by Tom Nissley
Shot in the Heart (Gilmore), 346
Shriver, Lionel, 113
Shteyngart, Gary, 188, 213
Shulevitz, Judith, 285
Shuster, Joe, 238
Siberia and the Exile System (Kennan), 55
siblings: brothers, 16, 48, 56, 79, 125, 140, 214, 226, 282, 346, 368; brothers and sisters, 11, 30, 117, 178, 184, 197, 314, 404; sisters, 85, 100, 143, 157, 172, 173, 212, 216, 266, 371, 401
Siegel, Jerry, 33
Siege of Krishnapur, The (Farrell), 298
Silko, Leslie Marmon, 76
Silvers, Robert, 40
Silverstein, Shel, 302
Simenon, Georges, 52, 281, 407
Simic, Charles, 148
Simpsons, The, 230, 324
Sinatra, Frank, 143, 314, 354, 373
Sinclair, Upton, 158, 370
Singer, Burns, 295, 306
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 140, 232
Singer, Israel Joshua, 140
Singer, Peter, 214
Sister Carrie (Dreiser), 20, 215
sisters. See siblings
Sittenfeld, Curtis, 266
Sitwell, Edith, 321
Six Bunny-Wunnies and Their Pony Cart, The (Sweetstory), 114
Six Bunny-Wunnies Go to Long Beach, The (Sweetstory), 114
Sixty Stories (Barthelme), 315
Skull of the Waltzing Clown, The (Keeler), 27
Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 52
Sleepless Nights (Hardwick), 173
Slim, Iceberg, 133, 330
Slocum, Joshua, 129
Slouching Toward Bethlehem (Didion), 115
Small Island (Levy), 167
Smart, Elizabeth, 75
Smartest Guys in the Room, The (McLean and Elkind), 54
Smiley, Jane, 105, 287, 303
Smith, Adam, 80, 219, 225, 353
Smith, Betty, 22, 261
Smith, Dodie, 142
Smith, Jerome, 163
Smith, Joseph, 97
Smith, Martin Cruz, 348
Smith, Patti, 49
Smith, Perry, 119
Smith, Red, 20
Smith, Zadie, xiv, 3, 5, 257, 324, 336, 365
Smollett, Tobias, 294
Smythe, Reg, 186
Snicket, Lemony, 67
Snow Ball, The (Brophy), 301
Snow Leopard, The (Matthiessen), 333
Snyder, Gary, 318
Soares, Lota de Macedo, 340, 375
Sobol, Donald J., 219
So Long, See You Tomorrow (Maxwell), 24
Solotaroff, Ted, 251
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 40, 52, 181, 246, 331
Song Is You, The (Phillips), 183
Song of Solomon (Morrison), 38, 57, 294
Songs of Innocence and Experience (Blake), 404
Songs of Maldoror, The (Lautréamont), 334
Son of the Morning Star (Connell), 260
Sons and Lovers (Lawrence), 109, 176
Sontag, Susan, 8, 21, 40, 115, 139, 287, 407
Sophie’s Choice (Styron), 186
Sorrentino, Gilbert, 157
Sorrentino, Paul, 298
Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 341
Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner), 113, 146
South (Shackleton), 408
Southern, Terry, 140, 300, 347
South Pole, 5
Soyinka, Wole, 221
Spark, Muriel, 31, 118, 133, 203, 374, 402
Spartacus (Fast), 200
Specialty Topics in Calamity Physics (Pessl), 294
Specimen Days (Cunningham), 199
Spencer, Scott, 255
Spender, Stephen, 224, 338
Spengler, Oswald, 168
Spenser, Edmund, 4, 18, 281
Sphere (Ammons), 77
Spiegelman, Art, 54, 165, 175, 386
Spillane, Mickey, 80
Spinoza, Baruch, 60, 235, 325
Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, The (Fadiman), 74
Spock, Benjamin, 387
Spook Country (Gibson), 180
Sport and a Pastime, A (Salter), 352
sports: auto racing, 175; baseball, 106, 133, 175, 177, 180, 187, 195, 206, 218, 226, 269, 329, 383, 386; basketball, 39, 46, 192, 206, 261; bicycling, 93, 143, 289; cricket, 89, 245, 246, 268; croquet, 244; football, 19, 218, 253, 275, 356, 370, 398; hockey, 32; horse racing, 95, 133, 141; mountaineering, 131, 150, 154; Ping-Pong, 381; rugby, 199; soccer, 53, 229, 291; swimming, 142, 252, 298; tennis, 164, 285; ultramarathon, 196, 315
Sports Illustrated, 329
Sportswriter, The (Ford), 94, 104, 105, 125
Spurling, John, 298
Spy, The (Cooper), 357
Squires, Jim, 82
Stafford, Jean, 209
Stalin, Josef, 154, 312, 331
Stalingrad (Beevor), 379
Stamboul Train (Greene), 178
Stand, The (King), 9
Star Is Born, A, 301
Stark, Richard. See Westlake, Donald E.
