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Captivity Page 19

by Brenda Trim

  “My family owes you so much. Thank you for bringing my boys home. Their sisters will need them now more than ever. You have made Lawson very happy. I’ve never seen him this way with any female that wasn’t family, and believe me, there have been plenty,” she teased, winking in his direction.

  He barked out a laugh. “Don’t go starting trouble for me, Mom. I’m trying to woo her if you hadn’t noticed,” he responded, leaning over to kiss his mother’s cheek.

  “Well, remember this, son. Don’t ever stop wooing. Then she’ll love you until the end of time,” she commented, coughing her effort to speak. A small amount of blood came up, and Ryan quickly wiped it away with a towel he was holding.

  “I’ll remember,” he promised, looking to Liv as he said it. The curl to his upper lip had her blushing to the roots.

  “Now, I’d like to be serious for just a moment,” Madeline said, trying to sit up straighter in the bed. “I’ve given this serious thought and discussed it with my children. The containers of blood that were taken from the lab. One of them belongs to Jacob, and I’m offering it to you. Run the tests needed and see if it will help the humans. It may or may not be the answer you are looking for, but I trust you to handle this the right way, not at the expense of my people.”

  Liv was stunned. She didn’t know what to say. Madeline was offering the blood of a shifter that had shared his life force. Lawson had told her it was that blood that altered and might be the answer to curing cancer.

  “I…I don’t know what…are you sure?” Liv stammered, questioning if she heard wrong or misunderstood.

  “I’m very sure. And if it turns out to be beneficial, maybe credit can be given to my sweet Jacob,” Madeline whispered and began crying.

  Tears formed in Liv’s eyes and a large lump formed in her throat. What an incredible gesture from this woman who had not only lost the man she loved but was facing death. Selfless was the only word that came to Liv’s mind.

  “I promise that your family’s legacy will be known to all. I’m honored that you’ve chosen me, Madeline. Thank you,” she croaked through a shaky voice, lightly squeezing the woman’s hand.

  “Now, if you don’t mind, Olivia, I need a few minutes alone with my children. The time has come for my last run,” she disclosed, and Liv saw the same fire behind her gray eyes that she had seen in Lawson’s a few times.

  Her wolf was ready to take over.

  “Yes, of course,” she replied, rubbing Lawson’s shoulder before she took her leave.

  As Liv left the room and shut the door behind her, the lump in her throat exploded, and the suppressed tears escaped. Running straight to her room, she swore she heard the call of the wild echo throughout the large hotel.


  Liv hopped off the ATV and walked towards the large barn, looking for Lawson. Ryan told her he was there working on the iron gate for the front of the property. It had been two weeks since his mom and dad’s pyre, and Lawson had kept to himself, preoccupied with various projects.

  Liv had given him space but missed Lawson terribly. They were sharing a room together but he had barely touched her and she wondered if things had changed between them. Death had a way of forcing people to look at their own lives and ask the deeper questions, sometimes resulting in change.

  Liv walked inside the barn, but it was empty. She saw Lawson’s makeshift table with a large piece of black metal laying on top and walked over. It was one of the gate doors, and she was awed at the intricate carving. An image of a sun cresting the horizon took up the top portion and in the door’s center were two large initials, SH.

  Wracking her brain for who or what they could represent, she came up empty handed.

  “Lawson,” she called out and walked out of the barn and around the side to where the lake was. Maybe he was taking a break. Making her way to the sandy area, she plopped down in the sand, kicking off her flip-flops to cool her feet in the water. Lawson was nowhere to be found.

  She looked out across the calm water and recalled the day she and Lawson had gone skinny-dipping. That was the first time they made love, and her core ached to have him fill her again. He had lost so much since that day, and she feared they would never get back to what they once shared.

  Sweat broke across her back and suddenly she was tempted to take a quick dip in the water. Maybe Lawson would show up and join her. Quickly removing her nylon shorts and tank then her undergarments, she waded out into the water, enjoying the chill that refreshed her heated skin. She walked out far enough to dunk her head and then made her way back to shore.

  Laying back on the sand, she figured she could dry off in the sun and then head back to the hotel to see if Lawson was there. Closing her eyes, she let the hot sun beat down on her wet body, quickly drying the droplets on her skin. She heard nearby crickets and a few chirping birds and allowed the peacefulness to calm her mind.

  She hadn’t relaxed in weeks. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she had walked into PRL to a broken air conditioner and stumbled upon Lawson by accident. She hadn’t seen her mom in almost a month and knew she was worried about her. She needed to go and visit her soon. Liv was going back and forth to Chattanooga until she sold her house. Thankfully, Cassie had been a huge help, showing the place to potential buyers, so she had fewer trips to make.

