Riley & Kane Bundle

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Riley & Kane Bundle Page 28

by Alexa Riley

  “Then you should shower.” She gave a nervous laugh. “I’ll hang right here and wait for the licking to start.”

  “You were able to say it that time,” he rumbled, unhooking one of his overall straps. “You’re warming to the idea.”

  She slapped her knee. “Must be!”

  Rixen took a hesitant step toward the shower, his overalls only connected by one fastener now. “You will run away, won’t you?”


  “You’re beautiful even when you lie.”

  The betrayal etched on his face made a lump rise in her throat. She needed to deny the fact she would run, but the words got stuck on their way out.

  Rixen slipped an arm around her waist and eased her off the sink. “You will shower with me so I can be sure you won’t try to leave.”


  He unsnapped the other side of his overalls then and the top sagged all the way down to his waist. Morgan could do nothing but stare. Holy Mary, mother of God. His stomach was so ripped in places, she couldn’t even see the bottom of the dividing cuts. A curling, black happy trail ran down the center of the biggest capital V in history, the grooves traveling down his hips and narrowing, narrowing…meeting where the head of his erection jutted out of the denim, helmet shaped and purple, ready to burst.

  “I understand you are innocent of men, Morgan,” he whispered in a gravelly tone. “I also understand I am more repulsive than most. Especially the part of me that weeps for you. I promise not to put my cock inside you until you ask for it. Does that ease your fears?”

  “Who are you?”

  Without answering, he led Morgan to the shower. He slid back a glass door and reached inside to turn the knob, starting a cascade into the oversized tub. Like the rest of the house, it was designed for comfort, all muted grays and moonlight filtering in from a window above. Steam slithered in between them as Rixen pushed his overalls the rest of the way and kicked off his boots.

  Don’t look down. Don’t look down.

  Morgan looked down and whimpered. “Oh dear.”

  Was it her imagination or did Rixen’s face deepen with color? “Only when you ask for it.” His swallow was audibly thick. “It would be an honor to undress you.”

  She was definitely losing her mind. That was the only explanation for her considering letting this man take off her clothes. But something inside was still twisted over how he’d called himself repulsive. Truly this man thought himself unwanted. And how many times in her life had she felt the same? “I have m-my bathing suit on under my clothes.” She took a fortifying breath. “Could you just leave it on?”

  Intensity like she’d never encountered before filled Rixen’s eyes, shaking fingers curling in the bottom of her tank top and drawing it over her head, revealing her admittedly skimpy bikini top and bare stomach. A pained animal sound echoed off the walls of the bathroom and Rixen spun away. Even from behind, there was no mistake his hand was working furiously on his erection, the muscles of his ass flexing and releasing. “I can’t do this,” he gritted. “You are too sweet and ripe. I can’t stand it.”

  “Yes, you can,” she whispered, losing some of her common sense in the steam, apparently. It filled the bathroom, making her wonder if this wasn’t all just some big dream. And if it was, maybe there was no harm in exploring the way her muscles grew languid watching Rixen stroke himself, his back muscles flexing in great shifts. A damp rush made her slick between her legs, in a hot, melting way she’d never experienced. Without a formal command from her brain, Morgan unfastened her shorts and let them drop, stepping into the showers and letting the perfectly heated water rush over her body.

  It was a full minute before Rixen stepped in behind her, his body crowding her into the far corner. “Your trust in me grows while my control fades, my gift.” He drew closer, a hand wrapped around his sex, pumping it slowly. “It would be so easy to fuck your little pussy right now. Make it bleed for its first man.”

  Oh Jesus. “You won’t do it until I ask.” Which she never would. Right? “You’re a man of your word, aren’t you, Rixen?”

  “I am,” he heaved, closing his eyes.

  Morgan took a white bar of soap off the window ledge and slipped it into his free hand. “If you’re a good, trustworthy man…” Why don’t you let me go? That’s what Morgan meant to say. But instead, she said, “Why do you call yourself repulsive?”

  Rixen breathed through flaring nostrils for several beats, before he released his gigantic manhood and started to soap his body, starting with the unbelievable breadth of his chest and traveling sideways to his underarms. “When we became men, my brothers and I went to town to find wives. They found theirs in a matter of weeks. I…”


  “I did not appeal to women. They found my way of speaking odd, which did not help matters considering how I look.” He shrugged. “To be honest, they did not appeal to me, either, but I would not ridicule them over something that could not be helped.”

