Journey to the Dark Side

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Journey to the Dark Side Page 4

by Marty Rayne

  "I will. It's just going to take a little longer.” He was unfazed by her short demands.

  "Who knows what Dante is doing to him while we're pissing around!” Settling for pacing, she wanted to scream, maybe punch someone, or better yet, shoot someone. Her favored target ... Dante, the sick fuck.

  "Easy, Detective,” Lieutenant Armstrong walked in shaking off the rain from his hat. “Give Toby room to work."

  Knowing better than to argue with her superior, she holstered her weapon and moved toward the back of the trailer to continue her pacing. She should have known. She shouldn't have sent him off on his own. She chewed her bottom lip, her fingers twisting together. Damn it, why hadn't she thought of Dante striking closer to closing time?

  "You've done your job, Street. You've done it well.” Armstrong said watching her.

  "But he's got Jared. And who knows what that psycho is doing to him right now.” How did she tell her superior it was tearing her up inside when she thought about Jared being at Dante's mercy? How her heart ached to see him again. To touch him. Her head was pounding as adrenaline and anger rushed her body's systems. She vowed to kill Dante if he touched Jared.

  "Agent Keller knew what he was getting into when he stepped into that club. The entire point of this undercover operation was to get Dante to strike again."

  That was true, but it did little to ease the guilt for being the one to drag him into this. If Dante had been targeting women, she would have gladly been bait. Now she'd drug a man into this dangerous game Dante played. She just hoped she could get Jared out alive.

  "What about employees, sir? Were any missing?” Monica asked distractedly, wandering back over to Toby's work station.

  "A bartender. Gabe Thornton. He left his shift early claiming he was ill. About midnight was when he clocked out."

  A mental image of the man popped up. He was the older man. The one she'd flirted with their first night. Thinking back, he'd been there all three nights she and Jared had come to the club.

  "Where's his file?"

  Armstrong handed her a folder. Flipping through the pages, she stopped at the one she was looking for. His days off were Sundays and Mondays. He'd also been working every time a victim came up missing. She wondered if he'd left early those nights also.

  "Can we see when he left the nights the other victims were taken? And perhaps any other times he called in sick? They may correlate."

  "I'll talk with Delia."

  "Got him!” Toby's excited voice echoed in the trailer.

  * * * *

  Jared came awake slowly. Blinking quickly, he tried to clear his hazy vision. A bright light irritated his eyes and made it hard to see much. There was a distinct smell of dirt and staleness in the air around him. It was as if the place had been closed up and forgotten for a long time.

  He laid face down, his head throbbing as if he had a hangover. The memory was fuzzy, but Jared was sure he'd not had that much to drink at the club. Those fruity drinks Monica bought had more sugar than alcohol in them. A twinge of discomfort in his lower back made him shift from his prone position, but when he tried to rollover he was unable to move.

  Realization startled him awake. Lifting his head, he found his wrists were shackled to a table, stretched out above his head. His ankles too were bound in similar fashion, legs spread wide, and his clothing had been removed.

  "Sleeping Beauty awakes."

  Jared turned his gaze to the man stepping out of the shadows that surrounded him. The man wore a black mask, no shirt, and black slacks. Dante.

  Jared said nothing, merely watched his kidnapper slowly walk around the large table he was bound to. His mind was going through his memories, trying to assimilate the true identity of Dante and coming up empty. As he rounded the top of the table, Jared glanced at his right wrist finding the bracelet Monica had given him with the tracking device gone. He'd expected that. It had Monica's name on it and Dante would take anything that would remind his captive of their previous ‘owner'. Jared's only hope was the GPS unit in his earring. But shouldn't have Monica found him by now? How long had he been out? Had Monica stumbled on them as Dante was removing him from the club? Was she okay?

  "I will take the greatest pleasure breaking you, pet."

  Jared growled. Yes, he let Monica get away with calling him that, but he was no one's pet.

  Dante laughed. “Yes. You are filled with such spirit."

  "Fuck you,” Jared finally spoke. This made Dante laugh harder.

