Fast Track (Eye Candy Handyman Book 5)

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Fast Track (Eye Candy Handyman Book 5) Page 4

by Falon Stone

  “Right now, it’s not really a church. It’s just a building.”

  I lower my head down to meet her lips again while reaching down to yank her tank top up over her breasts. Gripping her hands with one of mine, I place them above her head, holding them against the shelving with my left hand while accessing her bra with my right, pulling it up and over her tits, exposing them. She has a beautiful set of tits. Flawless, creamy skin, with cherry-sized nipples. I cup one and break our kiss, my lips blazing a path straight to her pebbled peak and sucking it into my mouth.

  “Oh God, Clive,” she moans, pressing her chest into my mouth. I love the way my name sounds on her tongue.

  Moving my hand away from her breast, I slowly skate my fingers down her stomach until I find the button on her shorts. I place my finger and thumb on the button, snap it open, and push her shorts down. They drop on the floor. I release her nipple from my mouth and find her lips again with mine. Sliding my hand down, I stroke her pussy over her panties, which are already wet from excitement. She practically purrs as I pull her panties to the side and rub my fingers through her pussy lips, coating them in her arousal. Taking her hand with my free one, I guide it to my rock-hard cock.

  “Hello? Tiffany, are you in here?” comes a voice in the main part of the church.

  “Shit!” she mutters, reaching down and pulling her shorts back up.

  Just my fucking luck. This is the third time I’ve been cockblocked trying to get some pussy in the last three days.

  “Who’s that?” I ask, squeezing my cock in frustration.

  “I have no idea. It might be the pastor. I don’t know. Give me a minute, and I’ll go see.” She hurries to pull her shirt down as she leaves me, growling with blue balls.

  I can hear Tiffany while I make my way to the back of the storeroom to collect the door. “Oh, hey, Jim, I didn’t know you were going to be here today.”

  “Yeah, didn’t Pastor Ryan tell you? I’m on vacation this week and don’t have anything planned. I told him I would come here this week and do some work on the church.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” I mutter to myself as I grab the door and head out to the chapel area.

  “Oh, good. You found the door!” Tiffany says as she claps her hands together. “Jim, this is Clive. He’s an expert in remodeling and is going to be helping rehab the church free of charge.

  “Well, that’s mighty nice of you!”

  “Anything for the good folks of the church,” I lie, knowing damn well I’m only doing this to get into Tiffany’s pants. I was practically home free until this clown showed up.

  “I’m going to be spending the week here helping out as well,” Jim replies, staring at Tiffany.

  If were a gambling man, I’d bet Jim has the hots for Tiffany.

  “Great, Jim. It will be good having you around to help,” I reply, bumping him with the door as I walk by. If this guy thinks he is going to make a move on my pussy, he has another think coming. “Come with me, Jim. I can use a hand with hanging this door.”

  Tiffany excuses herself, still appearing flushed from our encounter, and Jim follows me reluctantly.

  “So, Jim, what kind of remodeling experience do you have?” I ask, setting the new door into the frame.

  “Uh, none, really,” he states, watching Tiffany walk back to the office.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Not from the way you keep looking at Tiffany. Well, I have news for ya, bud. You’re not getting in her pants. That pussy is all mine. So, if you’re here just to get some pussy, you might as well go home now. It’s not gonna happen.”

  He turns back and looks at me with his mouth wide open. “I can’t believe you just said that. Are you serious, man? What the…”

  “Look, we’re both grown men here. We both love pussy, I’m sure. But that piece right there, that’s mine. You can stick around and help or whatever, but don’t think you’re fucking Tiffany.”

  I figured I might as well just get straight to the point. I’m a little pissed he walked in and interrupted me, and I don’t need him getting in my way if he is going to be here all week.

  “Okay, easy, dude. I came to help. No problems from me. I’m going to go see what Tiffany would like me to help her with.” He turns and walks away toward the office Tiffany went into. Cockblocker.

