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Summer with a SEAL

Page 4

by Makenna Jameison

  “Oh, fantastic,” Jessica said. “I guess we should just wait here for them. I’m not sure where the hospital is, but by the time we drive over and park, they’ll probably be leaving.”

  “Sure thing. He’ll let us know if anything changes.”

  She nodded, her eyes landing on his damp hair.

  “I figured I’d better rinse off. I don’t want to get sand and salt all over your place. I hope you don’t mind—I just grabbed one of the towels down there.”

  “No problem,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat as his gaze tracked over her sundress. “It’s the least we could do after you guys rescued Amy. Shoot, we should have you guys all over for dinner sometime or something.”

  “I wouldn’t turn that down,” he said with a wink. “And you look nice,” he said easily, looking around the open kitchen area across to the family room. She knew he wasn’t trying to freak her out by ogling her, but there was definitely something satisfying about hearing Jacob compliment her in his deep voice.

  “Thanks. My other sundress was covered in sand, so I figured I should change, too. Can I get you a beer or something?” she asked.

  “Sure thing, angel. That sounds fantastic.”

  Jessica padded across the kitchen barefoot to the fridge and grabbed two bottles. Jacob chuckled beside her as he glanced in the open door. “Beer, fruit, diet soda.”

  She shrugged, grabbing a bottle opener from the drawer. “We’ve been eating dinner out every night. We won’t all summer, obviously, but since this is our first week here, we were excited to try out some restaurants.”

  “Hell, you’re on vacation,” he agreed. “Nothing wrong with that.” He took the bottle opener from her and popped both caps, handing her back a longneck. “Hell of a way to start a vacation though with your friend ending up in the ER after nearly drowning—make sure you tell her to be careful swimming.”

  “Yeah, I think it was just an impulsive type of thing to take a dip with that guy she met. I doubt she’ll do that again—ever.”

  “Let’s go wait on the deck,” Jacob said, cocking his head in that direction. “I know it’s dark out, but I’ll imagine the spectacular view.”

  She giggled. “Listening to the waves is pretty damn—darn relaxing.” She shrugged as he glanced over at her, his lips quirking. “I teach high schoolers. I try to avoid swearing because they’ll never let me hear the end of it.”

  “Fair enough. Can’t say I do the same, but I’m with a bunch of Navy guys all day training,” he added with a low chuckle.

  “So swearing like a sailor’s a real thing?” she joked, crossing the room toward the door.

  “That’s probably the understatement of the year,” he said. He reached out and pulled open the sliding glass door, gesturing for her to go first. Again, she marveled at how comfortable he was here. How at ease in his own skin. She felt like a nervous wreck just standing here talking to Jacob, and he was cool as a cucumber. Or whatever.

  “This is fucking awesome,” he said as he followed her outside. She glanced back at him, surprised, and she sensed his smile in the darkness. “Sorry angel, I couldn’t resist.”

  “I’m beginning to think you like teasing me,” she said, sinking down into one of the Adirondack chairs.

  Jacob grabbed one and dragged it closer to her, folding his large body as he sank down. “Affirmative, angel. But that’s just because you make it so damn easy.”

  She brushed a strand of her hair back, glancing over at him in the darkness. It felt weirdly right sitting out here on the deck together—odd, since they’d just met. But suddenly she didn’t feel nervous anymore. The sound of the ocean waves crashing on the shore calmed her. And Jacob hadn’t done a single thing to make her uncomfortable. He teased her, sure, but he hadn’t gotten too close.

  He stretched his long legs out and took a swig of his beer. “I should’ve gotten a place right on the water—it’s relaxing as hell.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “I’ve got an apartment near base—nothing fancy, but we’re gone a lot of the time.”

  “Right. Because you’re in the military.”

  He nodded, meeting her gaze in the darkness. The only light was coming from the inside of the beach house, and it felt secluded and private out here on the deck. “We don’t deploy for long periods of time like most of the military does—we’re sent out on ops.”

