Dear Rose 3: Winter's Risk

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Dear Rose 3: Winter's Risk Page 13

by Mechele Armstrong

  Josie joined them.

  They clinked glasses.

  “To a new beginning.” Zach smiled as the glasses made noise. He seemed more at ease than he ever had. Maybe because he was finally going to get what he needed in a relationship. If they could make this work.

  “To taking a risk,” was her contribution to the toast. If only she had a crystal ball to see how this would play out.

  “To fucking.” Quinn pulled his hand back and sucked down the entire glass of wine. “Guess what, Zach?”

  “What?” Zach, who was now frowning, took a large sip of his drink. Whether it was due to Quinn gulping down the wine or his toast remained to be seen.

  “We’re sure things. You don’t have to get us drunk.” Quinn walked to the bar that was between the kitchen and living room. He set down his empty glass.

  “I wasn’t trying to get us drunk. It was to celebrate. It’s a fine vintage and one fricking glass.” Zach looked down into his almost empty glass. They’d only been filled about three-quarters full. It was easy to drain them.

  She glanced back and forth between the two of them. She could see Quinn’s side. He’d been expecting to get jumped as soon as they got inside. Zach was going more for a gentle seduction.

  “I’m not complaining. I think it’s sweet.” Quinn turned back to face them. “But I think we need to get this party started. We’ve all waited long enough.” He clapped his hands together. “Who is with me?”

  Zach gripped his glass tightly. “I’m with you. For whatever the ride.” He whispered the last word. His gaze shifted to her. “Do you not like wine? You haven’t touched it.”

  She’d been standing there holding it the whole time. With a death grip on the stem of her glass. “Oh, yeah, I do.” She gulped it down, almost chugging like Quinn had.

  “Little nervous?” Zach glanced at her again. And she couldn’t help noticing he seemed more relaxed than he had been since she’d known him. And he didn’t give the impression he was irritated by having to ask the question.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” She took a step, but he met her and offered his hand. He took both their glasses, grabbed Quinn’s from the bar, and moved into the kitchen to set them all in the sink.

  Oh, he was one of those. A little anal. She couldn’t help a smile until she thought about the adjective and what it would mean for her. Her smile disappeared. She wondered if this was a mistake. If this was going to hurt. She wasn’t into pain in any sense of the word. She could be a big baby when it came to that.

  Zach approached her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close into his body. He was warm and solid. Something she could hang on to and did.

  Quinn slid up behind her and pushed his body against her back. He wrapped his arms around her too.

  She could smell them both. It was comforting, as was the press of them against her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed them. They made her feel safe. They’d never intentionally hurt her.

  “We’re worth the risk.” She could hear Zach’s soothing baritone reverberate underneath her ear.

  “Definitely.” Quinn rubbed his hand along her shoulder. His fingers were warm and caressing.

  She could stay there for hours. Just like this. Surrounded by them like this, she could almost believe they would work.

  You’re going to be surrounded by them in another way before the night is out. An intimate way.

  That was true. Her chest tightened. Would it be as wonderful as this, or would there be complications?

  Zach suddenly began to move.

  She followed him instinctively. At first she didn’t open her eyes. She shuffled as she felt him shift. Finally she slipped her eyelids up to see where they were headed. Apparently no one wanted to let go. Zach kept his hold on her, and so did Quinn. They moved as a pile of people in one direction.

  Zach reached a door and shifted into it. He pulled one hand away to turn on a light. It illuminated the room.

  His bedroom.

  She swallowed. The moment of truth was at hand. She peered around the inner sanctum. The place that should reflect Zach more than any other in the apartment.

  The bed was huge. She’d never seen one that large. It must be bigger than king. Maybe California king? She’d heard of it but never seen one. The sheets were black satin, and the coverlet was a white-and-black composite. The headboard was shiny black with silvery lines of trim. A matching nightstand, dresser, and chest completed the room. There were Ansel Adams black-and-white prints all over the walls, complementing the color scheme perfectly. There were also mirrored doors that must be a closet. It was big too. Much bigger than her tiny little one. There was something to be said for older apartments, if Quinn’s and Zach’s were any indication.

