Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC Page 22

by Grayson, Alivia

  There is only one answer to give. Enemies in this world get not only you but your family killed or worse. I have Ava to think about now. I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep her safe and give her a happy life.

  “Aye.” Is my answer.

  “So, it’s unanimous. The Snakes and Cutthroats are no longer at war!” There are a few mumbles, some talking before the gavel hits the table. Church is over, and I need to get out of here.

  My hand is on the door handle when a hand on my shoulder stops me. “Got a sec?” Not really, but I doubt I’m getting out of this room without hearing Mortar out.

  My brother’s all file out, closing the door behind them, leaving Mortar and me alone.

  “What do you want, Mortar?”

  “You need to know that the baby Fallon is carrying is yours.” I guess I knew that deep down. “When she was with you, she was with only you. Whatever Fallon did, she didn’t have a choice, Trace.”

  I nod. I don’t know what he wants me to say.

  “She loves you, man. If I know nothing else, I know that.”

  “Was she okay when you dropped her home?”

  He sighs audibly. “No. Fallon pretends to be, but that’s just how she is.” I know that. “The only thing that kept her going in that place was knowing you and Ava were safe. She needed you safe.”

  “Me?” Why the hell would she need me safe? I’m a Snakes Henchmen. I can take care of myself. Always have, always will.

  “Why do you think she really stayed with him, Trace? Because Brick threatened to kill you, that’s why. He already took out her brother. How was Fallon to really know he wouldn’t somehow get to you and take you out?

  “She thought if she could make you hate her, it would have Brick thinking she didn’t give a damn about you, meaning he’d lose interest in killing someone she didn’t care for, thus keeping you safe.”

  “Jesus!” I rake my fingers through my hair.

  I can be a cunt about this all I like; it won’t change what’s happened or why Fallon did what she did. The point is, she did it. She does love me, and she’s home now. I can either walk away for good or finally make Fallon mine. She’s pregnant with my kid. I want her to come home to me, to Ava. What’s done is done, it’s gone. Yeah, Brick had his sweaty hands on her, forced his vile self on my girl, but she didn’t want it. I won’t punish her for what she had no control over.

  “Put this behind you if you can, Fallon deserves to be free finally. She loves you, Trace. She’s carrying your kid. Claim her and give her everything she deserves.” Mortar slaps me on the back and leaves.

  I have to collect Ava soon, but I need to speak with Fallon first. I have to make her see that I still love her, and I want her to come home.

  * * *

  I park my motorcycle outside Roman’s. He’s not home; his bike isn’t here. I would have spoken to him before, but he’d gone from the clubhouse by the time I left. I have no idea where he’d gone, though.

  I bang the door with my fist. Marley answers with Romany on her hip. “Where’s Fallon? I need to talk to her.”

  “She’s not here. She went to see her doctor. Leona took her. She wanted to get the baby checked.”

  Shit, I don’t have time to chase Fallon down. I need to collect my car and then pick Ava up. I can’t be late for her; she’ll be terrified.

  “Tell her I called round.”

  “Why don’t you come in and wait for her? She should be back soon.”

  I shake my head. “I need to collect Ava. Just tell Fallon that I called round.”

  She smiles slightly. “Okay.”

  I’m early collecting Ava. There’s still ten minutes left. How did I manage to ride home, park my motorcycle, jump in my car, and drive over here with ten minutes to spare? Time is definitely on my side today.

  “You’re early today.” Chantelle Baker, Ava’s teacher, smiles at me. She’s always smiling at me. She wants me; I can read women like her like a damn book.

  She’s pretty, red hair, blue eyes, full pink lips, body made for sin. Under normal circumstances, I’d be all over it. As it is, I’m not interested. Fallon is home, and I fully intend on putting my little family back together before the day is out.

  “Got some time on my hands.”

  “Before you take her home, I’d like a quick word about Ava.”


