by Daniel Slack
Eliza just shakes her head.
I get it, you're pretty bummed that I'm not dead and this isn't over, but you mustn't have thought your job could stay so easy.
This is Ed.
Eliza stands up out of shot letting ED take her place.
I'm the governmental liaison working between quadrants one through nine and U-G-G.
No, you're Ed. What is with you people and titles?
You will not be able to talk with any member of the U-G-G other than me. I am here to negotiate your surrender.
And what's going to make me surrender?
Missiles, guns, explosives...
Well, Ed, let me tell you this, the lives of everyone on Earth are in my hands. I've said this before, but just know I'm not kidding.
And how's that?
I assume that you are aware of the fact that everyone on this space station apart from me is dead. I did this by infecting them all with viruses I manufactured in my home. In said home is a silo holding a lot more of those deadly diseases, an awful lot more. I am threatening you with the idea that I will release all these diseases that will, in approximately three days, have spread all around the world, killing more or less everybody. There is no way to stop the viruses, no quarantine zone, no nothing. Big boom, everyone dies. That is, if I alone am not made the head of U-G-G, the king of the world, ruler of earth, you get it.
Brian, I'm sure you have friends and family that wouldn't--
Nope, that one won't work.
Then let me ask you this: what will you do when only seven percent of all the human race remain, in space?
Good rhyme. Threaten to kill them all with my viruses and go colonise Mars.
Seriously though, right now it's all or nothing. You allow me to run U-G-G or the world and everyone else gets it. Oh, and by the way, you've probably sent people to my home to disable what you assume to be a bomb. It's not, it's simply a container. If it's opened up in any way or even lifted from the floor it's bolted to it will release all the viruses. The only reason it hasn't is because my brain is still alive and I haven't pushed this button.
Brian lifts up a remote.
Another scan. Brian groans.
There is a receiver in the silo containing the viruses that is constantly receiving a signal from this remote. When my brain dies or I push this button, the signal stops being sent. Simple. Well, I mean, it hurt quite a bit sticking chunks of metal in my skull, but whatever.
I have no idea what to say.
Well, you wouldn't, you're part of a company that for almost a century hasn't dealt with anything more than people not returning library books on time. You don't know what chaos is, and for some reason neither does the rest of the world.
Two men, JACK and ELLIOT, and a woman, LOLA, burst through the doors of the medical bay practically unable to hold themselves up.
Dead bodies are strewn throughout the dark room. All is silent, unmoving.
Lola falls over and pukes across the floor as they try to stumble over to a store cabinet.
Elliot tends to her whilst Jack rummages in the cabinet. He soon picks up a bottle and pours a few pills into his hand.
He takes one himself and then offers one to the other two.
We are going to die...
He coughs and splutters up some blood, he then swallows the pills.
Fuck, I don't want to die.
We... we need some water.
He falls to the ground in a coughing fit.
Lola pulls herself up whilst Elliot leans against the cabinet, heaving.
I'll see if there's any back here.
She staggers across the room and through a door.
Elliot wipes the puke from his face and breaks down.
I want my mum, man. I've ever seen dead people before.
Fuck it, we're both going to be dead soon.
Elliot sobs and moans, groping his stomach.
There's a moment of this before Lola walks back in the room with a water bottle. She sits down beside Elliot and takes a sip. She passes the bottle to Jack.
They all sit against the wall. Elliot still sobbing. Lola exasperated, opening and closing her eyes slowly.
Jack looks down at his hands, then toward Lola.
She turns toward him as if to say something, but pulls away in shock.
Your whole eyeball is going blue!
Jack just slumps down.
Who cares if my eye is blue? I feel like shit, I'm going to die. A blue eye doesn't mean shit to me right now.
Jack doubles over, holding his head.
He reaches for the water bottle near the wall, but knocks it over.
He falls flat out and starts convulsing.
He's starting again. Go get some more water.
Lola stumbles back out the room whilst Elliot comes to Jack's side.
He tries to stop Jack from convulsing by pulling his arms to his chest, but has to throw himself away to throw up.
Elliot heaves with his back to Jack.
Jack stops convulsing, lying completely still.
After a second he rolls over and groans, then picks himself up.
Elliot stands up holding his stomach.
Oh, shit, how are you doing?
He reaches over to Jack and puts his hand on his shoulder.
Jack stares into Elliot's eyes whilst wiping his hand off his shoulder.
Are you okay, do you still want some water?
How about your--
Elliot violently coughs up a bit of blood. A little goes on Jack.
Jack looks down at himself in disgust, then at Elliot who is doubled over.
A flash of rage sparks Jack's blank face to life.
He kicks Elliot to the ground and begins stomping on his head.
Elliot's skull's continuously smashed against the floor until Jack hears his neck...
He rolls the dead body over then continues to...
... stomp until Elliot's skull is in pieces, only stopping when something...
... in the next room.
Jack walks through the blood and skull paraphernalia to the door.
Next to the door are a pair of metal cupboards, in one he finds a scalpel.
