Lewd Saga Omnibus: 7 Book Collection: An Epic Digital Fantasy Adventure of Lust, Love and War

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Lewd Saga Omnibus: 7 Book Collection: An Epic Digital Fantasy Adventure of Lust, Love and War Page 1

by Eden Redd

  Lewd Saga


  7 Book Collection

  Eden Redd

  Lewd Saga Omnibus © copyright 2017 Eden Redd

  All Rights Reserved

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  “In this world, a single blade can take you anywhere you want to go. And even though it’s a virtual world, I feel more alive in here than I ever did in the real world.”

  -Kirito, Sword Art Online

  Table of Contents

  Lewd Knights

  Lewd Knights 2.0 Middle Kingdoms

  Lewd Paladin: Shadow of Fate

  Lewd Necromancer: Raiding Hearts

  Lewd Rogue: Golden Desires

  Lewd Dragon: Bright Storm

  Lewd Knights 3.0: Serpent Horizon

  Join us

  A Note from Eden Redd

  Lewd Knights


  Jason lifted his collar and adjusted his sunglasses. Behind the dark shades, his eyes drank in the strangeness around him. The line out of the game store was a block long. Men and women chatted with excitement in their eyes, waiting patiently for the store to open. Jason was fourth in line and had been waiting since midnight. The baseball cap helped complete his disguise but the brazen open attitude of everyone around him caused him to feel even more awkward than normal.

  Turning his head to the glass storefront, he stared at the poster for the new virtual massive multi player game, Lewd Knights. A scantily clad woman in an armor that barely covered her feminine form stood at the ready with sword in hand and several trolls surrounding her. Jason wondered how her armor protected her from anything. Armor plates covered her thighs, shins and upper body but everything else was exposed, even her smooth stomach. Jason’s eyes zeroed in on her more than ample cleavage and simply shook his head.

  Jason had never seen such an open turn out for a virtual game about monsters and sex. Virtual worlds had been popping up into the mainstream for the last few years, with thanks due to the new Mind’s Eye Gear. It allowed for total immersion in virtual worlds, but this game was different from all the others on the market. It came with added features to make the world not only filled with action packed fantasy but to cater to the deviant side of many gamers.

  Male and female players continued to talk and chat, waiting patiently for the doors to open. Jason couldn’t believe the number of women on line. He was sure there would only be a long line of horny guys all dressed like him. Instead, he was the only one covered up. If anyone he knew saw him, he would be mortified. That thought was enough to stay away from most gatherings and events but this one event couldn’t keep him away.

  Jason leaned against the glass storefront. He had been dreaming of this game since it was first announced. A world where he felt he could finally be himself. He could adventure and explore a brand-new world and satisfy his more primal urges while he did it. Glancing from side to side, the young man wondered if everyone on line was as perverted as him or simply here for the thrill of it.

  The door to the store opened and Jason quickly pushed all other thoughts away. The two guys and one girl ahead of him nearly rushed the counter. Jason followed but tried to play it as cool as he could. Behind the counter stood pyramid stacks of boxes with the Lewd Knights logo and the same scantily clad female knight. Cards out, people paid for their game and quickly charged out of the store. When it was Jason’s turn no words were spoken as he handed the cashier his card. The woman behind the counter smiled at him as she ran his card and handed it back. A moment later, a box was placed in his waiting hands.

  “Have a good time.” The woman behind the counter grinned and winked.

  Heat rushed into Jason’s face as he grabbed the box and spun around. Nearly knocking into the people behind him, he did the awkward dance to get by, spun around and nearly bolted for the door. Outside, eyes were glued on the inside, hungry for their box.

  “Is there enough for all of us?” One thin little guy asked.

  Jason remained silent as he raced to his car. With a slam of the car door, he let out a long sigh as if he had been holding his breath for an hour. Hand moving to the passenger side, he touched the box as a dreamy feeling filled his senses.


  The drive home was a blur. Jason entered his apartment building and climbed the stairs three steps at a time. Once he reached his apartment, he slammed the door shut and closed all three locks. Calm fell over the young man like a warm blanket. Stepping over to a small table, he placed the large box on it and sat down in the single chair next to it.

  The studio apartment contained only a single bed, computer desk and chair, table, tiny kitchen and bathroom. The walls were bare. A single window was shuttered and covered with a thick curtain. Jason loved being home in his tiny place. It was the one place he could be himself without judging eyes. Stripping off the glasses, hat and coat, the young man inspected his purchase and worked the tape to open it.

  In moments, Jason held the Mind’s Eye helmet, console, cables and manual. Putting everything on the table, he checked it for any scratches or dents. Everything was shiny and ready to be used. Opening to the first page of the manual, it displayed pictures of all the equipment he should have. Seeing the picture of another box, Jason looked into the big box and pulled out a smaller box. Fingers digging into the cardboard, he opened it and stared at the equipment inside.

