Healing Hope

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Healing Hope Page 17

by C. A. Harms

  “ She gave up on her dreams, her goals. She moved through each day as if she felt she had to, and not because she wanted to. There was just something missing, something I wasn't sure she’d ever find again.” I wanted to tell him I couldn't listen to this, but instead I remained frozen. “Until she found you.”

  Looking at him, I must have conveyed the confusion I felt in my expression because he chuckled.

  “She allowed you in. I don’t know how you made her accept that there was a life out there she wasn't fully living, but you did.”

  “I’m pushy, persistent, and a real pain in the ass, sir.”

  His smile grew even wider. “Well, I thank you, because you’ve managed to bring back the girl hidden inside my Hope. You’ve healed her, and I will forever be grateful for the man you are.”

  I couldn't really speak, my emotions were a little overwhelming, but I nod toward him, before I look back at Hope.

  “I’m in love with your daughter.”

  “And she with you.”

  Hearing him tell me something she had already expressed only somehow made it all feel more solid. It was hard to explain, but I needed to hear it.

  “The doctor assures us her scans have all come back good. She’ll wake up soon, the concussion mixed with the sedation from her surgery on her leg and the medications for the pain are playing a huge role in the delay.”

  “I really wanna see those gorgeous eyes of hers, and at this point, I don’t even care if she is glaring at me when doing so.” I smile when her father laughs. I think we both knew that was a strong possibility. She wasn’t gonna be in the best of moods.

  But I would take her however I got her.

  My phone rang and I excused myself to the hall to take the phone call.

  “Hey brother, how is our Sleeping Beauty doing?”

  “You mean my Sleeping Beauty?”

  Tripp back to his old ways of trying to get a rise out of me, but the truth is, after what he’d done for Hope, he was more my hero than he was before that night.

  “Yeah, she was, but you know now she is gonna be in awe of me, her hero and savior.” I couldn't argue, I knew that he had a part in making sure Hope was safely removed from her car. Hell, he held her like a baby in his arms, and even when the paramedics attempted to take her, he refused to let go. Until she was securely strapped to the gurney, he kept a hold on her.

  “Anyway, Queen B herself called a few minutes ago.” I wasn't in the right frame of mind to deal with Kenna and her bullshit. “She wanted to know why you weren’t on site or myself. Apparently she preached to the crew that her projects take precedence to everything else.”

  “She can go to hell.”

  “Agree,” he adds. “But one of the men told her about the accident.”

  “If she calls again you tell her I said to back the fuck off and I don’t answer to her or her father. The name on the front of my fucking building says Donovan. They are just a fucking job.”

  “I told her a cleaner version of that. I just wanted you to know she was at the site snooping around.” The lady was a menace. “I also took it upon myself to call her father and express the fact that her consistent interference was only going to delay the job.”

  I smile as I picture that phone conversation taking place.

  “I got it, brother, you take care of your girl.”

  “Thanks, Tripp.”

  I ended the call, making a mental note to call Harland myself and tell him to get his daughter out of my fucking business and my town. Nowhere in the contract did it state I had to work with that bitch and I’d had enough.

  Chapter 32


  I woke to an empty hospital room, with memories of what got me there. Memories of my car skidding across the pavement, before coming to an abrupt stop. Memories of my head smacking the side window more then once during the process. The pain I felt in my leg, and the rest of my body, was something I will never forget.

  Then there was strong arms encircling me and pulling me free. I wasn't sure who it was, but I could hear them whispering that everything would be okay. Hold on for Travis, sweet girl, because he needs you.

  Whoever it was, they just knew.

  As I looked around the room, observing all the flowers and get well balloons, one arrangement stuck out above all others. It wasn’t the biggest, or most extravagant, but it was definitely the one that meant the most.

  The purple wildflowers held even more meaning than before. What started out as a small gesture exchanged between Walker and I was now something I shared with Travis. If I’m being honest, that single little purple flower was more powerful than ever. It was something I shared with two men in my life, my past and now my future.

  “Per my request my mother has brought in fresh ones daily.”

  I turn my head to the sound of Travis’ voice, and instantly tears sprung to my eyes.

  He wasted no time moving into the room and leaning over the side of the bed to press his forehead to my own. “You scared the hell out of me, woman.”

  “I scared me, too.”

  He pressed his lips to mine. I’m sure in desperate need of the connection, I know I was.

  “I’ve never felt a pain like that before.” As he says those words I can feel the tremble of his lips against mine. “You are my world, Hope. I don’t know what I would do without you baby.”

  “I’m here.”

  “You are,” with a deep intake of breath he leans back, yet continues to stare at me with such intensity. “Don’t you ever leave me.”

  “Never.” I’d never seen Travis look so distraught.

  “She’ll be going home with me,” I look over at Travis with an arched brow. “What? Don’t even try to argue. You can moan, groan, and do whatever you think will change my mind, but let me just save you the hassle and tell you that you don’t have a choice in this matter.”

