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Invasion (The K'Tai War Series Book 1)

Page 15

by PP Corcoran


  The pilots of the small shuttle craft brought it into a neat hover before gently lowering it, until it touched the ground with the barest of jolts. Lord Harvik removed his seat restraints and stood, shuffling sideways out of his seat, head bent to avoid the low hanging cargo shelves set into the personnel shuttle’s roof. Tanak, bodyman to Lord Harvik--a position which, in human terms, would equate as bodyguard--was already at the open hatch, searching the area for any potential threats to his charge.

  The area immediately around the shuttle was guarded by a circle of armored and armed K’Tai. Tanak noted that the armor was white in color, and this sight brought a bitter taste to the bodyman’s mouth, for only members of the Kem Tak wore that color, supposedly to signify their unfaltering allegiance to the ideals of Rig. From his numerous encounters with the Kem Tak, Tanak had been left in little doubt that the Kem Tak were more interested in exercising their far-reaching powers to further their own agenda rather than searching out the true enemies of the state. From behind him came the sound of a gently cleared throat. Tanak turned to face Harvik, who had a quizzical frown creasing his forehead.

  “All would appear to be in order, my lord.”

  Harvik placed a hand gently on the shoulder of the man who had served him so faithfully for more years than he could remember. “I see our friends in the Kem Tak have accompanied the Claviger. Perhaps it would be prudent not to keep this planet’s new ruler waiting.”

  Standing at the bottom of the shuttle’s extended steps, ready to greet them, was a single, older K’Tai. A sash wrapped around his waist and extending over his left shoulder was deep imperial purple, showing him to be of the Imperium’s civil service. As Harvik reached the bottom step, the civil servant bowed and averted his eyes before speaking. “I am Rana, Senior Administrator to Claviger Telos. The Claviger welcomes you to the latest conquest of the Imperium, Lord Harvik and begs that you do me the honor of escorting you into his presence.”

  Tanak failed to disguise a muttered oath while, for his part, Harvik hoped that his brief expression of surprise at the administrator’s wording went unnoticed. The Claviger welcoming him to a world that his fleet, along with Lady Kara’s Black Legion, had conquered was a strange turn of phrase. The tactician in him began to suspect that there was more to this meeting than he initially thought. What game is the Claviger playing? Harvik had always avoided the shadowy and often distasteful intricacies of the Imperium’s political game. As head of House Jal, a house with a centuries-long tradition of providing the martial rather than political arm of the Imperium, Harvik had always tried to remain aloof to the infighting that seemed a daily occurrence among the other great houses of the Gerent’s court. During the buildup to the invasion of Agate, Harvik had immersed himself in the details of the operation, and so had paid little attention to whomever was to be appointed Claviger, answerable only to the Gerent himself, once the operation was complete. When Harvik had received the summons to attend the Claviger on the planet’s surface which, according to the reports he had read from Lady Kara, still hosted the occasional firefight as the Black Legion soldiers hunted down the last pockets of resistance, he and his staff had been busily planning the movement of fleet personnel and supplies to Hermes Station.

  The massive orbital station sat in geosynchronous orbit 3000 kilometers above Gemini City, and handled all traffic between the planet’s surface and the huge transports that brought cargo to and from the system. Its capture intact from the humans had been a prize that he intended to exploit to its fullest. Its many docking ports and cavernous bays would make an excellent repair and resupply base for the fleet’s ships, which would in turn free up the many merchant ships that the Imperium had struggled to scratch together to form the fleet supply train that a battle fleet the size of the one Harvik had insisted was necessary to secure the Agate system required. Harvik was under no illusions that the ongoing conflict against the secessionists was stretching even the mighty resources of the Imperium to breaking point.

  Looking upon the bowed head of Rana, Harvik paused a second or more longer than was polite before he acknowledged him. “Rise.”

  From the scowl on the administrator’s face it was obvious that he was not used to being kept waiting. “If you would follow me, my lord.” The man set off along a narrow path that led between beds of colorful blossoming flowers. A low chain-link fence enclosed each bed. At regular five-meter intervals another white-armored Kem Tak soldier stood facing outwards. The presence of so many Kem Tak soldiers was… disconcerting. A Claviger normally drew his personal guard from either the armed forces of his own house or, if the prestige of the position warranted it, from the Imperium’s Household Guard.

