Demise of the Vampire Queen

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Demise of the Vampire Queen Page 8

by Jodie Pierce

  “Okay, enough of her. I have more to report. Amayia has spoken with Leon, and he is full force ahead. He is willing to participate in any way needed. I now have one-half of the students turned against her and willing to work on the decorations for the gala. We can drug the Queen and sneak them out for one evening only—the night before the gala. Anything else you need?” Dayana asked.

  “No, my dear. You have done extremely well. I need you to be in charge of drugging the Queen personally. I don’t want anyone else doing it, got it?”

  “Of course. I’ll make sure she’s out for an entire school night,” Dayana boasted.

  “Good. We shall speak again, soon. The gala is only two weeks away. Keep up the excellent work,” Caleesy said and faded back into the shadows.

  Dayana sat down at the base of the tree to think. She would have to put together a concoction of Kava Kava, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, and Valerian Root into a tea for the Queen to drink that evening. Most of the herbs work either as a tranquilizer or reducer of anxiety, and when in combination should knock out a horse. Luckily for Dayana, the Queen drank a cup of tea each night upon rising for mental clarity and alertness. She would have to get to the cook to exchange the tea that evening for hers—something easily done.

  Now she had to coordinate the decorations with Amayia, who would fill in the committee as well. There was so much to do and only two weeks to do it in.

  * * * *


  Tuwa worked alongside Caleesy since the altercation. She didn’t look well at first but was coming around slowly. Lately, he noticed a quickness in her pace—like she couldn’t wait to get out of work each morning. What was so exciting that it had her wanting to go? She never took breaks or lunch anymore and left an hour before anybody else because of it. He wanted to make sure she was okay and happy since the rejection from the Queen.

  “Caleesy, can you come here please?” Tuwa asked from his station.

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “I’m just concerned for you. Why the sudden rush to leave work?”

  “Oh, well,” she said blushing, “I’ve met someone.”

  “That’s great! Who is he?”

  “Well, it’s a she, and we get along together awesome. We have so much in common and totally respect each other—something I’ve never had,” Caleesy said, digging the knife deeper into Tuwa’s wounds.

  “Sounds great! When do I get to meet her?”

  “Well…I’m not sure I want to bring her around, you know, with you still being with the Queen and all. It might make her a little uncomfortable,” she said strategically.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I hadn’t thought about that. I’m sorry, again,” he started, but Caleesy cut him off.

  “Don’t worry about it. Had it not been for you, I would have never left the Queen and met her,” Caleesy gushed.

  “Well, I’m glad to see that you’re so happy. I’ll be sure to tell the Queen. She’s felt horrible about it since it happened,” he said.

  “Be sure you do, then. I better get back to work,” she announced and bounded back over to her station. She smiled to herself for she knew the Queen would drive herself mad trying to figure out who this mystery person is. She’d never guess in a million years.

  Tuwa went back to his work a little disturbed. He couldn’t believe how happy Caleesy was after going through what she had with the Queen. He couldn’t imagine such happiness without her. She was his inspiration for all those years apart and filled his heart now that they were back together. She was either still miserable and faking it or something else, he conceded. No one meets someone that quickly and knows it’s true happiness. No one! Though he hated it, he would have to discuss it with the Queen, tonight.

  * * * *

  The Queen

  “She what?” the Queen bellowed.

  “It’s true. She’s found blissful happiness elsewhere, my Queen,” he said bowing, knowing she would start throwing things shortly.

  “I can’t believe it! Who could replace me? How did she find this person? Who are they?” she asked.

  “I’m…I’m sorry, my Queen. She didn’t go into details except for her happiness,” he said taking a step backward, out of her reach.

  “Happiness? My ass! I smell something rotten, and it’s your job to find out what exactly that is,” she said pointing a long forefinger at him. He bowed again and moved toward her for comfort.

  “Don’t come near me! You bring me bad news and then expect to share my bed with me? You ludicrous halfwit! Get out of my sight!” she yelled and turned her back on him. He moved quickly to her balcony and flew out into the night’s air.

  He expected nothing less from her, but he was tired of having his feelings being hurt all the time.

  The Queen paced her room, thinking about Caleesy in the arms of another woman. The thought infuriated her and made her grind her teeth. How could she love another? She thought when she bonded with Caleesy all those years ago and again when they met, that she made Caleesy incapable of bonding with another. That was her plan!

  The Queen thought what to do when Tuwa interrupted her thought by returning inside the window.

  “My Queen, do not worry about such a minute problem. She is nothing. I thought what we share is far more important,” he said sadly.

  The Queen thought for a calculated moment then turned to him with a softened face.

  “You are right, my love. What we have transcends time. How could I let her interfere with us? Please lay on my bed and let me drink from you. I need the energy boost, tonight,” she cooed into his ear. He hadn’t fed tonight as his eagerness to see her made him forget. He thought they could hunt together tonight, but now he saw that was not the case.

  He lay on the bed, his clothes on the floor at the foot of the bed. The Queen, in her black lace teddy, climbed on top of him and pinned his wrists above his head with her one hand. She roughly tore into his neck and fed from him. She climbed off him when she was done, unwilling to allow him to feed from her this time.

