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TakingOverMe Page 16

by Sara Brookes

  He pulled away, his fingertips lingering over her highly sensitive breasts.

  Patrick’s quiet and patient ministrations with her hair continued for a long minute even after they were left alone. “Come sit on my lap, Allison.”

  She slid against his legs, curling against him as he pulled her closer. “Did I pass?”

  “It wasn’t a test.” His hand slid over her hair, falling into the pattern he’d created earlier.

  “It certainly seemed to be one.”

  “No tests, I promise. Ryan and Dade are my friends. We all share a similar interest, as you already know. So introducing a sub to other Doms I’m close friends with is only natural. They’d do the same if the situation was reversed.”

  “You allowed them to touch me.”

  “Yes.” He tilted his head to the side, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he studied her. “Why do you think?”

  She thought for a moment, fighting with the arousal that had been simmering inside her body for most of the night. Surely it hadn’t flared any when Ryan and Dade touched her. Right? That just couldn’t be possible. “I don’t know.”

  “Yes you do. Now tell me why.” He kissed the top of her head as he waited.

  “You were testing me.”

  “If I said yes, would you keep pouting that way? You’re very cute when you stick out your bottom lip that way.” She couldn’t help but smile when he tapped his finger against her mouth.

  “Were you staking territory?”

  “I don’t need to show you off to other Doms to mark my territory.” He gave a deep laugh, shifting her in his lap so her legs straddled his thighs. Warm hands molded to her sides, bracketing her waist. His thumbs brushed against her nipples, right where Ryan and Dade had caressed her. “How did you feel when they touched you?”

  “It was embarrassing.”

  “That isn’t what I asked.”

  Her mind raced, working to formulate a response that wouldn’t offend him. She forced herself to take a long breath, knowing she needed to find the words and be honest with him. “It felt nice.”

  “But arousing as well, wasn’t it?” He tapped the metal clips, the pain enhancing the pleasure swirling through her. When his strokes firmed, she gave a strangled moan. Why did every time he touch her make her feel as if she was the only woman in the world?

  “Yes. I felt…cherished.” Her head fell forward, her hair curtaining her face to hide her blush. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” His sure fingers curled around her chin, pushing her hair to the side to expose her face. “Why are you apologizing to me?”

  “For being excited by another man’s hands on my body. I shouldn’t be disrespectful of you that—”

  His grip firmed on her chin. “Allison, listen to me. You weren’t disrespectful. Not in this instance. You weren’t rude. You accepted their touches with grace and elegance. Would you have accepted if I hadn’t been here?”

  “No. No, of course not. I knew you were here. And you would never do anything…oh.”

  His lips twitched. “See there? You trusted me enough to keep you safe. To take care of you. Trust. What kind of Dom would I be if I didn’t see to your every want?”

  Want? She’d never wanted to have two men touching her in her life. Then again, she’d never wanted to be fucked inside a comic book store either and look how thrilling that had turned out. And there was another layer he’d peeled back and exposed. Such a brilliant and wonderfully talented man. “Doesn’t it bother you to share?”

  “I’m a possessive Dom, sure. But in a safe environment with certain parameters in place, there are things I’m willing to negotiate on. They could only touch you because I gave them my permission. I don’t allow that permission often nor do I take the duty lightly. Shall I invite Ryan and Dade back to the store?” He caressed the curve of her jaw while he waited.

  The cushion underneath her legs seemed to tilt. Is that what he wanted? Did he want to share her with other Doms? Her head spun at the thought. She licked her lips as she worked through his question. There wasn’t a wrong answer, only the right answer for her. When she’d agreed to submit to Patrick, she understood the exchange meant he would try to push on things she wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

  She curled her fingers around his hand, pressing her other hand against his chest. She felt the contoured muscles under her palm, the steady cadence of his heart. So strong. “While the idea is certainly exciting.” She released a controlled breath. “No. I don’t need to have anyone’s hands on me.”