  "Yes, you are what I've been looking for.” Dante turned and picked up a wicked looking whip. The handle was fat and the lashes thick, with metal beads on the end. “Your spunk is much nicer than the whimpering slobber I had to deal with before. They hadn't been awake more than five minutes and they were already begging me to let them go."

  Jared tried the shackles, giving the ones holding his wrists a powerful tug, as Dante approached with his choice of torture. Stripped of his clothing, Jared had no protection from the whip. He was not looking forward to the feel of those lashes against his bare skin in the slightest.

  "Yes, pet. Struggle. Try to free yourself.” Dante smiled as his arm lifted the whip.

  Jared's exertion increased as he watched the whip lower, his teeth clenching, and his body stiffening as it readied for the coming sting.

  His body flinched when the lashes bit into his skin, but he refused to cry out.

  "Beautiful,” Dante breathed out as he delivered a second blow.

  Chapter Ten

  By the fifth strike of the whip, Dante managed to tear a scream from Jared's throat. The pain was so intense it made him light headed. Dante wasn't playing. He was putting real strength behind each strike. Jared felt blood oozing from the wounds.

  Jared opened his eyes when no further strikes came down on his battered ass. His body jumped and he screamed again as something was poured on the open wounds. The liquid made the cuts feel as if they were on fire, burning deep under his skin.

  After a couple of minutes the pain calmed and he lay panting.

  "Why?” his voice raw.

  "I'm impressed, pet. Instead of begging me for mercy, you ask why.” Dante shook his head and laid the whip down on a small table. He picked up a large blade and turned it so the light gleamed off. Even with the mask covering his featured, Jared was sure he was smiling. “Because I can."

  Jared sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. “That's a piss-poor excuse, shithead.” He forced his head up and boldly met Dante's eyes.

  Dante laughed. “You are correct.” He sighed and walked around Jared. “I've often asked myself the same question. Why I look for those who seem so strong yet wish to be weak for another?” He reached out and touched his captive. Jared couldn't stop his body from flinching as if burned.

  "I don't know why your kind attracts me. I've tried to resist. For years I've avoided the urges. Try to be normal. To have conventional relationships. But it didn't work. I couldn't...” He paused and studied Jared.

  Jared glanced at the knife still in Dante's hand. Talk. If he talked, perhaps he could stall the man from doing further damage until Monica got there. Even though the voice in the back of his mind was screaming that it was hopeless, no one was coming for him, he had faith in Monica. That faith was the only thing keeping him sane at the moment.

  "Surely there are those out there that would enjoy your barbaric S&M games. Why take those that don't belong to you?” His throat dry, but he forced the words out.

  "You don't understand, pet. This isn't a game. This is real. The domination. The pain. The screams. If it's not real, it's not enough."

  Dante took the point of the blade and lightly ran it down Jared's spine. There was no pain, no sudden blood spill, but the thought of the edge slicing into his skin made him tremble.

  "See. This is real. The fear that is flooding you. The pain from the wounds. The tremble to your body. There is no playing. No acting."

  "Sick fuck.” Jared snarled.

may be the case, pet, but when it comes time for you to beg for death, I can guarantee that I will be flying high on cloud nine."

  "Drop the knife,” Monica commanded as she stepped out of the shadows, her Glock aimed at Dante's head.

  * * * *

  Monica had walked into the deserted warehouse just as Jared screamed. It took all of her self-control not to rush right in. But moments later, when his second blood-curling scream echoed, she started running, weapon in hand. Fear pounded through her veins, her brain demanding her body to go faster. The storm outside with its deep rumbles of thunder and large raindrops slapping the metal roof couldn't cover the sound of Jared's anguished cry. She disregarded the putrid smell of old vomit and urine permeating the building, ignoring the churning of her stomach and her throat convulsing trying to keep down the acidy vomit. All that mattered was getting to Jared.

