Love in a Small Town Box Set 1

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Love in a Small Town Box Set 1 Page 21

by Tawdra Kandle

  I hummed a little, feeling the thrill of desire shoot straight to my core. “Is it safe out here? I mean, will anyone find us?”

  Sam shook his head. “I don’t think so. Ali’s going to be at the stand for another few hours, and I guess Bridge is with her.” When I nodded, he grinned. “Sounds like I’m at your mercy.”

  “Your bad luck, then. Because I don’t plan to show you any mercy.” I crossed my arms and grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling up until it was over my head. The cooler air in the forest made me shiver, and my nipple puckered within my red lace bra.

  “Oh, Meghan.” Sam ran his hands over the lace. “Another new one. And red this time.”

  “What, this old thing?” I pretended ignorance. “I just put it on this morning when I was thinking about this really hot guy I was hoping might see it. When I put it on, I touched myself like this ...” I covered my nipples with my fingers, caressing, and let my eyes drift shut.

  Sam growled and his mouth pushed my hands away from my breasts. He sucked hard at one nipple through the lace, while his fingers rolled the other one. I moaned, moving so that he could take more into his mouth. I could feel his erection pushing against my sensitive sex, and I wriggled.

  “I’m not going to last long if you keep that up.” He spoke without taking my nipple from his mouth.

  “Maybe I want fast and hard today.” I fumbled with the button of his jeans, wanting them out of the way.

  “Shit.” Sam leaned back, his eyes closed. “I don’t have a condom.”

  “Mr. Prepared came out here without latex?” I continued undoing his pants while I teased him.

  “I was cutting through the woods. I didn’t expect to find you here.”

  “It’s okay.” I slid my hand under his jeans and boxers. “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean and healthy. I’ve been checked out.”

  He grunted as I took him in my hand. “I’ve never had sex without a condom. I’m clean.”

  “Then we’re okay.” I patted his hip. “Lift up so I can get to you.”

  He acquiesced, and I wriggled both jeans and boxers out of the way. His cock was stiff, and I fisted my hand around it, sliding up and down, starting slow but picking up speed. Sam groaned.

  “Have I told you I like your skirt?” He pushed it up to my hips so that it hung behind me like a cape around my middle. His fingers sought me through my panties, stroking up and down over my wetness. “These damn things are in my way.” He held my eyes as he closed his hand over the piece of fabric and ripped.

  “Did you notice those panties matched my bra?” I rubbed my thumb in a circle over the head of his cock, and he jerked upwards.

  “No. I’ll buy you new ones. Come here.” He gathered me to him and stood up.

  “Where are we going?” I ran my fingers over his hair and down his jaw. “Hmmm ... your beard is so soft.”

  “Soft is not a word we want to use right now.” He spoke wryly, and I laughed. “And not far.” He stopped a few feet away, beneath the trees, and laid me down on a patch of soft green grass.

  “We could have stayed over there.” I watched him kick off his pants.

  “That damned chair thing of yours wouldn’t have stood up to hard and fast.” He pushed my skirt out of the way again and parted my legs. “And that’s what you said you wanted.”

  Without giving me a moment to respond, he lifted my hips and sank into me. I arched to meet him and wound my legs around his waist, hooking my heels together as he moved within me, skin to skin for the first time, pounding a rhythm that had me panting along with him.

  Delicious pressure built low in my abdomen, making me want more. I gripped Sam’s back with one hand, and with the other I reached between us, touching my clit and then moving lower to where we were joined. Sam gritted his teeth, pumping faster, and I screamed his name as I fell apart. He followed almost right away, his entire body one tensed muscle as he climaxed.

  Sam rolled to the side, pulling him with me and holding me to his chest as we both struggled to catch our breath.

  “I like art lessons.” He wound my hair around his hand and held it up, away from my neck, so that my skin could cool. I loved that he thought of that, that he considered my comfort.

  “That’s convenient, because I love teaching.” I kissed his neck. After a few moments, he draped my hair to the side, smoothing it down so that it lay on the grass. His lips grazed my forehead, and I felt his sigh.

