Cursed (The Complex Book 0)

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Cursed (The Complex Book 0) Page 3

by Dylan Quinn

  Lennox could see the pity in her eyes.

  “You deserve some happiness.” She relaxed. “Why not? One time. Let loose. Feel like the man I know you’re hiding deep inside this stifled, fine-ass body of yours.”

  The fire returned to her gaze as Geneva stepped closer, pressing her breasts against his chest, her hands barely touching his hips.

  “All this can be yours.” She gestured up and down her glorious body. “One night.” She stepped up, brushing her lips against his neck and whispering against his earlobe. “All. Yours.”

  His breathing became shallow, and his heart pulsed erratically with her near. He could feel his cock stirring beneath his uniform as he stepped back from her touch.

  He swallowed, straightening out his shoulders.

  “I’ll...” Lennox cleared his throat. “Consider your request.”

  She smiled. “I won’t bite.” She leaned in. “Hard.”

  The Cupid stepped away, pushing out her chest, distracting Lennox once more, drawing his attention to her perky breasts practically spilling out from her Uni jumper.

  In that moment as the Watcher’s body came to life at the mere thought of having this scorching woman in his bed, of burying his cock deep inside her, Lennox understood resisting Geneva Jayne would be futile.

  When the Cupid marked her target, there was simply no escape.

  Chapter 4

  “This is going to be fun.” Geneva whispered to herself as she followed Lennox out of his office.

  If she was going to do him a favor, the least he could do was return it.

  “Where’s your sword?” Lennox asked.

  All of the powers that Geneva bargained from her victims were stored in the Cupid sword. She often had to bribe Metas, even had to charm several Intra to have it smuggled into the Complex. Which wasn’t hard.

  After all, Geneva was the most desirable woman in the Complex.

  Most found it hard to say no to her.

  Even Lennox.

  “Now why would I tell you that?” She laughed.

  Lennox held her arm, gently pulling her out of Intra and onto the streets of the Complex toward the public transit system a few blocks away.

  “You need your sword for access to my foresight. I know you brought it into the Complex. Despite the rules.”

  “You didn’t try very hard to stop me now, did you?”

  “If I chased every Meta or Human who does something illegal, I’d get no peace. I pick my battles, Miss Jayne. Where do you live? We need to retrieve the sword.”

  She stopped, glaring at the Watcher.

  Man, was he hot as hell.

  This was going to be fun.

  “Why don’t you take me to your hybrid first. Let me get a feel for her. If it’s love she seeks, I can probably help figure her out without your foresight.”

  “That’s not our deal, Miss Jayne.” Lennox grumbled.

  “You use your gifts as a crutch.” She scoffed. “You need to trust your instincts more.”

  Lennox just ignored her, continuing to pull her down the street toward the public zippers, which were similar to extra large taxis back on earth. Though much more high-tech. And they flew.

  “Fine. We’ll go see Reanna first, then. Do your thing.”

  “And when are you going to do yours?” She asked, feeling his aggravation sloughing off him.

  It was a mixed bag of annoyance and sex all rolled into one.

  Maybe she should take him to her place first?

  She heard the need in the low vibrations of his voice, sensed it in the grip of his hands that held her arm firm, yet gentle at the same time.

  She remembered the heartache she took from Lennox.

  It was brutal. After he’d left, she actually felt pity for him. In fact, she was surprised he didn’t beg her to take his past sight instead of his foresight.

  But he chose to keep his memories intact. The poor man was just tired of hurting so much at the loss.

  He really loved his wife.

  When Geneva took away a Meta’s heartache, she took it on herself at first, then once the pain ebbed, she sealed it away in the sword along with the power or gifts she consumed.

  The only downfall of accessing their powers was that their pain was returned with it, however brief. This alone kept her simply storing the powers in her sword, only using them in dire circumstances like this. Which hadn’t happened since P-Extinction, which she really didn’t have to fight for.

  She was more of a lover than a fighter anyway.

