Riley & Kane Bundle

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Riley & Kane Bundle Page 21

by Alexa Riley

  My thirst for Anya is unmatched. Before the day I saw her looking so sad on the front porch, I’d spent my life providing for and protecting my family. Moving up through the ranks of the Mafiya. There was no time for women, and I didn’t give a shit. Yet the moment Anya turned her green eyes on me, I was consumed. Obsessed. Never before had a female of any age even turned my head, but this one. She’d called to the deepest part of my soul. Life stopped being a burden and became something that would be spent making her happy.

  Making her mine.

  “Are we almost there?”

  My cock grows thick hearing her voice for the first time in an hour. “Da,” I rasp. “Very close.”

  She sits up straighter and scans the lush greenery we’re passing. There’s a definite curiosity in her expression, but not quite enough to overtake the stubbornness.

  “You have been thinking very hard over there.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  Her arms are back to being crossed, and I sigh. “Would you like to share?”

  “Yes, I would.” My patience thins rapidly, waiting for her to continue, but she finally does. “In the library, you said…you’ve been wanting to touch me for a long time.”

  Fuck. My blood pumps fast and hot at having my hunger for her out in the open. “I’ve been a slavering beast in a cage, angel. Is not quite the same thing.”

  “R - right.” Her posture loses some of its rigidness, and she begins talking in a rush. “Well, I was thinking about how you take off every Sunday night and you don’t come home until Monday afternoon.”

  Seeing where this conversation is headed, my lips jump at one end. “What about it, angel?”

  “You’re a man, Sasha. And you might think I’m totally innocent — ”

  “I don’t think,” I interrupt, unable to keep the steel out of my voice. “I knew you were innocent already, but now that I’ve had my finger buried in your extra - tight pussy, there’s no question.”

  “Fine,” she returns, her cheeks pink. “But I’m smart enough to know men need…sex. So if you weren’t touching me, who were you touching?”

  I glance over to find sweet little Anya looking fierce as hell. I’ve been keeping close track of the clock, and we’re only one hour from the end of my contract. But this display of jealousy is going to make the next sixty minutes feel like a fucking eternity. Because her Russian temperament would make her feisty and giving when in the green monster’s grip. However, I will never know this for sure, because I will not give her a single second to feel jealous for the rest of her life. “I have touched no one since we met, Anya. Only myself, while thinking of you. Is that clear?”

  Her anger seeps from her in degrees. “Yes.”

  “Good. On Sunday evenings, I make this very drive, to check the progress of our home.”

  “Our — ”

  I am privileged to witness the moment she spies the house. There is no need to point it out to her, because she recognizes it. “Sasha…” she whispers, her hands flying to her chest. “That’s…is that…?”

  “Da.” Pride gets trapped in my chest. “For you, angel.”

  The moment the car is in park, Anya unhooks her seatbelt and jumps from the car, running into the yard where I’ve pictured her millions of times. Great, sweeping trees hang around on all sides of the white two - story home I commissioned, complete with a green roof and window shutters. Without removing my eyes from her, lest I miss her reactions, I step from the car and follow.

  Once afternoon when Anya was sick with the flu, I stood at the foot of her bed, watching every move made by the doctor. When the woman handed me a prescription and left, Anya asked me to read her a book. On her shelf, I found a worn - out copy of Anne of Green Gables and learned it was her favorite. From that day forward, it became a tradition to read it to her when she ails. In the last five years, I have only been sick once — and it only lasted one day. But I’ll never forget when Anya slipped into my dark room with her copy of Anne of Green Gables, curled up beside me on the bead and read it, her voice musical and clear.

  “It’s the house on the cover of Anne of Green Gables.” She spins around with tears in her eyes, launching herself into my waiting arms. “You did this? You…built this for me?”

  “Of course.” Her hold tightens around my neck, and I lift her off the ground, my hands sliding down her back to cup such a tight backside. “Do you like it?”

  Her head lifts to reveal tears in her eyes, the moisture spiking her lashes. “Like it? It’s the most beautiful house in the world. It hasn’t even sunk in yet.” She turns toward the house and releases a choppy sigh. “Oh my God. Sasha. Can we go inside?”

