by Mindy Hayes
I smile gently. “I’m getting married today.”
“Oh, good for you! How exciting.”
Her glassy eyes simply stare at me and then begin to wander. I know she can’t help it. I don’t expect recognition, but I hoped for just a second of acknowledgement at least.
I swallow to try and stave off the tears that are bound to show. “I was kind of wishing you had some words for me today, but as I’ve learned to do recently, I think I found the words on my own.”
I place my hands over hers in her lap and squeeze. Her eyes find mine again. “Life without you isn’t easy. There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t wished I could have you back. Especially today. I want you to know your future grandbabies and see them grow. I want them to love you like I do, and know the you I knew. I want you to remember our lives.” I hold her hands tighter.
“If I could have it any other way I would, but I can’t resent the Alzheimer’s. It forced me to be stronger, to go for what I really want in life.” I blink back the tears already surfacing. “It brought me to Aiden. And gosh, am I grateful for that man, Mama.”
She blinks slowly. A small smile forms on her lips.
“I’ve learned something. A hard truth to swallow. Life without you isn’t the end. It doesn’t mean a life without love or acceptance or trust. My life is just beginning. And because you’ve taught me to be strong, I’m so much more because of you.”
Mama lifts her hand to my cheek and tenderly strokes it, murmuring unclearly. Placing my hand over hers I revel in this rare moment, where she looks at me as if she sees me. She smiles softly and says lucidly, “Alix.” My breath hitches. She kisses my forehead. “My Alix.”
“Yes.” I nod, letting the tears fall. “Yes, Mama. I’m Alix.”
I watch the ground as I walk, careful not to step wrong and fall on my face. Brooks walks beside me, my hand curled through his elbow. His head nearly reaches my shoulder now. The sun shines above us, sending down rays of happiness. When we reach the back of the gathering, I lift my eyes from the ground to Aiden at the end of the aisle. He’s fidgeting with the bottom of his suit coat. Dean elbows him, and he looks up, his mouth slowly dropping open.
My heart swells. I’ve heard that expression before, but it didn’t hold any meaning until this moment. I honestly feel as if it could explode with bliss.
Today I get to say ‘I do’ to Aiden Ballard. I get the privilege of becoming his. Today is the first day where I officially get to go through this life with someone else by my side, knowing my life is in good hands.
And I can’t wait to start.
Writing acknowledgements for my fifth book feels like a dream. But if I didn’t have the support team that I do, I wouldn’t even have a fifth book to publish.
Thank Madison Seidler, my editor, for the time and effort you put into each and every one of my manuscripts.
To my Alix, for letting me pick your brain and for caring about this story as much as I do, if not more.
A ginormous thanks to my Heartstoppers: Brittany B, Vicki, Lyndsay, Brookelyn, Amy, Laura, Brittany S, Kelli, Morgan, Mary, and Cheri. Without your enthusiasm I don’t know that I would have the courage to keep writing. Thank you for being who you are and loving my stories.
Amy Van Wagenen, I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you for always being willing to be my extra set of eyes.
To Starla Huchton and CL Foster, for always being there for moral support, levity and laughs. I know I can always count on you, ladies. Thank you.
Jessica Surgett and Michele G. Miller, you girls go above and beyond what I deserve. You’re the brainstorming queens. If I didn’t have you I’d be rocking in a corner somewhere with an unfinished manuscript. I can’t imagine the book world—or my world, for that matter—without you.
As always, thank you family for supporting me, reading my stories, and spreading the word. I love you.
My Readers: I can’t believe I can even start an acknowledgment like that. I have readers! And I’m so grateful for each and every one of you!
And finally, my husband, Ryan, whose endless patience still amazes me. Thank you for supporting this crazy adventure. I love you.
About The Author
Mindy Hayes grew up in San Diego, California exploring her interest for singing and playing the piano. She first discovered her passion for reading when she had to make her first flight alone to South Carolina to visit her, then, fiancé. Mindy’s love for writing followed shortly after. She has now been married for seven years and lives in Summerville, South Carolina.
Visit Mindy Online:
Twitter: @haymindywrites