Blaire's World: Volume One

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Blaire's World: Volume One Page 29

by Box Set

  “Yes. Please, Oliver. I need to come.”

  And I help her over the precipice of her need, ensuring the good memories outweigh the bad. She comes on my tongue with her pussy constricting around my fingers like a vice never wanting to let go. I hold her on the edge of her high, and when I feel her slipping back down, I use my tongue to take her over again. Each orgasm is freely given to me – accompanied by my name being shouted between her breathless gasps for air.

  “More,” she cries when she comes down from the second, so I give her a third, and she arches her back off the bed as tears stream down her cheeks.

  “Yours, they are all yours. Take me, Oliver. Mark me inside. Give me the one piece of you that no one else can have.”

  My heart. She wants my heart. I stutter, my fingers withdrawing from her, and I pull away. I can’t breathe. The realization is hitting me so hard. I can’t give her my heart because she already stole it the first moment I saw her. It’s just taken me this long to catch up. I love her. With my heart, my soul, my body, my everything. I live because she does. Destiny has been re-written, and all because the muscle in my chest is no longer cold and lifeless.

  “Oliver?” She sits up on the bed, her hair wild and tangled from her orgasms.

  I need to be in her. I can silence these thoughts that way. No, that’s the worst possible way. But damn, it’s all I can think about. I love her. Shit!

  Lowering my trousers, I remember my piercings. I don’t want this to be rough or to hurt her, so I begin to remove them.

  “What are you doing?” she questions.

  I look up at her with a piece of metal in hand.

  “Becoming a different man.”

  It doesn’t take me long to divest myself of the six metal bars from the underside of my cock. Ok, it’s a little difficult with how hard I am, but the thought of sinking deep inside Amaya without any restriction, spurs me on at a rapid pace. In no time at all, I’m over her, and my rigid length is sliding through her slick folds to her entrance.

  “I need to be in you.” I wait for permission before I take.

  “Yes,” she replies, and I ease myself inside her to the hilt. Neither of us move. We simply stare at each other. “I love you,” she whispers, and my heart beats so fast I think it might burst through my rib cage just to show her how fucking much I love her back.

  “I love you,” I reply to her before bringing my lips to hers and pulling my hips back slowly.

  Everything is done tenderly. This is about me feeling and not shutting away emotions, which have been locked away deep inside me since the moment I lost my parents, twenty years ago. Amaya has brought me freedom, and I’m not going to rest until I give her the same. No matter what that will be.

  My pace quickens, and I feel the familiar tingle, growing in my balls. I’m close to the edge, but I need Amaya to give me her special gift one final time. I reach down between us, find her clit, and stroke it. She fixes her eyes on me. The pupils so dilated I can barely see the sapphire of her irises.

  “All yours,” she moans, and I feel her climax grip tightly around my cock like a vice. I fly over the edge with her. Our eyes never leave the other’s as we join as one in ecstasy. The fiery heat of an orgasm shoots from my balls and explodes deep into her. Pulse after pulse of essence bathing her in the love I have for her.

  “I love you,” I kiss her again, and she breathlessly replies with the same sentiment.

  We still. I remain inside her and have no intention of leaving. My cock softens but continues to shudder from the occasional aftershock. She turns her head to where I placed my gun on the bedside table.

  “You should go.” Tears pool in her eyes when she speaks.


  “Please, Oliver. I have to do this.”

  I withdraw from her and watch momentarily as our combined essences flow from her body.

  “No. You don’t.”

  “I can’t be given to ten men. I know you can’t save me, and I understand why, now.” With tears flowing freely down her cheeks, she reaches for the gun, but I’m quicker.

  “Please!” she cries. “Please, Oliver. Give me this.”

  I expertly remove the bullets and place them, along with the weapon, on the ground. Amaya lets out a loud sob of anguish.

  “No.” I take both her arms and pin them above her head. “I won’t let you kill yourself.”

  “You can’t watch me all the time,” she spits back.

  “I won’t need to. You’ll be free.”

  She screws her face up in confusion.

