Hayden's Hellion

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Hayden's Hellion Page 2

by Maggie Casper

  Today though, all hell was going to break loose. She could feel the anger flowing off her body like molten lava and knew she’d be able to do nothing to hold it in check. He’d embarrassed her in front of half the ranch, and the only way she could keep from crying was to vent, which was exactly what she was doing when the door to the office was flung open.

  The coffee cup shattered against the wall and in her anger, she didn’t have time to fear the intimidating look that crossed his face.

  “Don’t say another word to me!” she screamed at him while looking for something else to throw.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you, Austin?”

  “Me? Wrong with me! You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” Her hands were trembling with intense emotion, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to hold the tears back for long.

  “You talk shit to me in front of the whole damned crew, and you think something is wrong with me?”

  “I told you how it was going to be if you came to work for me and I meant it.” His voice was steady and low in warning, but she was beyond caring.

  “Yeah, you did,” she said, her laugh bitter. “I’ve done what you’ve asked and tried my best to learn what you’ve taught, but I won’t change who I am, not because you say so, Hayden O’Malley. You told me to change my clothes so I went home and changed, but that didn’t seem to matter. I don’t know what in the hell it is you want.”

  “I sent you home because your sorry excuse for underwear was riding up the back of your pants which were cut indecently low and your shirt didn’t even meet the waist. You come back in painted-on jeans and a tank top small enough to fit a child. I won’t send you home again, but you’ll stay in the house for the remainder of the day, even through your lunch.”

  Austin wanted to curse him to the devil, but the black scowl on his face told her she wouldn’t come out the winner so she kept her mouth closed. Turning her back on the infuriating man, Austin gave great effort to regaining her composure. It wasn’t until the door to the office opened and then closed with a bang that she realized he was gone.

  Quickly she cleaned up the shattered coffee mug she’d thrown in her fit of rage then sat at the desk and threw everything she had into her work.

  Several hours had passed when she realized how cramped her muscles were and exactly how hungry she’d become. Making her way from the office, she approached the kitchen where she could hear muted voices. Not sure whether to interrupt or not, she slowed her pace, listening carefully. If the conversation seemed important, she would go back to the office, but if it was just some of the guys bullshitting, she would get herself something to eat.

  After a moment, she recognized Hayden’s voice, but she couldn’t figure out who the other voice belonged to.

  “That little filly’s got herself all tied up over you, boss. The folks in town are wondering what you’ve got going on out here.”

  “She’s just a kid with a crush, and I don’t really care what the folks in town think.”

  Were they talking about her? Austin’s heart began to race. Her palms became sweaty as she quietly inched closer to the door.

  “I think she’s got more than a crush, boss.”

  “Yeah, well that may be, but I’m not looking for a long-term woman. Besides, she’s too young and not at all my type.”

  The words were like a blow to Austin’s gut. She already knew she wasn’t his type, but to hear him talk about her so dispassionately hurt. Maybe it was time to change, to up the ante a bit. Those were her thoughts as she returned to the office and jotted a short note for Hayden letting him know she was leaving early for the day.

  Her mind spun with ideas on the drive back to town. Once back, her first stop was Claire’s Thrift Shop. With not much money to spend, it was the only place Austin could think to go to buy some clothes. Clothes she hoped Hayden would find more to his liking.

  She was extremely happy with her secondhand purchases when she left the shop, bags in tow, but through that happiness a gray cloud of doubt appeared.

  She pushed it away and focused on tomorrow.

  * * * * *

  Had Austin stayed just a few more minutes she’d have gotten an earful. Hayden was so mad he could spit nails. Not sure why the conversation with one of his hands had turned angry, but it had and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it now.

  “Well boss, if you’re not interested there are a few of us who are. Maybe we could keep Austin from throwing herself at you for the next couple of days at least.” Before his employee had even finished the sentence, Hayden was seeing red. The thought of Austin allowing any of those fumbling idiots to put their hands on her made him want to kill.

  “She’s off-limits,” he’d warned. “You be sure and tell the others.”

  With those words, he’d stormed from the kitchen to give Austin the same warning, only she wasn’t there. In her place was a note. It made him wonder what in the world she was up to now and why he cared so much.

  She hadn’t been with him for long but she placed herself in his path every chance she got, leaving him ready. Every time he saw her lush body or smelled her sweet scent, he wanted to attack.

  He had to remind himself several times a day that she was much too young for him. Yet at the same time, his cock reminded him that she was a grown woman who knew the score. Why shouldn’t he be added to her list of conquests? If the rumor circulating through town was true, she was a mighty fine fuck.

  The whole damned thing sucked as far as he was concerned and there had to be a way to stop it. To keep her away from him so his cock could return to normal instead of staying painfully erect throughout the day. He’d have to give it some thought, something would have to give and soon, or he was going to make a complete ass out of himself.

  That night he was completely restless. Nothing he did seemed to help. Fresh air, warm milk, nothing. He was hard as steel and horny as hell to boot. He needed a woman but there wasn’t one handy so he’d just have to take matters into his own hands. Literally.