  Before she finishes asking, I’m already striding toward the entrance with Anya’s legs wrapped around my waist. As happy as I am that she has reacted favorably to my gift, there’s dread bubbling inside me. We arrived earlier than expected due to the lack of traffic, and there’s a tick behind my eye, sharpness in my gut. Thirty minutes remaining until I can spill my need between my angel’s thighs. How will I make it so long with our marriage bed within reach?

  Soon she will be yours in all ways. Just hold on a short while longer.

  I unlock the door and we cross the threshold, flipping on the light as I’ve done on countless visits while furnishing the house. Anya squeals at our surroundings, wiggling around on my cock to get down. My lips peel back in a growl, but I let her go, forcing myself to set aside my torment and memorize this moment.

  Easier said than done.

  She’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen, running from room to room and gasping in delighted surprise at the open floor plan, the professionally decorated space. Her skirt swishes around her ass and thighs, her tits jiggling up and down beneath her tank top. My name is a constant exclamation on her lips. It reminds me of the year I built her a reading nook in the pool house. The first time she crawled in to test it out, she invited me to come join her. God help me, I almost did.

  Holding myself in check becomes almost impossible when we go upstairs and she enters the bedroom. What will soon be our bed is a mere foot away, king - sized and softer than a cloud. I know this because I tested and discarded several choices before settling on the gold comforter and white silk sheets. She runs a finger over the bedding, and my loins tighten with need, my hands aching to push her backward on the mattress and fill the house with her screams. Somehow I manage to resist.

  Whether I’d broken the vow that long - ago day or with ten minutes left on the clock, it would count as a failure. And I will not allow that to happen. So I hold tight to my patience and follow Anya into the backyard, where she dances around the swimming pool and spins in joyful circles on the grass, laughing without a care, sunshine beaming down on her face.

  I see the moment her earlier reservations set back in, however. Her smile dims slowly and she falls down cross - legged on the lawn. My heart is pounding in a frenzy by the time she opens her mouth to speak. “It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of, Sasha. Thank you. Knowing you care about me this much…well, you’re the only one who has ever cared about me enough to make my dreams come true.” She wets her lips. “But this house and a life with you isn’t my only dream. Why can’t I have both?”

  “I have explained this to you.”

  Her chin lifts. “Not in a way I can accept.”

  This is not ideal timing for this discussion. Two minutes remain until five o’clock and I’m already fully erect, my bonds beginning to shred in anticipation of my need breaking loose. The way she’s sitting on the lawn is giving me a peek at her smooth, taunting cunt, and it’s taking everything inside me not to pounce on her. “I must bring you inside now, Anya.”

  Her eyebrows draw together. “Why?” The confusion flees from her expression. “Oh.”

  “Yes. Oh.” Feeling ready to snap, I crook my index finger at her. “Come. I will strip you on the way.”

  A stubborn light goes on in her eyes. “No.”

  Inside my pants,
hot cum leaks from the tip of my dick, dripping down my thigh. “I can wait no longer to fuck you, Anya.” I don’t realize I’ve moved closer until she’s covered in my shadow and I’m looming above her where she reclines on the lawn. “I’ve controlled myself for five years and it has taken a toll.”

  With each shallow breath, her tits swell further over the neckline of her tank top. “You don’t get to decide everything. Where I live. How I spend my future.” She lets her thighs fall open. “Where you take me the first time.”

  I drop to my knees with a bellow, fists shaking at my sides. “I was to breed you in our marriage bed, angel.”

  She falls back on the grass and lifts her skirt, baring her drenched panties to me. “Oops.”

  Chapter Seven


  So this is what power feels like.

  Did I really have it all this time without knowing?

  Well, I’m going to wield it now, so look out. A lot of this empowerment is seeing the evidence of how much Sasha needs me. My Russian is a man of cold control, but right now, he’s the furthest thing from his usual self. The gray of his eyes is blocked out by the black of his dilated pupils, the veins in his neck seem to pulse. He’s whipping off his coat and shirt while staring me down like a lion over a lamb…and maybe I should be afraid. There is dangerous intention written all over him and it’s unfamiliar.

