by Tom Nissley
Derrida, Jacques, 320
de Sade, Marquis, 381
Desai, Anita, 197
Descartes, René, 21, 50
de Selby, 78
Desert Solitaire (Abbey), 106
Desire Caught by the Tail (Picasso), 90
de Staël, Madame, 218, 222
Deux Magots, Les, 122, 356
Devil and Sherlock Holmes, The (Grann), 98
Devil in a Blue Dress (Mosley), 198
Devon Loch, 95
DeVoto, Avis, 108, 313
DeVoto, Bernard, 108, 358
de Waal, Edmund, 307
Dewey, John, 174
Dewey, Melvil, 405
DeWitt, Helen, 91
Dharma Bums, The (Kerouac), 295
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo), 61
Diamond, Jared, 287
Dianetics (Hubbard), 148
Di Piero, W. S., 184
di Prima, Diane, 249
Diary of Anaïs Nin, The, 233
Diary of a Young Girl, The (Frank), 100, 188, 198
Dias, Selma Vaz, 350
Díaz, Junot, 169, 410
Dibbell, Carola, 410
Dick, Philip K., xiv, 5, 8, 54, 59, 73, 173, 213, 290, 395
Dickens, Charles, 46, 59, 71, 92, 120, 140, 182, 185, 214, 234, 298, 301, 328, 343–44, 345, 348, 366, 377–78, 379, 402, 403, 410
Dickey, James, 24, 217, 277, 291
Dick Gibson Show, The (Elkin), 407
Dickinson, Emily, 11, 26, 43, 69, 103, 120, 134, 145, 154, 389
Dictionary of the English Language, A (Johnson), 135
Diderot, Denis, 28, 239, 293
Didion, Joan, 115, 375, 384, 402, 409
Dietrich, Marlene, 203, 339, 340
Dilke, Charles Wentworth, 406
Dillard, Annie, 135
Dinesen, Isak, 122, 148, 274, 284
Dingbat Family, The (Herriman), 234
Dinnage, Rosemary, 375
Disch, Thomas M., 41
diseases: ALS, 19; cancer, 12, 93, 122, 149, 288, 298, 354, 355, 366, 367, 393; chicken pox, 93; heart failure, 140, 183, 196, 222, 288, 301, 356, 409; lockjaw, 16; scarlet fever, 32, 85; stroke, 99, 114, 253, 393; tuberculosis, 50, 79, 93, 109, 116, 118, 245, 324, 374; yellow fever, 243, 268
Disgrace (Coetzee), 149
Disney, Walt, 152, 163, 253, 384
Dispatches (Herr), 46
Disraeli, Benjamin, 80, 388
Ditko, Steve, 347
Ditzen, Rudolf. See Fallada, Hans
Divine Comedy (Dante), 81, 181
Divine Invasions, The (Dick), 59
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Dick), 5, 8
Doctorow, E. L., 11, 28, 70, 93, 114
Dodgson, Charles. See Carroll, Lewis
Doerr, Harriet, 369
Dog of the South, The (Portis), 311
Dolphin, The (Lowell), 92
Dombey and Son (Dickens), 378
Domestic Manners of the Americans (Trollope), 49
Don Juan (Byron), 142
Donleavy, J. P., 223
Donoghue, Denis, 83
Donoghue, Emma, 335
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 21, 285, 307, 335, 342, 386
Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 143
Dopefiend (Goines), 330
dord, 67
Dos Passos, John, 112, 155, 305, 346, 364
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 99, 161, 208, 217, 311, 315, 341, 387, 401
Double Down (Barthelme and Barthelme), 391
Double Helix, The (Watson), 52
Double Indemnity (Cain), 176, 333
Douglas, James, 361
Douglas, Lord Alfred, 107
Douglass, Frederick, 38, 39, 59, 280
Dowd, Siobhan, 264
Doyle, Arthur Conan, xiv, 92, 98, 161, 200, 215, 222, 252, 268, 297, 320, 327, 382
Drabble, Margaret, 178
Dracula (Stoker), 165, 254, 310
Dreamer (Johnson), 109
“Dream Song #149” (Berryman), 333
Dred (Stowe), 33
Dreiser, Theodore, 20, 31, 43, 111, 185, 270, 354, 404
Drew, Nancy, 303
Dreyfus, Alfred, 18, 177
Drink Before the War, A (Lehane), 202
Drinker, The (Fallada), 36
Drinking Coffee Elsewhere (Packer), 327
Dr. Strangelove, 20, 347
Drucker, Peter, 356, 383
drugs: cocaine, 283, 297; 350; gelselminum, 297; L-DOPA, 233; LSD, 367; marijuana, 362; mescaline, 143; opium, 318; sleeping pills, 11, 231
Drum-Taps (Whitman), 361
Drury, Allen, 279
Dryden, John, 140, 397
Dryden, Ken, 32
Dubliners (Joyce), 98