  “It’s a beautiful afternoon.” I raked my nails lightly over his forearm. “God, you have great arms. You know, when you hold yourself over me, and your arms are tensed, that’s the sexiest thing.” I twisted, bringing my lips to just under his chin. “And sometimes when you’re wearing a long-sleeved shirt, like last week when you went to the Guild meeting, and you roll up the cuffs to just above your wrists, it makes me so horny. I just want to lick up your arms and feel your muscles tense under my lips.”

  His chest moved up and down beneath me as he laughed. “Meghan, I think you’re the only woman I’ve ever met who thinks forearms are sexy.”

  “You’re obviously not hanging around with the right women. You should make that part of your criteria for future girlfriends.”

  He stilled, and I knew I’d come close to breaking our unspoken rule, the one that had hung over us with increasing heaviness the last few weeks. We didn’t talk about what would happen when I left or what the future might hold for each of us after our summer fling had ended.

  “You leave next week.” Sam’s voice was neutral, carefully so. I felt the tension in his body.


  His chest rose and fell in even breaths. “I thought maybe before you go, we could go back to the river. Spend the night.”

  To say good-bye. He didn’t speak the words, but we both felt them. I waited until I was certain I could speak without my voice breaking.

  “That would be wonderful.”

  “Okay.” He rubbed my shoulder. “Then we’ll do it. I think Ali and Bridget are planning a special dinner for you that night, so after we eat ...”

  “I’ll meet you at the truck.”

  “Yes.” He gathered me closer, the only obvious sign that he might be dreading me going. “When does Laura come back?”

  The shift in topic made me frown. “Ah, not until the end of the month. When classes begin. She wants to spend every minute with Brian. I’m not going back to Savannah right away, either. I’m going home, to the Cove.”

  “You are?” Surprise tinged his voice.

  “Yeah, for a little while. It’ll make my mom and Logan happy, and I’d like to see my nephew. He’s growing up so fast. I don’t want to be an absentee auntie.”

  “Are you looking forward to hanging out with your old friends from home?” Again, there was neither encouragement nor condemnation, as though he wanted my answer without any influence from his own feelings.

  “No, most of them are gone. They left to go to college or get jobs, and I don’t think any of them are in the Cove now. I didn’t stay in touch with most of the people who graduated with me.”

  “So you’ll just spend time with family?”

  I nodded, my ear rubbing against his chest. “Yeah, family and friends. My parents’ friends, I mean. And the people who work at the Tide are like family, too. My mom’s so excited about me coming down that she’s throwing a big party at the restaurant after closing on Sunday.”

  “That sounds wonderful. You’ll get to have a little vacation after all your hard work here.” His words would’ve been perfect, if he were in fact just the guy who had hosted me for the summer and not the guy who was lying naked in the forest with me.

  I wanted to say, I don’t have to go. I wanted him to ask me not to leave, or at least to care that I was. I wasn’t sure when it had happened, but my summer fling had turned into something real, without doubt the most real relationship I’d ever had. And yet here we lay, talking about its ending in emotionless tones, as though we were discussing the ending of a m
ovie or a book. Come to think of it, I was a lot more passionate about both of those.

  But these were our terms. I’d both insisted on them and agreed to them, and there was no going back now. Sam had the farm, and I knew from our talks that this had been one of their most successful summers ever. He was pretty sure they could take back another parcel of leased land next spring, if he were careful and planned just right. And Ali had told me that she thought they’d be able to swing art lessons for Bridget, too, which I knew was gratifying to both Sam and her.

  “It must be such a relief to you and Ali, to know you’re safeguarding your family’s legacy. That you both brought it back from the brink of losing it, and you’ll be able to pass it on to the next generation.”

  Sam pushed up on his arms into a sitting position. “What brought that up?”

  “I don’t know.” I lifted my shoulder. “I was just thinking ... I understand how much it means to you. I get it. After being here all summer, I can’t imagine how you could ever give it up. You should be proud of what you’ve done.”

