter, when I was in the Helmand province we had these fucks who would come at us all jacked up on god knows what. This one guy decided to charge us with an RPG. We had an armored personnel carrier open up on this guy. We are talking a 20mm bushmaster made this guy's lower half swiss fucking cheese and yet he kept crawling towards us. What we saw this evening brought me right back to that hell hole." Eric leaned back in his chair. "If Kevin was acting like those tweakers earlier, then we have some big fucking problems on our hands."

  Danny knew the reality of what that meant. He took the pitcher that sat next to them and filled both glasses.

  "That woman." Danny paused.

  Eric raised his eyebrow, waiting in anticipation. "The one in the chair?"

  Danny thought about the moment she showed her face. The lips had been torn off but in little pieces. He looked back up at Eric. "Yeah, I looked into her eyes, and they were just black holes. I even think she was biting her lips off."


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