  Moonlight filtered through the window, shadowing his high cheekbones to highlight the fact his eyes had narrowed into thin slits. “Liar.” His hands fell away, curling around the arms of the chair.

  The absence of his touch signaled her mistake. “I only want your hands on me, Patrick.”

  “I know. I’m going to be the only one who enjoys you this way.” He kissed the tip of her nose lightly, his breath warm against her skin. “With that settled, we can move on to the next portion of the program.” His hands skimmed across the top of her breasts, igniting a new flare of need between her legs. “Unfortunately, as far as territory goes, I need to mar it a little. This is going to hurt.”

  She stared at him in confusion as he molded his hand to her breast. The fingers of his other hand closed around the bottom part of the clamp and he removed it. Blood rushed to the area, the agonizing pain growing by the second. Her breath hissed through her clenched teeth as she arched away from his body in an effort to escape the pain.

  “Shhhh, relax. It will be easier if you relax.” She glanced down to see his eyes dark with hunger and longing. His thumb grazed the swell of her breast as he leaned forward to swirl his tongue against the aching bud. Now instead of pain, her breast throbbed.

  His fingers brushed against the remaining clamp as his lips cruised up her jaw to press against her lips. “Ready?”

  She nodded, whimpering into his mouth as he pushed the metal together. The hinge opened, pain flourishing as blood rushed to the area. He discarded the clamp, the thin metal clinking on the tile floor as it fell. The strokes of his tongue pushed deeper into her mouth.

  Her whole body began to shake as her arousal kicked up into the stratosphere.

  “I do so love watching you get off.” His fingers slid lower, opening the zipper on her pants before moving down to play with her engorged labia. She gasped softly when his fingers trailed lower. “But not as much as finding out you’re wet. Dripping wet.”

  “You made me that way.”

  “And I will again.” His fingers drove into her pussy. “And again. And again.” He thrust into her as if to punctuate his words. His promises. “I like my hands on you. I like the way you react with my hands on you.” He hummed, shifting his touch so he could thrust even more deeply.

  Each slow movement brought her closer to oblivion. She dropped her mouth to his, tracing the seam of his lips. “Glad we see eye to eye, because I need you inside me as much as you need to be there.”

  “And I will be. Later. Right now, you keep brushing those luscious breasts against my arm, taunting me. How can I not taste them?” He lifted his fingers from between her legs, painting her nipples with the slickness glistening against his skin.

  His hands moved to her chest, cradling each breast almost reverently. His mouth closed hot over one of her heated nipples, adding to the tension swirling through her core. His tongue soothed over the sensitive bud, easing away the last of the pain radiating from the area. Consuming need swamped her, pushing her further out of control. She couldn’t stop, but she couldn’t ask for more either. She could only feel.

  “You taste like paradise, Allison. I’d like to take you right here in my coffee shop, but that isn’t what you need, is it?” She whimpered. “I didn’t think so.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Twenty minutes later, he unlocked the door of his room at Sanctuary. After securing the door behind them, he reached into the small black box. Sh
e’d been right after all. He held a thick length of leather toward her in offering, spiking her heart rate at the thought of it circling her neck.

  She’d never seen a collar such as this. She’d expected a slender piece that would fit around her neck. One that she could possibly ignore. But this…this was so thick and wide it was almost intimidating. Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach as she wondered if she could handle the heavy length of leather or even whatever else he had in store for her.

  His thumb brushed against her cheek, making her realize she had been staring blindly at the collar. At some point, he’d pulled out the cuffs she’d worn before too. Gentle fingers blazed a trail over her jaw. Despite her hesitation, her arousal spiked.

  “Are you okay?”

  She swallowed hard as she moved her gaze from the pieces in his hand to his face. “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not.” He shook his head, pulling away as he tucked the collar out of sight behind his back. “Your pupils are dilated. That’s usually a sign you’re afraid. We’ll try this some other time, all right?”

