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Come Away With Me

Page 12

by Ruth Cardello

  She closed her eyes and laid her head down on his chest. “I don’t want you to buy me anything.”

  “I won’t give you a goddamned thing. I promise.”

  She pinched his side lightly. “You’re such an ass.”

  “But you’re coming home with me.”

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  It was the sweetest word he’d ever heard.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Julia called in her resignation the next day and no one seemed surprised. She’d done it during the day because she couldn’t face Tom and Paul. She wasn’t ready to answer the questions they’d ask.

  Gio sent a driver over midmorning to pick her up and bring her to his apartment. It felt unreal handing his driver luggage as if she were going on a vacation. She couldn’t meet the driver’s eyes. Does he know? Does he care? Has he done this a hundred times before?

  He grunted when he picked up her second case—the one that was full of her samples, her tools, and all of her magazines. Hey, hey. Be careful with that. That’s only my life in there.

  The drive to Gio’s building uptown gave Julia far too much time to think. Through the car window, she studied the blur of pedestrians on the sidewalks and wondered what had brought each of them to New York.

  How many of them reached their dreams? How many found themselves lost on tangents that distracted them long enough that their dreams slipped away?

  The bellman met Julia at the curb and took her luggage with a smile. He led her to the elevator and rode with her, silently, to the top. The entire experience was surreal. An older man in a suit opened the door to Gio’s apartment and introduced himself as Miles, the butler.

  He brought Julia’s luggage to Gio’s bedroom and asked if she would like him to unpack for her. The question surprised Julia. He was about her father’s age, and the idea of him unpacking her things made her uncomfortable.

  “You do that?”

  “Of course, Miss Bennett.”

  “But then you’d see all of my . . . stuff,” she said and blushed.

  A small smile stretched the man’s lips. Blandly, he said, “Whatever you prefer. I don’t mind.”

  “Because you’re used to it?” She couldn’t contain her curiosity. “Are you used to it? Does Mr. Andrade have many women stay here?”

  “I really can’t say,” he said and took a step to leave. “If there is nothing you need I’ll leave you to unpack.”

  Julia nodded in understanding. “You can’t tell me because of some butler-boss confidentially agreement? Gotcha.” She put one of her bags on the bed. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with the question. I mean, does it matter anyway what the answer would have been? If you said that he’d had a hundred women live here already, what would I do—run? I know this isn’t permanent. It’s not even a good idea, really. It’s just that he asked me when I was . . . when we were . . . I couldn’t think. I should have stalled—given myself time to think this through. Because here I am now . . . wondering if I made the right choice.”

  Miles stopped at the door and turned back to look at her. “Miss Bennett?”

  Julia raised a hand to stop him. “You don’t have to say it. I shouldn’t have asked. Don’t risk losing your job by telling me anything.”

  “I was wondering if you were hungry.”

  Julia covered her eyes with one hand and wished she could disappear. “Oh. Yes. Food. No. I mean, no. I’m not hungry. Thank you.” Stop talking. Why did I think I could do this?

  Instead of immediately leaving, Miles cleared his throat and said, “I have worked for Mr. Andrade since his mid-twenties. You are the first woman who has ever brought luggage.”

  Julia lowered her hand. She didn’t want to read too much into that information. “Really?”

  With a slight incline of his head, Miles said, “I have also never made breakfast for anyone except Mr. Andrade.”

  Although there was nothing in Mile’s expression to hint how he felt one way or another about her staying there, she was touched by what he’d revealed to her. “Thank you, Miles.”

  “You’re welcome, Miss Bennett. Mr. Andrade had me clear out the other bedroom for you to use as a studio. Please tell me if you need any help setting it up.”

  He closed the door behind him, and Julia sat on the edge of the bed she knew she’d share with Gio that night. A studio? For me?

  I don’t need that unless I’m staying for a while.

  Like, moving in.

  Holy shit.

  Did I just move in with Gio?

  Gio came home to Julia that night, and every night for the next week. Beyond the lovemaking, he enjoyed having her in his apartment. They fell into a comfortable pattern over the next week. They made love each night, woke early, and often made love again.

  The more time he spent with her, the more he enjoyed the simple pleasures. Watching her wake in the morning. Wondering what she would say today that would make his unflappable butler turn away to hide a smile. Coming home and having someone to talk over his day with.

  For the first time in his life, Gio found himself sharing stories about the project he was working on. He found Julia’s ideas refreshing and often thought provoking. Although he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, she was the reason he turned down the Atwater deal. There were other projects he could work on, ones that were less controversial, one he could be proud to discuss.

  Her opinion mattered to him in a way that no one’s had before. It both scared and inspired him. Just as she did.

  Julia had meant what she’d said. She didn’t want money from him. She didn’t want gifts from him. Although she didn’t immediately apply for another job, she used her time during the day to add to her jewelry line. Each night when he came home she had a new piece to show him, and a new story on how she had reached out to another jewelry store.

  It would’ve only taken one call from him for her to make the sale. But she had made him promise not to make that call. She wanted to do this on her own. And for reasons he couldn’t explain to himself, he wanted her to have that. He wanted her to know that she had done it on her own. The more they spoke, the more he understood the sale of the jewelry was as much about the journey as it was the money.