  “Okay,” she said, feeling confused.

  “You know all the guys you met at the bonfire? We’re two different SEAL teams. It’s not exactly a secret or anything—I mean, hell, the locals all know who we are. But I tend not to go around advertising the fact, you know?”

  “That makes sense,” she said.

  Jacob reached over and rested a large hand on her bare knee, sending shivers racing through her entire body. His thumb lightly traced circles on her skin, and she resisted the urge to squirm in her seat. Because goodness if his touch wasn’t arousing as hell.

  Her nipples pebbled beneath her sundress, and she was relieved it was dark out here.

  “It’s possible we’ll get called up at any time,” he continued in a low voice. “We don’t always know where we’re going or for how long. But I’d love to take you out later this week. Why don’t you give me your number and we’ll make plans? Unless you just want me to show up unannounced one day.”

  “We can exchange numbers,” she hastily said, flushing as he chuckled. He seemed to know just how much he affected her, and something about that was unnerving.

  As was his large, muscular arm resting on her leg. The weight of it made her imagine his large body hovering over her—he was a man used to commanding attention. To being in charge. What would it be like sleeping with a guy like him?

  Not that she was planning to fall into his bed or something. A little kiss goodnight, maybe. But he’d already told her that he and his buddies liked to hang out at Anchors—and that was a pick-up joint if she ever saw one. It had been filled with military men and flirtatious women. If Jacob hung out at a place like that all the time?

  She certainly didn’t need to get seriously involved with him. Or involved in any way, for that matter. Dinner, yes. But after that?

  Her heart fluttered nervously in her chest.

  Jacob shifted in his seat, removing his hand from her leg much to her dismay, and pulled his phone from his pocket. She instantly felt the loss of his heat and strength. “Tell me your number, and I’ll text you right now so you have mine, too.”

  She recited her number, watching as he thumbed it into his phone. He sent a quick text, but since her own cell phone was inside, she didn’t know what it said.

  Jacob tucked his phone back into his pocket and took another swig of his beer. “Your friend seemed really into Ryker,” he commented.

  Jessica laughed. “Michelle? She’s into all sorts of guys. Amy and I aren’t like that at all.”

  “I can tell—and that’s a good thing, angel. You’re exactly my type.”

  She looked over at him doubtfully. “What?” he asked with a chuckle. “I know what I like. There’s something to be said about the thrill of the chase, but I don’t need a woman who’s a total tease.”

  “She’s not always like that,” Jessica said.

  “I know—it’s part of the game. Ryker loves women like that. But me?” He shrugged, settling back into his chair.

  Jessica shifted, crossing her legs, and took a sip of her cold beer. “We barely even know each other.”

  “I’d like to remedy that.”

  “Well, I’m only here for the summer—not that I mean this should go anywhere,” she added hastily. “I’m just not like that—I don’t go home with a man I just met.”

  “And yet here we are,” he joked. “But I understand. And I respect the hell out of that. I’d never ask you to do something that made you uncomfortable.”

  “I appreciate it,” she said softly.

  The sound of car doors slamming outside drew her attention, and a moment l
ater they heard the door opening. “It sounds like the cavalry’s arrived,” Jacob quipped, standing up. He reached over and held out a hand, and she took his much larger one in hers, letting him help her to her feet. Jacob smelled clean—like soap and saltwater from the ocean breeze. He held onto her hand a beat too long, and her mouth parted slightly in surprise.

  “I know this wasn’t a date—but it was a hell of a lot better than plenty I’ve been on.”

  She flushed, and he ducked down and quickly brushed his lips across her forehead. Heat began to seep through her, but he was already backing away and dropping her hand. Michelle burst into the front door, talking loudly, and whatever spell had been between them on the deck was broken.

  She moved through the open door, feeling Jacob’s large frame behind her. Forcing herself not to look back, she hurried across the room to check on her best friend.