  “We’re leaving,” I inform her, having resolved to save her and my life. Dreams of a future enter my head – a house with a white picket fence, a garden with a dog, children running around. A life. We can have one. Amaya has given me that hope, and I’m not going to let her down.


  “You have to trust me. Give me a few days. I know someone who might be able to help us get out of here. An old friend. You just have to have faith in me. Get the other girls ready. We’re taking them as well.”

  “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Yes,” I reply. “I’ve fallen in love.” Taking Amaya’s hand, I place it over my chest. “Feel that,” I tell her, knowing the beat of my heart can be felt where her hand is. “This is for you. You saved me, and now I’m going to save you. A few days. Give me a few days. And we’ll have eternity to spend together.”



  It’s been a few days since the last time I saw Oliver. My wounds from the beating have started to heal. The burn has scabbed over, and I know it’ll scar, but I have hope of a different life for the first time in years. It’s tinged with fear, though, because I know escaping this place won’t be easy, even if Oliver does have a friend he can trust somewhere in the world. All I can hope is his friend comes with an arsenal bigger than the Pakhan’s. I just wish Oliver would hurry up and come for me. With each passing day, the time I’m to be given to the ten men draws closer, and the doubts begin to creep in. What if he was just toying with me? No, I saw the look in his eyes as we made love. It was honest. Oliver, however much he tried to maintain a calm aura, allowed his love to show on his face. It was impossible for him to hide, and I know it’s why he hasn’t come to see me. The next time he does, it will be to leave. If the Pakhan sees us together, then he’ll know, and that will be the end, for both of us. I just have to wait patiently. Thankfully, Natasha, Irina, and Zola have been taking up duties with the Pakhan to allow myself and Rea time to recover from the horrors of our beating and a forced hysterectomy, in the case of the friend whose hand I now sit holding.

  When she was brought back to the room, she was still asleep, and the doctors have kept her drugged up for days now. They took her baby, and her womb, leaving her with nothing but memories of the hopes she once had. During the short periods when she has awoken, she’s quietly sobbed while we’ve held her close and given her as much strength as possible. I’ve not told the other girls about Oliver’s plan, mainly because I don’t really know what it is, but also because the Pakhan is observant. If any of us even changes one thing about our routine or manner, he’ll suspect something, and that will be the end of our escape plan and Oliver’s life. I’ve just got to hope that when the time comes, we’ll all know what to do and how to leave this god forsaken place, trusting in only one man to save our lives.

  “Amaya.” Rea stirs.

  “I’m here,” I respond and pick the glass of water up off the bedside table. It has a straw, which I place in her mouth, and she takes a sip.

  “Thank you.” She takes another sip before motioning she’s had enough, and I put the glass back down.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “Sore but much better.” I know that, thankfully, the Pakhan got a proper doctor to perform the surgery, and rather than cut my friend wide open, they were able to do the operation via a laparoscopic incision.

  “That will heal,” I offer because I’m at
a loss to know what else to say. What they did to my friend makes me so angry. It wasn’t her fault or choice she got pregnant. It was forced upon her, just like the surgery was. Death or a childless life. Not that while we are here any of us have a chance at life. I turn forlornly toward the door. I wish Oliver will hurry up.

  “You haven’t seen him?” Rea asks.

  “Who?” I play dumb.

  “I’m not stupid, no matter what the Pakhan says. I see the way Oliver Volkov looks at you.”

  “Please,” I stutter. “You can’t say anything.”

  “I won’t.” She reaches out and takes my hand. “I just hope he can give you comfort in this life.” I know that she doesn’t mean life in general she means the world we live in.

  “He does.”

  A commotion from outside draws our attention, and without knocking, Oliver barges into the room.

  “It’s time.” They are the only words he says before he stalks over to the bed, his face rigid and lined with tension. I know that he means it’s time for us to go. My heart hammers, and my throat dries.