  Something pointed stuck in Morgan’s middle. “They were mean to you?”

  “Yes,” he said simply. “Unless they were terrified. I’m not sure which was worse.” His eyes found her through the steam. “I came home and started to wait for you.”

  Okay, the reminder that Rixen believed her to be a gift should have shaken Morgan from her stupor. It didn’t, though. She couldn’t believe how badly she suddenly wanted to touch Rixen. Her fingers ached to run over the ridges of his chest, the planes of his face. How on earth had she gotten lost in the Everglades and found someone who echoed the same insecurities she’d lived with for so long? Their reasons were different, sure, but the root was there. Buried deep. “I, um.” She took the soap from his hands, lathering it in her palms. “My parents divorced when I was young and I could tell neither of them wanted me anymore. Not for the right reasons. I was a symbol of their failed marriage, you know?” She swallowed her nerves and ran soapy hands up Rixen’s dirt-caked neck, smiling a little as his mouth fell open on a groan. “They made me choose who I wanted to live with permanently. It was the ultimate game for them. And it wasn’t about me—or wanting me. It was just about winning. Owning. When I picked my mother, my dad couldn’t get away fast enough.” She brushed back his wet hair to find him watching her intently. “I know what it’s like not to be wanted. But it’s usually never about you.”

  “You will never feel unwanted again, Morgan,” he said unsteadily, leaning down to bring their mouths close. “I’ve been so lonely for you.”

  “I’ve been lonely, too,” she whispered.

  Their lips brushed together and she felt Rixen’s erection jerk, the heavy weight of it smacking off her belly. “Will you touch me more?”

  As Morgan picked up the soap again and rubbed it between her hands, sensations became impossible to ignore. The cling of her bikini material between her legs, the wetness of her triangle top tugging her nipples down via gravity. Rixen’s size. His heat. The way he looked at her. She felt…cherished. Needed. “Close your eyes,” she murmured, lifting her hands to scrub at the filth on his forehead, cheeks and chin. He couldn’t stop turning his face into her touch and a dangerous squeezing began in her chest. “Rinse.”

  He put his face under the spray…and came away clean.

  Oh Christ. Rixen wasn’t unappealing at all.

  No, without the hair in his face and dirt makeup, he was fucking gorgeous. Maybe it was his vulnerabilities that softened the harshness of his features. Or the way he looked at Morgan like she was his entire world. Whatever the reason, the fearsome man she’d encountered in the swamp now appeared different to her. Worthy of touch.

  Her touch. And crazy enough, Morgan needed Rixen’s touch as well.

  She tugged his wet head down, letting their mouths hover a breath apart. Sexual intuition guiding her way, Morgan looked up at the giant through her lashes. Innocently. Questioningly. “Will you lick me now, Rixen?”

  A roar of victory and starvation filled the shower. He
r feet left the ground as Rixen tossed her over his shoulder, stomping out of the bathroom and ripping off her bikini bottoms in a mighty fist as he entered the bedroom. Naked from the waist down, she was dropped onto her back in the center of an enormous four-poster bed, a lustful giant wrenching her knees open.

  Chapter Four


  My gift asked to be licked. By my tongue.

  Did that mean he’d passed the test of strength?

  He’d doubted his ability to do so in the bathroom. When he’d removed her shirt to find two luscious little tits overflowing the red material of her bikini, he’d come close to snapping. To taking her against her will on the bathroom floor. Surely no man could withstand that kind of all-encompassing lust. He’d looked upon his female’s naked stomach and seen his come striped across it. His hand supporting it while he fucked her brutally from behind. He’d seen every filthy dirty fantasy he’d ever imagined, but now they had a face.

  Her face.

  The most beautiful one in the world.

  It was awash in shy pleasure now as Rixen parted her thighs with more force than intended. No help for it. His mouth salivated at the opportunity to tongue his mate to an orgasm. “Morgan. Morgan. Fuck,” he groaned at the sight of her pussy. It was wet and compact, waiting to be parted by his fingers. Waiting to introduce him to the sensitive pink treasure inside. The coloring of her virgin cunt reminded him of succulent summer fruit, awaiting a man’s teeth to tear it apart. No. No, you’re to be gentle. Gentle with your gift.

