Dear Rose 3: Winter's Risk

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Dear Rose 3: Winter's Risk Page 3

by Mechele Armstrong

  Quinn shook his head, still looking smug and amused. “So that’s the other guy.” He leaned over and pulled a chair over to the table. “Join us.” He leered rather than smiled and put as much innuendo into that comment as he could.

  The three of them at the same table would be tight and intimate. But Quinn had solved the dilemma in Zach’s head. His heart pounded, and he started to sweat. Surely Quinn wasn’t implying all of them together would work? But maybe he was.

  Zach only knew Quinn peripherally. Quinn danced in Rose’s male revue. Zach had known Devyn, Rose’s alter ego, since college. He and Devyn’s friend Tucker had played football a time or two. But Zach didn’t know Quinn well enough to know the complete backstory to the comment. However, he’d been talking to Rose one night after a show…

  * * * *

  “I figured most of the guys in your show were gay.” He’d sipped his drink and sighed noncommittally as they’d discussed her all male revue.

  Rose waved a hand. “Oh, hon, most of them are as straight as that pole. Much to my disappointment. Neo’s the only homo among the group. You know he’s the one who started dating Phil, our bartender.” She exuded smugness, but Zach wasn’t sure why. Then her demeanor turned particularly conniving. “And then there’s Quinn. He’s the tall golden boy. His door apparently swings both ways.” She swung her hand back and forth.

  Zach arched a brow at her as he squinted over his glass at Rose. She was up to something. He could tell. Not that she’d ever tell him, and he wasn’t sure if he cared. He hadn’t felt like much these last few months.

  “I’m just saying it. That’s all.” She turned away from him, still talking but saying more than the words meant. “You’re not the only one, you know, who likes to have cake and ice cream. Though I’ve never been interested in pussy.” She wrinkled her nose. “Nevah.”

  “Then you’re lucky.” Did he sound as bitter as he thought he did? He’d have to watch that. Even though he had every reason to be. How many lovers had dropped him when they’d learned he’d been with the other sex? The latest was a woman who would have run screaming if she hadn’t cared so much about what other people thought. Maybe he should start hiding it, but fuck it, all he wanted to do was share his entire self with someone. He also continued to think if he talked to the person about his other thoughts, maybe they could accept that in him and allow him what he needed. Was that too much to ask?

  So far, the answer was yeah.

  She shot him a look.

  “It’s a helluva a lot easier to be interested in one sex.” He laughed, a hollow sound. “Then, when you’re with pussy, you don’t want cock, and when you’re with cock, you don’t want pussy.” He’d been in relationships and always seemed to want what he couldn’t have. He’d never been happy. Maybe that was why the other person eventually walked out on him. It sucked balls.

  Rose tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe you could have both at the same time? I mean, no one says it’s either-or.”

  “What, an intersex person?” He snorted. “That’d be the only way I’d get both.” Humans didn’t share well. He could see evidence of that walking into any daycare in America and observing children’s behavior.

  She smacked his hand playfully. “No, silly boy. You could find a girl and a guy to be with.”

  “At the same time?” He gulped down his liquor. “Like that would ever happen. It would take one patient girl and a guy who didn’t mind cock.” He threw money down on the bar. “I gotta go.”

  * * * *

  He’d left to meet Josie. How telling that he’d been meeting the girl who was now kissing Quinn, the man Rose had been talking about.

  So Quinn did like men and women, if Rose had been right. And Rose was usually right. Sometimes it was hard to believe Rose was Devyn. It was quite a transformation he undertook to become his diva drag-queen ego.

  Quinn could mean what Zach thought he meant. It was highly unlikely, though. Regardless, Zach sat down by them. Tight fit, but they would work around it. The chair creaked under him. He hunched over before straightening. Quinn was practically like a giant in these chairs. The smell of coffee drifted over as a machine made a whir sound.

  Josie embodied mortification. “I’m so sorry about this. I was supposed to be done. I can’t imagine what you’re thinking.” She took a breath as her words were running together before she stared at Quinn pointedly.

  He gazed back, seemingly nonplussed. Not saying a word, he simply sat there, returning her gaze.