Du Bois, W. E. B., 62, 245
Dubus, Andre, 63, 231
Dubus, Andre, III, 288
Du Camp, Maxime, 337
Ducasse, Isidore. See Lautréamont, Comte de
Ducornet, Rikki, 124
duels, 32, 299, 372
Duke of Deception, The (Wolff), 367
Dumas, Alexandre, 67, 75, 135, 206, 232, 384
du Maurier, Daphne, 152, 383
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 48
Duncan, Robert, 42
Dunciad, The (Pope), 187
Dunne, John Gregory, 409
Dunnett, Dorothy, 354
Durade, François d’Albert, 329
Duras, Marguerite, 109
du Tilh, Arnaud, 289
Dyer, Geoff, 178, 282
Dylan, Bob, 135, 267
“Easter, 1916” (Yeats), 129
Eastman, Max, 254
Eastman, Monk, 262
Eastman, P. D., 370
East of Eden (Steinbeck), 335
Eastward Ho! (Jonson), 278
Ebert, Roger, 109, 112
Ecce Homo (Nietzsche), 8
Eco, Umberto, 10
Eddy, Mary Baker, 382
Edel, Leon, 282
Edmonds, David, 336
Education of Henry Adams, The, 352, 385
Edward III, 128
Edwards, Jonathan, 93
Edwards, Thomas R., 350
Effi Briest (Fontane), 372
Egan, Jennifer, 153, 284
Eggers, Dave, 83, 274
Eggleston, William, 235
Egoist, The, 41
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 269
Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 116
Eidinow, John, 336
Eighner, Lars, 25
“Eight or Nine Words About Letter-Writing” (Carroll), 340
1876 (Vidal), 383
84, Charing Cross Road (Hanff), 316
Eiseley, Loren, 217
Eisenstein, Sergei, 73
Eisner, Will, 8
Either/Or (Kierkegaard), 59
Election (Perrotta), 126
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 406
Elegy for Iris (Bayley), 399
Elementary Particles, The (Houellebecq), 364
Elements of Style, The (Strunk and White), 107
Eliot, George, 8, 155, 201, 210, 252, 286, 313, 329, 336, 360, 367, 368, 401
Eliot, T. S., 29, 35, 74, 103–4, 105, 180, 261, 303
Elizabeth I, 60, 107, 371
Elizabeth II, 133
Elkin, Stanley, 76, 170, 230, 407
Elkind, Peter, 54
Ellis, Bret Easton, 78
Ellis, Havelock, 216
Ellison, Ralph, 45, 72, 100, 110, 119, 121, 124, 172, 286, 373, 374, 406
Ellmann, Richard, 86, 366
Ellroy, James, 75, 195, 363
Elman, Richard, 398
Emerick, Geoff, 281
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 58, 85, 132, 144, 145, 212, 227, 271, 351, 355
Emigrants, The (Sebald), 101, 409
Emma (Austen), 117
Emmett Lawler (Tully), 329
Emperor, The (Kapuściński), 394
Emperor’s Children, The (Messud), 170
Encyclopædia Britannica, 84, 102, 270, 387
Encyclopédie, 28,
Endless Love (Spencer), 255
Enduring Love (McEwan), 131
Endymion (Keats), 319
Engels, Friedrich, 248
English, Thomas Dunn, 56
English Patient, The (Ondaatje), 288
English Review, The, 121
Enigma of Arrival, The (Naipaul), 244
Enright, Anne, 322
Entertaining Mr. Sloane (Orton), 133
Ephron, Nora, 158
Ephrussi, Charles, 307
Epstein, Barbara, 40, 189
Epstein, Jason, 40
Epstein, Joseph, 22
Equiano, Olaudah, 102
Erasmus, 220
Erdrich, Louise, 123, 180
Erewhon (Butler), 186
Erickson, Steve, 125
Ernie Pook’s Comeek (Barry), 248
“Errand” (Carver), 93
Esquire, 106, 112, 286, 328, 354
Essays (Montaigne), 235, 339
Esther (Adams), 385
Esty, William, 396
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin), 32
Eugenides, Jeffrey, 13, 79
Evans, Marian. See Eliot, George
Evans, Walker, 122, 191, 348
Evelina (Burney), 245
Evergreen Review, 58
Evers, Medgar, 185
“Everybody’s Protest Novel” (Baldwin), 356
Every Man in His Humour (Jonson), 299
Everything Is Illuminated (Foer), 121
Excellent Women (Pym), 242, 243
executions, 30, 46, 49, 115, 119, 129, 192, 312, 346; in fiction, 184, 194, 323; mock, 401; observed, 95, 358; of writers, 154, 206, 317, 369
Executioner’s Song, The (Mailer), 346
Exley, Frederick, 189, 190, 356
Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons, The (Powell), 273
Faber, Michel, 130
Fable, A (Faulkner), 104
Fabrique des Romans (Mirecourt), 75
Fadiman, Anne, 74, 250
Fadiman, Clifton, 101, 176, 193
Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 349
Fairfield, Cecily. See West, Rebecca
Fallada, Hans, 36, 335
“Fall River Axe Murders, The” (Carter), 247
Faludi, Susan, 123
Family, The (Sanders), 251
Fanon, Frantz, 385
Fan’s Notes, A (Exley), 356
Fante, John, 113
Faraday, Michael, 379
Farewell, My Lovely (Chandler), 102
Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 78, 238, 306
Far from the Madding Crowd (Hardy), 39
Fariña, Richard, 135, 267
Farrell, James T., 265
Farrell, J. G., 254, 298
Farrow, Mia, 75, 373
Fast, Howard, 83, 200
Fast and Loose (Wharton), 12
Fatal Vision (McGinniss), 288
Father and Son (Gosse), 26
Father Goose (Baum), 156, 320
fathers, 59, 66, 129, 215, 245, 338, 372; advice, 14, 215, 327; apologies to, 62, 77; death of, 98, 157, 373, 393; estranged, 26, 91, 102, 107, 239, 257; in fiction, 77, 87, 91, 152, 157, 175, 186, 225, 294, 312, 327, 355, 365, 384; in memoirs, 26, 60, 175, 188, 237, 321, 332, 340; tyrannical, 159, 257; writers as, 106, 149, 186, 215, 236, 264, 289
Faulkner, William, 101, 104, 107, 113, 124, 125, 134, 144, 146, 185, 214, 243, 252, 302, 336
Fawcett, Farrah, 263
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson), 325
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 (Thompson), 101, 120, 177
Fearful Symmetry (Frye), 321
Fearing, Kenneth, 199
Feast of Crows, A (Martin), 151
Federalist Papers, The (Hamilton, Madison, and Jay), 208
Feiffer, Jules, 31
Female Eunuch, The (Greer), 169
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 58, 98
Fenton, James, 130
Ferber, Edna, 258
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 95
Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 183
Fever Pitch (Hornby), 291
Feynman, Richard, 54
Fidrych, Mark, 386
Field Guide to the Birds, A (Peterson), 132
Fielding, Helen, 3, 58
Fielding, Henry, 319
Fields, James T., 50
Fields, W. C., 118, 184, 329, 386
Fifth Business (Davies), 406
Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 159
Filth (Welsh), 304
Final Cut (Bach), 199
Financier, The (Dreiser), 43
Findley, Timothy, 194
Finger! Finger! (Keeler), 27
Finishing Touch, The (Brophy), 301
Firbank, Ronald, 160
Fire Season (Connors), 238
First Folio (Shakespeare), 151, 353
Fisher, M. F. K., 18, 111, 112, 195
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 82, 108, 115, 123, 156, 193, 213, 215, 217, 252, 281, 301, 359, 364, 399, 400, 401
Fitzgerald, John D., 207
Fitzgerald, Penelope, 396
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 81, 108
Fitzhugh, Louise, 277, 364
Flanner, Janet, 84
Flappers and Philosophers (Fitzgerald), 281
Flash Gordon (Raymond), 34
Flaubert, Gustave, 108, 109, 118, 131, 133, 145, 147, 234, 280, 319, 337, 391, 410
Fleiss, Wilhelm, 232
Fleming, Ian, 167, 244, 255, 306
Fletcher, Constance, 282
Flight of the Enchanter, The (Murdoch), 15
Flight to Canada (Reed), 73
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies (Hofstadter), 223
Flush (Woolf), 217
Flye, Father James Harold, 191
Flynn, Errol, 325
Flynn, Gillian, 208
Foer, Jonathan Safran, 121
Foghat, 334
Fogle, James, 266
Fontane, Theodor, 372
Fool’s Errand, A (Tourgée), 65
Foote, Shelby, 362
For Better or For Worse (Johnston), 126
Ford, Ford Madox, xiv, 185, 247, 259, 396
Ford, Jesse Hill, 361
Ford, Richard, 55, 65, 73, 94, 104, 105, 125, 206, 216, 273, 328
