Crowned with Guilt (Remember the Reaper Book 1)

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Crowned with Guilt (Remember the Reaper Book 1) Page 28

by S. K. Rose

  “She should be fucking locked up,” Bailey spits, rubbing her neck and eyeing me nervously.

  Chase rounds on her, “And you should stop being such a twat before I let her snap that pretty little neck of yours.” His eyes narrow dangerously before returning his attention to me. “Reap, you good?” Shooting a dirty look to Bailey, I hold out my hand for Chase to help me up.

  After putting me gently into the passenger seat, he gets in himself and fires up the engine.

  “Do you need anything from the Blackwell house?” He pulls out onto the street as an ambulance rushes past us. I reach for the crown around my neck and shake my head. When my hand drops back to my lap, I hear something crinkle against my dress. Looking down, there’s a small note pinned to my strap. In all the excitement, I hadn’t even noticed. After ripping it off, I unfold it with shaky hands.

  In the center of the crumbled paper is an intricate drawing of a butterfly with a wing ripped off.


  Chase looks at the drawing and back to me with a raised eyebrow. I shake my head and crumble up the drawing. As I reach across to buckle my seatbelt, a loathsome thought crosses my mind. My throat goes dry and I search wildly for my phone. It’s dead, of course.

  “Chase, I need your phone.”

  “What, why?”

  “Please!” My voice teeters on the edge of desperation. He struggles to pull the phone out of his pants and hands it over. I click a button and the screen flashes on displaying the time: 12:45 AM.

  It’s been my birthday for forty-five minutes.

  I let out a strangled yell and bang my fist on the dashboard.

  “Tess? What is it?” His voice is thick with concern.

  I was foolish to think this year might hold different cards for me, that the universe might flip over something besides the cruel joker.

  “Just drive,” I manage to croak out.

  And he does.

  Chapter 47



  The hum of machines, the beeping of a monitor, the smell of antiseptic—

  I’m back in a hospital.

  I have the headache from hell right now and the fluorescent lights cause me to squint.

  “You're awake.” Beth stirs from where she was laying her head beside me. “Mom and Dad left five minutes ago to get some coffee. They still have tests to run, but it looks like you didn’t get any additional damage to your brain. Andrew, you’re going to be okay.” She smiles, but her eyes remain sad.

  “Where’s T-Tessa?” At this, she flinches.

  “She’s gone, Andrew.” She squeezes her eyes shut and reopens them slowly. “I-I thought it was happening all over again, Drew, you have to believe me. You weren’t moving, and there was all this blood, and she was holding you and crying just like before. I just. . . I snapped, and I yelled at her to leave and, I think she did. Oh, God, I’m so sorry.” Her face crumples in agony.

  “What are you t-talking about again?” I snap.

  She shakes her head, and with a choked sound she drops her face onto my hand and begins to cry.

  But just like that, I don’t need her to tell me.

  I know exactly what she’s talking about.

  The minute I spoke her name, the floodgates of my mind swung open and the missing puzzle pieces fell into place.

  Like a spinning carousel, images whiz by, slowly at first, but picking up speed with each passing second.

  I hear crying and spot her hidden next door. Even filled with tears, her blue eyes are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  With a smile she holds up the slice of birthday cake with a stick poking out. Scrunching up her face she makes a wish and blows out the imaginary flame.

  She’s crying, her lip is swollen and bloody. I hold her close and sing a lullaby until she falls asleep in my lap.

  We laugh and make silly faces, once the Polaroid spits out the photos, we stick them up into the branches and wait for the images to appear like magic.

  It’s snowing, and in all the excitement she forgot her coat. I wrap my arms around her small frame and feel her heartbeat speed up. This is a new, exciting, feeling. I think I love her.

  My hair is yanked back as her father towers over me in a drunken rage. I’m afraid, but he’s the villain and I won’t let him hurt my princess anymore.

  I’m in and out of consciousness as her sobs soak into my shirt. My body won’t budge; I can’t move my mouth to tell her it’s going to be okay. The pressure on my chest is abruptly gone—she’s gone.

  I watch her talk to my sister against the lockers. She’s all grown up and somehow more beautiful, how could I have ever forgotten?

  “I’m sorry, you just remind me of someone I used to know. . .” she trails off and I respond with a smile. “This someone must have been incredibly handsome—only guessing.”

  This time the pain in her eyes registers. I understand, but it’s too late.

  She’s on the grass holding her poem. “You’re as stubborn as your sister.”

  “Yeah, it’s a Blackwell thing. You should meet my mom.” I laugh and she rewards me with her beautiful smile.

  “It’s silver,” she says softly.

  “Like the necklace you’re always fiddling with?” I ask.

  The necklace you were going to give her.

  Look at what she’s become.

  The guarded looks in her blue eyes.

  The miserable tilt to her mouth.

  All the scars the world has left upon her body and soul.

  Like a rose that’s started to wilt without the sun.