  Gio didn’t ask himself what the future held for them. He had her in his life, in his bed, and for now, that was enough.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Julia stepped out of the apartment building one morning and watched a long black stretch limo pull up beside her. Maddy again?

  The back window rolled down and an older woman with dark brown hair done up in a sophisticated chignon waved for Julia to approach the limo. Everything about her said refined sophistication. Julia looked over her shoulder and then pointed at her own chest in question.

  The beautiful older woman nodded impatiently, and Julia walked over. Maybe she’s lost and needs directions to some charity event?

  “Julia Bennett?”

  “Yes?” Julia answered in confusion. “Do I know you?”

  “No, but I know you, and we need to talk.” The driver came around and opened the limo door for Julia to enter.

  Julia looked back and forth from the Cogent Solutions building ahead to the dark interior of the vehicle. “I have an appointment I need to get to this morning. I can’t be late.”

  The woman leaned out and gave a small smile. “This will only take a few minutes and could be quite a lucrative opportunity for you.”

  “You’re interested in my jewelry?”

  “I don’t discuss business in the street,” she said coldly and sat back in the limo.

  They say opportunity knocks. No one ever mentioned that it could pull up beside you in a limo. Am I crazy to think about getting in? My life is already so off course.

  On the other hand, if I don’t get in, I will never know what she might have offered me. For all I know, she is an eccentric gem collector and wants me to create the perfect pieces to showcase her stones.

  Or she’s a high-paid madam,
and this is how she recruits.

  Julia remembered the harsh lines on the older woman’s face and thought, No, she looks way too uptight to have had sex in the last decade.

  What kind of a businesswoman am I if I won’t even listen to a proposal?

  Julia slid into the limo and tried not to jump when the driver closed the door behind her. Her hands went suddenly cold when the vehicle pulled out into traffic. “Where are we going?”

  The woman’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. “We’ll merely circle the block.”

  Of course. How silly of me to worry.

  I really have to stop getting into limos with people I don’t know.

  “I’ve done research on you since I first heard about you. Have you sold any of your jewelry yet? Made any noteworthy connections?”

  “I have some leads,” Julia said vaguely. Don’t show your hand in negotiations. She must have heard about me from one of the entrepreneurs I showed my line to. A burst of excitement started to build in her stomach. Persistence does pay off. My name is out there. This could be it.

  “You must be getting anxious about your father’s company. Your time is running out to save it, isn’t it?”

  The hair on the back of Julia’s neck rose. I never mention that while I pitch. “I’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?”

  “I didn’t,” the woman said, flashing another smile that did little to calm Julia’s nerves. “Who I am is irrelevant.” She took out an envelope and tossed it onto Julia’s lap. “What matters is that I am willing to pay you to go home to your family.”

  Julia opened the thick envelope and looked back at the woman in confusion.

  “It’s one hundred thousand dollars. You’ll receive another hundred thousand once you’ve left New York and are back in Rhode Island.”

  Julia’s mouth dropped open. “I don’t understand.”

  “That is how much you need, isn’t it?”

  Shaking her head, Julia asked, “Yes, but I’m confused. Do you want me to work on my jewelry back in Rhode Island?”

  “Keep your trinkets, dear. Just get the hell out of New York.”

  Julia’s hand closed tightly on the envelope as she studied the woman’s features, and an awful realization came to her. “Are you Gio’s mother?”

  “The resemblance is strong, no?”

  Only in the worst possible way. You both assume I can be bought. “Why would you want me to leave New York?” Understanding hit her like a sledgehammer to the stomach. She held up the money, outraged heat spreading up her neck. “Are you upset that I’m living with him?”

  “George isn’t serious about you. You’re the flavor of the month. Take the money. It’ll last a lot longer than whatever you think you have with him. All I ask is that you leave before the weekend.”

  Julia couldn’t remember ever being so insulted. “I’m not going anywhere. Well, I am going somewhere. I mean, we are. We’re going to a wedding. Not ours.”

  “Perhaps you think I’m kidding? I couldn’t be more serious.” An ugly expression darkened the woman’s face. “How much does your father’s company mean to you? You can save it, and no one ever needs to know how you did it. Tell me, are a few romps with my son worth watching your family lose everything?”

  Her words sent a chill down Julia’s back. She laid the envelope down on the seat beside her and reached for the door handle. “It’s not like that. And my father’s company is going to be fine. I still have time to make a sale.”

  “If you’re counting on my son to give you money, he won’t. A week from now he won’t even remember you.”

  Julia hastily climbed out of the limo. That’s quite a family you have there, Gio.

  Holy shit.

  Instead of taking the bus down to the Diamond District, Julia called and rescheduled her appointment. She knew she couldn’t tell Gio what had happened, but she needed to see him.

  Tom glared at her when she entered the building. She walked over to the security station.