  If Jason was anywhere else, his face would have been beet red. Instead, he simply reached in and pulled out a small smooth metal box with rubber tubes hanging from it. Checking the instructions, he pressed a button on the side. The rubber tubing flexed and moved, showing that it was functioning and ready to be used. Reading on, he was thankful that the box was meant to wirelessly connect to the helmet and collect his, as they put it, “Happy discharges”. Checking buttons on the side of the box, there was a male and female option. Jason ever curious hit the female button. The rubber tube flexed and changed into a strange flexing cup. From the center, a phallic rubber rod slid out. Jason smiled and went back to reading the instructions as he switched it back to male.

  The metal box was meant to be strapped to your thigh while a second tube was meant to connect to your anus. Jason raised an eyebrow and figured he wasn’t going to go that route just yet. Looking to the helmet, he read on that from the sides rubber tubes will unfold and insert into your mouth or on it, changing sizes depending on the experiences. The robotic technology was amazing given the experiences in the game were designed to translate into patterns against your brain waves.

  Jason could barely contain his excitement. He purposely didn’t masturbate for two days so he could enjoy this out of body experience. The young man felt like Christmas was finally here and he was ready to enjoy his present to himself.

  Hands moved in a blur, connecting the main game console to his computer. Lights blinked to life and glowed green, indicating the game and connections were ready. Jason stripped down to nothing, grabbing the helmet and love box, he stepped to his bed. He put the Mind’s Eye Helmet over his head, fingers moved to strap the love box to his thigh. Lying back into the comfortable bed, he pressed a button on the side of the helmet and lights along the rim cycled through colors as it started up. The love box beeped and then so did the helmet. After a few seconds, the light along the helmet turned green.

  Strange vibrations and electrical impulses floated into Jason’s head. A smile bloomed as his heart raced with
excitement. A second later he closed his eyes and his world fell away like water down a drain. The abyss yawned before the young man. A bright light appeared and rushed toward Jason. When it touched him, reality shifted and a new one sprang into being.


  In the blink of an eye, Jason turned his head to the new world around him. Stone walls greeted the young man with simple tapestries and wooden furniture. A fireplace lay cold against a wall and open windows let the cool breeze in. Jason held up a hand to feel the gentle touch of the wind. The sensations glowed against his nerves as he marveled at how lifelike it was.

  “Welcome to Lewd Knights,” said a voice from behind.

  Jason quickly turned around, eyes dazzled. A woman floated a foot off the ground, white angel wings moving slightly from slender shoulders. Long blonde hair spilled over her shoulders as a loose white robe covered her feminine form. The robe against her ample chest hung low allowing exposed cleavage to stare back at the player. Jason found himself staring for a long moment before looking up at kind green eyes.

  “Uh..Hi.” Jason said simply, unsure what exactly to say next. He never expected to be greeted so quickly.

  The angel gave a comforting smile. “Hello. Please choose a name so I may address you, young knight.”

  Jason’s gaze dropped to the floor. He didn’t even consider that he had to have his persona all figured out. In all the rush and excitement to enter the game, he forgot all about the set up for who he was going to be. Normally in most games he would sit and ponder on what he was going to play but with an angel patiently waiting for his answer, it caused frustration to rear its annoying head. Standing awkwardly, the young man fidgeted trying to come up with a name. Seconds ticked as the passage of time grew longer and longer. The angel floated, keeping her calm gaze on the young man. Jason couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Jayson.” The young man blurted out.

  The angel nodded. “And your surname so you may be addressed as knight?”

  Memories floated to the surface. Images and stories of books he had read and coveted swam through the mental muck of his mind. A story of a tragic knight sprouted and the player nodded to himself.

  “Reed,” Jayson said simply.

  “Welcome Jayson Reed to Lewd Knights. My name is Sil. I will be your guide to building your persona and to the world. You may call on me anytime you wish for information on your account, rules and history of Lukken.”


  “Lukken is the name of the continent you and other players shall journey on.”

  Sil raised a hand and a virtual map appeared between them. Jayson stared as a diamond shaped continent took form with mountains, forests, rivers, lakes and glowing dots with strange names.

  “As you can see, the continent of Lukken is rhombus or diamond shaped. You are located here on the eastern most tip, as are all players when they enter the game the first time. From here you may travel west to find fame and fortune.”

  Sil raised her hands outward. “This is your starting point or starting keep. It is a simple dwelling. As you grow your fortune, you will be able to buy upgrades, furniture and luxuries. Please stop me at any time if you want me to further explain.”

  “No…you’re doing fine.” Jayson said as he mentally reminded himself he was speaking to a game avatar.

  Sil nodded and continued. “Lewd Knights is a game of adventure. There is the main road called Journey Road. Here is where your starting point shall be. The further west you travel, the harder the enemies and quests will become.”

  A glowing line appeared on the map from east to west.

  Jayson stared as he tried to take in everything she was saying. He didn’t want to run out into the world a newbie just yet.

  “The objective of Lewd Knights is high adventure and to collect your concubines.”

  Jayson’s eyebrows rose. “I read about that. Concubines are your warrior harem. They protect and love you.”