  Being reconnected to her bargainer’s pain was often too much to bear. But it was part of her curse.

  Back on earth, legends of Cupid were silly. A half-naked chubby god-like man who shot people with an arrow, making them fall in love with someone.

  Geneva quickly discovered the true stigma of being Cupid.

  For her, it was a curse. About taking the heartache from love away for others, not giving love at all. Or getting it.

  Some days, she felt selfish for not embracing what she was able to do for others, to help them through the agony of losing someone. But since she spent her own life in misery, holding on to the heartache of losing her own lover, she believed she deserved to get something in return in exchange for the services she offered. And she sure as hell didn’t trust anybody.

  Fortunately, balance of nature was also always part of the witch’s curse. It dictated there be good with the bad, so along with her pain, came her ability to absorb a Meta’s power.

  Sure, she would agree to remove their pain, but with the loss of the pain, also came the loss of their gifts.

  One did not exist without the other.

  Everything had a price.

  Most Metas were happy to give up a power in exchange for removing the pain and heartache they couldn’t bear.

  Heartache was a funny thing. People would do so much for love. And as she’d found over the years, they’d often do just as much to be rid of the memories and heartaches that came with it.

  This alone made her wonder why she’d consider giving up the curse to begin with

  Truth was though, Geneva didn’t ask for any of this.

  She was Human once. In love with a boy.

  Perhaps she had more in common with this hybrid than she’d ever hope to.

  They arrived at the hybrid’s living quarters in the desert dome of the Complex, actually quite far from northern Intra office that Lennox spent most of his time in.

  The Complex dome was surprisingly large, about a hundred earth miles wide. Large enough to get some space, but still small enough to get claustrophobic.

  Four zones to live in that accommodated the different types of Metas from water dwellers, snow lovers, which definitely was not Geneva, jungle people like her, and the desert dome, which is where this hybrid lived.

  They moved through the commons area of the dome toward the living quarters and into the hybrid’s building.

  Which was interestingly lavish and definitely high end.

  “Sir.” A guard stood outside the apartment door, Segif weapon in his hand. They were similar to stun guns on earth. Why he was protecting this hybrid from with a pulse gun was beyond obscene to Geneva.

  The place was guarded like a fortress, too.

  “What did this girl do? Man. You went all out to keep her locked up, didn’t you?”

  Lennox ignored Geneva, unlocking the door and pulling her in behind him.

  “Reanna?” He walked toward a closed bedroom door and knocked. “Reanna, It’s Lennox. I need you to come out here. I have someone for you to meet.”

  Geneva wandered the huge but sterile living quarters. It looked a lot like hers, only bigger. Same white walls. Concrete slab floors, but decorated a little more.

  She wondered who this girl was having such an huge place. She’d managed to con her way into much better digs, but nothing like this.

  A minute passed, and the door opened. A teenage girl walked out. Medium height. Thin. Long, chestnut hair. Ambe
r eyes. Beautiful girl. Her aura was glowing wildly about her.

  She was most definitely in love with someone.

  Despite the drawbacks to being Cupid, the perks were mildly entertaining. Though Geneva never did any good deeds with her gifts, not since leaving earth all those years ago. Her matching skills only worked flawlessly on Humans for some reason. This girl was a hybrid, so it would be iffy.

  Yes, she could match lovers with their soul mates, but she was a little bitter about not being able to find her own love, so she kept that piece of trivia to herself. Her matching gifts were hers, alone that she never shared with anyone.

  Like Lennox being the Watcher, this was her secret.

  If she couldn’t find love for herself, she sure as hell wasn’t about to find love for others.

  The teenage girl plopped herself onto a sofa, pulled up her knees and began picking at her fingernails.

  Geneva strolled over and sat across from the girl, staring at her aura. Reading her demeanor.

  Animosity rose from the hybrid like a growing tornado.

  “Who are you?” The girl barked.

  “Your new best friend.” Geneva grinned.

  The girl kept her expression narrowed, staring at Geneva with spite.

