The Lovin’ Is Easy (Triple Diamond Book 1)

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The Lovin’ Is Easy (Triple Diamond Book 1) Page 6

by Gemma Snow

  Christian shrugged. He didn’t love the idea of keeping the truth from her, stupid as it was that he felt anything for this woman but patent dislike. Still, there wasn’t any point to telling her before they knew all the facts. And as for the seducing part, well, if she was game, so was he, and by the expressions she’d been throwing in both their directions today, she was definitely ready. His cock gave a mighty pulse.

  “I’m in.” He lifted the beer bottle to his lips just as the back door swung open and Madison Hollis stepped out. She had forgone the professional attire and slipped into a sunny summer dress with a pair of thick sandals on her feet. Better than the high heels, but still not ranch attire. Though the soft cotton flowed, the dress accentuated her enticing breasts, straining over the neckline. It cinched at the waist, making Christian ache to put his hands there.

  “You’ll forgive me for saying this, but you look mighty country right now, Ms. Hollis,” Ryder said. Damn, that boy can lay an accent on with a shovel.

  “You can call me Madison,” she said, stepping down the stairs to join them on the patio, the little gray kitten that had been stalking her all day weaving around her feet. Christian grabbed a beer from the cooler, popped off the top and handed it to her. She smiled and, when she put the drink to her lips, her throat bobbed and dipped, bringing to mind all sorts of carnal images of what else she might be interested in swallowing.

  “Well, then you have to call me Ryder,” Ry replied, “and call him Chris.”

  Christian growled. “Please don’t call me Chris,” he said. “I hate that name.”

  Madison settled into the seat across from him at the table and laughed. She had a nice laugh, even if it did sound a little underused.

  “I know what you mean. People always try to give me nicknames and none of them ever stick. My cousin calls me Mads, but she’s the only one.”

  Christian raked his hand through his hair. It was long enough to tie up now, but he liked it at this length and it gave him something to do with his hands.

  “I think you’d make a good Maddy,” he said. “It’s sweeter.” Where the fuck did that come from?

  “You think I’m sweet?” It was a challenge. Yeah, there was a reason he liked her, despite everything.

  Christian put the beer bottle to his lips and took a very long drink.

  “I think you’ve been playing tough city girl for a long time and you’d like to be sweet,” he said. Then he leaned down, cutting the space between them in half. “Don’t you like the idea of someone taking care of you for a change?”

  Most women would have been cowed by a question like that, but Ms. Madison Hollis had his number in an instant. He liked that.

  “Of course not,” she said, more of that light laugh following. “I enjoy being in control.”

  Ryder leaned back against the side of the house and gave her his infamous smile.

  “Of everything?” he asked.

  She wanted to bristle, anyone could tell, but the city girl had backbone and she shot him a dazzling, winning smile, instead.

  “Are you offering to do my expense reports for me?” she asked. “Because I could definitely part with those.”

  Christian laughed and raised his beer. “Nice shot.” Ryder just grumbled and went back to the grill.

  “So, what do you do for work?” Christian asked.

  “Event management,” she replied. “I organize parties and conferences for the tech companies in Silicon Valley.” She called over to Ryder, “So, those expense reports are a real bitch!”

  Christian just laughed and, to his surprise, it was genuine. Fine, maybe he had judged her a little too harshly in the beginning. So what?

  “It sounds like interesting work. You like it?”

  Madison leaned her head back and looked up at the sky. It was just starting to fade to evening, a handful of stars peeking out from the streaked-blue sunset.

  “I always wanted to go into event planning, but I guess I didn’t think it’d be like this. I’d like it more if I ever got a break,” she said. “I’m all about hard work, don’t get me wrong, but I’m up to eighty hours a week now and you won’t believe the mountains I had to move to get a few days off to come here. If things hadn’t been sour before, I’d almost understand why Josh…” She froze and suddenly became very interested in the label on her beer bottle.

  “Sounds like there’s a story there,” Ryder said, bringing over a plate of hot burgers. “Wanna unload on a couple strangers?”

