Hayden's Hellion

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Hayden's Hellion Page 6

by Maggie Casper

  “Sit up, Austin,” he said in a controlled voice. He meant business, but would be tender if it killed him. There was no way rough-and-tumble sex was going to be happening today or anytime soon for that matter if the stubborn angle of Austin’s chin was any indication.

  When he braced a knee on the side of the bed, her startled eyes flew open and her hands clutched the afghan like a shield.

  “Up,” he repeated, even as he helped her accomplish the task with an arm behind her.

  “Why? I just want to go home, Hayden.”

  “Not yet.” Not until he knew he’d given her good memories to replace the ones he’d so carelessly created.

  “I’m fine. Really. I think we should just forget this ever happened. I’ll stick with my toys, and you stick with women who know what fucking is all about. Simple.”

  The damned little idiot could test the patience of Christ himself, Hayden thought angrily.

  “Listen and listen good, Hellion. I don’t mind the toys. When you’re alone have at ‘em, it won’t bother me at all, but if I’m around and able, you’d better come to me and not something operated by batteries. We can use them together. Got it?”

  He knew it wasn’t even close to being the right time to discuss the subject, but the thought of her with a buzzing contraption probing her secret places when his cock could be doing the same, pissed him off royally.

  Her cheeks flushed instantly as she jackknifed on the bed sitting as straight as a board.

  “Fuck off, Hayden. You’ve got no say in the matter. I’ll play with myself anytime I damned well please and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. You got that?” she sneered the words at him.

  He wanted to shake her or paddle her or both, but now wasn’t the time. There would be a time and a place for this particular battle just as all the others. For now, he would let it go.

  Instead of arguing with her, he leaned into her body and kissed her. She stiffened but didn’t pull away, leaving him with a bit of hope.

  His next move almost got him slapped.

  “Are you crazy?” she shouted as he pulled the remnants of her tattered dress over her head, leaving her in only her bra, which hung lose and open.

  “Nope, Austin, just sorry, real sorry.” And he meant every word.

  Even with the stinging ache still very real, she knew she’d forgive him. She loved him no matter how awful he was. How could she not forgive him?

  She could have insisted he believe her before she ever agreed to make love with him, only for Hayden, it hadn’t been making love.

  It had been all out sex, nothing more. She would eventually learn to corral her emotions. To keep them pinned up deep inside where there was no chance they would escape and make her do really stupid things like believing that Hayden O’Malley loved her.

  How fucking stupid can you get, Austin?

  Well, she wouldn’t be stupid any longer. From now on, she would do what was expected of her. Work, work and more work, and in between all that she would keep her nose clean, even if it meant staying home.

  She shuddered at the thought but right now, what was most important was to make it through the rest of her six-month stint in O’Malley hell and get back in Judge Gumar’s good graces.

  Once accomplished, she would start venturing back out into the world.

  Cool air caused her nipples to peak reminding her she was sitting on Hayden’s bed, butt naked. Upon closer inspection, she realized he held a washcloth in his hand, a washbasin with steam rising from its surface sat on the bedside table.

  When he started for her, she squeaked out, “What the hell do you plan to do with that?”

  “Right my wrongs, at least the best I can for now so just lay back.”

  The man was a complete imbecile, she thought to herself.

  “No way. Uh-uh, not even close,” she muttered, trying to back further away from him only to be stopped by a hand on her ankle.

  “Lie back, darlin’.”

  He spoke to her as if she was a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and it was starting to make her mad. Anger was a good thing. It would keep her from throwing herself at him begging him to take her, only slower this time.

  Yes, she needed anger right now and embraced it like never before.

  Kicking her foot at him, she twisted and tried to get away but it was no use. His hold was unrelenting, as firm as steel and in no way did he act as if he would let her loose anytime soon.

  “Now, darlin’.”

  She struggled for a few more minutes just to be sure, before finally giving up. With a frustrated sigh, she lowered herself to the bed and tightly closed her eyes praying she wouldn’t make a complete ass out of herself again.