  “Now,” I reply. He softens his features and presses a kiss to my forehead. “We don’t have much time. The Pakhan is transferring to his other residence because his wife is annoying him over wanting more retribution for her niece’s rape. I’m not sure what else he can do. Everyone involved is dead, but she wants the perpetrator’s body displayed as a warning to leave her family alone.” He snorts. “It would be unrecognizable – my men took great delight in chopping it up for the dogs.” My stomach turns. “I’m to escort you all there. You’ve just got to trust me that we won’t be going to that place.”

  “Ok.” I smile at him, and he kisses me again.

  “What is going on?” Rea asks.

  “We are going to find our freedom,” I proclaim, and her eyes almost pop out of her head.

  “Mr. Volkov?” She turns to Oliver with numerous questions spinning through her drugged-up mind.

  “Oliver, please, Rea, I’ll answer any questions you have if we get out of this alive, but for now, Amaya trusts me. Can you just follow suit and let me concentrate on what I need to do? Can you walk? Actually no, I’ll carry you.” With the strength of a giant, Oliver scoops Rea up like she’s the weight of a feather. “Bring a blanket, Amaya. We need to keep her warm.”

  “Ok.” I stammer. My nerves are starting to flare, and I feel jittery.

  “Stay calm,” he tells me. “We can’t act any differently.”

  He strides from the room, and I see Natasha, Irina, and Zola standing by the door. The two sisters look petrified. Oliver hasn’t told them what’s happening. I know that, in an instant, because they look like they’re going to a fate worse than death rather than freedom. My stomach lurches. If we get caught, then death will be preferable. No, I can’t think that. There is another guard in the room, and I school my features, acting like the annoying bitch that most of them have come to think of me as. Deserving of my beatings because I argue over the Pakhan’s every rule.

  “She’s not well enough to travel,” I advise Oliver, maintaining the charade as I follow him out into the hallway. “Let her stay here and heal.” He whips his head around, and it takes a second for him to realize what I’m doing. He allows his lip to curl up a little.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch, and do as you’re told. Everyone goes. Be grateful I’m carrying her and not making her walk. Carry on moaning, and I’ll make you walk it on your hands and knees like the dog you are.”

  A couple of the soldier’s around us laugh, and one of them comes up next to me and pushes me hard in the back. I stumble forward into Oliver. I can feel the growl come from within him.

  “Watch it, Alexander”

  “Sorry, sir,” the man replies and jerks me backward and drags me through the corridor behind Oliver. I know he doesn’t like me being manhandled, but it will be the last time. I might as well give them a good show and remind them who the bitch here really is.

  We reach a fleet of vehicles. Irina and Zola are forced into one while Natasha, me, and Rea are put into another.

  “You.” Oliver nods to a guard who’s wearing a balaclava. It seems strange, but when I look around most of them are. “You drive those two. Stay behind me.” Oliver checks that Rea is strapped into the back of his vehicle, and I do my seatbelt. I’m sitting up front with him. He gets in and starts the engine. My palms are sweaty. This is really happening. I turn to ask him why the men are wearing balaclavas when the Pakhan steps out from the building surrounded by several guards.

  “Shit.” Oliver exclaims, and I try not to show any fear as I sense the tension in the air surrounding him.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “Wait here. Keep quiet.”

  He slides from the vehicle and walks purposefully over to the Pakhan and bows.

  I can’t hear what the two men are saying, but Oliver keeps his face neutral. I watch as the Pakhan strides over to the vehicle containing Irina and Zola and climbs in the passenger side. Oliver comes back, gets in the car, and starts it up.


  “Let me think. Sorry. He was supposed to be getting a helicopter. I’m not sure I can get Irina and Zola out at the moment. With him in the car, it’ll be protected.”

  I gasp. We’d had a short discussion the night we made love. We both agreed that we’d do everything we could to get all the girls out. After what had happened to Rea, we didn’t want to leave anyone behind. I know this change in plan was putting everything in jeopardy.

  “Get Irina and Zola out?” Natasha interrupts from the backseat. “What is going on?”

  I turn to face her.

  “Just trust Oliver, ok? This all ends today.”

  Her eyes go wide, and she looks up at the imposing building, which has been my torture place for just over a month but hers for a lot longer.