  She looked up, but her smile was sadder this time and that pissed Christian off. Ryder would say he was a softy, but he just really hated the idea of seeing that look in anyone’s eyes and, though Madison Hollis had only been in his life for two days, he felt a certain connection he couldn’t quite explain, despite wishing he didn’t.

  “This old sob story?” Her laugh was humorless. “I’m good, thanks.”

  “Another beer?” Christian asked, opening one before she could reply and her smile morphed into something more genuine.

  “That I will take you up on.”

  The subject was dropped, but they traded amiable conversation about the ranch and her job. She asked them about their degrees and why they’d gone into the fields they had, and they told her about her uncle, about the wild, caring man he had been throughout their whole lives. It was an easy and comfortable. In fact, despite her high-heeled entrance, Christian liked the city girl. The trick was going to be not liking her too much.

  Madison was in trouble. With a double major in college then a high-profile job, she wasn’t usually the one in trouble. She was usually the one with her head buried in the books or working late into the night. But with a cold beer pressed against her lips and the soft sounds of the farm life around them and the gorgeous, enticing, tempting company, she was definitely in danger here.

  Spending time with Ryder Dean and Christian Harlow was easy. Too easy. Easy in a way it hadn’t been with Joshua since the very beginning. If she didn’t get her head on straight, they were going to notice how distracted she was. Selling the ranch was supposed to be a simple business transaction, but from the moment she had set foot on Triple Diamond and spied the two ranch managers leaning against the fence like sin incarnate, the situation had become something else entirely.

  And that meant trouble. Sure, she had given herself permission to flirt and play, but the very real truth was that she wanted them. Both of them. And what kind of weirdo freak did that make her? Yet another thing Joshua had dropped onto the laundry list throughout their too-long relationship. He had been a missionary man all the way—except when it came to the good Lord’s blessing about monogamy, apparently.

  But none of that, not the ranch deal, nor Joshua, nor work, changed Madison’s deep ache to touch, to explore the cords of muscle and straining power of these two wild men—and she had no doubt they’d be wild and uninhibited, capable of giving her what she needed most. But how did she go about broaching that subject? She couldn’t just say hey, my ex was a shithead, I’m a workaholic and how do you feel about a threesome? They already thought she was a bit off her rocker because of those damn high heels—no need to make things weirder.

  “You’re thinking so hard, you’ll snap that beer bottle in half, city girl,” Christian said, his tone full of swagger and heat, smoldering and intense. She felt more comfortable around him than Ryder, even with the innuendos and the back massages and the dark expressions hidden in his gaze. Christian, she understood. He was the biker, the rebel, the long-haired, tattooed one. Christian made sense. Even the barbed and over the top flirtation was part and parcel of his image. He hadn’t wanted her here and she could appreciate that. She hadn’t wanted her here, either. But Ryder, well, something simmered just below his pretty boy surface that was both intriguing and a little dangerous.

  “I wasn’t…” she said, trying to discreetly unclench her fingers from the bottle. Christian curled his mouth into a knowing smirk and heat pooled deep in her belly from that single loaded look.
She should play it safe, say her goodnights and remove herself from temptation.

  But what about taking life by the horns? What about disproving everything Joshua said about me being married to my job? Everything in my life has already been turned on its head—what the hell is so wrong with giving in to the crazy? What about having a fling and not giving a damn about the consequences? Yeah. What about it?

  “How cold is the lake?” she asked, not giving herself the chance to back down. She was out in the middle of Nowheresville, Montana, and she was damn well going to enjoy herself.

  “It’s cold,” Ryder said, the expression in his eyes anything but. “Though if you move around a little, I’m sure you could find some way to keep warm.”

  There was no mistaking the innuendo in his tone or the heat in his gaze that promised he would do a damn fine job of keeping her warm. Well, regrets are for tomorrow, right?

  Instead of replying, Madison unlaced her high wedges and put them onto the bench. Then she stood up, gave both men her most winning smile and turned toward the lake.