  But I know he would never, ever hurt me. This man who would care for me through the rockiest periods of my life. This man who would build me a house because of my love for a book would die before harming me. He’s my man.

  Yes, he’s mine. We have battle lines to draw, though. I’m drawing one right now, by letting him know he doesn’t dictate every single thing we do together. Next I’ll worry about college — oh, I’m going — but no way am I going to deprive us of finally coming together. Not when it has been so long in the making. And God, I’m shaking with the need to be possessed by Sasha.

  It’s why I work my tank top over my head and unhook my bra clasp, lust closing in from all sides at the shudder of his huge chest, the Russian curses on his lips. “You have learned a valuable lesson this day, Anya. No? You and that little unfucked cunt are Uncle Sasha’s obsession. You aim to exploit me now by using it to get your way? Is that right?”

  “M - maybe once in a while — ”

  With a half laugh, half growl, he sheds his shirt, revealing a vicious wall of honed muscle and inked artwork and —

  “Oh.” I suck in a breath and reach out to trace his marked skin. Skin I only glimpsed once through the foggy shower glass. “My name. It’s everywhere. All over you.”

  “Da.” Reaching down between us, he unzips his pants and lets out his heavy erection with a groan. Taking the flesh in his right hand, he tilts his hips, letting me see the script low on his stomach. Right above the root of his manhood, my name is scripted in bold, black ink. “You own it all, angel. I’d rip out my heart and tattoo you there, if I could.”

  “Sasha…” My own beating organ lodges in my throat, heat pushing behind my eyes. “But when we were in the library, you didn’t say you loved me back.”

  He drops down above me on all fours. A panther prowling above his claim. “Ah, Anya. I’ve been telling you every day for years. With everything I do, I tell you I love you.” His mouth descends to feast on one breast, then the other, his lips and tongue made of magic. “Did you think I would take you to a Justin Bieber concert if I didn’t worship and love you with my very soul? Angel, my fucking ears were bleeding.”

  I send a giggle up toward the sky. “I — ”

  “Enough. Enough talk.” He rips my panties down my legs, licking his lips as my private flesh is bared. Bracing a forearm beside my head, he slides two fingers of the opposite hand inside me, arching my back off the grass. “I wanted to make this first time romantic, but it is proving even more difficult than I thought. I want to thrust into the tightness I’ve been dreaming about, Anya. I want to give it my cum.”

  “I want that, too,” I whisper, throwing my arms up over my head. I’ve touched myself so many times with my own fingers and I could never make it feel this good — at least not this fast — but the pads of his fingers slide right over my clit, strumming it in a slow, rough fashion I didn’t know I needed. It’s possessive, knowing, right. His mouth finds mine, opening, our tongues stroking in long, breathless turns until I’m writhing on the ground. I’m so wet, so restless, I can’t stand it. “Condom. Quick. A - and then, can you just…”

  “Nyet. No rubber.” His middle finger finds a sensitive place inside me that creates a ringing in my ears, pulsing heat beneath my belly button. “On this I will not negotiate.”

  “Do you negotiate on anything?” I gasp.

  Sasha’s mouth finds mine again as he positions himself between my legs. That incredibly huge part of him rests on my stomach, throbbing in time with my pulse and slowly, so slowly, he rolls his hips back, forward, dragging his steel length over my clit. “You were mine to breed the day we locked eyes. You knew this, did you not?” Sweat breaks out on his upper lip, his big, tattooed chest heaving, expanding. “Innocent or not, your body knew to tempt Uncle Sasha and no one else. You knew you’d make me a daddy one day in more ways than one.”

  Did I know that deep down? Yes. I think so. There has never been a time when Sasha’s nearness didn’t cause a painful tug within my womb. Maybe it was the way he looked at me or protected me. Or maybe it was woman’s intuition. I don’t know. One thing is for certain, though, no matter what happens between us in this battle of wills, Sasha is my soul mate. I’ve loved him since I was thirteen. And I’ll love him until the end of time. He’s a hard, complicated man, but I’ll never find a better one. Or one who loves me more.