  And what a gift he’d been given. Not only was his Morgan gorgeous with her big turquoise eyes, strawberry locks and tempting body. But she was compassionate and loving, as evidenced in the shower. Until she’d touched him and told him her secrets, relating them to the shame he’d been carrying around, Rixen hadn’t realized how vastly he’d underestimated the angel God would send him. He’d assumed the angel would tolerate him, which was more than he’d ever thought to hope for. Morgan did more than that, though. She…understood him.

  Morgan’s back arched on the bed and the flesh of her pussy separated just a touch, causing lust to drive like a stake into his abdomen. My treasure waits for me. Rixen’s instinct was to dive straight for the female flesh calling to him, but he remembered the books he’d read on pleasure and forced himself to wait. Not that dragging the tip of his tongue up the inside of Morgan’s right thigh was a hardship. God no, it was the greatest moment of his life, coming right behind her washing his face in the shower. He massaged her opposite leg gently, his thumb moving closer and closer to the sweet juncture he craved. And when Morgan sucked in a breath, her ass writhing on the bed, Rixen thought the books had been right. Anticipation made a woman wet. Patience. Foreplay.

  He transferred his tongue to the other thigh, taking small bites of her quivering flesh, doing his best to ignore his neglected cock. He humped it against the bed futilely, but the repeated friction only made his predicament worse. Nothing would suffice but Morgan’s tight little cunt. Nothing would ever suffice again. A shot of aggression hit him hard and there went the red bikini top, ripped and ruined in his fist. Cast to the floor.

  Watching her pretty tits jiggle from his vantage point below, Rixen lost himself in the licking of Morgan’s thighs. The bites. The kisses. Only when she gave a frustrated whimper and lifted her hips did Rixen deem her ready for more. Licking his lips in anticipation, he placed the flat of his index finger over her slit and rubbed up and down, carefully parting her flesh. Not too hard. But enough pressure to make her legs dance. “Where is the hair that is supposed to be here?” His voice emerged like a growl, so he attempted to soften it. And failed. How could he be anything but a beast when her wet, pink pussy opened for him like a flower after the rain? “It is beautiful beyond words, but I was led to believe…” He swallowed hard. “How young are you, Morgan?”

  “I’m eighteen,” she breathed. “It’s all good. I just got waxed because I was going to be wearing a bathing suit for a week.”

  Rixen grunted, her delicious aroma making his hips twice as restless. The aroma of his mate. “I suppose I will learn to live with the knowledge that men saw you in this red bikini.” He pressed his nose into her folds and inhaled deeply, lust expanding in his belly. “I will only rest knowing it’s in tatters on my floor as I fuck your virginity onto my bedspread.”

  “Who taught you how to talk like that?”

  “Like that?” He held her flesh open and prepared for his first lick. “I speak only the truth.”

  “Yeah, but—” She broke off into a gasp as his tongue glided the length of her slit, before settling over her clit for a slow, circling massage. Jesus Christ, he couldn’t have imagined the sweetness. It coated his tongue like sugar, woke his mind in areas that had been desolate lands until now. This pussy. His. Pleasing it would be his life’s mission. “R-R-Rixen. Ohhh.”

  Was that wonder in her tone? Yes. His studying had paid off. Dragging the pad of his thumb side to side over her clit, he lifted his head to meet Morgan’s eyes. “Yes, my gift.”

  Her taut belly shuddered up and down, her thighs trembling on either side of his head. “Did you mean it when you said…you want me to…”

  “Come on my face?” Rixen rasped. “It will be my greatest honor, Morgan. I’m going to lap it up like a fucking hound.”

  She twisted a little, seeming unsure. “I’ve never…oh.” He tucked a finger just inside her cunt to tease the sensitive nerve endings at her entrance. “What’s coming…it feels b-bigger than what I’m used to, you know?”

  Could it be that his female was self-conscious? Did she not see him defiling the mattress? “You’re afraid to lose control with me?”

  “With anyone,” she whispered, pink filling her cheeks.