  “That’s it, baby. Just relax and let me do all the work.”

  She couldn’t imagine what work he was speaking of, could only guess what he had planned for the washcloth in his hand, and although she was sure her skin was beet red with embarrassment, she couldn’t help the thrill of excitement rushing through her body.

  “Oh.” The sound escaped her lips before she could stop it as the warm washcloth covered her shaved mound. It made her tingle and helped her tight muscles to relax.

  He gently caressed every single millimeter of her pussy with the terrycloth square, dipping it in the basin of steaming water between each swipe. She was in heaven.

  It seemed like hours had passed when Hayden braced her thighs wider. Austin didn’t mind if he would just keep up the blissful sensations. She didn’t pay any attention when he shifted on the bed, leaving the warm cloth on her.

  When the cloth was removed and replaced with something hotter and much more wicked, she jumped in surprise.

  “Hayden?” she questioned, staring down at him, at his face buried deeply between her thighs.

  “Mmmm,” he hummed against her, the vibrations seemed to engulf her whole body. “Like honey, baby. Thick and sweet.”

  His words were naughty and sent a frisson of excitement spiraling throughout her body.

  Her brain forgot what had happened earlier, allowing her body to take over. Too bad my heart can’t stay out of it, Austin thought a minute before his tongue rasped over the swollen nub of her clit.

  “Oh, oh, Hayden.”

  A single finger rimmed the soaked entrance of her vagina causing her to tense. When he didn’t delve any deeper she relaxed again, thrusting her hands into his thick cap of russet-colored hair. It was silky beneath her fingers and felt erotic as it brushed her inner thighs.

  The combination of sensations was enough to send her over the top. When tiny spasms tidal-waved through her body, Hayden murmured words of want, of encouragement.

  “Come for me, baby, in my mouth, on my finger. Let me taste how sweet you are.”

  With his words came a new realization. His finger was buried deeply inside of her and there hadn’t been a moment of discomfort.

  Damn, he’s good, she thought as her body tightened with the intensity of her orgasm, causing her to cry out in shock.

  “Better than BOB any day,” she mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

  Hayden wasn’t sure who or what “BOB” was and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. He was angry with himself for not having listened to Austin. And if he ever heard another of the town’s residents talking down about her, there were going to be problems.

  Austin stirred against him. Sexy little snuffling noises came from where her face was nestled into the pillow, bringing Hayden out of his thoughts. Pulling her into the curve of his body, Hayden snuggled the generous swell of her backside against his still-erect shaft. She may not realize it yet but she was now his, in every way. Hayden’s last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were memories of Austin’s sweet taste and breathy moans. Next time he would take things slow and show Austin just how good sex could be.

  Chapter Eight

  She was really hard to get along with when she was in a snit, but she sure was pretty as hell that way. He couldn’t help the chuckle tha
t left his lips as she slammed the desk drawer for the tenth time, at least.

  Evidently, she’d been in PMS hell all week, and was bound and determined to drag him with her. It was probably his fault to begin with seeing as how he’d refused to leave her alone since taking her virginity.

  His chipper mood didn’t last long as Austin continued to slam this and bang that. It was enough to give a man a headache. He could have easily gone outside to work but that would defeat the purpose of staying close to her.

  Hayden didn’t plan on leaving her sight during the day unless absolutely necessary. He stole as many kisses as possible and kept her body used to his touch. He figured that was the main reason why she stayed mad. Fighting her body’s reaction to him was hard to do. He knew it and was using it against her.

  He walked across the room and closed his hand over hers. If she slammed the cabinet door much more, it was going to fall off the hinges.

  “That’s enough for today, Hellion,” he warned, feeling restless. Being close to her on a daily basis was hard but necessary if he planned to get her back in his bed.

  Her eyes did their famous shooting daggers thing as they narrowed on him. “Let me go,” she yelled, jumping to her feet.