  Sil smiled. “Very good Sir Reed. There are no levels in the game. You grow your powerbase with every discovery and by seducing concubines. Each concubine is worth a hundred normal soldiers. They will have powers and abilities. The belt around your waist is magical. For every concubine you seduce, a crystal will appear on it. Once you have them, you may summon any or all to your aid should you require it.”

  The angel floated to a doorway. Jayson glanced down to see he was wearing normal clothes and a simple belt around his waist. Looking back up, he hopped over to the floating angel as she opened a door.

  Inside stood a large simple room, empty save for one plain bed.

  “This is where you will house your concubines. Since you have none, a bed stands at the ready for your first. For every one you seduce, another open bed will appear. As you gain your fortune, you can upgrade the room to become more lavish and to your liking. Your concubines may ask or demand for better lodgings. If you do not take care of them, they have the ability to refuse a summons.”

  Jayson nodded, his head spinning from the excitement.

  “Each concubine is seduced in their own way. Some will be easy while others may require completing multiple quests. Concubines can be female or male. The knight title of Sir is unisex.”

  Sil turned, her hand touching and caressing Jayson’s jaw. “Now my knight, please choose your sexual kinks. These will help with your enjoyment of the game. You may choose as many or as few as you like. I must warn you however, the more you choose the more confusing the experience may become. I recommend you choose six. You may alter, add or remove as you play the game.”

  A list of kinks appeared before the player. Jayson rubbed his jaw as he saw the list ran into the hundreds. The glowing letters floated in the air as Sil floated nearby, delicate hands at her sides. Looking over the list, Jayson lifted his hand and cycled through, inspecting the descriptions as they floated before him. Shyness crawled up his neck and he tried to push it away. The real world stabbed into his mind and he worried that he would be judged on what he liked. It was one thing to see porn in your own space but he was sharing a game with potentially thousands of players. He was sure they would have their own kinks and desires. He remembered the people waiting in line for the game. They were so open and excited. Why couldn’t he be more like them?

  Jayson’s fists tightened. Warmth crawled up his neck. Lewd Knights was a different world. He had to be okay with what he liked or he simply wouldn’t enjoy the game. Maybe with time, the game would help him become brave against his own insecurities. For now, he was going to be himself.

  The “Submission” kink scrolled into view. Jayson nodded and tapped the glowing letters. Sil simply smiled. The player scrolled through the list and tapped on five more kinks. When he stopped, the chart faded from view.

  “Death and life are all part of the experience. You will battle fierce monsters on your travels. Should travelling become too harsh, you have a recall crystal in your inventory. You may teleport here at any time.”

  Jayson looked around as he spoke. “And if I die?”

  “If you do not anchor a save point, you return here to recuperate. When you travel, it is best to anchor your save point. Should you die, you will resurrect here and then you can fast travel to your save point. You only have one save point with you as you travel. If you save deep in a difficult dungeon, you may be teleported back to the same scenario and you may die again. Only here at your keep is where you can recall your save point where you will start the long journey again.”

  “How big is Lukken?”

  “The continent of Lukken is 4,222 miles wide. If you simply walked at a speed of 4mph, it would take roughly 1,055 days of constant walking to reach the west coast point. I did not account for terrain variables which can add to the journey. There are secret portals and modes of transportation. The west becomes less civilized once you reach the halfway point.”

  “How do I defend myself?” Todd knew fighting would be part of the game but he didn’t realize the steep penalty of resurre
cting back at his keep. He certainly didn’t want to travel without knowing how to fight.

  Sil raised a hand. Weapons and armor appeared along the walls surrounding the room. “You may choose starting weapons and armor. On your travels, you will come across magical weapons and armor to strengthen yourself. Once you have your equipment, you may choose your fighting technique.”

  “Fighting technique?”

  “There are many forms of techniques and abilities you may acquire. Some can be learned from others but many must be discovered. A knight may grow so powerful they can take on an army by themselves. Choose your weapons and then we can look at techniques.”

  Jayson walked the room, eyeing an assortment of weapons from swords to maces, hammers to axes. Jayson liked being the fast player in battle. He often chose light armor and a more intimate fighting style. Lifting his hands up, he picked up two short swords, one in each hand. Glancing over at the armors, he tapped a light armor with the point of a sword. The armor disappeared and reappeared on him, strapped to his chest, arms, thighs and shins. With a mental command, he customized the armor with sword sheaths crisscrossing over his back. With skilled precision, he sheathed both swords to his back, sword handles over each shoulder.

  “That was easy.” Jayson smiled.

  Sil nodded. “The game makes certain actions easier on the player. No need to worry about fumbling over simple actions. Shall we go over techniques?”

  Jayson felt his shoulders relax. “Please.”

  A list appeared in the air, glowing letters spelling out a list of hundreds of battle techniques. “You may inspect and choose one battle technique. You have your attributes of Strength, Intellect, Dexterity, Wisdom and Stamina. Depending on the technique, one of your attributes will drain from using that ability. This ensures a level playing field for players.”

  Jayson cycled through the list of abilities. There were so many he could hardly pick just one. After reading about five or six, Jayson felt it would take too long to decide. Putting faith into finding more as he travelled, he tapped the “Spin Attack” ability.


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