  It still knocked her off balance that someone actually cared about what she wanted. Their wants weren’t the priority when it came to sex. She was being given a choice about whether to continue or not. It wasn’t something she would have associated with dominance and submission before meeting Patrick.

  He truly cared about her and how she felt. This wasn’t a one-sided sexual relationship where one person got off. The experience was for them both, not just him. Maybe she’d been wrong when she’d said he was more of a gentleman outside of this room than inside it.

  She reached behind him, guiding the collar to her neck. The expression on his face altered, showing her a sudden flash of hunger. There you are. There was the man she’d seen that day at the comic book store. The one who so desperately tried to keep his control firmly latched. She fed off that energy, letting it spread warm fingers through her. Control was an easy thing to give him. He knew exactly what he wanted. She admired—and wanted for herself—that certainty.

  With him, she was positive she would find it.

  “This is a posture collar.” Need sounded heavy and thick in his voice. The quick slide of arousal touched off a fire deep in her gut. The smooth leather immediately warmed against her skin as he slipped it around her throat. Despite the fact she’d never worn anything like this, she felt comfortable right away. Most of all, just as the first time he’d slipped the cuffs on her wrists, the collar felt as if it was exactly what she wanted and needed.

  She’d grown to love that feeling.

  The gentle curve of the material cradled her jaw. While it didn’t prevent movement of her head, the collar definitely prohibited a wide range of movement. She could comfortably swallow and open her mouth, but turning her head side to side was impossible. When she realized that had been his intention, heat flooded her body. She had a really good idea about his plans.

  Despite the charged air around them, she felt safe. She couldn’t explain why the circle of leather made her feel that way, but decided not to question. What she did know was that her wrists felt bare. Missing their weight, she held out her wrists. “Something’s missing.”

  “Aren’t I the one who is supposed to be issuing demands?”

  It hadn’t been a demand, but she realized her mistake. “I’m sorry.”

  His face softened, his fingertips brushing along her jaw. “Don’t be. Don’t ever, ever be sorry. This isn’t just for me. We’re in this together, understand?”

  She nodded, watching as he buckled the left cuff first and then the right around her wrists. He blew out a shaky breath as soon as the last piece of leather was threaded through the buckle. Confused, she lifted her gaze to find raw emotion darkening the depths of his eyes.

  His finger grazed over the curve of her ear as he pressed a light kiss to her forehead. “You have no idea how gorgeous you are right now, do you?”

  No, she didn’t, but she’d had a good idea based on the change in his body. Arousal filled the room so thick, the weight of it sank into her skin and nearly drowned her. The scorching hot touch of desire traveled along her spine, around her hips and pooled low in her abdomen so that her pussy tingled.

  She waited, but the expected order didn’t come. Instead, he took his time to carefully disrobe her. First the shirt he’d given her, then her pants. He stood back, admiring her as she stood before him wearing nothing more than his strips of leather. She knew the instant he slipped back into the scene, her stomach flipping in anticipation as he locked the cuffs together behind her back.

  His hand closed over both her shoulders, his touch hot against her skin. “On your knees,” he ordered with determined force. She lowered in compliance, her body trembling with anticipation.

  Patrick’s fingers worked the buttons of his jeans. Each slide of metal through denim seemed to punctuate the air. Before she knew it, his pants pooled around his ankles. Freed from the confines of the denim, his arousal washed over her. Musk mixed with power. She’d smelled it before, as most lovers did when they engaged in some kind of sexual activity with their partner. However, in this position, it washed over her as if she stood under a waterfall of pleasure.

  He slid off his briefs, standing before her completely nude. Once again, he was a glorious sight to behold. She would always cherish the picture as he stood over her, control emitting from him in shocking waves.