  Rana noticed Harvik’s fleeting sideways look at the white-armored soldiers. A pride-filled smile spread across his wrinkled face. “Before being elevated to the position of Claviger, Telos was a regimental commander in the Kem Tak. He was decorated personally by the Gerent for his bravery and leadership during the Battle of Gozan.”

  A strangled choke came from Tanak. Rana turned his head in the bodyman’s direction, a questioning look on his face. Lord Harvik interjected before the administrator spoke. “Tanak. I told you to contact the ship’s physician about that. If you have some illness, then I don’t want you infecting me or the rest of my staff.”

  Tanak averted his eyes and dipped his head in apology. “I will see to it immediately on our return to the Walak, my lord.”

  Harvik shook his head as if disappointed in his bodyman. Administrator Rana took this as his cue to continue speaking. “As you can see, the Claviger has selected the finest of buildings as his interim palace until one more fitting to his esteemed status can be constructed.”

  Harvik cast his eyes on the grand three-story building they were approaching. Bright yellow with high arching windows, it reminded him of some of the human historical documents he had studied while planning the invasion. If memory served him correctly, it was of a baroque design. It might not be to his taste; however, he could still appreciate fine workmanship.

  “This was the residence of the human governor. The Claviger thought it a fitting demonstration to the humans that he reside in their former leader’s symbol of authority,” cooed Rana, his chest puffed with pride. Harvik tuned the droning voice out as they rounded the corner of the building, and a cluster of black figures standing at the top of the marble entrance steps grabbed his attention. Increasing his pace, Harvik brushed past the still prattling administrator and took the steps two at a time. The black-clad figures parted as he approached and at their center stood Lady Kara. Ignoring protocol, Harvik warmly embraced Kara before holding her out at arm’s length. A fresh scar on her chest plate brought a grimace to his face.

  “I see you have been ignoring my advice about a commander commanding from a safe distance and not leading the charge.”

  Lips pulling back into a grin, which made the scar running down her left cheek curve in a way that somehow made her face even more youthful than it already was, Kara flicked at the area of damaged armor as if wiping away some dirt. “For once, my lord, I wish I had taken your advice.”

  The loud clearing of a throat reminded them both that they had business to attend to. Rana gestured with one arm toward a wide set of open doors, Kem Tak guards stationed on either side of them. “The Claviger is waiting, my lord.”

  With a heavy sigh, Harvik succumbed to Rana’s request, following the administrator to the beckoning doorway. In near perfect unison, the door guards leveled their pulse rifles, sun glinting on the evil-looking bayonets atop the rifles, bringing Harvik’s party to a startled halt. For a fraction of a second Harvik thought the rifles were aimed at himself. Tanak obviously had the same thought, as from nowhere he now was in front of Harvik, interposing his body between his lord and the Kem Tak. Jolel, Lady Kara’s Valan bodyman, mirrored Tanak’s move. Behind them, the small group of Black Legion officers had seen the burgeoning confrontation and were already ascending
the half dozen steps that separated them from the doorway, hands falling loosely by their sides to hover close to holstered pistols.

  “That cannot enter the Claviger’s presence!” stated the apparent senior of the two door guards. The vehemence in the voice shocked Harvik as he realized the weapons were aimed at Jolel. The Valan held his ground in the face of the Kem Tak’s racism and kept his thoughts to himself. Lady Kara, however, felt no such compulsion. Before Harvik or anyone else realized she had even begun to move, she was alongside the guard, Hadak pressed against the side of his throat. A thin trickle of blood oozed from where the razor-sharp blade touched the skin.

  “Withdraw or I will see my blade ends your worthless existence.” The tautness of Kara’s voice signaled the barely restrained anger at the threat to her bodyman.

  “Eh… If I may explain, my lady,” interjected the tremulous voice of Rana to calm the situation. “The Claviger has decreed that only pure blood K’Tai may enter his presence…” The administrator gestured toward Jolel. “And as your no doubt fine bodyman is a Valan, he is barred from entering.”