  At the other end of the warehouse, she found a room. What looked once like an office, its windows blackened with paint. Ignoring Lieutenant Armstrong's orders to stand down until the others were in position, Monica slipped into the room before anyone caught up to her. Knowing she'd caught Dante off guard, she advanced on him.

  Her heart stopped as Dante shifted his position so he could lift Jared's head by the hair and put the blade to his throat.

  "A fucking cop?” Dante asked with surprise. “Do your co-workers know what you do in your spare time?"

  "Cut the shit, Dante. Or should I call you Gabe?"

  Dante laughed. “So, someone finally put two and two together, huh?"

  He jerked Jared's head higher, making him wince with pain. Monica felt her barely contained anger simmering hotter than a volcano as she took in the mess he'd already made of Jared.

  "So, is this one really your sub, or another cop?"

  "This place is surrounded. You won't get away. Just back away slowly."

  "Hardly,” Dante smirked.

  "Shoot him,” Jared commanded.

  "You pull that trigger, the last thing I do is slit his throat. Are you willing to chance it?"

  Monica paused, watching the blade dig deeper into Jared's throat. Her stomach flinched. A sliver of blood slid down his neck causing her to tighten her grip on her Glock.

  "Tell me, Mistress Monica,” Dante tilted his head. “This is more than just a case, isn't it? This man means more to you than just a partner."

  "Back away from him,” Monica ordered, refusing to take bait.

  "I saw the way you looked when you punished him. I saw the way you watched him. Your eyes came alive. Your world was centered on him and only him when you were together. Everyone saw it."

  "Shoot the fuck, Monica,” Jared struggled with his words.

  Monica knew she felt more for Jared than she should, but had she been that transparent? And what about Jared? Had he noticed?

  Dante chuckled and shook his head. How could the man find amusement in all of this? “Thought you were being so cool and composed? Well, don't worry. Pet here was just as bad."

  "I'll tell you one last time. Step away and put down the knife.” She forced her eyes to stay on her target, resisting the urge to look at Jared's reaction to Dante's words. Her aim steady despite the trembling inside.

  Behind her the door slammed open and several officers rushed in. Monica saw the flick of Dante's hand, the movement in slow motion. This prompted her finger to pull the trigger. Her shot was dead on ... hitting right in the middle of Dante's forehead.

  His body stiffened a moment as if in surprise before he fell to the floor. Dead.

  Monica rushed forward, her hand going for Jared's throat, putting pressure where blood was gushing.

  "Get a medic!” she screamed. “Jared.” She looked down at him, his eyes were closed, his breathing labored. “You've got to stay with me. Please, Jared.” She begged as tears ran down her face.

  Chapter Eleven

  Heat in his hand and pressure on his chest dragged Jared from the darkness. The sound of beeping invaded his ears. He shifted and groaned as pain pierced several places in his body, especially his ass cheeks. He tried to swallow but his throat was swollen and dry. Opening his lids, his eyes were met with a white ceiling and walls.

  A hospital. The antiseptic smell assaulted his nose. Yes, he was definitely in a hospital. Looking down at his chest, ignoring the discomfort in his neck, he found Monica, her head lying on his chest. His pulse quickened. She'd saved him and now she was here with him. How he loved this woman. Jared's stomach flipped with a mixture of fear and joy. But did she feel even close to what he did?

  "Mon...” His voice came out scratchy and it hurt to speak. He swallowed hard and tried again. “Monica."

  Monica's head jerked up, her eyes glazed from sleep but they met his. She smiled.

  "Jared,” she breathed out in relief. “You're awake."

  Jared lifted his hand and noted the bandage around his wrist. He turned his attention to the beautiful woman beside him as he used the back of his knuckles to brush hair away from her face.

  "Hey.” He said quietly and smiled.

  Monica reached out and grabbed a cup with a straw sticking out. “Here, drink. It will help.” She held the straw to his lips.

  Jared sipped the water, letting the cool liquid flow down his tortured throat, soothing the dryness. When he was done, he breathed out feeling very tired. He shifted his body so that he lay on his side facing her, easing the discomfort of the wounds Dante had given him. No more spankings for him.