Stars and Stripes, The, 47
Starship Troopers (Heinlein), 239
State by State (Weiland and Wilsey), 295
Statement, The (Moore), 148
Stead, Christina, 87, 225
Stead, Rebecca, 132
Steadman, Ralph, 141
Steegmuller, Francis, 31, 331
Steel, Danielle, 257
Steele, Richard, 278
Steffens, Lincoln, 111
Stegner, Wallace, 102, 118
Steig, William, 266, 359
Stein, Gertrude, 42, 87, 164, 235, 286, 326, 364
Steinbeck, John, 66, 142, 147, 278, 360
Steinberg, Saul, 188
Steiner, George, 23
Stendhal, 28, 94, 97, 135, 160, 278, 360
Stephen, Leslie, 373
Stephenson, Neal, 323, 342
Sterling, George, 281
Stern, 130
Stern, Richard G., 29, 333
Sterne, Laurence, 77, 89
Stevens, Wallace, 18, 90, 128, 171, 178, 284, 313
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 15, 23, 28, 36, 228, 262, 283, 316, 358
Stewart, Harold, 231
Stewart, Rory, 8
Stieglitz, Alfred, 221
Stifter, Adalbert, 404
Stoic, The (Dreiser), 43
Stoker, Bram, 125, 165, 254
Stolz, Mary, 161
Stone, Irving, 269
Stone, Robert, 264
Stoner (Williams), 277, 289
Stonewall, 18, 22
Stonier, G. W., 385
Stoppard, Tom, 211
Stop-Time (Conroy), 195
Story, 286
Story of a Marriage, The (Greer), 159
“Story of a Siren” (Forster), 251
Story of Edgar Sawtelle, The (Wroblewski), 152
Story of My Life (Casanova), 125
Story Sisters, The (Hoffman), 94
Stout, Rex, 323, 338
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 33, 73, 209, 370
Strachey, Lytton, 26
Straight, Michael, 214
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 15, 28
Stranger, The (Camus), 146, 360
Stranger Beside Me, The (Rule), 313
Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 112, 247
Stranger’s Child, The (Hollinghurst), 209
Strangers on a Train, 303
Stratemeyer, Edward, 303
Straub, Peter, 310
Strauss, Leo, 329
Street of Crocodiles, The (Schulz), 121
Strindberg, August, 153
Strong Motion (Franzen), 111
Strunk, William, Jr., 107, 209
Study of Thomas Hardy (Lawrence), 282
Sturgeon, Theodore, 244
Sturges, Preston, 381
Styron, William, 77, 184, 186, 321, 327
Subterraneans, The (Kerouac), 74
Sue, Eugène, 25
suicide, 11, 289, 335, 385; fake, 300; in fiction, 3, 5, 24, 157, 247, 253, 341, 405; writer’s, 35,
44, 51, 62, 77, 96, 267, 302, 349, 366, 386
Suite Française (Némirovsky), 102, 173, 194, 219
Sullivan, Andrew, 253, 395
Sullivan, John Jeremiah, 295
Summer (Wharton), 222
Summers, Montague, 253
“Sunday Morning” (Stevens), 171
Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again, A (Wallace), 87
Supreme Court, 100, 118, 193, 211
Survival in Auschwitz (Levi), 32, 145, 322
Survivors of the Andes, 51
Susann, Jacqueline, 197, 231, 251, 298
Sutherland, John, 334
Svevo, Italo, 290
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 100
Sweetstory, Miss Helen, 114
Swift, Daniel, 402
Swift, Graham, 107, 143
Swift, Jonathan, 33, 330, 337, 351, 375
Swinburne, Algernon, 126, 247
Swofford, Anthony, 321
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 193
Symonds, John Addington, 246
Symons, A. J. A., 337
Synge, J. M., 121
Szymborska, Wisława, 40
Tagore, Rabindranath, 250
Talented Mr. Ripley, The (Highsmith), 372
Tale of Genji, The (Murasaki), 25
Tale of Love and Darkness, A (Oz), 11
Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, The (Potter), 282
Tale of Peter Rabbit, The (Potter), 31, 282, 395
Talese, Gay, 40, 46, 174, 354
Talking Heads, 334, 366
Tamburlaine (Marlowe), 144
Tape for the Turn of the Year (Ammons), 394
Tarbell, Ida M., 11, 66
Tarkington, Booth, 31, 347
Tartt, Donna, 334, 348, 402
“Tarzan of the Apes” (Burroughs), 75, 228, 380
Tate, Allen, 48
Tate, Sharon, 251