  He held my chin, staring into my eyes. I willed him to say something, anything, but he only kissed me, one quick light peck on my lips.

  “We’d better get dressed. It’s almost supper time, and I don’t think I could come up with a good explanation if Bridge finds us out here naked.”

  AS THE END OF my time in Burton came closer, a lump of dread took up residence in my stomach and grew every day. Ali didn’t help, as she took to pointing out what I’d be missing when I left.

  “I drove by Myrtle Cantor’s orchards today. Apples are going to be good this year. Oh, sorry, Meghan, you’ll be gone by the time they come in.”

  “I heard they’ve set the date for the harvest dance. Too bad you’ll miss that, Meghan.”

  “No, Bridge, Meghan won’t be here on your first day of school.”

  Each time Ali mentioned something about me leaving, Sam’s mouth tightened and his face shuttered. Most of the time he found an excuse to leave the room.

  Our after-supper sessions on the front porch had taken on a slightly desperate edge, too. Sam became more daring, and I wasn’t objecting. More often than not, whatever bra I was wearing ended up on the floor.

  “I think Ali knows better than to come out here after dark, and Bridge is sleeping.” I knelt on the floor in front of Sam, who was sprawled in the rocking chair. Walking my fingers up his leg, I teased toward the zipper of his jeans.

  He grabbed my hand. “You may be right, but you know when you have your mouth on me, I can’t keep quiet. I won’t be able to look my sister in the eye if she hears me yelling your name while you suck me off.”

  I sighed. He wasn’t wrong, but I found I couldn’t get enough of him. I may have pouted, just a little.

  “Hey, come on up here.” Sam lifted me onto his lap. “We’ll be out at the river tomorrow night, and my body’ll be yours.”

  Mine, but for only one more night. Mine, but only temporarily. And that fact made the lump in my stomach ache even more.

  On my last day of classes, the parents and students surprised me with a little party in the afternoon. They presented me with a framed collage that all the kids had contributed to making and a homemade card each of them had signed. There were cookies and punch, and I cried when they presented the gifts to me.

  “Miss Meghan, when are you coming back?” Rachel, who was just going into first grade, slipped her little hand into mine as I nibbled on cookies.

  “Oh, sweetie, I was just here for the summer. But I think there’s a good chance your school will be able to hire a full-time art teacher pretty soon, and then you won’t even miss me.”

  “We’ll definitely miss you, Meghan.” Rachel’s mother smiled. “You’ve taught these kids so much. I can’t imagine a better teacher.”

  “I couldn’t, either.” Ali met my eyes. “I think lots of people are going to miss Meghan.”

  “Luckily for you, I’m only going to be about forty-five minutes away in Savannah, and you can visit me when you come into the city. I’ll take you to my favorite galleries, and I can even show you around the college.” I patted Rachel’s shoulder.

  An older woman with gray bouffant hair stepped closer, and Ali introduced us. “Meghan, this is Mrs. Abbott. She’s on the school board, and her granddaughter Nicole was one of your students.”

  “Of course. Nicole is a very talented painter.” I shook the woman’s hand.

  “I’ve heard nothing but praise for you and your classes, Miss Hawthorne.” Mrs. Abbott’s voice held all the music of the south, a refined accent that went beyond a drawl.

  “Thank you. I’ve enjoyed teaching this summer. I appreciate Burton—and ArtCorps, of course—for giving me the opportunity.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. As I understand it, you’ll be entering your senior year of college in Savannah this fall. Is that correct?”

  This lady made me want to stand up straighter and fold my hands. “Yes, ma’am, it is.”

  “Aha. Well, as you might know, we’ve been without a formal art program in the school for a few years now. It’s a cut I always regretted that we had to make, but there’s been an anonymous donation to the home and school association.” Her lips twitched, and there was no doubt in my mind who’d contributed that money. “So we’ll be able to reinstate art in our schools this year. I’ve spoken with the rest of the board, and we’d like you to consider the position.”

  I frowned. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure I follow you. I’m not a teacher yet, just a volunteer.”

