Outback Affair: An Affair Novel (Entangled Indulgence)

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Outback Affair: An Affair Novel (Entangled Indulgence) Page 11

by Annie Seaton

  She closed her eyes and imagined hiring Alex as her guide. She could find a decent vehicle—with air conditioning—and he could take her to all the beautiful places he’d talked about. If she didn’t get the interview with Ricardo, the new job was toast anyway, and there was no point rushing home. The last thing she’d wanted to do was to touch her trust money, but what the hell? So what if her father thought she’d failed? She had no respect for him anyway, so she might as well make the most of it—he was loaded. She could still write her freelance articles if she didn’t get the job at Cuisine, and travel the world.

  She shook her head and pushed the thoughts away. That wasn’t going to happen. She could daydream all she liked, but she’d come here to get the interview and she was going to, and then the job would be hers. She was looking forward to getting to the resort and chasing him down. She’d survived the outback; how much harder was getting an appointment with the managing director?

  Soft footsteps sounded behind her and her heart jumped in anticipation. She stared ahead waiting for Alex to speak to her…or touch her. Her skin prickled with anticipation, and she closed her eyes. A wet nose pushed against her arm and she turned. Alex was nowhere to be seen. It was only Bowser who’d come to check on her. She lifted the little dog up into her lap and scratched at his head.

  “Just you and me, then, hey little man?”

  She had some thinking to do, and she needed a good night’s sleep before they headed off in the morning. Putting Bowser down onto the ground, Jess turned her back on the enticing pool and the moonlight and headed for the most interesting accommodation she’d ever stayed in.

  The fire was stoked high, and disappointment filled her when she saw the campsite was deserted. She climbed into the back of the truck, determined to get Alex out of her head.


  Three hours later, she gave up trying to sleep. She’d heard Alex come back into camp a while back. The zipper of his swag had sounded, and then all was quiet. As for her accommodation, she had never been so uncomfortable in her entire life. For the umpteenth time, she climbed back up to the high side of the small space and wedged the old, tatty pillow into the space near the back door. Alex had parked the truck on an angle and each time she’d dozed off, she’d rolled down to the other side of the truck, to finish hard up against the small outboard motor.

  Perspiration trickled down between her shoulder blades, and she sat up, trying to find some movement of cooler air in the confined space. Her long skirt was tangled around her legs. She pulled it off impatiently and threw it on top of her suitcase. Her mouth was dry, and she was so very thirsty.

  That’s it. I’ve had enough.

  Taking a deep breath, she quietly unzipped the canvas. She grabbed the blanket and pillow, and backed slowly out of the truck, sighing with relief as the cool air hit her bare legs. The fire had burned down to a pile of glowing embers. Alex’s swag was zipped up and there was no sign of Bowser. Jess tiptoed around to the front of the truck, quietly opened the passenger side door, and slipped the pillow and blanket onto the front seat. She’d go and look at the water for a while until she cooled down, and then she’d try sleeping in there. It had to be better than the smelly canvas tent she was sharing with the outboard motor.

  Her sandals were still in the back of the truck, so she walked on her toes over to the edge of the bluff, using the bright moonlight to guide her steps on the sandy ground. Bowser gave a little short bark as she tiptoed past the swag, and Alex’s quiet murmur sent a shiver down her back. Settling on the same rock as before, she pulled the light shawl around her shoulders and tipped her head back to let the breeze cool her face. She was wide awake now, and the thought of trying to sleep in the front of the truck didn’t appeal at all. A soon as they got to the resort she could play catch up on her sleep…as well as hair treatments, showers, and manicures. Quiet footsteps sounded behind her and her skin tingled with anticipation.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, just hot…and the accommodation is slightly smelly.”

  He cleared his throat, and she looked up to a smile.

  “I should have offered you the swag, but—”

  “But what?”