  “Last one in cleans up dinner,” she shouted and took off for the water.

  The men were fast. She hadn’t gone more than five strides when strong arms caught her by the waist and lifted her up off the ground.

  “You play dirty, city girl,” Ryder whispered in her ear. Out of pure instinct, she arched her back, aching to get closer to the heat and lust emanating from his big body.

  “What are you going to do about it?” she challenged. Ha, if the team at work could see me now.

  “Oh, I have a few ideas,” Ryder replied, his mouth closer now, so damn close that if she just looked up she could…


  That son of a bitch… The water really was cold, but Madison barely felt it against the heat of her skin in the wake of Ryder’s touch, lust warming her blood and pooling in her belly. He wanted her too, if the press of his hard cock against her back had been any indication. The only question was, what about Christian?

  Greedy, Madison?

  I’ll never get this chance again and I’m damn well taking it.

  She stayed under the water for a moment, trying to calm her racing lust. Then she made her way to the surface, pushing soaked hair out of her eyes and trying to ignore the muck under her feet. Christian sat on the shore, pulling off his large biker boots. Ryder had taken off his shirt—again—and stood like some vision in streaks of early moonlight and bright summer-blue sky that had her aching…for something.

  “That was quite a hello, welcome to the neighborhood,” Madison said, putting her hands on her hips. “Aren’t cowboys supposed to have a sense of honor or something?”

  Ryder scoffed and somehow even that was sexy. “If you come a little closer, I’d be more than happy to give you a hello, welcome to the neighborhood,” he said, so much intent lacing his words that Madison’s breath caught. “And forget manners. The only thing you gotta know about cowboys is that they’re real good at riding.”

  She moaned, a real, audible moan, and both men froze in place.

  “Maddy, if you make that sound again, I’m not going to content myself with just enjoying the view,” Christian growled.

  She glanced down, only to realize that her dress had soaked transparent, exposing two very peaked nipples through the soft cotton. It was now or never, then.

  “Well, what are you going to do?” she asked.

  Some of the hesitation must have slipped into her voice, because they both became instantly serious.

  “Nothing you don’t want,” Ryder said. “But anything you do…” Damn, that made her all kinds of hot and bothered.

  “So, how does this work then?” Madison asked. “You two go around propositioning women all the time? Or maybe one of you just really likes to watch?”

  Humor sparkled in the men’s eyes.

  “Not all the time,” Ryder said. “Only for very special women.”

  Madison raised an eyebrow. “Even city girls?”

  “You’d be our first city girl,” Christian said. “Think you’re up to the challenge?”

  Maddy grinned and stepped back when both men approached the water’s edge.

  “Why don’t you come and get me, then we’ll see?” she challenged, diving under the cold water. Damn, but she liked being bold. Especially since being bold meant that two incredibly hot cowboys were following her into the water right now.

  A hand wrapped around her ankle, tugging her to the surface and, when Madison came up, she wrapped her legs around Ryder’s waist. Jesus, that man had a body like a fucking Greek god and now she finally got the chance to touch.

  “Well,” she said, giving him a cheeky smile. Christian started running his hands down her sides and back with all sorts of promises. “Now that you’ve got me, gentlemen, what are you going to do with me?”

  Ryder’s grin was wolfish and, despite the coolness of the lake, her whole body ran with heat and anticipation. Joshua hadn’t inspired such a carnal reaction from her in months, and all this stranger had to do was smile?

  And press his large cock into her hip.

  “That depends entirely on what you want.” Christian’s breath was hot and promising upon her neck as he spoke, barely a whisper, a not-yet touch both maddening and decadent at once. She leaned her head back against his broad chest, enjoying the press of muscles. These men didn’t sit behind desks crunching numbers and building phone apps. These men worked the land, raised animals, grew food. Their muscles didn’t come from hours in the gym, but days spent out in the fields doing honest, hard work. Fuck if some deep-rooted cavewoman part of herself didn’t find that idea immensely arousing.