  Lennox stood across the room, arms crossed over her chest.

  “If you’re with him,” she glared at Lennox. “You’re not my friend.”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m with him.” Geneva scoffed. “Though if I had my way—” Geneva winked at the sexy Watcher.

  “Gross.” The girl rolled her eyes, sparking a laugh from Geneva.

  Maybe this would be fun after all.

  “Who are you?” The hybrid asked.

  “I’m Cupid.”

  The girl sat tall, immediately straightening her shoulders.

  “What?” She looked to Geneva, then to Lennox. “What do you want with me?”

  “I’m supposed to figure you out. What’s going on with you and your boy toy. Tell me about him.”

  “About who?”

  “Your lover.”

  The girl’s mouth popped open. “He’s not...”

  “Yes he is.” Geneva smirked, narrowing her eyes. “You’re no virgin.”

  The hybrid’s cheeks flushed crimson. “How do you know?”

  “I told you, I’m Cupid. I know everything about love. I can read your body. Your thoughts. Your emotions. I could compel you to feel for me, if I wanted. I don’t even know the boy, and I can see you love him.”

  Geneva watched Lennox standing to the side quietly, reading the teenager’s thoughts, still trying to figure her out, though he never would.

  Matters of the heart were truly not his forte.

  Geneva couldn’t help but laugh. “Relax darling. I got this.”

  He rolled his eyes, expelling a belly laugh from one of his men.

  Geneva shook her head then returned her attention to the hybrid. “So, Reanna. What’s your lover’s name?”

  The hybrid giggled. “Denvar.”

  She said it with such adoration. It was adorable, really, how Humans in love reacted. This girl was already gone. No going back now.

  Geneva stood. “I need to meet the boy.” She turned to face Lennox. “See them together. Interact.” She turned back around toward the hybrid. “Why don’t you go on a date? I’ll chaperone.”

  “Absolutely not.” Lennox approached them.

  “It’s the only way.” She turned back to Lennox. “This isn’t a one-sided deal.”

  “I will not allow it.” He grumbled.

  Geneva shook her head and smirked. “Fine, then. Guess my work here is done.” She turned to the hybrid. “Great to meet you. Good luck with the stiff.” She tipped her head toward the Watcher then began pacing her way to the front door.

  “Stop,” Lennox called after her, his sexy voice firm.

  “We do this my way or no way,” she said, eyes narrowed.

  “No dates.” Lennox crossed his arms over his broad chest that Geneva wanted so badly to explore. “I’ve banned them from seeing each other.”

  Lennox was even hotter when he was trying to be all badass Intra director, though Geneva could see right through him. See the soft side Lennox tried so hard to hide.

  Which was fine by Geneva, she’d keep his secret.

  After all, the Cupid did love her bad boys.


  Lennox could hear Geneva’s thoughts, inspiring him to shift his feet and pushing a light flush across his cheeks.

  Geneva giggled. Works every time.

  “You don’t know a thing about love,” she said. “Or teenagers, for that matter.” Geneva held her hips, shaking her red hair around her shoulders. “You’ll only push her harder in his direction should you forbid contact.”

  Lennox narrowed his gaze.

  He knew she was right, but Lennox was a stubborn ass and he wouldn’t be easily persuaded.

  Yeah, the man needed some serious schooling when it came to matters of the heart.

  Which happened to be Geneva’s specialty.

  “One date. We’ll watch them. Keep them safe. It’s the only way for me to really know what’s going on. Then if I need to use the sword, I will, but she’ll have to come to my place.”

  Lennox nodded then tilted his head back toward the couch, giving Geneva the permission she required to carry on with the conversation.

  Geneva returned to sit across from the hybrid. “So tell me about the boy.

  Reanna lit up, cheeks flushed, heart picking up its pace. “He’s gorgeous. And smart. And he’s really funny. We talk about everything and—” She leaned in. “He can kiss.” She grinned. “He does this thing with his tongue—”

  “Stop.” Lennox barked.