  He turned away from her, ran his hand through his hair, and stared out across the water. His jeans were unbuttoned and hung low on his waist, his strong, bare shoulders outlined by the moonlight. He must have sensed her gaze, and he turned slowly back to her. The blood pounded through Jess’s veins and she waited, the electricity between them almost crackling in the air.

  She jumped as a huge white flash lit up the sky. “Holy shit! What was that?”

  “You’re in for a treat. There’s a dry storm brewing.”

  “How do you know it’s a dry storm and it won’t rain?” All she could think of was being stranded here for another night in that smelly space. She couldn’t decide if that would be a good or a bad outcome.

  “It will rain over on the coast. We’ll just get to see the spectacular light show from up here.”

  Alex held his hand out to her, and she looked up at him. “What?”

  “Come on. We’ll go down to the pool for a swim. It’ll be cooler, and the mozzies will stay away. We’ll still get a good view of the storm from down there.”

  Jess took his hand and tucked the shawl around her shoulders, conscious of her bare legs. He led her down the rocky incline to the water. He gripped her hand without speaking, and tension hummed through her body. She let go of his hand when they reached the bottom of the waterfall and dropped her shawl to the ground. Slipping into the warm water, she floated on her back and watched the flashes in the sky that were becoming more frequent. A soft splash at the far end of the pool told her Alex was in the water with her. The water rippled around her and a sleek, black head broke the surface beside her. Alex turned to his back and floated next to her.

  “Where’s Bowser?” she asked.

  “In the truck. I put him in there so he wouldn’t chew my swag up.”

  Jess laughed.

  “Yes, I’ve seen what he did to my bed.”

  They didn’t speak for a few moments and floated together on top of the water watching the blue, pink, and dark green flashes filling the sky as the storm broke over on the coast.

  “Amazing,” Jess whispered. “Thank you so much for bringing me out here.”

  “To the pool?”

  “No, out here.” She lowered her feet to the sandy bottom and lifted her arm in a sweeping gesture. “Out here to all this. It is amazing. You’ve converted me to the outback, Alex.”

  “It is pretty special. I can’t imagine being anywhere else.”

  “In fact, I’ve pretty much decided to stick around a while longer.”

  “What do you mean stick around?” Even in the moonlight, Jess could see his eyes narrow.

  “After I get the interview, I might extend my holiday. If there’s room, I’ll stay at Cockatoo Springs and take some of the tours.”

  She looked at him and an unfamiliar shyness filled her. “Ah…how would you feel about showing me around a bit more if I did stay for a bit longer?”

  “Do you know how expensive it is out here?” Alex put his hands on her shoulders, and her heart took off as the blood zinged around her body. “I thought you needed to keep your job. That’s why you had to get this interview.”

  She shot him a glance, and his brow was wrinkled in a frown. “Look, if it bothers you that much to spend any more time with me, I’ll just do my own thing. Forget I ever mentioned it.”

  “It doesn’t bother me.” His fingers pressed into her shoulders. “Well, it does in one way.”

  “What way?”

  Alex groaned and pulled her close, and heat rushed through her once she realized he was naked.

  “This way.” He grabbed her hair in his hands and tipped her head back, his mouth crushing hers. Jess lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, the slickness of his bare ski
n burning hers even in the cool water. She stroked his back, her fingers sliding over his wet skin, and his muscles bunched beneath her hands. He raised his head and looked at her, the moonlight shadowing his rugged face. Jess leaned forward and nibbled at his bottom lip, running her fingers through the long wet hair that clung to his neck

  “Your place or mine?” she murmured against his mouth.

  “Mine,” he said with a quiet laugh. “Bowser’s in yours.”


  Alex followed Jess up the hill, unable to keep his hands away from her. They stopped at the top, where she lifted her arms and he pulled the strappy top over her head. She leaned back, her breasts enticing him, and he took a rigid nipple into his mouth. She arched back with a soft moan as he sucked and twirled his tongue around the hard skin. Jess dropped her hands and gently ran her fingers around the top of his erection, and a feral growl escaped his lips. He bent and put his arms beneath her knees, sweeping her into his arms, and strode the short distance to the swag. The heat between them pushed all thoughts of anything but the feel of her from his mind.