  "Did we get the bad guy?” His memory was fuzzy. He remembered telling Monica to shoot Dante and his body being wracked with pain. After that, it was a blur of discombobulated sounds and darkness.

  Monica brushed his hair from his forehead and gave a small smile. “Yes. He won't be hurting anyone else."

  "Good,” he sighed. At least something went right. “You killed him?"

  "Let me get Lynn. She's been pacing outside."

  "No. Tell me.” He grabbed hold of her hand, the quick movements making him wince in pain.

  She slowly nodded.

  Jared saw the grief in her eyes and he wanted to pull her into his arms and take it away. Killing someone, even a sick fuck like Dante, always left scars. Along with unwanted memories. He knew from experience.

  "Before I blacked out, Dante was talking."

  "Jared, that man was crazy.” She looked around. “The doctor said you needed rest. Then there are still the reports to do, and..."

  "Is it true? Or was it part of the act?” He met Monica's eyes needing to know. Was he more than a partner for this case? Could there be more between them?

  Monica looked away, trying to pull from him.

  "He said that when you looked at me, I was..."

  "I know what he said.” Monica snapped, tears glittering in her eyes.

  She was quiet for another moment and Jared thought she wouldn't answer. He let her go when she sat back in the chair beside his bed.

  "I tried to keep it like the others. I wanted so badly to not care. To just keep it business. But I couldn't.” A lone tear trickled down her cheek. “When I saw that knife to your neck, the wounds...” She paused and swallowed hard. “I felt as if I were slowly dying. And then when he...” A couple more tears followed the first and her voice choked.

  Jared took her hand again and lifted it to his lips. Ignoring his screaming body, he tugged on her hand wanting her to come to him. Monica crawled onto the bed, and allowed him to wrap his arms around her until they shared the small space.

  "Shhh. It's okay. He's dead, I'm alive.” His fingers found their way to her hair and began the soothing motion of running them through the thick strands.

  "I never should have let you out of my sight.” She sobbed into his chest.

  "Then we wouldn't have gotten him. Or worse yet, he would have hurt you to get to me."

  He reached down and lifted her chin with a finger. “When Dante attacked me, my last thought was of you. Then when I woke, I was so scared something had happened to you

  "The storm, it caused trouble with the GPS.” She wiped at the tears trying to explain the delay. “I told the Lieutenant..."

  "I know.” He calmed her, his knuckles brushing over her cheek. “I knew you would come.” He gave her a small smile. “I tried to keep it casual too. But Monica, you found your way into my heart. I was dreading the moment I had to say good-bye. But I don't think I'll have to now. At least not if you'll have me."

  Surprise was evident on her expression, her mouth opening and closing like a fish but no words coming out. This made him laugh.

  Monica slapped his shoulder and he winced as if it hurt.

  "Oh, I'm sorry,” she started apologizing, but that caused Jared to laugh harder.

  The door opened ushering in a doctor and Captain Sawyer.

  "Well, it seems as if the patient is awake and doing quite well."

  Sawyer chuckled. “It seems so."


  Jared climbed onto the bed, crawling on his hands and knees like a leopard stalking its prey. His eyes gazed over the naked form lying before him like a sacrifice.

  He growled as his head dipped and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  "Jared.” Monica gasped, her hands going to his head, her fingers twining with his hair.

  "Yes, Mistress?” He answered playfully as he switched to her other nipple.

  She laughed, but pulled his head closer while her hips lifted toward him.

  It's been a month since Dante was killed. A month of healing. The bruises on his wrists had disappeared and the wounds on his ass had healed to light scars. But there were deeper wounds that were still healing. As much as he hated admitting it, Dante had left his mark in more than a physical way on both he and Monica. At least his nightmares were finally starting to fade.

  However, tomorrow they would both go back to work. It was the best month of his life. Spending almost every moment with Monica. Talking, laughing, and most of all loving. They had really gotten to know one another and found they got along very well and had a lot of interests in common. Sex being their favorite.


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