Taylor, A. J. P., 284
Taylor, Elizabeth (novelist), 364
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 115
Tejero, Antonio, 62
Telander, Rick, 261
Tell My Horse (Hurston), 398
Temple, Minny, 79
Temple, Shirley, 339
Temptation of St. Anthony, The (Flaubert), 410
Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The (Brontë), 216
Ten-Cent Plague, The (Hajdu), 100
Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed), 311
Tennyson, Alfred, 34, 125, 317, 363, 366
Tennyson, Charles, 125
Tenth of December (Saunders), 389
Ten Thousand Lives (Ko), 258
Tent Life in Siberia (Kennan), 55
Terkel, Studs, 155, 191, 342
Ternan, Ellen, 182
Terrorist (Updike), 211
Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Hardy), 28, 137, 139, 159, 370
Testament of Youth (Brittain), 279, 280, 405
Tevis, Walter, 252
Texaco (Chamoiseau), 220
Texier, Catherine, 342
Tey, Josephine, 52, 214
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 110, 230, 245, 334
Thatcher, Margaret, 350
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston), 316, 398
them (Oates), 82
theme parks, 162, 213
Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith), 353
Theroux, Paul, 53, 115
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (McCoy), 296
Thimble Theatre, The (Segar), 22
Thin Man, The (Hammett), 29, 404
Third Policeman, The (O’Brien), 78, 237, 298
This All Happened (Winter), 227
This American Life, 149
This Boy’s Life (Wolff), 367
This Is Water (Wallace), 172
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald), 108
Thomas, Dylan, 338, 378
Thomas, Lowell, 272
Thomas, Robert McG., Jr., 12
Thomas Paine (Best), 184
Thompson, E. P., 271
Thompson, Hunter S., 59, 101, 120, 141, 177, 226, 325
Thompson, Jim, 110, 112, 297
Thomson, Basil, 306
Thoreau, Henry David, xv, 16, 37, 85, 124, 128, 145, 220, 227, 301
Thoreau, John, Jr., 16
Thousand Acres, A (Smiley), 287
Thrale, Hester, 392
Three Junes (Glass), 173
Three Lives (Stein), 164, 326
Three Musketeers, The (Dumas), 75
Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll), 143
Thurber, James, 347
Thurman, Wallace, 259
Thy Neighbor’s Wife (Talese), 174
Tidyman, Ernest, 222
Time, 74, 100, 198
Time of Your Life, The (Saroyan), 179
Timequake (Vonnegut), 303
Timerman, Jacobo, 356
Times Literary Supplement, 143, 156
Time Traveler’s Wife, The (Niffenegger), 201
Tinker, Emma, 362
Tinkers (Harding), 117
Tintin in the Congo (Hergé), 140
Tintin in Tibet (Hergé), 140
“Tiny Mummies” (Wolfe), 116, 160
Tiptree, James, Jr., 267, 369
Titan, The (Dreiser), 43
Titanic, 121
Titus Groan (Peake), 144
Toad of Toad Hall (Milne), 396
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 150, 222, 237, 329
Tóibín, Colm, 131, 169
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 218, 366, 404
Toklas, Alice B., 87, 135, 286
Tolkien, J. R. R., xiv, 8, 27, 43, 63, 152, 161, 164, 195, 233, 279, 299, 351, 382
Tolson, Melvin, 45
Tolstoy, Leo, 5, 43, 55, 95, 102, 131, 194, 201, 227, 271, 339, 352
Tomb of Tutankhamen, The (Carter), 371
Tomine, Adrian, 170
Tomlinson, Charles, 201
Tomorrow (Havel), 408
Ton Beau de Marot, Le (Hofstadter), 401
Toole, John Kennedy, 76, 386
Toomer, Jean, 101, 284
To Reach the Clouds (Petit), 250
Torn, Rip, 163
To the End of the Land (Grossman), 255
To the Lighthouse (Woolf), 135, 373
Touching the Rock (Hull), 55
Touchstone, The (Wharton), 12
Tourgée, Albion W., 65, 141
Tournier, Michel, 398
Toward the End of Time (Updike), 324
Tragedy of Arthur, The (Phillips), 183
Trager, James, 68
“Trail of the Apaches” (Leonard), 365
Transmigration of Timothy Archer, The (Dick), 59