  Chapter 7

  A few days have gone by, and Jim has been a great help in getting things done in the church, but he’s also a real pain in the ass. I never have a moment alone with Tiffany as he is always up her ass, following her around, or offering to help her with what she’s doing.

  “Hey, Jim, can you come over here for a minute and hold the ladder so I can hang this stained-glass pane in the window?”

  “Sure, no problem, bud.”

  Jim holds the ladder as I climb to the top of it, about fifteen feet in the air. Just as I get to the top, the ladder teeters and gives way underneath me, causing me to land flat on my back with the glass pane landing on my leg.

  “Ow! Fuck, Jim!”

  Tiffany hears the scream and comes running over. “What happened, Clive?”

  “I don’t know. I asked Jim to hold the ladder! I got to the top, and it gave way. I think my leg is broken,” I complain.

  “I-I-I was holding it. You must have leaned too far forward,” Jim stammers, appearing nervous and fingering the collar of his shirt.

  “You think it’s broken, Clive? We need to get you to the hospital! I’ll go and get my car. Jim, you help him outside.” Tiffany takes charge of the situation. Jim will be lucky if I don’t break his neck.

  Tiffany runs to the office to get her purse and keys. Jim helps me up, and I put my arm around his shoulder. “You little fucker. Did you push the ladder?” I ask, wincing in pain.

  He looks at me aghast. “Of course not! Why would I do that?”

  “I know you have a thing for Tiffany, and you’ve been cockblocking all week. Perfect way for you to get me out of the picture. I’m no idiot, buddy.”

  Jim helps me out the door and to Tiffany’s car without saying a word or offering much support. With each step, pain shoots through my leg. Tiffany is standing at her car with the back door open. “Climb in the back. You’ll be able to lie down and not bend your leg,” she instructs, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

  We arrive at the hospital emergency room entrance about ten minutes later. She runs in to grab a nurse and a wheelchair. We fill out the paperwork and wait about twenty minutes until I am taken back to an exam room.

  “I feel so horrible, Clive,” Tiffany says, reaching out and holding my hand.

  “It’s not your fault. Shit happens. If I didn’t know better, I would think Jim did it on purpose, though.”

  “What? Why would he do that?” she responds with a puzzled look on her face.

  I shrug my shoulder. “I don’t know. I think he has a crush on you, and I told him to forget about it. You were mine.”

  Her eyes widen. “Yours?”

  Fuck, did I just say she was mine? I must be delirious from the pain in my leg.

  A deep voice from the door breaks up the awkward moment. “Good afternoon, Clive. The chart says you’re experiencing leg pain?”

  “Yeah, I fell off a ladder. I think my leg is broken.”

  “I see. How far of a fall was it?” the doctor asks as he applies pressure to different points along my leg.

  “Ouch! Damn it! I don’t know, maybe ten or fifteen feet?”

  “Okay, we’ll need to get you in for X-rays right away, then.”

  He leaves, and moments later, a nurse enters the room. “Okay, Clive, the doc says we need to take you down for X-rays. Are you able to get back into the wheelchair, or do you need help?

  “I think I can do it.”

  I manage to move myself to the side of the examination table, lower myself down slowly, and hobble into the chair.

  The nurse gets behind the chair and starts to push. “It’s going to take about an hour for the whole process. Your
girlfriend can come along if she’d like, or she can wait here.”

  I turn to look at Tiffany, and she has a blank look on her face. “What do you think, babe? You want to come along, or wait here?” I ask with a wicked grin.

  “Uh, I guess I will come along…” She hops up and follows behind us.

  The nurse wheels us down a few corridors until we arrive in the area of the hospital where the X-rays are taken.

  “Okay, Clive, up on the table. I hope these aren’t your good jeans. I’m going to have to cut them off so you can get into a gown.”

  I gingerly make my way up onto the examination table and lie back. The nurse grabs a pair of sheers and starts at my ankle. She works her way up until she has completely cut open the leg of my pants. She repeats the process for the other leg.

  “All done. Here’s a gown. The X-ray tech will be in shortly to get you.”

  The nurse leaves and shuts the door behind her.