He holds it close chest, listening to Lola's footsteps getting closer...
They stop.
Through the door Lola can be heard throwing up.
After a moment she stumbles through...
She throws up some more upon seeing the mess that was Elliot.
She falls to her knees and begins to sob.
Jack steps out from next to the door and...
... stabs her in the left kidney again and again and again.
She screams in agony rolling around on the floor, Jack maniacally chasing after her, slicing and stabbing.
She hits a wall.
Jack grabs her hair, sits on her chest and methodically severs her throat open.
Blood oozes...
e stands up...
Jack wipes the blood from his eyes, calling out in pain.
Fucking... blood in my eyes... shit.
He looks at the blood on his hands in disgust and spits on Lola's dead corpse.
Brian sits annoyed. Ed yammers on about something.
Shut up. This shit is boring me. Get to the bit where you tell me why you've been wasting my time.
A team is coming up to collect you right now. If you surrender to them, they'll--
Put me in cuffs and then shoot me in the head?
If only. We need you tested to see if you were lying about that remote bullshit. If you weren't lying we cut you up then shoot you.
You know how in movies they shoot the guy in the shoulder, or hand and he drops the gun? Or they tranquillize him?
How reliable do you think that is? There's got to a moment after you're tranquillized in which you can just click. And, I mean, it's just a click. It's not like you'll be able to jump out on me without some elaborate, Robin Hood, stand and deliver surprise without that reaction time. I mean, what's the probability of you guys trying something like that when the whole world's at stake anyway? Really, what's stopping me from pushing the button right now?
Push it if you must. I seriously doubt it works. I think the whole operation is bullshit.
Brian throws the remote over his shoulder.
Fine. Shit, neither of us really know what we're doing here. I mean, I tell you what I'm doing to get what I want, then you tell me what you're doing to stop me. I find this all pretty unbelievable, not in a good way. Let's start again. I'm Brian and I've killed everyone on this ship, apart from those guys outside the room.
Fuck off, Brian.
The screen turns blank.
Brian hits a few buttons on the control panel, huffs, then walks out the room.
He sits, taking a breather at one of the computers surrounded by dead carcasses leaking all kinds of fluid.
What we're waiting for now is that whole sequence of the bomb squad, crowds, fast cuts, unnecessary guns and shouting commissioners, maybe a John McClane type. That's all going on around my house. Though, that's not the focus here. I'm much more interesting than all that. We've got to wait for them to discover that they're not going to be able to disable N-S-V-I-three and start getting desperate. Really, we're holding out and this is a waiting game.
We'll get back into it in a minute or two. I'm just going to sit for a while.
He sits back.
Jeez, it smells horrible in here.
Brian walks back in and sits down.
Time to get into character. Name the movie--oh.
The screen turns back on with Ed sitting in front of it.
Timing, huh? Right, Ed, I've had enough of you. Bring Eliza back.
He pulls out the second remote from his jacket pocket.
Ed reads something on another screen, then, without question, gets up and Eliza sit back down.
Hi, Brian.
Hey, Eliza. As you've probably guessed: this is the real remote. If you've got computer guys better than mine, maybe that was a stupid mistake, but, I'm not afraid of the risk.
He covers the camera above the screen a moment to speak to us:
Those computer guys are actually quite funny. But, it'd hurt the pacing and we're staying within the one day. They're also a little racist. How's the pace doing by the way? I'm not--
I'm still here. I can still hear you, you nut.
A minute.
He turns to us and inaudibly mocks her talking with stupid faces.
Didn't catch that one.
She just sighs. He uncovers the camera with a smile.
Back to it.
(holds up remote)
This is what will end life on earth if I don't get what I want. The good guys aren't really going to win today because we're going to make the world believe I'm one of them. I mean, you've seen Megamind.
Eliza shakes her head, no.
How did the bad guy win? He became a good guy. So, this is what's going to happen: the S.W.A.T team, or whatever the fuck they're called now, is going to come up and escort me and Scarlett to wherever the fuck you are. You will then accompany me to U-G-G headquarters where we'll all draw up some papers and all will be good again.
You're asking the impossible, there's no way the United Government will simply let someone run the world, you're nuts.
No. Not in my world I'm not. And I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not too nutty in this world either.
A weapons team of eight men in yellow protective suits stand in a line in front of a jet black spacecraft.
Their TEAM LEADER paces in front of them reading from a piece of paper.
Ok, we are to make our way to the pilot's compartment. On approach we are to split apart and provide surveillance on the condition of the situation. We will not be splitting far apart and will not be here long. This is not a hostage situation. The suspect isn't assumed directly dangerous to you so if he makes a move you take his legs out. Let's move.
The team moves toward the docking bay exit.
Jack is wandering around the corridors poking at dead bodies. He walks around a corner to discover a load of dead bodies amassed in a pool of putrid liquids.
He cocks his head, intrigued.
Footsteps start coming up from the corner behind him.
Silently, Jack sneaks through a door to his right.
One of the men from the weapons team comes around the corner with his gun up at his shoulder and his face pressed against the sights.