Traubel, Horace, 99
Travels in Siberia (Frazier), 55, 288
Travels with Lizbeth (Eighner), 25
Traven, B., 97, 248
Travers, P. L., 128
Treasure Island (Stevenson), 228
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (Traven), 97, 248
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A (Smith), 261
Trevor, William, 163
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 130
Trial, The (Kafka), 338
Trillin, Alice, 288
Trillin, Calvin, 288, 384, 390
Trilling, Diana, 198, 334
Trip to the Stars, A (Christopher), 395
Trollope, Anthony, 49, 50, 129, 234, 292, 338, 362
Trollope, Frances, 49
Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 328, 403
Tropic of Capricorn (Miller), 408
Trotsky, Leon, 264
Trousers and the Most Precious Instrument (Gill), 61
Trout Fishing in America (Brautigan), 35, 342
Trow, George W. S., 11, 263, 305
Truce, The. See Re-awakening, The
True Believer, The (Hoffer), 296
True Detective, 313
True History of the Kelly Gang, The (Carey), 49
Trujillo, Rafael, 169
Trumbo, Dalton, 200, 287
Truth About Hillary, The (Klein), 239
Tuchman, Barbara W., 35, 45, 242, 243, 253
; Tuck Everlasting (Babbitt), 241
Tucker, Ken, 165
Tully, Jim, 195, 329
Tumin, Melvin, 284
Tunis, John R., 43
Turgenev, Ivan, 99, 280, 339
Turn of the Screw, The (James), 378
Twain, Mark, 10, 48, 55, 75, 126, 194, 259, 358, 375, 388, 410
Twenty-Five (Nichols), 238
Twenty-Seventh City, The (Franzen), 111
2666 (Bolaño), 357
$20,000 Pyramid, 132
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 92
Twilight (Meyer), 193
Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche), 8
Two Sisters (Vidal), 295
2001 (Clarke), 17
Two Years Before the Mast (Dana), 78
Tyler, Anne, 336
Tynan, Kathleen, 203
Tynan, Kenneth, 119, 142, 203
Tyndale, William, 317
Typee (Melville), 88
Tytler, James, 270
U and I (Baker), 249
Ubik (Dick), 173, 290
Ubu Roi (Jarry), 90, 389, 408
Ulysses (Joyce), xiv, 41, 44, 84, 111, 115, 189, 190, 213, 259, 304, 389
Unbearable Lightness of Being, The (Kundera), 223, 273
Unbroken (Hillenbrand), 166
Unburied, The (Palliser), 391
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 169, 214
Underhill, Jacques, 188
“Under the Bamboo Tree,” 56
“Under the Moon of Mars” (Burroughs), 75
Under the Volcano (Lowry), 61, 129, 347
Under Western Eyes (Conrad), 45
Underworld (DeLillo), 314
Undset, Sigrid, 183
Unfortunates, The (Johnson), 44
Universal History of Infamy, A (Borges), 262
universities and colleges: Brown, 370; Cambridge, 102, 336, 366; Chicago, 407; Chico State, 89; Columbia, 99, 218, 398; Cornell, 107; Ghent, 94; Girton, 102; Haile Selassie, 394; Harvard, 58, 101, 111, 132, 181, 393; Hunter, 146; Kenyon, 172; Lincoln, 157; Loyola, 386; Nebraska, 297; Oxford, 14, 96, 102, 244, 317, 353, 382; Princeton, 108, 399; Stanford, 182; Trinity, 359; Tufts, 370; Tuskegee, 110; Vassar, 102, 172; Virginia, 91; Washington, 181; Western Ontario, 274; Wisconsin, 211
Unnameable, The (Beckett), 190
Unsuitable Attachment, An (Pym), 91
Untermeyer, Louis, 260
Unwin, Stanley, 63
Updike, John, 11, 32, 71, 89, 174, 196, 211, 224, 249, 300, 303, 324, 331, 395
Uris, Leon, 194
Urn Burial (Browne), 212
Utopia (More), 169
V. (Pynchon), 242, 267
Valentino, Rudolf, 209
Valentine, St., 37-38
Valéry, Paul, 228
Valis (Dick), 59
Valley of Decision, The (Wharton), 260
Valley of the Dolls (Susann), 197, 251
Vandover and the Brute (Norris), 58
van Gogh, Vincent, 214
Vanity Fair (magazine), 385
Vanity Fair (Thackeray), 230, 334
Vanity Girl, The (Mackenzie), 153
Van Vechten, Carl, 190
Vargas Llosa, Mario, 51, 99, 403