  Zach leaned down and pressed a quick kiss on her lips. He disengaged himself from her and stalked to the bed. He pulled down the covers. He had two black and two white oversize pillows. After reaching into the nightstand drawer, he laid a few things on the top.

  Lube. Two big tubes of it.

  Condoms. A few packets.

  That was all she could see. Of course, what else would he need? She was not the person to ask, because she had no idea. Damn, she should have read some erotic romances to see where this would lead.

  Quinn pressed into her so she could feel his hard cock. He ran it up against her butt. “You’re ready for this.” He seemed to be telling her rather than asking a question. He kissed the side of her neck.

  It was reassuring and terrifying all at the same time. What if she wasn’t ready? He seemed sure of himself, though. His lips on her neck branded her. Burned her. In ways she enjoyed.

  Zach patted the bed beside him. “Come on, Josie.” The way her name fell from his lips, she felt special. Like no one else had ever called her name before. Silly but true.

  She could do this. She wanted to, but she was nervous about the actual event. They’d walk her through. Put up with her. With them beside her, maybe this would go wonderfully.

  Due to Quinn’s urging her forward, she traipsed to the bed and stood beside it. She had a choice now. Get in or get out. That would determine where they went from here. They’d accept her choice. If she went into that bed, there was no going back. But if she walked away, there might not be another chance. She wasn’t sure if Zach could go through his hopes being raised and crushed again.

  Her heart pounding, she sat on the side of the bed and slipped her shoes off. It was a watershed moment. She would go forward from here. The decision made, she tried to force back some of her nervousness.

  Zach stopped her before she could pull her feet up onto the bed. He helped her stand a second and pulled down her jeans, leaving her in underwear.

  Quinn whistled softly. “Please tell me the bra matches.” He rubbed his hands together and slipped onto the mattress at the foot of the bed, seeming to want to spectate.

  “You know it.” She’d had a feeling about today and had deliberately picked out a matching bra with her bikini underwear. They were maroon and looked good against her skin. So she thought.

  And from the ogles sent her way, she hadn’t been wrong. Both of them had dreamy expressions on their faces just from her bared legs.

  Quinn bounced up and down on the bed. “This bed is the biggest one I’ve ever seen. You were preparing for an orgy, weren’t you?”

  “No. Just you. And Josie.” Zach unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time. He let the material swing open, revealing his tanned chest. His bulky chest. “My entire life has been preparing for you.”

  His body was as she’d remembered. Well-defined. With six-pack abs. She ran one hand down his front. Such warm skin. Such a feeling. And she hadn’t missed his comment. He meant that too. It was all she could do not to pull him over and kiss him silly for that.

  He sucked in what he could, not that it was much. There was little fat on those pecs. His eyes appeared especially brown today. Gorgeous.

  He slipped the shirt down his long arms and let it pile on the
floor. He motioned for her to get into the bed.

  “Doesn’t she get to take her shirt off?” Quinn sounded annoyed. Probably because when they turned their attention to him, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He’d taken it off while Zach had been fooling with his. And no one had noticed.

  Although seeing Quinn’s torso now was damn titillating. Two naked male chests for her to play with. Only one thing would be better.

  She swiveled her gaze back and forth between the two. “I guess it is only fair, since you’re both shirtless. I should take mine off too.” She quickly divested herself of her shirt, laying it on the floor on Zach’s. She was now wearing only the aforementioned underwear and bra.


  For a moment or two, neither of them spoke. But they both told her with their eyes she was cream and they were cats. She poked her chest out, trying to emphasize that part of her. Their eyes showed their appreciation.

  “Yep, I like the matching bra and panties. They are so keepers. Hey, now you don’t have to keep her underwear. You’ll have her to give you hope.” Quinn never moved his gaze from her breasts. “In person.”