  Hayden rolled over until he was on his back, leaning against the headboard with several pillows behind him. One squirt from the bottle of lotion sitting on his bedside table prepared him. In the next instant, he wrapped his fist around the base of his jutting cock. It was nowhere near as good as the tight sheath of a wet cunt or as all-consuming as the heat of a humid mouth with full lips, but it would have to do.

  He liked his women docile and willing. There was nothing better than a woman who could follow directions in the bedroom and take what he gave without complaint. It had been a while since he’d had full reign over that type of woman.

  He believed beyond a shadow of a doubt he’d been born a century or two too late. There weren’t many women left like that, just as there weren’t many old-fashioned working cowboys left.

  His hips arched involuntarily as his hand stroked the length of his sex. The whole time he was thinking of docile women he was picturing Austin in his head. If she wasn’t the farthest thing from docile, he didn’t know who was.

  He could imagine the feel of her tiny hand working his flesh. She wouldn’t be intimidated by his size and she wouldn’t be inhibited by his needs. He could readily picture her tied to his bed belly down with pillows below her hips.

  The position would thrust her hips back and up allowing him full access to her, to do with her as he pleased. He wondered which of her toys she liked the most? Did she use them often?

  He’d heard she hosted a damned good party and passed out fliers to the women with each of the toys she sold, rated based on her and other clients’ personal opinions. The woman was just too much.

  There was a tingling sensation low in his spine warning him he was getting closer. Intensifying his grip, he increased his tempo. With a picture of Austin on her knees in front of him, he spewed his seed along his belly.

  “Holy shit,” he raged. The damned imp could get to him even when she wasn’t around. He would have to do something to keep her from invad
ing his thoughts. Something to ensure she stayed far from the heart he thought was protected so well.

  * * * * *

  The next morning came too soon for his liking. Little sleep and sexual frustration left him in a foul mood. The furrow plastered firmly between his brows should be enough to warn off even the most obtuse of people.

  He was going over some newly received bills at the desk when she came into the room. He couldn’t help it when his jaw dropped or seem to stop the flow of blood that, as usual in her presence, quickly flowed south. His cock stood at attention begging for a piece of the curvy little baggage sashaying toward the desk.

  She looked so sweet. It was a ruse of course, because there wasn’t a sweet bone in her body—she was mean through and through, and from the glittering look in her eyes, she knew exactly what she was doing.

  Her blue eyes sparkled, he wasn’t sure with what emotion, but it made her seem extremely happy. Her dimpled smile added to the effect. Lush lips were once again coated generously with peach gloss but he could tell she’d nibbled a bit at her bottom lip. He longed to be the next to nibble the delectable expanse of flesh.

  Her hair was no longer blindingly red. Instead, it was the color of honey and made her look even younger. Instead of sticking up every which way in a mess of spikes, it looked as if it had been blown dry and was curled delicately around the edge of her cherubic face.

  His mouth had gone dry, then wet at the difference in her appearance and he hadn’t even made it to her body yet. If he wasn’t careful, he might expire before he was done assessing her body.

  Continuing his perusal, he let his eyes wander lower. The neckline of her dress showed just a hint of cleavage as it hugged her generous curves. It was pale blue, but he couldn’t tell what the fabric was from where he was sitting.

  The waist nipped in with a belt showed off her curvaceous waist and generous hips in a very flattering way. The hemline stopped just above her knees allowing him to see her smooth, tanned legs. The low backless sandals and the bubblegum pink polish adorning her toes complemented the outfit.

  All in all, the outfit was absolutely stunning and made it so he wanted to fuck her now more than ever. In effect, it inflamed his already bad mood until he wanted to strike out.

  She was driving him crazy with her curves and sass, and he would have to do something to push her away before she found herself underneath him in his bed, which was exactly where she would be if his cock had its way.

  Chapter Three

  Austin wanted to shout in triumph at the look plastered across Hayden’s face. It was as if he’d never seen a woman before. Or maybe he’d just never seen her dressed as a woman before.

  She was well aware that her choice of clothing was offensive to some people. Especially living in Texas where it seemed most everyone was at least a generation behind. It was her style though, and she’d always done exactly what she wanted and planned to keep it that way.

  She had to admit, even if it was only to herself, that it felt nice to dress the way she was dressed. She couldn’t wait to try out a few of her other outfits just to see what type of reaction she’d get with them.

  “See anything you like, cowboy?” she asked seductively as she walked toward him. She was a bit stunned when a string of curse words that burned even her ears flew from his pinched mouth.

  It took him only a minute to stand from his seated position and storm from the room allowing the door to bang shut behind him.

  “I won’t cry, I refuse to cry,” she whispered as the tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

  She spent the rest of the day working at the computer until she was cross-eyed and her head ached, and still felt as if she hadn’t accomplished a thing.

  She had a party to host, and for the first time ever, she wasn’t in the mood. As she made her way to the front door and was just about to open it, she heard a sound coming from behind her.

  She knew it was Hayden before she saw him. The manly scent wafting around her as well as the sound of his clanking spurs on the hardwood floor told her what her body already knew.