  “I’m going to need a little help here, Tiffany, with pulling off my pants.”

  She’s standing there with her hand by her mouth, tapping her lip. “I guess I can do that. I don’t want to hurt you pulling them off.”

  I roll to my side so she can pull the back half of my pants from under one side then the other, and she pulls them away with ease. I have no underwear on and am lying flat on my back, my cock fully exposed. Her eyes grow wide as she sees me in all my naked glory. I’m one of those guys you would call a shower and a grower. I’m a good six inches soft and as thick as a can of Red Bull.



  “Quit staring and hand me the gown please.” I chuckle.

  “I wasn’t staring,” she replies with a blush.

  “Mmm-hmm. It’s okay, it’s a nice cock. I’m sure you’ve seen a few before.”

  “I have, but not quite like that. It’s as big as any dick I’ve seen, and you’re not even hard.”

  She throws me my gown, and I put it on.

  A knock at the door makes her jump, and in comes the X-ray tech. “All right, Clive, time to go.”

  I get into the wheelchair, and she wheels me to the room with the X-ray machine. I’m in there for about fifteen minutes as the tech takes several X-rays from several angles and then wheels me back into the room where Tiffany is patiently waiting for me.

  “Once the doctor has a chance to look at the X-rays, he will be in to give you the results.”

  “Hey, before you go, is there anything you can give me for the pain?”

  “Sure, I’ll have the nurse talk with the doctor and see what we can give you.”

  The tech leaves the room, and I shimmy myself back up on the examination table with Tiffany’s help. “I feel so bad this happened to you, Clive.”

  “Ah, it’s okay, shit happens, Tiff. Stop apologizing. You didn’t knock me off the ladder.”

  The nurse comes in with some meds and the doctor in tow. I eagerly gulp down the pills.

  “Hi, Clive, I’m Doctor Phillips. I took a look at your X-rays, and you do have a fracture of your femur. We’re going to have to place a cast on your leg.”

  “Shit, Doc. How long is the cast going to have to be on for?”

  “Anywhere from six to eight weeks.”

  “Fuck,” I mumble under my breath. Jim really did a number on me. How am I going to be able to continue my pursuit of Tiffany now? I can’t do any work for weeks!

  Tiffany places her hand on my arm. “I’m so sorry, Clive. I feel so horrible!”

  “Let me grab a few things so I can get that cast placed on your leg, Clive,” the doctor excuses himself, and I nod.

  “To make up for this, I’m going to take care of you until you’re all healed up, Clive. I feel so terrible about the whole thing.”

  “Nah, that won’t be necessary, Tiff. I’m a big boy.”

  “Of course it’s necessary. You offered up your services in your spare time to help at the church. The least I can do is return the favor. If it weren’t for us running into each other in the parking lot, you wouldn’t be in this situation. I mean, who’s going to go to the grocery store for you? Who’s going to cook for you?”

  “Yeah, I guess you do have a point.” Bingo! This means I’ll still be seeing Tiffany. “All right, you can come over every day and cook me dinner. Maybe I can even coax you into helping me with a sponge bath?”

  She pauses for a moment with a blank stare on her face. “Um, yeah, I guess so. Never thought about that.”

  “When I get all fixed up, I can start on the church again.”

  She smiles at me. “You’re such a sweet man, Clive.”

  The doctor returns, and it takes about thirty minutes to get the cast on and get me out the door. They cut my pants off when I got here, so I have to make my exit from the hospital in the gown they provided me, with my ass sticking out the back as I walk out.

  Tiffany drives me home and helps me inside.

  Now, I am resting in my bed while she cooks me dinner. I would rather be feasting on her, but with my bum leg and the pain medication threatening to knock me out, I had better wait before I make another move.

  Chapter 8

  “Knock, knock,” Tiffany calls out as she unlocks my front door.

  She has been a real angel, taking care of me for the past few days. We’ve shared a few moments and tender kisses, but she said she wanted to take things slow. Being so religious, she thought God was punishing us for making out in the back room by forcing me to fall off the ladder.