  “There was a little altercation earlier.” I raise my eyebrow. What kind of altercation could a three-year-old have gotten into? “One of the other children made a comment about Ava not having a mother like the other children,”

  “She does have a mother!” I probably shouldn’t have snapped at her, but I’m pissed off!

  “Yes,” She bites her lip nervously. Bitch! I damn well told her the first day Ava started here that her mother would be out of town for a while. I didn’t know what else to tell the woman when she asked, but I wanted to make sure she and everyone else working here, and dropping their children off knew that I wasn’t a single father. Even if I technically was. “But the fact remains that Ava struck another child in a temper. That kind of behavior is not acceptable.”

  “Where is she?”

  “This way.”

  I follow her slim frame inside the classroom. Eleven or twelve kids are playing with toys on a rug next to a shelf full of books, all of them taller than Ava; an older woman is supervising them.

  “Hi, Trace!” I smile at Dana, and I chuckle at Gabe and DJ, waving at me like crazy little monkey’s. They’re the only reason I brought Ava to this playgroup. Taylor told me this would be a great place for Ava to make friends. The only friends Ava has made are Dana, Gabe, and DJ. Dana being the child she talks about and clings to the most. My little princess isn’t fitting in well at all, and I’m not sure what to do about it.

  Dana rushes over to me, and I lift her. “You okay, sweet girl?” She nods her head. Dana is a couple of months older than Ava, and she’s definitely more mature for her age. She’s a beautiful little girl, looks just like her father, but she’s starting to look a lot like Taylor as she grows.

  “Dana, can you go back to your seat, please?”

  “When I’m done talking.” I’m trying not to snigger because Taylor would cut my balls off. She doesn’t stand for Dana’s rude attitude, but the little lady has so much sass she could bottle it and make a fortune. “Ava got in trouble.”

  “I know. I’m about to see her now.”

  “She’s really sad, Trace. She didn’t mean to be bad. I tried to give her hugs, but she just wanted her daddy.” Dana leans in and whispers in my ear. “She is my best friend. Please don’t be mad.”

  I kiss her head. “It’s okay, darlin’. I’m not mad with Ava. I’m just going to take her home.”

  “Dana, your mother is here.” Someone calls from behind me. I put Dana on her feet, and she excitedly runs to Taylor.

  Taylor narrows her eyes when Dana whispers something in her ear. She mouths that she’ll wait outside for me, and I nod.

  “This way.” Miss Baker leads me to the far corner of the room where my little Ava is sitting on a tiny chair by herself, looking at the floor. She looks so sad.

  “Ava? Your father is here to collect you.”

  Her little head shoots up. “Daddy!” She’s out of that seat and in my arms in less than a second.

  “It’s okay; Daddy’s got you.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you could teach her that striking others is not the way to handle things.”

  “Yeah?” Stuck up, bitch. Talking fucking down to me like I’m some punk off the street. “And I’d appreciate you teachin’ these damn kids what not to say to upset my daughter! Do you know who I am?” I’m not in to intimidating, nor scaring women, but I’ll do what I have to to protect Ava, even from spiteful kids who don’t know any better.

  Miss Baker nods her head. Of course, she knows who I am; every fucker knows who I am! The cut gives it away, obviously, but everyone knows us each by name and reputation. This bitch
knows Taylor, BlackJack, and Wrench through Dana. Hawk, and Brooke through Gabe and DJ, so she knows not to fuck with us.

  “Then you should know damn well not to cross me. I entrust my daughter into your care each day. I expect you to give it!” I walk away before I say something I’ll regret. The woman was only doing her job, but it doesn’t alter the fact that Ava is upset, and I fucking hate that.

  “Is she okay?” Taylor asks as soon as I’m out the door.

  I pull in a deep breath and rub Ava’s back. I don’t want to show my anger in front of her, but it’s not easy. “She will be.”

  “The kids told us what happened.” Brooke smiles slightly.

  “Ava asked him to stop saying she doesn’t have a mommy, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  “He?” Gabe nods his head in earnest.