  Every hair on the back of her neck stood at attention, but she wouldn’t let it all get to her. She refused to let the hurt invade her for the rest of the day. Tomorrow she would come to work, even though it was the weekend, and hope for the best. Hope that Hayden was in a better mood or at the very least that he wouldn’t take his black mood out on her.

  The pounding in her head grew worse by the minute. She hadn’t eaten a bite of food or left the office for as much as a drink of water. She felt weak and sad and didn’t want him to have any idea he could affect her so severely.

  Squaring her shoulders, she turned to face him. “I’m leaving for the day, but I didn’t finish, so I’ll be back tomorrow. Goodnight, Hayden.”

  “Night,” she heard him say in his slow Texas drawl as she slowly closed the heavy wooden door behind her.

  What was going through his mind? He seemed so distant and cool. In a way, he’d always been that way but there were the times when he’d seemed caring and warm. The times when he’d looked at her as if she was a woman he’d want to be with, not only intimately but on an emotional and intellectual level.

  There were certainly numerous times when she’d thought long and hard about what it would be like to be loved by him. He would be a possessive lover, one who wouldn’t share.

  Jealousy would be an issue with any woman he was with, as would trust. She’d heard stories of the one woman he had loved and how she had fucked him over. For the life of her, she couldn’t fathom anyone screwing over such a fine man.

  But if the stories she’d heard pertaining to Hayden and his ex-fiancée were true then he had every right to be a bit distrustful. However, he did not have the right to lump her in with all the women of loose morals just because she liked sex toys and was comfortable with her body.

  Needing a bit of company, Austin picked up the phone and dialed the number for her new friend, Honor Rollings. It rang three times before she answered.


  Austin wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to invite Honor with her for the evening. Something told her Sean O’Malley wouldn’t approve. On the other hand, he and Honor were only seeing each other, not actually married so what right did he have to say she couldn’t go? A slight unease stayed with her before Honor’s voice brought her out of her worried stupor.

  “Hello? Is anybody there?”

  “Hi, Honor, it’s me, Austin. I know it’s your night off. I could use a friend and was wondering if you’d like to help me host a party tonight?” She thought about her offer for a minute then added, “You can drive if you think it would be better that way.” The legend of Austin and Jolene was well-known in the area. It was enough to make her snicker.

  “Oh, that sounds like fun. What time would I need to be ready?”

  Honor sounded excited and that surprised Austin into asking, “You don’t think Sean will mind?”

  “Oh, I didn’t say that, but sometimes when things get just the slightest bit, regular, shall we say, I like to push my limits.” Honor’s voice had become husky and she gave an embarrassed giggle.

  “All right, sweetie, if you’re sure. I’ll pick you up in an hour but be sure and leave a note because we won’t be back until late. You might not mind the repercussions, but I think I might.”

  “No problem, Austin. See you in an hour.”

  The phone clicked in Austin’s ear and although she still wasn’t sure about taking Honor with her, it would be nice to have the company.

  Honor Rollings was the type of woman you couldn’t help but like. In the short time since they had been introduced, Honor had treated her with respect and Austin just knew they would end up lifelong friends.

  The sensual party she hosted that night was just as big a hit as all the others. She brought one of just about everything in the catalog so the products could be looked at, touched and when it came to the lotions and such, tried. It was one of t
he reasons her parties were so popular. Honor’s friendly presence and willingness to experiment helped the guests feel more comfortable.

  The whole time she patiently answered questions, talked and took orders she thought of nothing but Hayden. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. Naughty thoughts of him doing things to her she’d only dreamed of.

  What would he taste like? Would his length feel hot against her lips? So many questions swirled through her mind and she wondered if she would ever get them answered firsthand.

  She could picture a scene in her head where Hayden was making love to her. Her body arched as he kissed his way down until he reached her pussy. He fondled, nipped and licked at her until she thought she would go crazy. The whole time he talked dirty and instructed her on what to do. The sound of his lust-induced voice played like a broken record in the back of her head.

  His voice would be rough and gravely as he gave explicit directions and she would follow them willingly to reach heights even the best toy couldn’t bring about.

  Her thoughts continued on the drive home. It felt as if she were crawling along the road. Jolene wasn’t used to being driven at such a slow pace but Austin wanted in no way to further anger Judge Gumar or Hayden, so she followed the speed limit singing along to the radio and allowing her wicked thoughts full rein.

  Honor’s soothing voice kept her centered and although they sat in companionable silence most of the way, she was very glad Honor had agreed to go with her. From the look on Sean’s face when they pulled into the drive at a quarter after one in the morning, Honor might not be so glad.

  “Hi, Sean,” she said trying to keep her unease at bay. There was just something about the O’Malley brothers that warned a woman not to show an ounce of fear.

  “Hellion,” he said before turning his hazel gaze to Honor. “In the house, darlin’. Me and you got some things to discuss.”

  Austin couldn’t help the shiver that ran its course through her body at Sean’s words. His voice was low, seductive and held promise. Honor was in big trouble. Turning toward her friend to apologize, Austin was surprised when Honor winked at her. When Austin felt Honor’s arms engulf her and heard her friend whisper, “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing,” the tension drained from her body.


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