  God, she was extraordinary. Honest. Deeper than the river running outside his back porch. He would reward her honesty so she would continue to give it freely. Rixen slipped his middle finger into her snug cunt and semen spurted from the tip of his dick, his head spinning with the perfection of her. “Will it make you feel better to know my sanity will barely remain intact once I’m inside you?” He shook his head, sweat beginning to pool at the small of his back. “You will see my loss of control, as well, Morgan. You will not be alone. You will never be alone.”

  With that, Rixen hooked his middle finger and pressed it to her G-spot, not moving right away. Letting her discover the sensation before he exploited it. His tongue stroked her clit as he watched Morgan hold her breath, let it out, suck it in again. Finally, her heels dug into the bed so she could fuck herself on his finger and Rixen started to jiggle the rough patch, his mouth covering her nub of flesh at the same time, slowly sucking. Kissing. Sawing the flat of his tongue over its swelling surface until she started to quake.

  Pride rose so swiftly in Rixen’s chest, he almost broke from his task to bellow into her tightening pussy, but he focused and persevered, scraping the tip of his middle finger over her secret inner spot again and again, laving her clit until saliva dripped down his chin.

  “Oh n-no. Yes yes yes. Rixen.” Morgan’s fingers speared into his hair and twisted, holding his mouth fast against her little waxed cunt. Heaven on fucking earth. And the heavens opened up seconds later when her thigh muscles locked up around his head and moisture fell from her flesh in a storm of heat. I have pleased my female. Roaring without shame, Rixen rubbed his face in her shaking pussy, leaving no inch of his face dry.

  He rose up on his knees above her, snarling into the scented air, his cock long and pained, hovering above the flesh it longed to claim. Rixen stroked it, watching through a haze of lust as pre-come dripped onto her shuddering stomach. Symbolic since his children would fill that sweet belly someday soon. Tonight if she opened her thighs to him.

  “Rixen has pleased you. Say it out loud.”

  “Rixen has pleased me,” Morgan replied, watching him from beneath eyelids at half-mast. “Like a boss.”

  “Your virgin pussy has been sated by your
mate. Say it.”

  “I can’t say that.”

  “You will. Soon.”

  She shook her head on the pillow. “Why do I believe you?”

  Rixen leaned down, using his left hand to prop himself up while he continued to jack his flesh. He kept his attention on Morgan’s face, watching her go from fascinated to something more. Something that beaded her nipples, brought her tongue out again and again to wet her lips. “A-are you going to…you know.”

  “I said I wouldn’t fuck you until you asked, my gift. Did I not?”

  “You did.” With an audible swallow, she traced her palms over his thighs, her fingers sifting through the thick hair. “I’m not used to people keeping their word, I guess.”

  He grunted, silently vowing to kill anyone who dared hurt Morgan now that she was under his protection. “Your parents.”

  Morgan’s fingers stopped just shy of his groin. “Mostly my father.”

  Rixen gritted a curse, biting back the urge to grab her hand and wrap it around his dripping cock. There was a new instinct humming inside of him. Loud. Undeniable. They were approaching something he hadn’t anticipated but his mind and body collided in agreement. This was right. This was a need of Morgan’s to be fulfilled and he was the man who fulfilled her every wish from this day forward. “Do you miss having a daddy, Morgan?”

  Her eyes shot wide, fingers restless at the tops of his thighs. “I-I don’t know…”

  Yes. “Someone to care for you. Someone to tuck you in and stroke your hair.”

  One breath. Two. She nodded.

  Rixen dropped down on top of Morgan, careful to keep most of his weight poised on an elbow. Their mouths met and breathed as one. “Your daddy didn’t give you cock.”

  “No,” she whispered.

  His erection bobbed at her entrance, begging to be let in, spewing stickiness onto her slit as if to lubricate his path. “Would you like one who does?”

  He could sense the struggle taking place in Morgan and admired her all the more for it. A more spirited mate he could never have hoped for. Slowly, her thighs fell open and she whispered a magical word against his lips, freeing a rush of relief and thankfulness inside of him. “Yes. I want that.” She settled her small hands on his lower back, showing no outward reaction to the perspiration there. “I want you inside me.”


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