  “Tell us, Maddy,” he said, the words a demand, not a request, and her nipples pebbled to hard points at his predatory tone. “Tell us what you want and we’ll give it to you.”

  What I want. What do I want?

  Madison faltered, just for a second. Did she really think she was the kind of woman who could just go along with something like this, just give in to her desires and take what she wanted? Ha. I’m starting to sound like Joshua. No, fuck that. Tonight is all about taking exactly what I want.

  “Kiss me,” she said, her voice bold in the night air. Above her, bright pinpricks of stars pierced the sapphire-blue sky. There were never any stars in the city and that made her feel a little wanton and a little natural and a little base—or maybe it was just the sensation of being sandwiched between two drop-dead-sexy cowboys that had her feeling that way.

  “Kiss me,” she said again. This time, there was no moment of pause, no chance to regret her words, because Ryder’s mouth came down upon her, hot and heavy and demanding. Their lips met and she groaned at the connection, registering how both of their cocks surged against her at the sound. Ryder coaxed her lips open, sneaking his tongue between her lips and exploring her mouth, and Christian placed wicked, promising kisses to the back of her neck and down her collarbone. He paused to nip, his teeth sharp, and she bucked against him, never breaking the connection with Ryder.

  “Slow down, city girl,” Christian said, his voice an octave lower than before. “We have all night to make you scream. There’s no rush.” His words were hot and potent—and wrong. Because the need to touch, to give in to her base lust, climbed up Madison’s spine like a wildfire breaking, setting her mind and body aflame. She didn’t have all night. She needed this now—she needed them.

  Ryder stroked her peaked nipple through the soaked fabric then lowered his head to suck her into his mouth, sending a zing of electric pleasure pulsing through her. She pressed back against Christian’s hardening erection and the ache between her legs bloomed into something no longer under her control.

  “Come on.” Ryder lifted her higher on his waist and walked to the shore. “I want you where I can see you, all spread out and taking my cock.”

  Madison moaned. Out loud. And judging by the expression on both their faces, it had been very loud.

  Ryder placed her down on t
he picnic table and hovered just out of reach, his eyes hooded and his gaze intense.

  “You’re about to snap, aren’t you, sugar?” It wasn’t a question. The cowboy drawl was much more pronounced when he was aroused and heat pooled low in Madison’s belly, her need to be filled mounting with every promising word.

  “Please…” She didn’t even know what she was begging for, but Jesus, two gorgeous men just loomed over her, half-bare, water dripping from their muscles.

  “What do you think, Ry?’ Christian said, though he looked straight at her. “Should we give the city girl what she wants?” He bit his lower lip just a little. “What she needs?”

  Madison grabbed his hand and pulled him down to her, joining their mouths in a searing kiss. The men kissed in different ways. Where Ryder was a blaze, burning up the countryside with abandon, kissing Christian was like being on the back of a motorcycle, taking the corners too fast. She moaned against his mouth and he rocked into her.

  “It’s sexy as hell when you moan,” Ryder murmured, his tone husky with want. For her. Fuck, that’s a heady feeling. “Put your feet on the table, sugar.” The word sounded raw and rebellious, torn from his lips. So, she did as she was told, placing her bare feet on the table as she continued kissing Christian. His wandering hands skirted the tips of her swollen nipples and she arched, lifting off the table to get more of his taste and his touch.

  Then Ryder’s hands slid up her legs, warm and muscled and with each touch her heat quickened and her breath caught. With his hands under her knees, Ryder spread her legs wider, putting her on display for his perusal, something that should have flat-out embarrassed her, but instead made her pussy wet as hell, even more so when Ryder slid one finger up her slit. She was still covered by the lace panties she had soaked in the lake but which were now wet for another reason altogether.

  “I like the lace,” he murmured. “But it’s just so proper and I want to see all of you.” The words were hot and heavy and he pressed his mouth to the inside of her thigh. “I wanna taste you.”


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