  “True.” Zach’s voice came heavy and hushed. He sounded almost winded. “Very true.”

  “So, guys?” She played with the strap to her bra and ran her finger along the top of it. Their eyes watching her made her feel powerful. And, surprise, she liked it. That she could do so much to them with a fingertip movement was amazing.

  “Yep?” “Yes?” They both spoke at the same time. She had their full and undivided attention.

  “We’re all shirtless now. But I’m pantless.” She held out a leg like a Rockette. “See? I think it’s only fair…” She pointed to their bottoms with her finger waggling between the two of them. “I think you should be too.”

  Quinn belted out a laugh. “You’re sneaky. I like that.” He undid the snap and zipper before he slipped off his jeans, apparently already having taken off his shoes. He wasn’t wearing anything under said pants. Just like last time.

  She swallowed, seeing his heavy cock jutting out from his body. She remembered the feel of him. He took her breath away.

  Yeah, maybe this was going to be the best night of her life.

  He made his cock swing back and forth like the clapper to a bell. She wanted to reach out and ring him.

  But there was something else that needed to happen first.

  Both their gazes turned to Zach.

  Zach undid the button to his dress pants slowly. Agonizingly. He dropped them over his hips to reveal no underwear either. He’d gone commando.

  Both she and Quinn gasped at the unexpected show of skin. Yeah, maybe they were all rubbing off on each other. A good thing. Especially if Zach going commando was any indication.

  “Shut my ass, you went bareback, baby.” Quinn started laughing even as he climbed back on the bed. “Feeling a little naughty, were we?”

  “Maybe.” Zach muttered the word so quietly she wasn’t even sure she heard it. But the expression on his face said as much as the word.

  “Yep, you were.” Quinn took on a triumphant air. “And you didn’t wear them, not knowing you’d be with us. Or were you hoping you’d be with us? Maybe even thinking you’d be with us.”

  Zach didn’t confirm or deny but motioned for her to get into bed as he had before she’d stripped.

  “Eager to get me in there, aren’t you?” She grinned at him.

  He nodded fervently.

  She slipped under the covers. They were chilled around her warm body. A welcome distraction from the heat threatening to take her over. Quinn was right. Zach had wanted to see them. More than see them too. He might have denied it, but the evidence all pointed to the contrary. “Nice bed.”

  Quinn came over on the other side of her and slid his long body underneath the sheets beside her. He entwined his legs with hers. “Yep, yep.”

  She liked the feel of those hairy legs against hers. Liked that they were wound around hers.

  Zach climbed in on the side she had gotten in on. He shimmied across to come up against her too. “Glad you both like.” He shifted his legs into theirs, joining the pile.

  She was between them again. A theme for the night. And it was warm. Safe. Sexy. She could feel their hard cocks poking her. Their legs were touching the others and hers.

  And she couldn’t help but feel this was how it was meant to be. Whatever else happened, tonight would define them all.

  “I should take off my bra and underwear.” She’d almost forgotten she still had them on. Maybe if this got rolling, she wouldn’t be so nervous. Plus she wanted to see them react to her nakedness.

  “We’ll take care of that,” Zach said and kissed her shoulder. He pressed his tongue against her and made a circle.

  The touch sent a shiver down her arm.

  “Yep.” Quinn laid his mouth on her other shoulder. He whispered an endearment against it, and she could feel his breath.

  Oh yeah. Meant to be. For sure. Their mouths on her at the same time was like kismet. “Ummmm.”

  Zach shifted up and claimed her lips. He tasted of mint and Zach. He was aggressive, kissing her thoroughly and letting his tongue play with hers. She could hardly keep up with him.

  Quinn concentrated on her neck. Zach had turned her head to the side to allow her to kiss him fully, so Quinn pressed kisses all along the column of her throat. He lapped and nipped, finding all her sensitive places.