  I hear chuckling and snickers from around the room as I scan over those that were also standing in my hospital room. Not one of them were going to help me on this, I could tell. No, in fact, each one of them were loving this controlling attitude Travis conveyed. Even my father, as he gave me nothing more than a wink in response.

  “What if I just…” I pause, wondering what I actually though I could do. I had a cast on up to my thigh, and would for the next five and a half weeks. After that they would shorten it, but it would still be there for an additional four. Surgery on my fibula and ankle left me in the hands of a stubborn man.

  “What if you what?” I was well aware of the arrogant tone from Travis. He knew he had me. “You gonna walk out of here and drive yourself home? Besides,” he looks around the room, a smug look on his face, “I’ve already moved your things. When you feel better, we’ll move the rest.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re moving in with me.” He shrugs like it is no big deal. “Not just for the next six weeks, but forever.”

  I narrow my eyes and attempt the best irritated look I could come up with.

  “Won’t work, babe..” He chuckles. Yes, he laughs at me, and so does everyone else. “But you sure look damn cute when you’re trying to intimidate me.”

  I was trapped in a crazy power trip, with a man I knew would give me a run for my money. I won’t admit it aloud, but being tucked in safely with him, night after night, did give me a rush of excitement.

  “I won’t make this pleasant for you.” Again, I try to be a pain in his ass because I wasn't being true to myself if I didn't fight him a little at least.

  “I’m counting on it, sweet girl.”

  He was impossible, he was annoying and arrogant, but I loved him. I loved everything about him. I couldn't wait to share the rest of my life fighting and loving him.



  “Mom says Hope’s gone on a redecorating spree at your place.” Tripp holds out a second box of ballasts for a warehouse we are set to wire next week. Smug bastard thought teasing me about being overtaken by
a woman would get a rise out of me, but I fucking loved it.

  “Yeah.” I can't hide the smile on my face. “She finished the bedroom and master bath last week, and now she’s moved on to the spare room, I’m sure each room will be checked off before the end of the year.”

  “Now that she’s more mobile.”

  She’d gotten the big cast that went all the way to her upper thigh off two weeks ago. Now they had her in a shorter one, which allowed her to move around easier on her own.

  “She’s much happier, too, much easier to live with.”

  For a while I was living with the devil, I swear, and her father’s words from the hospital about her sprouting horns almost seemed possible.

  “Speaking of crazy bitches.” Tripp nudged his head in the direction of the parking lot, and I cringed when I saw Kenna walking in our direction, a pissed off look on her face.

  “I guess Daddy must have just broken the news to her about my own demands.”

  Harland and I had a long talk after I got Hope home and settled. He wanted to argue and defend his daughter, which is understandable. As it turned out though, his daughter has had a long record of making jobs a little difficult along the way. I tried to keep things cordial by telling him that he needed to just inform her to back off. That was, until last Tuesday when she showed up at my office, demanding that I set all other jobs aside and put hers first. Apparently the woman had severe control issues. She also didn't like to be rejected either.

  “We have some things to discuss.” She stops only a few feet away and places her hands on her hips.

  I continue to work, which only seems to irritate her more. “Actually, we don’t have anything to discuss. Shouldn't you be on a plane back to New York?”

  “These projects are mine to see through, and just because things didn't work out with us on a personal level--”

  It was at this point I stop what I’m doing and turn, fully facing her. “What didn't work out was that you thought you were entitled, and still do. You thought I owed you something. That is where this deal went wrong.”

  “Well, hello pretty lady,” Tripp said, loud and boisterous, gaining my full attention. I turned just in time to see him wrap Hope in his arms and pull her in for a hug. The sound of her giggling as he said whatever it was he said to her made the tension I felt dissipate.

  When she steps back and repositions the crutch beneath her arm, she looks over at me. “Hello, handsome.”

  “Hi, beautiful,” I say in return and watch her smile grow further.

  She slowly and carefully begins moving toward me, and I take a step in her direction to shorten the space. Just as I reach out for her, I hear Kenna’s bitchiness begin once more.

  “If you’ll excuse us, we are talking about work-related issues here.”

  I feel a spike of anger hit me, but before I have the chance to turn around and tell her where she could go, my girl jumps in.

  “From what I’ve heard, you and he no longer have work-related issues to discuss. So if you’ll excuse me, I take precedence over you and your drama.”

  I think I fell in love with my feisty woman all over again watching her put Kenna in her place.

  I didn't even turn around to watch Kenna storm off toward her car, but the clinking of her heels gave me enough of a vision. Fast, hard against the asphalt. Not to mention the way her tires spun when she left, too.

  “You are fucking amazing.” I grab Hope’s cheek and press my lips to her as she laughs. “One day I’m gonna marry you.” I love the look of surprise on her face when she leans back just enough to look up at me. “I just thought I should let you know, because it’s coming soon, and I want you to be prepared.”