  She cleared her throat before she peeked at the door and back to Quinn. She was being subtle, but even Zach got she was asking Quinn to leave. Quinn, however, was either ignoring it or wasn’t processing what she was asking.

  Zach couldn’t help but be amused. This could go on for a while if she didn’t put it more directly.

  As if she’d read his mind, she said, “I think I need to talk to Zach alone.” She shot a withering glance at Quinn, presumably because he hadn’t gotten her inferred meanings.

  He leaned back in his chair, still nonchalant as ever. “Yep, I think it concerns both of us, so I’ll stick around.”

  Zach had to glance down at the floor to cover his grin as Jos blew out an exasperated breath. She had the same expression she’d give a mischievous puppy.

  “I talked to you alone. I think Zach deserves the same courtesy.” If her eyes could have shot daggers, they would have.

  “Why don’t we ask Zach what he wants?” Quinn countered as he jiggled his hips in the seat. Those trim hips Zach had watched dance a few dozen times. He could envision Quinn’s hunky body as it was quickly divested of the little he wore and stripped down as far as legalities would let him. He had a nice body. Flat stomach. Trim hips. Sandy-colored hair trailing down to there. And from what the thong showed, Quinn had a nice dick. Thick. It was no doubt a juicy one.

  Zach realized they were both staring at him. Probably because he hadn’t answered Quinn yet. Were his thoughts that readable? That could be trouble.

  Josie slowly spoke. “So, Zach, don’t you want to be alone to talk this over with me?” She raised an eyebrow. Irritation flowed from her. And that was making her skin flush. Even as tanned as she was, he could see it spreading. Bet she would blush that way for other things. He could imagine her passion rising. Her ardor taking her over. Dark, curly hair spilling out in waves behind her. Eyes appearing almost black and filled with desire. Her mouth open as she climaxed, calling his name. Riding his cock until he spurted come all over…

  He often had thoughts like that. And therein lay the rub. He wanted Josie, but considering the thoughts he’d had about Quinn, was that fair to either of them? He’d vowed, after the last time, he would never get involved again. But then Josie had marched past his defenses. She was pretty and funny, and he liked her openness. She’d approached him, a breath of fresh air that wafted across all his dead senses. She’d taken him aback by buying him a drink. Then done so again by asking to exchange phone numbers. Yet the whole time he was with her, he had thoughts about Quinn. That always happened. And it wasn’t fair to anyone.

  “…about things that concern both of us.” Those words brought Zach’s attention back to the play in front of him, with Quinn still arguing he needed to stay and Josie telling him he needed to leave.

  She glared at Quinn, and he still seemed about as guilty as a hermit crab, which was not at all. “Quinn.”

  Zach tapped a finger on the table to get their attention, or this would go on all evening. “Let’s just talk. If it concerns Quinn, he can stay. And I have a feeling it does.” He stared toward Josie and waited for her confirmation.

  “Fine.” She said that one word like a snap. She sat there a minute, as if gathering her thoughts, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Well. You know I haven’t been…well, exclusive with you. You knew I was dating other people?”

  Zach nodded. She hadn’t told him who she was dating, but she’d made it clear he wasn’t the only one with his hat in the ring.

/>   Before she could continue, Quinn jumped in. “She’s dating me. And you. And she can’t decide which of us she wants to be with. So she wants to date us both. And be intimate with us both.” He leaned back again. “That’s what she’s trying to tell you.”

  She shifted her entire body toward him with a what-the-fuck look on her face. She was speechless and shaking her head.

  “What? If I waited for you to tell it, we’d be here all night and then some.” Quinn rolled his eyes. “Women.”

  Intimate with us both. That brought up a whole host of images. Of Quinn going down to suck Zach’s dick while Zach feasted on Josie’s tits. He couldn’t help a shiver running across him. Nor could he help his hard and heavy cock. That was certainly not what Quinn meant. But it was how Zach took the statement. If only. Because that would be the solution to Zach’s problems in relationships. It would make his troubles go away. But it couldn’t be what they meant.