  Harvik gave the administrator an incredulous look. “The Valan have been part of the Imperium for two centuries! Enough of this ridiculousness.” Facing the two guards, he kept his voice level and toneless. “Guards, lower your weapons immediately and allow us to pass or you shall answer to me personally for your impertinence.”

  “We shall not…” uttered the senior Kem Tak guard. Whatever else he was going to say died in his throat as Kara’s Hadak pressed harder, forcing his head to tilt awkwardly unless he wanted the blade to pierce his skin and slice the artery that allowed life-giving blood to flow to his brain. The spittle as Kara spoke through gritted teeth sprinkled his cheek.

  “You dare deny the order of a Lord of the Imperium! Pray one last time to Rig for forgiveness, for I shall have none!” The guard’s eyes closed and his muscles tensed in anticipation of his imminent death at the hands of Lady Kara.

  “Enough!” bellowed a commanding voice. All heads turned to face the imposing figure of Claviger Telos, dressed from head to toe in Imperium purple, flanked on either side by a dozen Kem Tak, their pulse rifles held at the ready awaiting the Claviger’s order. “Please remove your blade from his throat, my lady. He, like the members of your own Black Legion, has sworn personal fealty to me. For him to disobey one of my orders is to sign his own death warrant.”

  Kara’s hand moved just enough to allow the guard’s head to return to the vertical. “Your… soldier may have been carrying out your command, Claviger; however, perhaps a lesson in how to properly address the Lord of House Jal, never mind the Fleet Commander, may be in order.” Removing her blade completely from the man’s neck, she wiped it pointedly on his pure white armor, leaving a line of bright red blood just where his heart sat before returning the Hadak to its scabbard on her waist.

  The Claviger turned his attention to Harvik, who had watched the exchange between the two with interest. Harvik had known Kara from when she had been but a child, watching her mature into the beautiful, deadly woman that she was now. She had been fully prepared to kill the guard where he stood, and only the intervention of the Claviger and, more importantly, his extra guards had prevented her. Like himself, Kara held no love for the Kem Tak; however, she recognized when she was on the thick end of a bad tactical situation. It was time to move on before the simmering tensions resurfaced. Harvik might not pander to the politicians at the Gerent’s court, but that did not mean that he couldn’t speak like one when required.

  “If I may be so bold as to suggest we continue inside, Claviger. I’m sure we can put this misunderstanding behind us,” he said smoothly.

  “Indeed, an excellent idea Claviger,” agreed Administrator Rana, eager to smooth the ruffled feathers of those surrounding him.

  Claviger Telos let out a deep, rumbling belly laugh, stepping forward to clap Harvik on the shoulder like they were lifelong friends. “An excellent idea, my lord.” With his other arm, he swept the lowered pulse rifles of the door guards aside. “Allow the Valan to pass.” Telos caught and held Kara’s eye, his gaze becoming hard as steel. “Just this once.”

  Passing through the arching glass doorway, they entered an expansive entrance hall lit by the sun streaming through the array of windows which ran along both sides of the building. Boots echoing on the marble floor, the small group made its way to a raised dais, upon which sat a single chair engraved with the seal of the Imperium. The Claviger mounted the steps and took his seat. Harvik and Kara, their respective bodymen behind them, remained standing as there were no other seats. A none too subtle oversight, thought Harvik. Claviger Telos is intentionally making his point that he is the one in a position of power here and answerable to the Gerent alone. Administrator Rana stood to one side, and from the shadows stepped forward an officer of the Kem Tak. Out of the corner of her eye, Kara noted the tightening of his jaw muscles as he looked at Jolel with disgust. The officer’s hand flexed on the hilt of his Hadak.

  A thin smile creased the Claviger’s face as he nodded to the new arrival. “Ah, I see you were able to join us Commander Neras. The commander assumed leadership of my old regiment on my elevation to Claviger. He will be responsible for security and the transfer of the humans to the re-education camps.” Harvik stiffened on hearing this news. The new Claviger was indeed wasting no time. The ‘re-education camps’ were the first step in processing the civilian population before dispersing them into servitude throughout the Imperium. A not unexpected move, but one that Harvik was uncomfortable with. Humans were not Horas or Valan. Both those races had not even been industrialized when the K’Tai conquered their planets. Humans, on the other hand, were a space faring species, perhaps not as advanced as the Imperium but none the less Harvik, and many of his ilk, doubted that they would go quietly into what amounted to nothing less than slavery.