  A shadow moved across her closed lids, and Liv cracked her eyes, expecting to see a bird overhead. A deep growl rumbled in her ear. Looming over her body was the biggest wolf she had ever seen, gray eyes pinned on hers. Was this Lawson’s wolf?

  Heart pounding in her chest, she lay still. She was completely naked and felt more vulnerable to this animal than when Jim attacked her. Swallowing hard against the fear trapped in her throat, she prayed it would see she wasn’t a threat and go away.

  The charcoal-colored wolf stalked around her body. A cold nose brushed against her foot and she jerked it away. The wolf’s lip curled and bared sharp incisors as another growl left its throat. It reminded her of when Lawson curled his lip, except she was terrified instead of melting inside.

  The wolf continued sniffing around her legs. She couldn’t help but notice the beautiful fur covering its body. The deepest shade of gray with silver tips. He was the most magnificent creature she had ever seen.

  The animal pushed his nose along her flesh and she trembled. Lawson had said his wolf was dangerous and wanted to taste her blood. If this animal decided to pounce, she was a goner. The wolf moved up her hip and along the side of her stomach.

  Slowly, Liv reached a hand to touch the fur underneath its neck between his front legs. He was so soft and silky, and she let her fingers go deeper, feeling the muscles beneath.

  Another low growl escaped but the wolf didn’t seem as aggressive. She continued to rub its chest, enjoying the power that rippled beneath her palm.

  “Lawson, is that you?” She searched the beautiful gray eyes, but there was no recognition.

  The wolf nuzzled her hair and then its long snout poked her head, all the while sniffing. When its cold nose traveled along the base of her neck, it tickled. And then the wolf trekked further down, smelling between her breasts. Surely, this wasn’t a sexual thing for the animal, she thought. He had to be curious and nothing more.

  But then a rough tongue swiped across Liv’s breast, sending a shiver through her body. Liv tried to move away but the wolf placed a large paw on her shoulder, holding her in place.

  “Lawson, I hope to hell that’s you in there,” she whispered as the wolf continued licking her flesh.

  Its tongue was long and rough like sandpaper. When it ran across her nipple, Liv’s core spasmed. Was this happening? Was Liv’s body aroused by the beast above her?

  When the wolf moved to the other breast and licked the sensitive area, a moan escaped her throat. Yes, she was turned on. Her hands dug deeper into its fur as the wolf continued further down, brushing against her stomach.

  “Please, Lawson, if you’re in there, shift back. I need you,” Liv pleaded. An
other growl was her answer as the wolf’s head dipped lower, smelling her sex.

  She could feel the animal’s hot breath against her needy flesh, and when its tongue slid across her folds, she cried out. In one fluid movement, the wolf shifted, and Liv looked down to see Lawson’s face buried between her legs. He looked up to her, but his eyes were wild, and she could still see the wolf behind the silver orbs.

  “Take me, I’m yours,” she croaked, and then he devoured her clit, running his tongue all over the swollen area.

  She grabbed a handful of his black hair and held him to her, writhing against his movements in unabashed pleasure. She felt a finger slide inside and then another, sending her over the edge.

  Wrapping her legs around his shoulders, she squeezed as an orgasm barreled through her body. His mouth continued its assault on her fleshy folds, and she bucked against him as her core trembled with pleasure. When her body relaxed, he released his hold and traveled up her body, claiming her lips.

  She could taste her juices on his tongue as he ravished her mouth. He was all over her. His hand grabbed her breast while the other spread her wide. The heavy bulge of his erection thrust deep, impaling her to the hilt. There were no words spoken between them, only raw desire fueled by their needs.

  He sank deeper and growled, plunging hard and full. Liv lifted her hips and bucked with an urgency that made her light-headed. She had never known such passion before. Lawson was wild and out of control and she felt the force of his wolf as much as she felt the man between her legs. She wanted all of him, man and animal, in every way.

  “Fuck, Liv, I can’t be gentle. I can’t stop,” Lawson finally said, panting as sweat broke across his back.

  “I don’t want gentle. Not right now. Give me all you have,” Liv urged.

  And he did.

  He gave her the sun and the moon and the water and the sand. He gave her all that and more. Her desire was taken to a level she didn’t even know existed as he pounded her body, bringing her to the crest of an earth-shattering climax.

  All she could do was cling to his hard body as they came together and shouted their release on a brilliant wave of ecstasy. Panting and quivering from residual aftershocks, she couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Wow, what was that all about?” she murmured.