  “Leaving?” she whispers.

  “Look after Rea,” I tell her. She shuts her mouth and brings the other girl on the backseat into her arms.

  Oliver puts the car into drive, and we speed off down the drive way. There are four cars in the convoy. Oliver leads. The car with the Pakhan in is second. The two other cars, which I assume contain guards, bring up the rear. I reach out and place my hand over Oliver’s.

  “I trust you,” I whisper to him. He doesn’t take his eyes of the road. He keeps them directly in front of him, but I know he hears me for he turns his hand around and squeezes my fingers. I need to leave him to concentrate. This is the life he knows, the thrill of a chase, the anticipation of a fight, walking the tightrope between breathing and dying. I sit back in my seat and allow the man I love to fight for us in the only way he knows how.

  His eyes flick up to the rearview mirror and over to the wing mirror on his side. He puts his foot gently down onto the accelerator, and we speed up a bit. I dare to look in my wing mirror, and I can see two other cars have joined our group. Oliver flicks his eyes between the mirrors again and presses his foot further down on the accelerator. We are on a freeway, now, and must be going close to one hundred miles per hour. The road is eerily empty, apart from the odd car that pulls over on seeing our cavalcade coming. Rea lets out a small whimper from the back of the car, and I turn to see Natasha bringing her closer into her arms. Natasha looks up to me, and I can see how scared she is. I give her a nod of reassurance, but my gut is twisting itself in knots with the nerves I have cascading through my body, right now. ‘Trust, trust, trust.’ I repeat in my head, and that’s when all hell breaks loose. One of the additional cars, which joined our group, all of a sudden speeds up until it’s beside my side of our car and swerving into us. Oliver manages to avoid it.

  “Get down,” he orders, and we all slide down, immediately, into our seats. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his gun. I’m lying as flat to the seat as I can, and I watch him stretch his arm over me before shooting the weapon through the closed window. Glass smashes when the bullet penetrates the window, but it doesn’t shatt
er over me. He shoots twice more in quick succession. There’s screeching of brakes, the horrific sound of metal crunching, and then the other vehicle is gone. I feel the car lurch as we speed up even faster. The scenery flashes past the window, and I can barely breathe. Natasha and Rea are both crying in the back seat of the car.

  “He knows,” Natasha whimpers. “He’s going to kill us.”

  “He can’t!” Oliver shouts. “Fuck!” he exclaims, and I can’t help but sit up to see what is going on. The road is blocked. An accident up ahead is going to prevent us from getting through. Oliver slams on the brakes and tries to turn the car off the road, but we grind to a halt in the boggy undergrowth of a field waterlogged by the Russian winter. The car is suddenly surrounded by men with guns, my door is opened, and I’m ripped from the vehicle. The same happens to Oliver and we’re dragged out into the field, guns placed at our heads by the men with balaclavas over their heads.

  The Pakhan slides confidently from his vehicle, a malevolent smirk on his face. He’s instantly flanked by two men with hidden faces, one of whom hands him a gun.


  He spits the words at Oliver and uses the barrel of his gun to hit my lover in the face.

  “No.” I’m struggling. Trying to get up so that I can help him, but the man holding me down is too strong.

  “Shut up, bitch,” he instructs me and presses the barrel of his weapon harder into my head.

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t know that you were fucking one of my girls. I could smell you all over her. You’ll never learn, will you, Oliver Volkov. You’re weak because of a decent pussy, just like your father was. And look what happened to him.” The Pakhan laughs. “His death was quick. Yours will be anything but. I’m going to make the biggest example of you, more so than anyone I ever have before. I’m going to rejoice in watching you suffer while I take her pretty little cunt and tear it the fuck apart.” The Pakhan slams Oliver in the face again, but he remains upright. His face is red with fury and the need to protect me from what he knows the Pakhan can do. “Ten men will be nothing by the time I’ve finished with her. I made a promise to Rea, I’d give her to the guards if she didn’t do what I told her. Well, it’s going to be a reality for your girl.”


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