  “Yeah, Peter,” Dana tells me. “He’s a meany fat pig. He always says, mean things to Ava. Gabe and me make him stop, but today he said stuff and Ava hit him.” She shrugs her shoulders and continues to play with DJ.

  “I’m so sick of this crap.”

  “I know it hurts, Trace, but she’s going to be okay. Kids are resilient and move on quickly. Quicker than us adults anyway.” Taylor smiles slightly.

  “Doesn’t stop me wanting to kill the kid’s parents for not teaching him manners.” Taylor nods and Brooke rubs Ava’s back.

  Ava clings to me tighter. “Want to go, Daddy.”

  “I best go. Ava needs me.” I walk away from them.

  I lock Ava in her car seat and then drive us towards home. Ava is quiet, so not like her at all. “Are you okay, baby girl?” She nods while looking out of the window beside her. “Wanna go see Romany and Colt?”

  “I just want to go home.” She hiccups back her emotions.

  “You don’t want to see papaw and grandma?” Yeah, she’s taken to calling Marley, grandma. No one stops her, Marley is married to her grandfather, after all.

  Ava shakes her little head. “I’m tired.” I can hear the sadness in her little voice, and it cuts me up. It’s not really the kids she goes to playgroup with’s fault, they don’t know any better, but it hurts my little girl so much when they say those things to her.

  When will parent’s teach their kids not to pick at another for not having a parent around?

  When did it become okay to hurt another person like that?

  These are three-year-old kids, and they need to be guided on the right path. Even a biker like me knows that.

  “I want to go home, Daddy.” Ava sobs and I feel the ache in my heart knowing she’s upset.

  “Baby, don’t cry, it’s gonna be all right. I promise.” I fucking hate this shit. I need to get her home, my talk with Fallon will just have to wait. Ava has to come first right now.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Trace didn’t show yesterday. He’d called around to see me, but I wasn’t here. He didn’t call around with Ava this morning either. Marley said Trace more than likely bring Ava after daycare. I didn’t even know she was in daycare. Not that I would, it’s not like I’ve been here or anything. Marley said that Trace would be picking Ava up after the meeting the Snakes were having with Mortar. Obviously, that had to do with Brick.

  Somehow, I just know I’m finally free of him. My baby girl is free of him, and I can breathe easier knowing he’s gone.

  While the Snakes were in a meeting, my grandmother asked me to let her take me to my doctor so he could check me out. She was worried about my baby, and the truth is, so was I. That’s why I smiled as Leona stroked the back of my head and told me that she loved me and only wanted what was best for me. I kissed her cheek and agreed to go.

  Leona has been great, she stayed with me the whole time, holding my hand and taking in everything the doctor said. There is no lasting physical damage to my body, and my baby is fine. I’m ten weeks pregnant! I did not have a podge with Ava at this early stage. Leona laughed and said it was probably a boy, she was the same with Roman, and Marley was the same with Colt. The thought made me smile as I rubbed my little belly.

  I can’t get over the fact I’m ten weeks though. I know Trace used a condom the first time we were together, but he didn’t every other time. I’m pissed off with myself because I’m the one who allowed him to come inside of me. Now I’m pregnant with his child. I remember Trace telling me once how he never wanted kids. He said he’d be a rubbish father, but he’s not a rubbish father, from what I’ve heard he’s amazing with Ava, and I know he’ll be the same with our baby.

  I’m scared that Trace won’t believe this baby is his. We have to talk it through. All the lies I told him about this baby were wrong. I need to make him see that.

  I’ll admit that I cried a little when the doctor performed an ultrasound, and I saw my baby for the first time. So perfect it was. I always thought I’d be much older if and when I had another baby. I thought that I could find my father, get my daughter back, finally go to college to get the degree I always wanted. Then would come, my dream job. I’d save enough money to buy Ava and me a decent house, and we’d be happy just the two of us. Who knew, maybe I would’ve met the man of my dreams, and we’d get married, and then would come the baby.