  She looked at the stranger sitting next to him and asked, “Where’s Paul?” Guilt struck Julia when she realized that she’d been so swept away by Gio that she hadn’t called Paul to check on him. I’ve always believed that the right match made you a better version of yourself. I’m so absorbed in what’s going on with Gio, I didn’t think about Paul. What does that mean? Is Gio the wrong man for me, or would I be an ass regardless of who I’m with?

  Tom put the clipboard down decisively. “Where do you think he is? Your boyfriend fired him.”

  Julia frowned. “No.”

  Tom glared at her again. “I knew you’d be trouble from the first time I saw you. You couldn’t just do your job, could you?”

  Julia wished the floor would open and swallow her up. She felt horrible that she’d played a role in separating them. She’d spent enough time with both of them to know that loss was the source of Tom’s anger. He would miss working with his best friend. “I’ll talk to Gio . . . Mr. Andrade. I’ll fix this.”

  “You’ve done enough. Paul’s still looking for a job. He doesn’t interview well.”

  Despite Tom’s angry tone, Julia leaned closer. “I am sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. You know that.”

  Her words softened Tom’s expression slightly. “I told Paul to check on you. I guess it’s partially my fault.”

  “There has to be something I can do.”

  Gio was a reasonable man. Was it too late to ask Gio to hire Paul back?

  Rena was at her desk when Julia entered Gio’s outer office. “Is he in?” Julia asked tentatively.

  Rena stepped out from behind her desk. “He is. How are you?”

  “Good,” Julia said, straightening her shoulders in determination. “Could you tell him that I’m here?”

  Instead of reaching for her phone, Rena looked her over. “Are you still going to the wedding with him?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?” Julia asked cautiously. Seriously? And they say people in small towns can’t mind their own business? This is ridiculous.

  Rena’s eyebrows rose in reaction to Julia’s tone. “I was wondering if you felt ready.”


  “Have you looked over the invitation list? You should wear your own jewelry when you go. Who knows, you may find an investor. If you’d like, I could help you recognize who’s who.”

  It was hard not to be suspicious of the kind offer. Julia wasn’t about to be fooled twice in one day. “Why would you do that?”

  “I like you?” When Julia looked unconvinced, Rena added, “How about, because I have the feeling that if our roles were reversed you would help me?”

  Julia let her suspicions fall away. Rena had never given her a reason not to trust her. And it wouldn’t hurt to go into the situation as prepared as possible. I used to think I liked surprises. I’m not finding that as true in this situation. “I have to ask Gio something, but then, yes, I’d like to talk to you about what to expect tomorrow.”

  “Great. If you don’t have your dress yet, I know the perfect place to look for one.”

  A dress? Of course I need a dress. Shit. “Thank you for the offer, but I can wear the one I just bought.”

  “No, that one has been in the papers. You need something new.” Rena went back to her desk, sat down, and picked up her phone. “Julia is here to see you. Yes, I’ll send her right in, but before I do . . . one quick question. Do you mind if I take her dress shopping tonight and charge it to you? That’s what I thought.” She hung up and smiled at Julia. “All set. He told me to have you back early.” Rena winked at Julia. “I personally think you should make him cool his heels waiting for you. He’s far too used to getting what he wants.”

  “I don’t need another dress. I don’t want him to buy me anything,” Julia said adamantly.

  Rena stood and crossed to stand near her. “Whoa. I’m sorry. I just assumed . . .”

  “That I’m with him for what I can get from him?”

  Rena raised h
er hands in truce. “No, that you’d want something new for a high-profile wedding, and that since he invited you I figured he should buy it for you.”

  “Well, I don’t, and he shouldn’t.”

  “Hey,” Rena said gently, “my family drags me to so many social events I have a closet full of dresses I’ll never wear again. You could borrow a couple.”

  Releasing her breath slowly, Julia searched Rena’s face. “If you’re sure.”

  A wide smile spread across Rena’s face. “We’ll make a girls’ night of it.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Julia,” Gio said from the doorway. She thanked Rena one last time and crossed the office to Gio. He closed the door and locked it behind her, taking her mouth passionately as if they’d been apart far longer than the few hours they’d had been separated. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself fully to the moment.

  When he broke off the kiss, he touched his forehead to hers, still holding her in his arms. “I thought having you at my place would make it easier for me to concentrate, but I find myself watching the clock.” He claimed her mouth again and Julia shuddered against him with pleasure. “You’re one powerful addiction.”

  She could have said the same. A moment in his presence and nothing else mattered. Want me on the desk? Let me scramble on up there. How about the couch? The carpet? I don’t care who knows what we’re doing or who walks in. I want you on me, in me, licking whatever you want to. Just don’t stop.

  He raised his head, breathing as raggedly as she was. “Sorry, I lose my head around you. Did you come to see me for a reason, or just for this?” The lusty smile he gave her sent heat rushing through her. “Either is fine with me.”

  Julia put a shaky hand up to her kiss-swollen mouth. Did I come here for a reason?

  You know, besides this?

  She shook her head to clear it. I know I’m forgetting something.

  He looped his hands behind her and pulled her full against the evidence of his arousal. “I like that you get along with Rena, but you don’t need a dress for the wedding. I have no intention of going anymore.”


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