  “I do understand that. What we had in mind was a part-time job for the first year, while you’re still at school, and then moving into something full-time after graduation. Even if you could give us a day or two a week to begin, we could run the class as we’ve done this summer. We can smooth out details later, but I wanted to extend the offer before you left town.”

  I opened my mouth to explain all the reasons I couldn’t possibly take the job. A few months ago, the idea of burying myself in a little backwater town like Burton would’ve been horrifying. But now, the possibility was bittersweet. I couldn’t imagine agreeing to come back when it felt like Sam didn’t want me here. If he did, he would’ve asked me not to leave, and he hadn’t said anything. The idea of being in Burton and not being with Sam was unthinkable.

  Before I could speak, though, Ali put her arm around my shoulders. “That is so exciting, Mrs. Abbott. Meghan’s leaving tomorrow to go spend a few weeks with her family in Florida, and I’m sure she’ll use that time to think it all over.”

  Mrs. Abbott didn’t seem put off that Ali was answering for me. She beamed at us. “Why, that’s just fine. I’m sure Alison here has your contact information, and we’ll call you after your little vacation, just to see where everyone stands.”

  When she had walked away, I turned on Ali with wide eyes. “Are your freaking crazy? Why would you say that to her?”

  “What?” Ali was all innocence. “I just didn’t think you should say no right now. What if something happens and you decide you want to spend more time around here? Wouldn’t it be great to already have a job in place?”

  “Nothing is going to happen. I’m leaving tomorrow morning, and that’s it. I’m not coming back here.” I kept my voice down and a pleasant expression on my face.

  Ali rolled her eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.” She smiled at someone across the room, but I heard the frustration in her tone.

  “No, I’m being realistic. We told you from the beginning that this thing between Sam and me is just temporary.”

  “Then why wouldn’t you consider coming back here, if Sam doesn’t mean anything to you?”

  “I never said that he doesn’t mean anything to me.” My voice rose and a few people near us turned to look at me. I closed my eyes. “Let’s talk about this later.”

  “Fine. But don’t burn any bridges yet. Promise me that?”

  I shook my head. “All right. I promise. Nothing hasty. I’ll
wait until after I come back from Florida to tell them I’m not taking the job.”

  I STOOD AT THE kitchen window, watching as Sam went through his ritual of washing up. I couldn’t go out to show my appreciation as I would have liked, since Ali and Bridge were both in the room with me. But no way was I missing this show tonight. Not when it was the final performance for me.

  “Meghan, the lasagna is ready.” Bridge took my hand. “Just like the night you got here.”

  I picked her up and gave her a smacking kiss on her cheek. “You are the best, Miss Bridget. I’m so excited to see how you do with your art lessons. You’ll send me pictures, right?”

  “Yes.” She played with my necklace. “But why won’t you come back and see them yourself?”

  “Honey, leave Meghan be and go wash your hands.”

  I slid the little girl down and watched her dash out of the kitchen. Ali smiled apologetically. “Sorry about that. I swear I didn’t put her up to it. And I tried to get her to go upstairs so you could ogle my brother in peace.”

  I flushed. “Ogling was accomplished. I might need you to video that and send it to me. You know, just to keep it fresh in my mind.”

  Ali made a face. “I don’t think so. Making a B-grade porn of my own brother is not high on my to-do list.”

  The screen door opened, and Sam stepped in. He nodded to both of us before getting a clean shirt from the laundry room. A lump rose in my throat. Another last. The day had been full of them.

  Dinner was an odd affair, with Bridget chattering away while Ali, Sam and I made vain attempts to act as though nothing were wrong. I ate mechanically, and more than once I looked up to find Sam staring at me, his eyes unreadable.

  When the food was eaten and the dishes were done, Ali took Bridget upstairs to get her ready for bed. She flashed me a sympathetic look before she left the room.

  Sam stood up and went to the window. “Are you ready to go now? I thought maybe if we got an early start, you could get a decent night’s sleep. After we come back to the house, I mean.”


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