  However, it didn’t happen that way. I’ve lost my place in college and the placement I found for myself. There’s no way they were going to keep the position open for all these weeks, but I guess I can reapply next semester. My Dad said I could stay with him for as long as I need, so I know I have a place to stay. How long will I be able to stay in one bedroom with two kids? Not very, that’s for sure.

  I was excited on the way home from the doctor’s office, excited to tell my Dad and Marley that everything is okay with the baby. It all didn’t seem real until today. I was able to push it all out of my head when I was with Brick. It was the only way I could get through it all.

  However, it’s all so very real now. I’m pregnant with my second child, and this time, my baby is going to have two parents. I’m never going to let this baby go; I don’t care what I have to do. I’m going to be a real mother to both my children from now on. I’m not yet twenty-one, but I can do this.

  When Leona and I arrived at Roman’s and told him that everything was okay, he held me so close to him and told me that he loved me and he’d take care of my baby and me. I love him so much, and I told him so while I cried in his arms. I felt his chest heave with his own tears. All the years we’ve lost because of my mother and how selfish she was. I told Roman how I didn’t blame him for any of it, and how I knew he’d pined for me all these years. Leona and Ace told me the same thing. That Roman had prayed for years that he’d one day know me. We can get to know each other now.

  I never knew it could be like this. All I have ever wanted was for my father to be in my life, to love me, and he does, he really does. I will never have to doubt that another day in my life.

  I rushed off to shower. I’d already taken one last night and another when I woke this morning because I couldn’t get the stench of Brick off my skin. However, I took this shower because all the prodding and the poking the doctor did, left me feeling dirty. I knew Trace would be arriving soon, and I wanted to look good not only for him but for Ava.

  I scrubbed myself from head to toe, shaved again all the places a girl shaves. I smiled in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. I can smile now because I can let go of all the pain I held inside of me. I’m moving forward, and I’m going to make my life count.

  Many of my things are here. It seems Red dropped them off while I was with the Dr. I was grateful for that. I haven’t yet spoken to Red, and I’m scared that he’ll hate me for the things I said. However, I’m hoping not because I love Red, his wife, and his kids, and I do miss those boys.

  My jeans no longer fit me, and it’s too cold to wear the maternity dress Marley offered to give me. So I slipped into a pair of black leggings and a long cream sweater, with a pair of black ankle boots. I blow-dried, and french braided my hair. I then added a little
foundation to hide the bruises on my face. I don’t want to frighten Ava. I add a touch of lipgloss because I wanted to look as natural as I could.

  I was so excited about seeing Ava that I could hardly contain myself. I sat on my father’s couch with Romany giggling at me, and Colt is bouncing happily in his chair. Spending time with my siblings while I waited for my little girl was everything. However, I waited, and I waited and waited some more, but Trace never arrived. My Dad called him, but Trace said that Ava wasn’t up for visitors today and that he’d try and bring her over tomorrow.

  It hurt so much. I wanted to see my baby girl, and I needed to hold Ava, and tell her how much I love her. I wanted Ava to know that her Mommy will never leave her again. Trace knew I was home, of course, he did. He told Marley earlier that he needed to speak with me. I stupidly thought that maybe he wanted to talk everything through, sort things between us. I wasn’t expecting Trace to take me back, but I thought he would at least hear me out. I never thought he would be so cruel as to keep my daughter from me, especially when I’ve spent long enough without her.

  I went to my room so I could cry. I held my little girl’s picture to my chest and cried. I know I have every right to go over to Trace’s house, walk right through the door, pick up my daughter, and leave. I am her mother, and Trace has no right to keep her from me. However, I don’t want to upset Ava. My Dad already told me how she’s settled and happy with Trace. So, I’ll text him.

  Fallon: I know you’re angry with me, but I really wanted to see Ava.

  Believe it or not, I’ve missed her.

  I stare at my phone for a full fifteen minutes before I get a reply.

  Trace: Who is this?

  He knows damn well who this is. Is he so angry with me that he’ll pretend he doesn’t even know me?


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