  “Boy scout?” she whispered against his lips, and sanity returned for a brief moment. Alex stood her gently on the ground and reached down to unzip the swag.

  “Get in there and wait for me, woman.” His heart rate picked up even more as she ran a finger down his chest and reached up to kiss him.

  “Don’t be long.” Even her voice was temptation.

  Jess bent and climbed into the swag, and the sight of her long legs disappearing into the small tent was enough to make Alex pick up the pace as he strode across to his truck.

  “Stay.” Bowser turned his back and curled back up on the floor as Alex scrabbled on the floor until he found the small box he’d thrown through the window earlier. A moment later, he dropped down and crawled into the swag where Jess was waiting for him. Her head was on his pillow, her damp golden hair spread around her head. His gaze traveled down her body, past her slender neck, her dark and peaked nipples, over her flat stomach, and down to the tangle of golden hair between her thighs. Alex caught his breath—she was every bit as beautiful as he’d imagined.

  Warmth filled his insides as he anticipated tasting her, and the sight of her lying before him in the soft moonlight shining through the net at the top of his swag pushed his blood around his body in thick, slow beats.

  Jess drew a breath as he kneeled beside her. He placed his hands on each side of her face and took her mouth in a slow, gentle kiss and then lay down beside her. He turned on his side and ran his fingers down her throat, circling each breast before trailing his fingers down over her stomach. She lifted her head, feathering kisses along his jaw until she reached his neck and bit him. He arched and caught his breath and lowered his head to her nipple, biting and sucking each in turn as his hand found her slick, wet heat.

  “Oh, God, Alex.” Her voice was soft and wanting.

  He held her tightly, his palm cupped over her sex as his fingers explored her and then released her, circling her hard nub with his finger. As he increased the pressure, he moved his mouth to hers and plunged his tongue into her. Her hips rocked as she moaned into his mouth, and he couldn’t wait any more. He rolled off and snagged the foil packet between his teeth, ripping it open. Jess ran her fingers down his chest to his stomach as he slid the condom on, and his breath hitched as her fingers tangled with his.

  She lay on her back looking at him as he got on top of her, desire and need replacing rational thought. Wet, slick heat welcomed him as he plunged into her in one movement. Jess raised her hips and lifted her legs to ensnare him, and her breasts pressed against his chest. The smell of the storm outside mingled with her sex, intoxicating him, drawing him into her even further. He gasped and watched her until his release came, and she held his gaze, adding to his pleasure.

  After a moment, Alex dropped his forehead to hers, and she wrapped her arms around his back. He took her mouth as she trembled in his arms, and he gave in to a state of satisfied bliss.

  “Not fair,” she whispered against his lips.

  “What’s not fair?” He lifted his head and looked down at her, pleased to see satisfaction filling her expression.

  “You’ve got the five star room.”

  “Okay, caught me,” he said. “I admit it. I was trying to teach you a lesson.”

  “What sort of lesson?”

  “A lesson about the danger of taking lifts with strangers in the outback.” He laughed. “But it sort of backfired on me, didn’t it?”

  She shot a grin up at him. “I think it turned out pretty well…for both of us. I can only see one problem.”

  “What’s that?” He dropped another kiss on her nose. He was feeling bloody good and hoped it wasn’t too bad a problem she’d come up with. He wouldn’t mind doing that again in the very near future.

  “It’s a long way to the en suite.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jess squeezed the water from her hair and let it run down her neck. The temperature of the pool was cooler this morning, because the sun hadn’t reached its peak yet. Alex wanted to get an early start.

  They’d had little sleep through the night, and he was keen to get on the road before it rained. The sky was dark and heavy, very different from the starry clear sky that had been above them when they went down for another swim in the middle of the night. They’d dived and frolicked, unable to keep their hands off each other. Their play was interrupted by trailing fingers and lingering kisses at regular intervals.