  His hand closed around the base of his already hard shaft, his hand moving slowly up and down. She watched with rapt attention as he stood before her jacking off. Absolutely. Fucking. Hot. “Since the first day we met, I’ve wanted to watch that hot mouth of yours suck me off. But the time had to be just right. Given your position, seems as if now is the perfect time.”

  She leaned forward to slide her tongue over the already swollen head of his thick length. The taste of his pre-cum danced on her tongue. A quiet moan saturated with need followed.

  Encouraged, she swiped her tongue along his shaft. She opened her mouth wider, surrounding the entire head of his cock. His drawn-out hiss sharpened as his fingers combed through her hair. She relaxed her jaw as much as the collar would allow and, under his guiding hands, surrendered control so he could fuck her mouth.

  “I have thought about this for so long. About how I’d order you on your knees so I could feel your mouth surrounding my dick.” He moved his hips slightly, pulsing forward as she traced the veins with the tip of her tongue each time he withdrew. His fingers tightened against her head as a quiet gasp escaped from between his lips. Again, the sound of it coupled with his words fueled her to continue.

  His legs trembled, making her wonder if his control was merely an illusion. Though she was the one on her knees in front of Patrick, she was the one who had all the power. She could put a stop to this at any moment, knowing without a doubt he would heed her wishes. One word, that’s all it would take to end their play.

  That thought empowered her, fueling the heady arousal coursing through her. His legs shifted as he started to pull away, but she wasn’t finished. Not even close. She’d wondered how it would feel to be on her knees with his cock in her mouth. Now that he was, she wasn’t about to give it up so easily. Her first taste of the salty pre-cum had fueled her need for more. Greedy, she pushed forward to take more of him into her mouth. Her teeth grazed over the surface of his hard skin as she swallowed him.

  “You are so fucking wonderful. Do you know that, my sweet Allison? Your mouth is so fucking wonderful.” His voice faltered a bit when she dragged the ridge of her teeth against his velvety skin. His fingers tightened against her head as he rolled his hips. “Christ, I could have you suck me off forever.”

  They found a rhythm that suited them both, and as he shifted, he slipped deeper. It allowed her to gradually relax her throat muscles to take each and every succulent inch he had to offer. She wanted to do this for him as much as for herself. In a short time, she’d learned she got as much pleasure out of obeying hi
m as he did commanding her. Together, they were a perfect match.

  His movements quickened as she completely relaxed her throat and jaw. He groaned in approval as her nose brushed against the coarse hair on his lower abdomen. She expected him to move again, but instead, he held her in place.

  “Swallow.” His voice was so strained she barely heard him over the buzz filling her entire body. Her throat muscles worked over him as she did as instructed. The groan he gave drove her to swallow again. His cock grew harder and larger, her pussy growing damper by the second.

  She wanted to continue, but the need for air caused her to pull back a few inches to draw a few quick breaths in through her nose. She moved again, swallowing him entirely once more. Her tongue cradled the underside of his cock, milking him as she held him in place.

  A deep, guttural moan of unreserved satisfaction sounded over the roar in her ears. His cock jerked in her mouth before an orgasm tore through him. As she greedily swallowed his hot cum, she urged more from him by moving with shallow thrusts as he bathed her throat.

  She wasn’t finished until she drank him dry.

  Unwilling to sever the connection with him just yet, she curled her tongue over his softening dick, sucking lightly. The taste of his spent flesh in her mouth was so glorious, she couldn’t help but savor him.

  Finally, he pulled away, kneeling with her. His hands trembled against her face as he cradled her jaw as if she would shatter in a million pieces. She’d done this to him. The geek who spent most of her time behind a computer screen had just brought this statue of a man to his knees.

  “How is it possible that you’re mine? How can one man be lucky enough to have a woman in his life who is completely open to anything?” His lips caressed her cheeks, eyes and forehead as he asked questions that needed no answer. He mapped the graceful planes of her face before finally settling his mouth over hers. Without hesitation, she opened for him when his tongue slid against the seam of her mouth.


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