  She’d just started a running tirade on what an egotistical asshole he was when the phone rang. Hayden figured Austin wouldn’t be finishing anytime soon so he waved her off and answered the phone himself.

  “Yeah,” he said as he picked up the line, only to hear nothing but silence on the other end. At least he thought it was silence but it was hard to tell over the volume of Austin’s voice.

  When there was still no answer he growled into the line, his patience all but gone, “Dammit! Is anybody there?”

  “I’m here. What in the hell’s wrong with you?” The familiar voice answered and demanded all in the same breath.

  “Hey, baby brother.” It was good to hear Zane’s voice. It would be even better when they were all finally back together again.

  “What in the hell is that, Hayden?” Zane asked when Austin’s fit of temper reached an all-time high.

  “Oh, hell, don’t mind her none. It’s just The Hellion,” Hayden answered. “She got herself in trouble with Judge Gumar again so I’ve got her working here keeping my books.”

  “Austin?” Zane asked. Hayden could hear the laughter in this voice. “What did she do this time?”

  “Her and that damned car, tearin’ up the roads, sellin’ her wares,” he added in a disgusted voice. “Judge told her she could either get a real job or she could spend thirty days in jail. She opted for the job, and I needed a bookkeeper.”

  For some reason Zane thought the idea hilarious. His roaring laughter filled one ear as the sound of breaking glass filled the other. “Gotta go, baby brother. I think The Hellion needs a whoopin’.”

  He slammed the phone down. “Enough!” he roared in order to be heard above Austin’s tirade.

  Her eyes widened and her hands stilled, even her voice died down quickly. “I’ve had just about all the sass I can take from you. From now on, you’ll act like an adult woman is supposed to act, and stop trying to run me off with your nasty temper.”

  When she remained silent, watching him intently, he moved slowly toward her. His eyes zeroed in on her heaving chest. She had worked herself up and her cheeks were all roses in the aftermath.

  After holding himself back for more days than he cared to remember, Hayden felt as if he would explode. His cock stayed semi-rigid, his emotions in turmoil over the denial of his feelings.

  He would admit to caring deeply for the woman standing in front of him but could he truly love her? He wasn’t sure and didn’t want to dwell on it. Not when there were so many more exciting things to think about and do.

  “I’m going to kiss you, darlin’. This time it’s going to be long, slow and deep. And when I’m done I’m going to take you over to the leather couch across the room there and make love to you the same way.”

  His words were sensual even to his own ears. They had a telling impact on Austin. Her body trembled. A shiver ran along her spine causing bumps to rise on her skin. And if he wasn’t mistaken, the subtle scent of her arousal wafted gently through the air. Feminine and sweet, just the way she’d tasted.

  His words sent a jolt of awareness straight to her core. His commanding presence made her want to struggle for freedom but she wouldn’t.

  She couldn’t.

  This time things would be different. She could see it in his eyes. In the tiny lines surrounding the hazel windows to his soul. He’d regretted taking her roughly, and it wouldn’t happen again unless she explicitly asked for it.

  She knew that much about Hayden O’Malley, and even if he didn’t love her, for now it was enough.

  When his arms engulfed her, she said nothing. The power of his kiss was all-consuming. It took her to new heights. The roughness was gone and although she knew she would at some point in time like to try a nice rough tumble, right now she wanted to be held close and loved slow. She needed it.

  His tongue probed her lips until she parted them on a gasp. It was warm and moist, and insistent in its possession of her mouth. The way his hands bracketed her face made her feel cherished. The thumbs rubbing her cheeks were gentle as her head was titled back further for better access.

  Breathing heavily, Hayden backed slightly away releasing the hold his mouth had on hers. Her lips felt tingly—the sensation seemed to arrow into a point at the apex of her thighs.

  Her world tilted and whirled as Hayden firmly but gently lifted her with an arm at her knees and a hand at her back. Being cradled against the wide expanse of his rock-hard chest was an aphrodisiac unlike any other, causing her folds to slicken and gush. All of a sudden, she wanted nothing more than to have him buried deep inside her.