  I close my eyes and imagine my belly swelling with his child and suck in a breath at the elemental yearning inside me. My hands lift to cage his face. “Daddy.”

  Gray eyes flare with possession. “Now you understand, little angel.” Teeth bared, Sasha reaches down to fist his erection, guiding it to my entrance. When he forces the large head inside me with a grunt, there’s an uncomfortable stretching sensation, but I keep my gaze glued on the man above me as he speaks. “Be brave. My cock wants nothing more than to worship you, Anya.” More inches enter me, and I whimper, trying to close my thighs, but Sasha’s hips block me. “You will be rewarded for your pain.”

  In one vicious thrust, Sasha buries his thick shaft inside me, tearing a scream from my throat. Sharp pain blooms between my legs, and I move involuntarily, trying to shove Sasha’s powerful body off mine. “It hurts, Daddy. Stop.”

  He pins my flailing wrists above my head. “Lie still.” A great shudder passes through his chest, and he rears back, driving me up the grass with a ferocious buck of his hips. “Fuck. How can I keep from moving when you’re this perfect?”

  “Try harder.”

  With a gritted Russian curse, he gathers my knees in his hands and falls down on top of me, lodging his face in my neck. “Forgive me, angel. I’ve waited so long, imagined you from every angle, and still — still — my imagination didn’t do you justice.”

  Automatically, my hands begin sifting through his hair, stroking down his back. I am powerless to do anything but comfort the man I love. “You’re just so huge.”

  “Da,” he rasps. “The size will please you once you’ve been broken in.”

  Breathing through my nose, I take stock of the pain, relieved to feel it abating. But with the lessening of my own pain, I can no longer ignore Sasha’s. He’s breathing like a man who just swam ashore from a shipwreck in the middle of the ocean. His limbs are full of tension, his hoarse exhalations heating my neck, but still he doesn’t move out of deference to me. “It’s better now,” I whisper in his ear. “Break me in, Daddy.”

  The rope around his control disappears, and the dangerous man I always knew lurked beneath Sasha’s surface comes out to play. His eyes are animalistic as he shoves my thighs open and begins to pound himsel
f into me. Even in the midst of the lingering discomfort, I can’t help but marvel at how he moves, confident and desperate all at once. Controlled but somewhat frantic. Frantic to…breed me.

  “This teasing little pussy has driven me out of my mind,” he grits out, his face tipping toward the sky to shout my name. “Sitting on my lap. Cuddling Daddy’s cock through thin panties while you did your homework. You will learn now what you’ve tempted.”

  For the next few minutes, I’m nothing but a plaything for his driving manhood. Sweat falls from his forehead onto my body, my face, his pumping body sleek and commanding. Relentless. There’s no gentleness now, only the proving of ownership. But as my teeth clack together, my breasts bouncing up and down, I can’t deny I love this sensation of my body being used to slake Sasha’s lust. It’s turning me on even more, the way his entire universe seems centered on where our bodies join. Over and over and over.

  I open my legs even wider and take my nipples between my fingers, playing with them. A hot zing of pleasure travels to the flesh at the juncture of my thighs, and I gasp. “Oh.”

  Through a haze of need, I meet Sasha’s half - mast eyes before allowing my attention to travel down his flexed chest and abdomen muscles, the dozens of versions of my name. When I reach the spot where Sasha rams himself in and out of me, I watch his thumb settle on my clit, loving it with a series of jiggles and strokes. “Cover Daddy’s cock in your sweetness, little angel. You will be taking my cum soon and I want your body receptive.”

  “Yes, yes…” My inner walls begin to spasm around the hard invasion of Sasha. “Yes.”

  “Good girl.” He suctions his mouth to mine in a wet tongue kiss, and a loud rumble begins in his chest, eventually releasing from his lips. “You will take now.” Tensing, he throws his head back and moans. “Take.”

  I’m still in the throes of my climax when I’m flooded between the legs. There’s no other way to describe it. Sasha overflows me with his hot, sticky essence and continues to pound, pound, pound, growling at the sky with eyes clenched shut. It goes on for so long, more and more liquid sliding down the insides of my thighs and pooling beneath my bottom, that I have another orgasm, my back arching off the ground as I scream.


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