  “Quinn, this is my talk. Not yours.” She huffed out another breath and shook her head. “Zach, I’m sorry this is coming out so wrong. I had good intentions in telling you both. This has gone to hell in a handbasket.”

  “It’s okay, Jos. I understand your dilemma. Sometimes it’s hard to choose.” Or maybe sometimes a choice didn’t have to be made. His heart quickened. Rose had said much the same thing. Josie and Quinn could give him the best of both worlds. If they were willing. Which was a long shot. Not to mention unconventional. Dammit, Zach wanted the white picket fence and a lover. Why couldn’t he have that? Could be with Dick or Jane, he didn’t care, but that wasn’t the way he was made. He didn’t think the picket-fence dream included a Zach with Dick and Jane.

  Quinn’s grin overspread his eager face like the sun coming up in the sky. “Don’t we know it?”

  Zach swung his head toward Quinn. That was an interesting comment. Just how much did Quinn know about Zach? He hadn’t been free with his sexuality or talking about it. It was something he struggled with. Just how did he… Rose.

  Josie was also staring at him with a confused expression, yet behind her eyes was something telling.

  “Rose told me something about you.” Quinn’s brows went up, and he nodded once toward Zach.

  Zach froze, his entire being focused on his heart pumping fast. That bitch. Hey, she told you about Quinn. You weren’t mad about that. But that was Quinn. This was him, and he liked his business private. “What did she tell you?” He refrained from using profanity, but only barely.

  “That your door swings both ways. Like mine.” Quinn appeared about as eager as you could get. He was almost bouncing from nervous energy.

  Josie’s eyes widened, and she stared at both of them.

  Guess Quinn had told her his confession, and now he’d told Zach’s along with sharing Josie’s dilemma. The man didn’t hold anything back. Yet he was utterly unflappable, and Zach had a feeling no one could stay mad at him for long. Not with those eyes and that body along with the attitude.

  Her voice became low and quiet. Eyes were still fully open. “Is that true? Are you bisexual?”

  Dammit. Now things weren’t going the way he’d envisioned, as they hadn’t for Josie. He had more sympathy for her now. He’d almost hoped he’d never have to tell her his proclivities. That maybe this time, he’d be able to accept being with one sex and not dream about the other. He’d kept his past to himself for once, instead of opening his big mouth on the first date, trying to make this work. Not that it was working. But he’d kidded himself it could start to. Rose. Screw her and her big mouth. “Yes, it’s true. I’m bisexual.” It was a curse as far as he was concerned.

  Quinn chortled. That was the only word for it. Zach wasn’t sure he’d ever heard that noise come from a man. “Just like me.” He gave Zach a once-over that was entirely flattering and sexual.

  “Wow.” Josie peered back and forth at them both as if processing this whole experience. “Just wow.”

  They sat in the quiet for a few minutes.

  Until, of course, Quinn broke the serious moment with a strange, high voice. “Awkward.”

  It made all three of them laugh and defused some of the tension. Which Zach was sure was as Quinn had intended.

  Zach glanced at the barista, then back at the two at his table. “So you were going to tell me you couldn’t decide between us? What did you intend to do? Stop seeing both of us? See us until you made a decision? Keep seeing both of us as long as possible?” He tried to feel out her intentions.

  What are you doing? This isn’t going to work.

  Maybe not. Or maybe so.

  He at least wanted to see what was being laid out in the open. He’d never encountered a relationship that could work for him past a few months—which had always bothered him and was why he’d sabotaged so many relationships he’d had. Why would he stay if he was going to want something different in three months? Or three days? Or three hours?

  Josie seemed a little more at ease now all the secrets were out, even those she hadn’t been aware of. “I…don’t know. I guess that depends on you both, to a certain extent. I had thought I wanted to keep dating each of you and see where it led.” She bit her lip. “I couldn’t envision being intimate with either of you until we settled some things.” She shook her arm out as though releasing a bit of nervousness. “I wanted to talk to you first.”