  “Make love to me now, Hayden. Please.”

  After lowering her to the soft leather of the extra-wide sofa, he strode to the door and locked it. The click of the lock seemed to ring loudly throughout the room, taunting her with what was to come.

  But she wouldn’t be intimidated. This time they were both going to love every minute of everything they did. She wouldn’t let it be otherwise.

  Austin watched as Hayden slowly made his way across the room. His long-legged, loose-hipped stroll was all cowboy, sex personified. She hadn’t thought she could get any wetter, but just watching him proved her wrong.

  The pearl snaps of his shirt were all undone by the time he made it back to her. His bare chest was as inviting as a tall glass of cold water was to a man dying of thirst.

  He was tanned a golden brown with a smattering of hair between his flat male nipples. Nipples her mouth watered to taste. The curly hair seemed to gather just before it narrowed and disappeared into the waist of his snug jeans.

  The bulge beneath his fly seemed larger than last time, if that was possible, and for a fraction of a second she let the remembered pain he’d inadvertently caused scare her.

  The look on her face must have told Hayden as much because without undressing further, he knelt before her until they were eye to eye and gathered her close.

  “Don’t worry, baby. It’ll work out.” His words were reassuring, the feel of his body against hers highly arousing.

  She wanted him to know that this was something she wanted just as badly as he evidently did, but words seemed to stick in her throat so she decided to show him with action.

  Splaying her hands across his chest, she pushed his unsnapped shirt off his shoulders. Leaning forward, she kissed first one nipple and then the other.

  The sound of his sharply indrawn breath was like music to her ears. In what felt like minutes, they were both gloriously nude, a blanket draped across the leather surface of the couch beneath them.

  When Hayden rolled over until she was sprawled across him, she gave him a questioning look. He seemed to understand completely what she was asking.

  “This time you’re in control, darlin’. I know it w
ill all work, that your beautiful body can accommodate every inch of my cock, but I think for this time, at least, you’ll feel better figuring that out for yourself.”

  Austin couldn’t help the smile that crossed her lips. It was wicked in its intent and feminine with power.

  “There is something I’ve always wanted to try—you got protection with you, cowboy?”

  “Uh, yeah,” he said not sounding at all sure. “In my wallet.”

  Austin retrieved the little foil packet then slid off of Hayden until she was on her knees on the floor.

  “Turn around here so I can reach better.”

  He did as she asked without speaking a word although she could read the million questions flashing in the depths of his eyes. The twin orbs, normally hazel, were a deep moss green and beautiful beyond belief. She couldn’t seem to pull her eyes away from his.

  Taking a moment to gather her wandering thoughts, Austin racked her brain trying to remember the pictures she had seen, the articles she had read.

  “Let me know if I do something wrong, okay?”

  “Darlin’, I’m not sure what you’ve got planned but in the position you are in, I doubt there could be a thing wrong with it.”

  She slowly opened the foil packet and when it was completely open, she removed the condom dropping the wrapper to the floor.

  Reverently, as if unsure of how to proceed, she grasped the base of his jutting arousal with one hand. She couldn’t help but wonder how he tasted, so before she placed the condom on him, she leaned forward and kissed the satiny-smooth surface.

  Already dripping with pre-cum, his scent was mesmerizing. Feeling the dampness on her lips, she licked them then moaned in appreciation and surprise.

  “You taste like…like, oh, I don’t know how to explain it.” She wasn’t sure she would ever get enough of him now. It was as if a monster had been created.

  “You’re killing me, blue eyes.” His hands were clenching the blanket tight. The white-knuckled fists proof that she was doing something right.

  With her free hand, she placed the condom at the tip of his erect member and then ever so slowly she placed her mouth upon it, unrolling it as she engulfed him. His hips bucked sending a thrill through her body causing her pussy to gush.


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