  “My Queen, I am weak from your feast. Shall I not be allowed to feed from you as well?” he begged.

  “No you may not. Leave. Feed for yourself on some street person or whatnot. I don’t care, tonight. I have more important issues to deal with,” she said uncaringly. Tuwa gathered his clothes and left through his usual balcony, feeling dejected and used.

  * * * *

  Caleesy counted blood bags as the employee door opened. She dropped the bags in her hand, splashing blood all over the floor.

  “What a mess you’ve created!” the Queen proclaimed.

  “Mess? It’s not my fault. You are the one who surprised me,” Caleesy said defiantly.

  “That’s not what I’m referring to,” the Queen spat back.

  “Then, what are you talking about?” Caleesy asked innocently.

  “Your new lover? Ring a bell?” she said sarcastically.

  “How did you know?” Caleesy feigned shock.

  “Tuwa. He is not your friend. He is mine, and he tells me everything. Now, who is this person?” the Queen demanded.

  “No one you’d know!” she spat back.

  “I know everyone in my Kingdom.”

  “She’s not from your Kingdom.”


  “Yes, she!”

  “You would have another woman after me? After all I’ve done for you? How on Earth could you replace me?” the Queen regaled her.

  “Well, she’s much more refined, loving, and trusting than you. She my other half, as you so once called me until Tuwa came along and destroyed what we had. You made your choice when you chose him. Now, accept it like a big girl and leave me alone!” Caleesy yelled back at her.

  The Queen just stared after her when Caleesy turned and walked away. She couldn’t believe this was the dainty flower she had once known.

  * * * *

  Kendra and Caleesy

  It was the night before the gala, and the girls were excited. They had everything
planned and arranged to the tee. The girls from the school decorated the gala hall in orange and silver streamers with balloons that matched and covered the ceiling. During the big moment, the balloons would fall from the sky to help celebrate the falling of the Queen.

  Each person had a different role to play. Kendra would be in charge of the out-of-town and internet vampires, their accommodations, and travel arrangements. She would make sure they were at the gala early to get a good seat. She worked so hard to convince some, while calming vicious tendencies of others, that she was sure she had a great mix. They had the others on standby to be ready to take her in when she fell from grace. They wanted her for their side for so long, but she refused. Now was their one and only chance to get her.

  Caleesy worked closely with the students at the school. Dayana was in charge at the school to get everything in place and the correct students invited. That meant Leon. Caleesy prayed to the Goddess that he would know his role when it was upon him, for she wasn’t even sure what that would be. He was the only unknown in their equation, but according to Dayana, he was on their side. Caleesy spoke with the dressmaker and florist, and both were set with their plans.

  The girls themselves had gone shopping and picked out fabulous outfits. Kendra picked a cute little green dress—knee length with lettuce edges and gold spaghetti straps. She picked out gold sandals which accented the dress but were functional during the event and gold, sparkly jewelry to match the outfit. Caleesy picked out a beautiful, A-line strapless, floor length, deep purple gown with a cascading bottom and a short train. The lavender heels with deep purple bows on the front toes matched perfectly. She also chose complimentary gold jewelry to offset her gold and diamond tiara and a necklace choker with strings of diamonds and an Amethyst on each end. Matching teardrop earrings adorned her ears as the final touch.

  * * * *

  The Queen

  Everything was falling apart for the Queen. First, when her dress arrived, it was dreadful. She asked the designer to match the colors of the decorations and she was left with an orange dress. She asked for baby lace that went from the collar, down between her breasts and to her waist in the front, but instead she got old-lady lace that looked like it belonged on a tablecloth. Next, her flowers were red and silver roses with beautiful baby’s breath but were crushed by the green foliage around them. Tuwa’s buttonhole had one single rose and nothing more. There was no jewelry or shoes for the dress, so she had to make due with something she’d worn previously. She was mortified!

  Tuwa sat in the bedside chair in his perfect tuxedo and watched the Queen pace back and forth angrily. He watched her dig through her closet for shoes, throwing ones she didn’t want out onto the bedroom floor, which created quite a pile. Exacerbated, she found shoes high enough to barely lift the dress off the ground and jewelry to match. The shoes were black platform heels, but they were all she could manage under the circumstances.

  “I’m going to trip over this stupid, ugly dress!” the Queen whined.

  “No, you won’t. You look beautiful.”

  “Really? Even in this awful orange?” She smiled for the first time since the dress arrived.

  “Well, you look like a giant orange, but you’re my orange,” he complimented her and hugged her close.

  “Giant orange? Are you saying I look fat?” she demanded, pushing him away.

  “Oh, no. I didn’t mean anything by it, my Queen. I am sorry,” he apologized profusely.

  “I can’t believe everything that’s already gone wrong, tonight.”

  “Well, let’s just put that behind us and think about the true reason for the gala,” he suggested.

  “Of course. To honor me for everything I’ve done,” she smiled and practiced her Presidential wave.

  “Now, let’s get going. We don’t want the guest of honor to be late.”