  The Claviger indicated his guests. “May I introduce Lord Harvik, Lord of House Jal and Commander of the Fleet.” The Kem Tak commander bowed his head and averted his eyes. “And Lady Kara,” continued the Claviger. “Lady of House Hiral and Commander of the Black Legion.”

  “Your reputation precedes you, my lady. It is a true honor to fight by your side,” said Neras.

  Kara spared Neras a sidelong glance as she spoke, the sarcasm dripping from her tongue. “I was not aware of any Kem Tak units taking part in operations to secure the planet, Commander Neras… Perhaps my staff have failed to inform me that unarmed women and children have risen in revolt.”

  Neras refused to rise to the bait. The only indication of his emotions was the flexing of his hand on his Hadak. “We all serve the Imperium as best we can, my lady. Ensuring the continued longevity of the Imperium and protecting the integrity of the teachings of Rig against all those who would see those teachings diluted is why I chose to devote my life to the Kem Tak.”

  “And to bear witness to those very teachings is why I requested your presence here today,” said the Claviger, bringing the sparring between Kara and Neras to a halt. “Rig teaches that even in victory, the spirit of your enemy may still be unbroken. It is necessary to break this spirit to truly defeat them.” The Claviger looked to Rana, whose hand activated a previously unseen comm secreted beneath his sash. A side door opened and a human in tattered, ripped clothing, chained hand and foot, was dragged in and unceremoniously deposited in a heap before the dais, body held upright by the Kem Tak escort. The human’s face was familiar to Harvik, who searched his memory until he found a name. Governor Vandenberg, the human civilian in charge of the planet. A subdued whirring sound reached the ears of the gathering as a small camera drone moved into position above them, facing the Claviger’s seat.

  “We are broadcasting live around the planet, Claviger,” said Rana as Harvik and Kara looked on, wondering what was happening.

  The Claviger cleared his throat before addressing the camera drone and the watching population of Agate. “Humans. I am Telos, Claviger of Agate, appointe
d by Gerent Lavan XI to rule over this world in his stead. You are all now subjects of the Imperium and, if you obey the laws of the Imperium, you can look forward to a long life in its service. Failure to obey these laws has only one punishment.” The Claviger paused and the camera panned out slightly as Neras strode forward, drawing his Hadak as he did so. In one liquid motion, he pulled the human’s head back. The eyes went wide with fear and the mouth opened to scream, but before he could do so, the blade flashed across his throat, cutting so deep it penetrated nearly to the spine. The guards on either side of the human allowed him to fall to the marble floor, his blood spreading rapidly to form a large pool which surrounded the upper half of his body, forcing Harvik and Kara to take two steps back to avoid standing in it.

  The Claviger’s cold, dead eyes stared into the camera lens. “So, ends today’s lesson. Let there not be a need for another.”

  Rana deactivated the camera and the drone obediently flew away. Silence fell heavy on the hall. It took a lot to shake warriors like Harvik and Kara, but what they had just borne witness to chilled them to the core. Claviger Telos, however, sat upon his chair with a contented smile creasing his lips.

  “Hopefully that little example should be enough to forestall any disobedience. If not, Commander Neras, you have a free hand to make an example of anyone whom the Kem Tak believe to be fomenting trouble.”

  Neras gave a short nod. “As you wish, Claviger… And the other matter we discussed, Claviger?”

  “Ah yes, of course, how remiss of me, Commander. Lady Kara.”

  Kara managed to tear her eyes from the dead governor. “Yes, Claviger.”

  “It is obvious to me that these humans have very little fighting spirit and as such, I doubt that there will be a need for you to continue with the tempo of your current operations for much longer…”

  Kara was taken aback by the Claviger’s statement and drew a breath in to protest; however, the Claviger continued before she could speak. “With that in mind, I require you to subordinate one half of the Black Legion to Kem Tak control for use by Commander Neras as he sees fit.” Neras didn’t even try to hide the smile on his face while Kara shook with rage, only the cautioning hand of Harvik which gripped her elbow holding her in check.


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