Forester, C. S., 107, 131
Forever Amber (Winsor), 328
Fornés, Maria Irene, 153
Forster, E. M., 6, 23, 33, 41, 58, 158, 159, 180, 251, 257, 314, 318, 356, 361, 365
Forster, John, 230
Fort, Charles, 31
Fortress of Solitude, The (Lethem), 272
Fortune, 54, 191
Fortune’s Daughter (Hoffman), 94
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 312, 365
Foucault, Michel, 168, 198
Foundation (Asimov), 85
Fountain, Ben, 370
Fountainhead, The (Rand), 153, 360
Fourier, Charles, 321
Four Quartets, The (Eliot), 180
Fowler, H. W., 405
Fowles, John, 350
Fox, Paula, 127
Frame, Janet, 34, 405
Franchiser, The (Elkin), 230
Francis, Dick, 53, 95
Frank, Anne, 100, 185, 188, 198, 379
Frank, Robert, 352, 354
Frank, Thomas, 34
Frankenstein (Shelley), 82, 189, 287, 310, 344, 345
Frankl, Viktor, 279
Franklin, Benjamin, 4, 122, 239
Franklin, John Hope, 96, 245
Frank Muir Book, The, 7
“Frank Sinatra Has a Cold” (Talese), 354
Franzen, Jonathan, 111, 141, 260, 301, 363, 375, 392
Fraser, George MacDonald, 7
Fraser, Lindsay, 201
Frazer, James George, 146
Frazier, Charles, 349
Frazier, Ian, 55, 272, 288
Freewoman, The, 54
Freire, Paulo, 296
French, Tana, 105
Freud, Sigmund, 124, 127, 145, 232, 285, 298, 300, 349
Frey, Ja
mes, 335
Friedan, Betty, 43, 58, 98
Friedman, Milton, 361, 368
Friends of Eddie Coyle, The (Higgins), 284, 345
Frisch, Max, 109
Frog and Toad Are Friends (Lobel), 139
From the Diary of a Snail (Grass), 331
Front Page, The (Hecht and MacArthur), 211
Frost, Robert, 34, 35, 40, 261, 407
Frye, Northrop, 28, 321
Fuller, Buckminster, 209
Fuller, Margaret, 162, 227, 351
Fun Home (Bechdel), 60, 362
Furies, The (Hobhouse), 138
Furst, Alan, 59
Fussell, Paul, 86, 162
Gabaldon, Diana, 16
Gaddis, William, 408
Gaiman, Neil, 151, 355
Gaines, Bill, 176
Gaines, Ernest J., 20
Gaitskill, Mary, 356
Galápagos Islands, 294, 312
Galeano, Eduardo, 280
Galilei, Galileo, 13, 61
Gallant, Mavis, 208, 254
Gambit (Stout), 323
Gambler, The (Dostoyevsky), 311, 315
gambling, 47, 91, 110, 311, 315, 389; blackjack, 391; poker, 157, 271; roulette, 161
Game, The (Dryden), 32
Gangs of New York, The (Asbury), 101, 262
García Lorca, Federico, 262, 279
García Marquéz, Gabriel, 51, 73, 77, 310, 330
Garden of Forking Paths, The (Borges), 13
Gardner, Ava, 328
Gardner, Erle Stanley, 82
Gardner, John, 89, 256, 291
Gardner, Martin, 161
Garner, Dwight, 384
Garner, Margaret, 33
Garrett, George, 164
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 306
Gass, William, 238
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 293
Gates, Lewis E., 58
Gaudy Night (Sayers), 82, 164
Gay, John, 203
Geertz, Clifford, 266
Geisel, Ted. See Seuss, Dr.
Gellhorn, Martha, 54
Genet, Jean, 63, 175, 224, 398
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos), 93
George, Jean Craighead, 210
George, Peter, 347
Gernsback, Hugo, 259
“Get Off of My Cloud,” 350
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary (James), 311
Ghost Story (Straub), 310
Ghost Writer, The (Roth), 379
Gibbon, Edward, 21, 200, 265, 319, 326
Gibbs, Wolcott, 10
Gibran, Kahlil, 11
Gibson, William, 54, 88, 180
Gide, André, 16, 58, 262, 389, 390
Gilbert, Elizabeth, 226
Gilbert, Harriett, 216
Gilbert, Jack, 358
Gilbert, W. S., 168
Gilead (Robinson), 117
Gill, Brendan, 406
Gill, Eric, 61
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 260
Gilmore, Gary, 346
Gilmore, Mikal, 346
Ginger Man, The (Donleavy), 223
Gingrich, Arnold, 112
Ginsberg, Allen, 66, 110, 127, 146, 217, 318, 359, 406
Ginzburg, Carlo, 46
Ginzburg, Natalia, 222
Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin), 396