  When they dried off and returned to the swag, Jess dropped into a deep sleep until Alex woke her at sunrise, pointing to the ominous sky, and she’d hurried down the hill for a quick wash. If she was turning up at a luxury world-class resort, she wanted to look the part. Or at least somewhat clean.

  She climbed the rocky slope, and Alex’s deep voice reached her. He beckoned her over as he spoke on the phone.

  “Thanks, mate. Yeah, it’s a shame. I’ll tell her and get back to you to book the helicopter seat.”

  He reached over and put the phone back inside the truck, a frown on his face. “Sorry, Jess. Bad news.”

  “For me or you?”

  “I suppose it depends which way you look at it.” Alex put his arms loosely around her waist and held her gaze. “No room at the inn, as they say.”

  “Oh no, it’s full?”

  “Yes. My mate, Mitch, checked for me. So, what now?”

  Jess chewed on her lip, and the smile dropped from Alex’s face, replaced by an expression she couldn’t read. He dropped his arms and his voice was distant.

  “Do you want me to get them to book the helicopter to Darwin for you?”

  Disappointment pierced Jess’s chest. Until a minute ago, Alex had been friendly and playful, even after he took the call. Something had changed his mood instantly, and she had no idea what she’d done.

  “I still want to try and get my interview.” She folded her arms across her chest and stuck her chin out. “I’m not going to spend two days crossing the outback and then just hop into a helicopter and go home. It would have all been for nothing.”

  Alex grabbed her shoulders and stared down at her. “All of it, Jess? All for nothing?” He dropped his head and took her mouth in a hard kiss. She stepped back and touched her fingers to her lips.

  “No, some of it was good. Wonderful, in fact.” When he turned away without commenting, she followed him, wanting to lash out. She was sick of men and their ability to hurt her. At least with Harrison she’d known he was after her money. Alex knew nothing—or very little—about the real Jess and still he turned away from her. Tears stung the backs of her eyes and she couldn’t help the feeling that it was all coming to an end. “Yes, the scenery was magnificent and the swimming hole was fun. Yesterday, you offered me a room at your place. Does that offer still stand, or now that you’ve had your fun with the easy Yank, have you changed your mind?”

  “Jess, don’t talk like that.” He strode over to the fire and be
gan to pack up, and she knew he didn’t want to be near her. “Don’t put yourself down.”

  “Well, does the room offer still stand?” Her voice sounded as though she was begging, and she hated it. “I’d love to stay with you while I chase up Ricardo. And my great organizational skills have kicked in yet again, and now there’s no room at the resort, so can I stay with you or not?”

  Alex ran his hand through his hair and absentmindedly dug in his pocket for a piece of string. He held her gaze while he tied his hair back. His cheeks were covered with dark stubble, and his expression was grim. If she hadn’t known better, she would have found him intimidating, but she knew he was a good person. He’d looked out for her throughout the trip, and it was only this morning that he’d changed back into the gruff fisherman.

  Something was bothering him.

  “Did you get some bad news on the telephone? Oh well, it’s none of my business.” She turned away, gathered up her things, and looked down at her dirty clothes. “Besides, they probably wouldn’t have given me a room anyway, looking like a stray from the outback.”

  Warm hands descended on her shoulders, and she held his gaze.

  “I offered a room to you, and I am a man of my word.” Alex tugged gently on her arm, and Jess turned around to face him. “If you want to stay, my offer still stands.”

  He held her gaze, and she tried not to react as she looked up into his deep blue eyes, wanting to ignore the warm shivers that were igniting a fire low in her belly.

  “I don’t want to see you disappointed when you don’t get your interview,” he said. “I like you, Jess. I like you a little too much for my own peace of mind, and I’d hate to see you hurt.”

  “That’s a strange term to use, Alex. Disappointed maybe, but not hurt.”

  He leaned down and brushed a much gentler kiss across her lips. “Come on, I want to beat this rain.”


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