  Geneva and Reanna glanced over to the Watcher and let out a laugh.

  Stiff was right, Geneva thought.

  “Don’t worry, girl. We’ll set the man straight.” Geneva grinned to the Human girl. “So who is this boy?”

  “Well.” Reanna started. “He’s tall. Blond. So freaking hot. He’s Human. He’s here to prepare to be an ambassador, and his parents are hoping he’ll run for president of Raxu. He’s really good at negotiating. He’s loving. Sweet. The most amazing guy I’ve ever met. We grew up together. When I found out he was in the Complex, we met up, and that was it. Been together ever since. Until he started getting in the way.” She waved at Lennox and rolled her eyes.

  “Well, I’ll see what I can do to loosen the tight ass up.” Geneva eyed Lennox, biting her lip. “Until then, let’s go see your boy toy.” She got to her feet. “Get dressed, girl. You have a date to get ready for.”

  Reanna jumped up, excitedly running off to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  “This was not part of our deal.” Lennox’s gaze bore into the Cupid.

  “We do this my way, or no way at all. If you want to find out what’s going on with these two, you need to let it ride. Teenagers don’t take to demands that completely contradict what they want. They’re rebellious, Lexie. Especially with love. Just give it a minute. Let me see what’s up.”

  The Watcher inhaled a sharp breath, arms crossed over his chest that etched out his firm muscles beneath his black Intra uniform.

  There was just something sexy about a man in uniform.

  As she stared into his clear, blue eyes, she could feel his heart picking up it’s pace.

  She pushed her shoulders back and shook out her hair, then let her tongue graze her bottom lip.

  Lennox kept his eyes on her, his Adam’s apple bobbing again.

  “I’m not so bad,” she said as she approached him slowly.

  Lennox swallowed hard, shifting his feet, his broad shoulders. Inadvertently flexing his strong arms

  Geneva leaned closer, setting her hands on his cheeks.

  “Geneva,” his tone gave a warning, though he never pulled from her grip.

  “You know you want me, Lennox.” Her voice was soft. She could feel his nerves, but
something other than heated longing pulsed through him. “You’ve wanted me for so long. What are you afraid of?”

  Lennox said nothing, just continued staring into her eyes.

  “There’s no risk of heartache with me. No love. Just raw, physical attraction. Sex.”

  She stepped closer, her breasts pushing up against his chest.

  Geneva stood tall at six foot one, still nearly a foot shorter than Lennox, but tall enough to hold her ground with the man.

  “Besides. I have what you want. You have what I want. What’s one more deal, hmm? What harm can come from one night? Though for most men, one night with me is never enough.”

  Their lips were mere inches from each other, their heated breaths breezing across the other’s cheeks.

  “You want me, Lex. More than you’ve ever wanted any woman in your life.”

  She touched his cheeks, holding them gently, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathed.

  For a brief moment, a twinge of something... else pulsed through the Cupid’s limbs. Not just physical attraction, but something.

  Yearning for something more powerful than sex.

  More emotional.

  More loving.

  Doesn’t matter.

  Lennox will find the Curse Catcher, and Geneva will be free.

  Mortal. But free.

  Dead. But free.

  Geneva took a breath, pushing the thought out of her head and continued.

  “There’s no risk involved,” she said, staring into his soulful eyes. “You can’t fall for me. Let me take you to my place later.” She grazed her fingertips across his bottom lip. “Show you what it’s like to fuck the Cupid. We can do it however you want.”

  Her gaze skipped from his clear blue eyes to his soft lips, begging Geneva to sink hers into.

  “We can play lovers games. I can dominate you. You could dominate me. Whatever your body desires. Whatever you desire, I can give it to you. Better than any other woman ever has.”

  The Cupid’s lips hovered just fractions from Lennox as he took shallow breaths, working harder than he ever had to keep his emotions in check, though failing miserably.

  Geneva pressed her hips to his, feeling his cock harden against her waist.


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