  Jim tried being a kiss-ass by driving my truck over one afternoon, and he bought Tiffany and me a pizza. I guess the shithead thought I would invite him to stay, but after he paid for the food, I said I was tired, so he’d leave.

  “How’s my patient today?”

  “Lonely,” I tell her with a grin.

  She walks in wearing a trench coat, and I can’t believe my eyes when she removes it. Tiffany is naughty, just as I thought. She’s dressed in a sexy nurse’s uniform. When I mentioned wanting to see her wearing one the next time she came over, I never dreamed she’d show up in the garb.

  Fuck, she looks like a wet dream. Her tits are popping out of the top, and her ass is hanging out the back.

  “Are you ready for your sponge bath?”

  “Hell, yeah,” I tell her as my cock stands at attention.

  “Good. I’m going to get everything ready, then we’ll get started.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” It isn’t like I am going anywhere, and definitely not with her looking like that.

  She couldn’t pay me to leave right now.

  I’m done waiting. Tiffany is gonna be deep-throating my cock before she leaves.

  Minutes later, she returns with a plastic tub filled with warm soapy water, with a towel folded over her arm.

  I sit up and tug my shirt over the back of my head. Tiffany squeezes out the sponge, getting rid of the excess water.

  “I’ll start with your back and chest and work my way down. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect,” I grunt, eager for her to get to my cock and balls

  Tiffany continues with her ministrations, taking her duty very seriously as she focuses on washing my back with the warm sponge. Every time she leans toward me, her breasts brush over my arm. The friction is driving me wild—not to mention her delicate hands rubbing and massaging my muscles as she washes my chest.

  “Gimme a kiss,” I demand when she goes down on her knees next to me to wash my stomach.

  I tilt her head up with my fingers under her chin, encouraging her to meet me halfway.

  Those sweet lips meet mine, and I push through the seam of them with my tongue, needing to taste her mouth.

  When things start to get heated, she shoves on my chest and pulls back. “The water will get cold, Clive. You’re so bad.” She smiles at me, and her lashes flutter when I maneuver to pull my underwear down. “Then you’d better wash my cock, so he doesn’t catch a chill,” I tell her.

  “Oh, boy,
” she says, licking her bottom lip.

  Clutching her hand, I place it on my cock. “Wash me, Tiff.”

  “Um, okay.” She starts moving the sponge over my erection as it grows with each stroke. I hold it up for her at the base as her cheeks redden, the flush spreading down her chest.

  Precome beads at the head, and her eyes go wide.

  I watch Tiffany to see what she will do, and her tongue darts out, wetting her top lip.

  “Go ahead, Tiffany, taste me,” I tell her.

  “Oh, goodness. I want to, Clive. I really do, but that’s oral sex, and we can’t do that unless we’re married.”

  Her words deflate my hard-on like a popped balloon.

  “I won’t tell anyone, and we can ask God for forgiveness later,” I say, knowing I am already going to hell.

  I stroke my cock as she watches, indecision weighing on her.

  Unconsciously, her fingers move to her breasts.

  “Tell you what, Tiffany. I’ll play with mine, and you can play with yours while we watch each other. Is that okay?”

  She bites her bottom lip and gives me a little nod.

  Thank fuck. She’s killing me. I think at this point I’d do anything to get a taste of her cunt.


  One year later…

  Cling-cling-cling. Tommy bangs his fork against the champagne flute.

  Tommy waits until the room quiets. “I’d like to make a toast. Congratulations, Clive and Tiffany, on your nuptials today. I wish you years of happiness to come.”

  My blushing bride smiles next to me as our friends toast to our wedding day. When I offered to help Tiffany out with the church, I never thought we would end up here.

  She accepted my past when she found out what I had done for a living before becoming an Eye Candy Handyman. She took care of me for weeks after I broke my leg, and we bonded. I never thought I would go without sex for so long, but waiting for Tiffany has been worth it. We’ve improvised to feed my sexual appetite. Let’s just say there were a lot of hand jobs involved.

  After a few months, I wore her down and got her to agree to oral sex, but not until I proposed.


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