  He rolled to the side, hooking her leg around his hip, so he remained inside her.

  Pulling her close, he responded, “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize you would be coming here today. My wolf needed to run for a bit. He was thirsty and that’s when he spotted you by the lake. You have no idea how terrified I was when he recognized your scent. He has wanted to taste you for too long,” Lawson said, a wicked smile appearing.

  “Oh, he tasted me alright. I was worried I was about to have an orgasm from a wolf,” Liv responded, jokingly.

  “I’m pretty sure that was his plan. I’ve never had the power to force a shift like that, but I think my wolf and I came to terms today on where we stand concerning you. He seems at peace now. Maybe his curiosity was so intense because you’re human. Either way, I think he’ll keep his distance from now on,” he stated, kissing her on the cheek.

  “I hope not. I like your wolf. He’s magnanimous and has a real talent with that long tongue,” she teased.

  Lawson laughed and her heart leaped with joy to see him smile again. She had missed that so much.

  “Talk to me about work. What’s the update on job possibilities?” Lawson questioned as he cradled Liv against his chest. Liv loved how she molded into him and he nuzzled her neck, igniting her desire all over again.

  “Well, Bart is looking into several locations in the area. He is all for investing in a research facility, so that we can begin testing the blood we have,” she informed him, enjoying the way his fingers trailed across her back.

  “That’s good. I’m glad you’re staying here. I was worried he would want you to be closer to Chattanooga,” he whispered as he nibbled on her ear. “Has he made any headway on Jim’s arrest?”

  Liv sighed. That was a sore subject for her. Apparently, there wasn’t enough concrete evidence to warrant an investigation. That was bullshit, as far as she was concerned.

  “No, Jim Jensen is still walking the streets, and PRL is still in business because of that asshole’s deep pockets. I’m not giving up though,” Liv declared.

  “We’ll nail him eventually. Arrogant pricks like him always manage to hang themselves,” Lawson admitted and squeezed her tight.

  Liv turned her head so that she could kiss those delicious lips of his. She parted her mouth and his tongue delved inside. Instantly, she forgot about Jim, work, and everything else but Lawson. As his tongue slid against hers, she answered by sucking on it. He groaned and she moved to his upper lip, sucking that, as well.

  “Mmm, I’ve got something else you can suck on,” he suggested, grabbing her ass and pulling it against his rock-hard erection. God, she loved how he was ready to go again.

  “Here?” she murmured, wiggling on top of him to create friction against her aching core.

  “No, let’s go back to our room. We’re lucky no one walked up on us. We have quite the household now,” Lawson stated as he sat up, bringing her with him.

  Lawson was right about that. With his sisters and his brother along with Knox and the other shifters, their pack was growing. Everyone had agreed to stay on while renovations were being made to the hotel. She hoped it would take longer than expected because she was enjoying her time with Lawson.

  “You’re right about that. Maybe we should say the lake is off limits to everyone but us. I’ve grown kind of fond of our meeting spot,” she winked. “Where are your clothes?”

  “They’re in the barn,” he said, reaching over to grab her nearby garments then handed them to her.

  She quickly dressed and watched as he took off running towards the barn. She couldn’t help but admire his firm ass in the process.

  Walking to the barn, she remembered his project and was curious. As she entered, he was pulling a fitted blue t-shirt over his head and her mouth watered at the sight of his low-slung jeans and bare feet. He was the sexiest man alive, and he was all hers.

  “Lawson, this is impressive, by the way,” she stated, pointing towards the iron gate. “I had no idea you could do something like this,” she added, running her hand over the crest and initials. “So, what does this stand for?”

  “You should know. It came from you,” Lawson stated, standing behind Liv as he looked over her shoulder. His hands came up to cup her breasts, and she arched against his grip.

  “Lawson, I can’t think straight when you’re touching me,” she confessed. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, captivated by liquid silver eyes.

  Curling his upper lip, he replied, “It stands for Safe Haven. Do you remember?” He bent his head to suck the sensitive flesh at the base of her neck, and her mind splintered as arousal rushed through her system.

  Panting, she said, “Yes, I remember. At the lab. I said this place would be your safe haven. I love it. It’s perfect. Now, can we go get naked in our room?”

  He placed a finger under her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “Liv, I promise I’m going to spend all night pleasuring you every way possible, but I need you to know what this means. This place is not my safe haven,” Lawson said, and Liv tilted her head, confused.

  “You are,” Lawson vowed and claimed her mouth.

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