  Intimate. Bedroom. Josie under him doing unspeakable things as her nails raked down his back. That would be fun. For all his second thoughts, he wanted her. He hadn’t known what to do with that because he knew inevitably a cock would walk through the door, and he’d wind up attracted to him. But maybe that cock was sitting down with them at the table. After all, he’d already drawn Zach’s notice. And Josie would be fully aware… Maybe this would be the solution he’d been searching for?

  “You’re attracted to him, aren’t you?” Quinn swiveled his gaze to Zach and Josie like he was watching a tennis match. “And you’re attracted to her, aren’t you? I’m stating the obvious, but bear with me.”

  “Well, yeah.” A flush flew up her cheeks. Zach had never seen her do that before. It was odd to see the color staining her olive skin. Probably didn’t happen often. Only Quinn could manage it.

  Quinn reached out to press a hand against her cheek. “I’m the pale face here. I’m the one to blush. Not that I ever do.” He waggled his eyebrows, seemingly a common action with him.

  “And you?” They both turned their heads to Zach as Quinn asked the question. “You’re attracted to her?”

  “Of course I am. I wouldn’t be seeing her if I wasn’t.” It went without saying but apparently needed to be presented. Zach hadn’t figured out Quinn’s angle yet.

  “And I’m attracted to her, and, presumably, you are to me? Right?” Quinn turned back to Josie and pointed between the two of them.

  She nodded, staring at the table. Wasn’t blushing, but she was still a little uncomfortable with being called out like that. Which didn’t seem to faze Quinn in the least.

  He had balls.

  Big ones.

  Juicy ones.


  Zach spoke before Quinn could for once. “So your intention was—if we were okay with it—to see us both and become intimate with us both. And see how that worked out.” He tried not to get too excited over thoughts of her being intimate with him. And Quinn. At the same time. Because he didn’t think that was what she had in mind.

  “Yeah, I guess.” She licked those full lips that would feel so divine wrapped around his cock. “I mean, I wanted to figure out the next steps. See what you both would like to do.”

  Quinn had tensed when her tongue came out. He’d been as turned-on by the action as Zach.

  Which made it even harder for Zach to focus.

  What did Zach want? It was the first time he was thinking about that with Josie. He’d been in it for the short haul, though he’d had delusions of more. But what if this could open doors for him he’d never thought could be opened? Only one thing. Quin
n hadn’t indicated he was interested in him yet. Just because Quinn was bi didn’t mean there was an attraction. What if he wasn’t? Different tastes meant differing desires.

  One step at a time.

  Nothing had been broached yet. There was time to figure these things out between them and get this complicated situation boiled down to something simpler.

  “I want to keep seeing you.” Zach did. Despite all his reservations, he enjoyed Josie’s company. He wasn’t ready to lose it yet. “I don’t know if you can accept my past and my being bisexual. I can’t promise I’ll…well, that I’ll never want a man again, as much I’d like to pretend to. At least right now I can’t. Maybe one day. But for now, I’d like to see where this goes.” He was ruining the moment. But he had to be up-front with her. And maybe one day there’d be even more to the relationship. Maybe this would be the one that stopped him from dreaming about the other sex. He always went into a relationship that way. Until his hopes were forever dashed.

  “Are you attracted to me, Army Man?” Quinn moved closer to Zach with a sultry pout that would have brought a sailor to his knees. For once his eyes weren’t twinkling with humor. No, his gaze was searing. Downright hot.

  Zach swallowed deeply, the movement sliding down his throat but hardly bringing any spit with it. Instead his mouth was suddenly dry. He couldn’t answer. Should he answer?

  “I’ve seen you watch me dance. Seen that big gun in your pants I’m pretty sure wasn’t a concealed weapon.” Another glinty smile. “Not a standard-issue weapon, that is.”

  Josie’s eyes grew as wide as dinner plates again as she stared. “You’re attracted to him?” It wasn’t unease or disgust Zach heard in her voice, a difference from the last woman, who had gawked at him like he was a toad when he’d confessed to having had sex with men before. Josie sounded intrigued. Possibly even interested. There was a trill in her voice, a look on her face that said maybe that was even a turn-on. She shifted in her chair, crossing her legs. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but he was fascinated by her response.


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