  Again she stares up at me dumbfounded, and for once I have stunned her in to silence. I loved when that happened, because it was a rare occasion.

  Bonus Chapter


  I found this place just outside the city, near a stream where aster grew. It was a purple flower that bloomed in the fall, mainly near moist sites. It wasn’t the same purple flower I’ve given to Hope so many times before, but it was wild and free.

  The moment I stumbled upon the location, I knew it would be the place I’d ask her to marry me. I like the idea of it being a place we could call our own, that would hold the memory of the day she agrees to share her life with me.

  As I led her along the path toward the stream, I could see the curiosity in her eyes. She never once asked what we doing, or where we were going, but she did continue to look around as if she were trying to figure out that answer on her own.

  When we stepped into the clearing and the sound of the stream could be heard, she looked over at me and smiled. Those purple flowers lined the side, and were now beneath our feet.

  “I wanted to bring you here to share this with you.”

  She nods as I lower myself to one knee before her. Immediately her breath hitches, and she covers her mouth with her free hand as I hold onto the other.

  “For the last two weeks, I’ve tried to find the perfect spot to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me. I’ve walked the paths, looked for clearings, but never once found the right place, until I found this one.”

  There were rocks, big large ones that could be sat on along the stream. The aster grew wild around them, appearing as if it highlighted everything.

  “Do you feel how peaceful it seems?” She nods as she looks to her left along the water. “So quiet and tranquil.”

  “Yes,” she whispers as her gaze moves back to meet mine.

  “That’s how you make me feel.” Tears pool in her eyes. “There is a stillness inside me whenever you’re near. A calm I’ve never felt before. It doesn't matter what’s going on around me, you give me that. Everything is okay, as long as I have you.”

  I could tell she wanted to say something in return, but with the trembling of her lower lip, I knew she couldn't without falling at the feet of her emotions.

  “I want that forever.”

  “Me too.” She finally spoke, and I reached around into my back pocket and pulled out the ring I had placed there before we left the house.

  When I hold it up toward her, tears fall, and she does nothing to stop them.

  “Marry me.” She is already nodding and I smile. “I had this whole speech planned out.”

  “You don’t need it.” Her words are rushed and muffled as she tried to fight her sobs. “You said enough, you always show me, even with the words that you and I are meant to be together. I don’t need a fancy speech, I just need you.”

  I stand as I slide the ring over her finger.

  “But my speech was about all the kids I wanted and--”

  She reached up and pulled my face toward hers as she kissed me hard. “I’ll give you all the kids you want, you silly man.”

  “Like twelve?”

  She tried so hard to hold back her surprise but I saw it when her eyes widened a fraction.

  “Really.” She tilted her head to the side in the cutest way. “Twelve is a lot.”

  I nod.

  “Okay, so, like, um…” She shrugged as she averted her eyes for just a moment as if trying to think of something to say.

  “Four,” I figured it was time to put her out of her misery.

  “You threw the big number out first so that later when you said four, it wouldn't seem so big, didn't you?”

  “You know me so well, babe.”

  Better than anyone else did.

  “Can we get started now?” When she asked the question, I think she thought she would surprise me. But instead, I lift her up and begin backing her up toward the tree only a few feet away. “Hell yeah, we can.”

  Her giggles echo throughout the area just before her laughter changed to moans.

  Her father says I healed her, but in my eyes it was her that healed me. I may not have been suffering the loss she did, or recovering from a heartache, but she gave me the one thing I had been missing.

  She gave me lo
ve. She gave me Hope.

  Thank You

  Every single review counts. Thank you all for taking the time to read Healing Hope. Stop by Amazon and leave your thoughts.

  Thank you

  Author C.A. Harms


  THE CHARMED GIRLS, YOU ARE all amazing. The continued support you show me is something I will never be able to express just how much it means to me. Thank you all for sharing my work and for just being you. You are all the greatest bunch of ladies.

  To Sara Eirew, thank you for yet another gorgeous picture. Such amazing gorgeous images you tease us all with often and make it impossible to resist. Thank you so very much.

  Thank you, Megan for all you do. Without you I’d be lost at times as you keep me organized and that is a hard, hard task. You are the best.

  Beta Team, you know who you are. Thank you all so very much for taking this journey with me. Your feedback and encouraging words along the way made this story mean so much. Without you all, it would be what it is now.

  To my husband and children, thank you for being the best part of my days. For tolerating me when I get lost in the world of fiction and understanding that sometimes dinner may be a little late. Jayden and Tayler, no matter how many books I write, you two will always be my best creations.

  My readers, I am always so humbled by your support. Those random messages I received after you read my books, whether it be something big or small, I truly love them. Hearing what you think, in my eyes, is one of the greatest things about releasing a new book. I am never too busy for you.

  She is an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true. She loves the little things; they truly mean the most. She may have a slight addiction to her new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. She has two children who truly are the greatest part of her days, and their faces never fail to put a smile on her face. She has been married to her best friend for eighteen years, and looking forward to many more.


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