  You left her, and God knows what happened.

  Remember, you idiot.

  Remember the dragon.

  Remember the giant.

  Remember the princess.

  Remember the castle.

  Remember the reaper.


  I grab fistfuls of hair as tears threaten to drown me.

  “Oh God, Andrew. . . do you remember?” Marybeth searches frantically in my eyes for the truth.

  I nod.

  I scream.

  My vision blurs.

  I stop fighting and let the darkness wash over me as I slip out of consciousness once more.

  To be continued. . .


  Writing this book has been a beautiful, amazing, yet ultimately mortifying experience that comes with pouring out your heart onto paper. In all reality I would not have survived to publication without a few key people.

  Thank you to my hubby- you’re a giant pain in my ass, but from day one you’ve been my biggest supporter. I likely would have never touched pen to paper without your annoyingly persistent encouragement to follow my dreams. I love you in this and every parallel universe.

  My twisted sisters, what would I do without you? Beth, my book wife, you are crazy talented, gorgeous as hell, and a whirlwind of life and laughter. You did so much to help me through this crazy journey that we experienced together (thanks for being the guinea pig, hah!) I don’t know how I will ever repay you for your never-ending kindness, generosity, and love.

  Naebae, you are cute but crazy ferocious. Like a swan, precious, but a vicious little badass when necessary. You’re so passionate regarding anyone you care about, and I consider myself lucky to be one of those people. You yelled when I needed yelling at and you were an ear when I needed to vent. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything and being a dear friend.

  To my Book Ma, Aimee- thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! You mentored me through this whole grueling process, and I appreciate all the work you put into improving me as a writer. You were kind, but honest, not always telling me what I wanted to hear but that was exactly what I needed. You are my inspiration.

  Big shout out to Paige, even way over there “across the pond” you’ve become one of my bestest friends. Our obnoxious banter is sometimes the only thing that gets me through the day. Remember when I messaged you at 2 AM to pull the p
lug on this book? You told me to shut the fuck up, stop being crazy, and go the hell to sleep. I love the shit out of you Pae.

  Bethy! You were the very first one to read this and went totally crazy for my story, demanding me to write more. Your enthusiasm is what helped me find the confidence in myself to keep moving forward. I love you sweetie.

  Tam, you beautiful bitch. You’re my sister from another mister. Thank you for simply being my best friend and being by my side since we were just happy little campers.

  Nemesis, how could I get up each morning without knowing you’ll be there to insult me each day? I don’t think I could do it. Love you bitch.

  SMH- Lacking the money to get access to such high-end technology like paper, I’ve resorted to making this book out of used napkins. I hope you find that it’s NEAT!

  Julie. Oh. Em. Gee. Where have you been my whole life?! You swooped in out of nowhere with your beautiful self, completely rocking my world. That sounded dirty, and I’m okay with it. You are amazing, thank you SO much for all your support, words of wisdom, and encouragement. I’m keeping you!

  Okay last, but certainly not least, my’ bitches, thank you! Mel, Colette, Natalie, Veronica, Norielle, Vashti, British Name Twin, Angela, Dan, Elizabeth, Meagan, Joanne, Yericka, Dawn etc, etc, ETC ‘cause I love ALL you amazing girls but it would take a whole other damn book just to list you all LOL. I fiercely love this wonderful book community where readers and authors alike come together in a positive and supportive way. After joining B.A.N.G. I gained the courage to truly be myself and take the first steps to becoming an author, something I had always wanted- but never had the balls for.

  Melissa Teo, our fearless leader, thank you for sharing with us your insane love of books, your tried and true stalking tips, the wonderful BookSmacked blog that everyone should check out ‘cause it’s wicked cool, and for simply being a badass book ninja bosslady. I think I speak for everyone when I say we live for your insightful and psychotic book rants. Thank you for being fucking awesome.

  About the Author

  This is S.K. Rose’s debut novel with many more to come. She lives in the hellish desert of Arizona with her newly appointed husband and two obnoxious cats. When she’s not writing, Rose enjoys reading, gaming, swearing like a drunk sailor, collecting swords, and obsessing over the magnificent sea creature: the octopus. Check out the links below to creep around and stalk her!

  Connect with S.K. Rose

  Facebook Author page

  SK’s Reader Group

  Goodreads Profile


  Crowned with Guilt Playlist

  Castle by Halsey

  Stolen by Dashboard Confessional

  The Night we Met by Lord Huron

  Tearjerker by Korn

  Hurt by Nine Inch Nails

  Rainbow in the Dark by Dio

  Feel Again by OneRepublic

  Control by Halsey

  Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore

  Home by Phillip Phillips

  In the Dark by DEV

  Thunder by Imagine Dragons

  (Don’t Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult

  Electric Love by BØRNS

  Let it Go by Birdy + Rhodes

  I Found by Amber Run

  Cold by Crossfade

  Hurts Like Hell by Fleurie




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