  While she was lost in the sensations, Zach moved his hand down and found her breasts, causing her to jump. He stroked in all directions, making her nipples pebble in desire, even through the bra. He continued to kiss her and fondle her chest over and over again.

  Quinn slowly lowered himself down her body, shoving off the covers as he went, making his journey apparent. He pressed a small kiss to the breast Zach wasn’t touching. He nipped her nipple lightly through the fabric, making her startle.

  This wasn’t what she was expecting. Not this careful seduction. This wonderful array of mouths on her in different places at the same time. They were taking their time. Giving her all kinds of arousing tidbits. They were almost working in tandem. They worked well together. Her wetness was evidence of that.

  Zach broke from her mouth and rearranged himself. He slipped down past Quinn and was soon near her eager pussy.

  She shuddered, knowing what was coming. He was going to kiss her…there. Lave her. Like he had last time. He was a master at oral sex. He seemed to enjoy it. And God knew, she had.

  Quinn reached up and shifted her bra strap over her shoulder. He followed it down with a trail of light kisses. They were like butterfly wings flitting against her.

  Meanwhile, Zach nipped at her hipbone and gripped the edge of her panties. In his teeth.

  There was so much going on, all her nerve endings were firing at the same time. So much anticipation. She found it hard to concentrate on any one thing. She was overwhelmed by it all.

  One’s mouth was going to be on her pussy. The other’s would be on her breasts. The divide and conquer was going to throw her over a cliff.

  Her hips bucked up a little instinctively. She was barely aware she was going to move before she did it.

  Quinn had gotten the strap over her arm, and he pulled down the cup to her bra. He reached to the other side and started the same descent over there. Each movement of the strap brought a kiss along her already sensitized skin.

  She moved her head back and forth as she panted. What were they doing to her?

  Zach switched side to side as he wriggled her panties down. He used his mouth, his teeth, and his tongue to shift them from her hips. And down her legs.

  Her bra now lay under her breasts, completely undone except for in the back. Her boobs were uncovered. Free. A chill lay over them. But it wouldn’t last for long. Especially if Quinn’s look was any indication. Smoldering look, thy name was Quinn.

  He glanced down at her chest. “Such pretty tits.”

  She glared at him

  With a laugh, he lowered his head and didn’t just kiss her. He feasted on her nipples. He used his tongue and teeth to take her almost to the point of pain, then slip it away with wonderful suction.

  No chill now. That was for sure. She was instead burning alive.

  Not to be outdone, Zach licked from her bottom to the top and back down again. He ventured in with his tongue and wiggled her clit.

  Her entire body was one big jolt of electricity. She couldn’t move, yet everything was tensed. She could barely breathe.

  Zach penetrated her with one finger while he sucked her clit into his warm willing mouth, and that was all she could stand. Especially with her nipple in Quinn’s mouth.

  No one had prepared her for all the sensations at the same time.

  She lost it. Keened their names. Bucked so wildly she worried she’d throw Zach from the bed.

  When she came down to herself, their mouths had left her. She glanced at them to see both seeming satisfied.

  “Told you two mouths on you would be something.” Quinn clucked his tongue. “Did I lie?”

  Zach wiped his mouth. “Do you trust us? For the next thing?” He didn’t appear worried. He gave off an air of cockiness.

  She did. She was concerned it would hurt. But she did trust them to make it as pleasant for her as possible. After all, they’d spent this much time already getting her ready. Getting her wet. And loose.

  She nodded. “I do. Lots of lube and patience?” She repeated the words Quinn had told her.

  Zach appeared happier than she’d ever seen him. “You know it.”

  Quinn lowered his head. “You bet.” He shot a glance to Zach, who nodded. So they were communicating without using words? A good sign they were making this work out. They had working together down to an art form.

  They eased her over on her side. Quinn slid in front of her and pressed a kiss against her lips. Zach got behind her.

  Had they slipped on condoms? Surely they had. After all, they’d gotten them out. But she hadn’t seen them.


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