  * * * *

  The Gala hall was beautiful from the moment you walked in the door. Two males removed guests’ outerwear while two others had glasses of wine waiting on hand. Everything sparkled silver and purple, just the way the Queen would have decorated it herself. There were fountains, pornographic ice sculptures, and flowers everywhere. The internet vampires stood silently against the walls, hoping to avoid confrontation while the students made up the other half of the population of vampires, mingling about. The air conditioning and ice sculptures kept the temperature comfortable for all. All came out dressed in their very best new clothes for, as with the Queen, you couldn’t be seen in the same outfit twice. A horse and carriage were arranged for the Queen and Tuwa. When it pulled up outside, it quieted down inside, waiting for her appearance.

  Upon walking in the doors, the Queen was aghast that her dress and flowers did not match any of the night’s decorations. She was met with laughs, jeers, and nudges as she made her way to the table for the guest of honor.

  She sat there steaming—demanding in her head to find out who played this horrendous trick on her if it was the last thing she would do. She tried not to sulk in her chair, for she had loyal subjects coming up to her and wishing her well—even though they were all already in on the secret of the night, yet didn’t know the details. Caleesy was in the back hall with a very scared Leon, trying to remember his words and getting frustrated with himself.

  “Leon, it’s okay,” Caleesy said, putting her arm around the young boy.

  “This is what you stage your rebellion on? A young boy? I should have known better. Damn it!” Kendra said, looking angrily at Caleesy.

  “We already made the arrangements and everything is going to work out as planned,” Caleesy said through gritted teeth at Kendra who saw her intensity and softened. “Now, Leon. Go out there, cast a swirl circle around yourself so you cannot be touched, and deliver what we practiced, okay? Got it?” Caleesy asked to a very scared boy. He nodded in agreement.

  * * * *


  Leon entered the circle of the room and started to hush people around him. When they refused, he raised his voice and started his incantation:

  “Let the powers of the Goddess Kleos hear my prayer,

  Let all that which has been stripped away be restored,

  Let thy will be yours and yours alone,

  Let the soul of Tuwa be forever bound to the purgatory of flames,

  Let his burnt body be returned to the Seneca ways once his spirit is gone,

  Let the soul of his former lover forever be tortured without him,

  And her body committed to the Others,

  Let the rightful Queen Dayana stand in her place on her throne only to serve you,

  Let the vampires, fairies, witches, warlocks, and humans all come together in your spirit.”

  After his incantation, the once scared—yet sure-tongued young boy fell to the ground. He felt the eyes of the party on him, but he didn’t care. He came and did what he’d set out to do…make everyone get along, get the Queen—Countess Lourdes de Paulina—off of her throne, and cast a new Queen—Dayana—to serve Kleos, his Goddess.

  Next thing he knew, he woke up in a little hut outside the castle walls. He had a rather large bump on his head and his body had been clawed at by the partygoers until Qaletagei, the guardian of people, stepped in and carried him out.

  Some of the Queen’s people rebelled but thankfully, there were few found at the Gala. Her unfavorable guests and Kleos saw to it that his incantation was carried out, denouncing one Queen and raising another. As he sat up, a bump from a wooden stick came down on his forehead.

  “Do not sit up just yet, Grand Master Leon,” the extremely tall Native American said.

  “Then, tell me where I am,” Leon said timidly.

  “You are just outside the Magikal Kingdom, where I have taken you to recover after your…well…fall at the Gala,” he said cryptically.

  Leon vaguely remembered asking for his powers as a vampire back, so he attempted a quick mind read of the old man.

  “You will not be allowed in my thoughts, though I am in
yours. Yes, your vampire powers have been restored, and there is a search party out looking for you. The new Queen has named you her Grand Master, and you are to be in charge of all who choose to speak with her and harm her. It is a great honor, really,” the man said, inspecting his fingernails.

  Leon shifted slightly in his bed as he blocked the wooden staff that came down and meant to bop him in the head, again.

  “I told you, you are here to heal and be at your full potential when you return to the Queen!”

  “I was sitting up!” Leon winced. His ribs were broken and bandaged.

  “You cannot overpower me. I am the Guardian of People, as I’m called in my Seneca tribe, and it is my duty to help you right now.”

  “What about Tuwa?”

  “Tuwa is being taken care of. His body is still in the purification and embalming status, so I am not needed there for a while.”

  “Why me? You are human. Why do you want to help a vampire?”

  “Well, it’s my way of beginning the communication between the Underworld or your people and my people.” He smiled at Leon.

  “I would love for us all to get along. I will convey your gratitude to the Queen. I’m sure she’ll want to meet you,” Leon said excitedly.

  “I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.”

  “Why? You will be known all over the Kingdom.”

  “I am a humble man, a servant if you will, and I do not wish such accolades. I move around a bit, so I would not like my enemies to know where I am just yet.”


  “Yes, those who wish to stop my form of magik. They don’t agree with all I’ve done over the years and would like to end my life as a show to others why they should stay away from me; however, without me, many more would die, so I am kept a secret. Got it?”

  Leon looked around the room. Dried herbs hung from the ceiling and an array of jars of dried herbs, animal, and human parts stood on dusty shelves against the walls. He wasn’t sure which kind of magik the old man practiced, but he felt much better, refreshed even.


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