  Chapter 5

  JACOB SCRUBBED A HAND across his jaw the next morning, pouring cereal into a bowl as his coffee brewed. The scent of his medium-roast coffee filled the kitchen and had him feeling more and more alert, but his mind drifted.

  Last night had been...amazing.

  He was a man of action, so usually he was meeting a woman at a bar, taking her out on a date, or bringing her home for the night. Hanging out with Jessica when sex clearly wasn’t on the table for the evening was a new one for him.

  And hell if he wasn’t that much more intrigued by her.

  They’d sat out on her deck for over an hour, drinking beers and just listening to the waves roll in. He’d flirted with her but for the most part kept his hands to himself. She was shy, and he could be patient. And when he had let his hand rest on her bare thigh, the feeling shooting through him had been electric.

  Something told him that when he did finally kiss her—or hell, make love to her—it would be fucking spectacular. Discovering what made her moan, listening to her little gasps and whimpers as he pleasured her?


  He’d be hard for hours just imagining it.

  He might as well wait to take her out on a proper date before any of that though. But it was clear that the chemistry between them was palpable. When was the last time he’d just clicked instantly with a woman? From the moment he’d spotted her on the beach in that green bikini, that was it. He wanted more.

  And the image of her down by the water, her brown waves ruffling in the wind, was now burned into his brain.

  She didn’t seem to even realize how damn beautiful she was—sure, her friends were attractive in a flashy sort of way. But Jessica’s tempting curves were a sight to behold. And that flush on her cheeks was intriguing as hell.

  His phone buzzed on the counter after he’d poured milk into his bowl, and he answered, seeing his SEAL team leader Hunter’s name flash on the screen.

  “Hook, is everything all right?” he asked.

  “We’ve got orders to move out,” Hunter said in a clipped tone. “We’re going wheels up in three hours. Be on base at eleven hundred for a briefing.”

  “Shit, are you serious?” Jacob asked.

  Usually they knew when situations were unfolding and expected an imminent deployment. To be called up out of the blue was somewhat unusual. Not exactly unprecedented, but it was bad timing since he was planning to ask Jessica out. Hell, he’d told her he wanted to take her out this week. He couldn’t exactly ask her on a date now when he didn’t know when he’d be back.

  He didn’t even know where they were going or why.

  No wonder he’d never bothered with any sort of relationship before. Not that he and Jessica were in a relationship, but life as a Navy SEAL was complicated. Plenty of the men managed to have wives or girlfriends, but it sure the hell wasn’t easy.

  “Fuck yeah, I’m serious,” Hunter said. “Are you still with that woman from last night?”

  Irritation roiled through him. Not that it was any of Hunter’s damn business who he may or may not be with. Even if he had slept with her, he wouldn’t be bragging to his buddies. And having Jessica referred to as “that woman” didn’t sit right with him either.

  “Jessica. And no, I waited with her for her friends to get back and then left her at her place like a perfect gentleman.”

  Hunter chuffed out a laugh. “Right, Joker. Sure thing. Don’t worry if she shot you down—there are plenty of other fish in the sea.”

  “Asshole,” he muttered.

  “Is her friend all right? The one who was in the ER?”

  “Affirmative. Ryker drove both the women home, and Jess and I were waiting for them. On the deck and fully clothed, I might add.”

  “Well aren’t you a fucking white knight,” Hunter said.

  “Gotta eat and grab my gear,” he said, ignoring the jab from Hunter. “See you on base.”

  “Roger that,” Hunter said before ending the call.

  Jacob muttered a curse as he set his phone down. He supposed he could text Jessica and say he’d be out of town. What the hell good would that do though? She’d probably want details and would just think he was blowing her off when he couldn’t provide any specifics.

  He’d call her when he got back. Whenever the hell that was.

  JESSICA PADDED DOWN the hall toward the kitchen that morning, her mind filled with memories of sitting with Jacob out on the deck last night. He’d flirted with her and let her know he was interested but had remained a perfect gentleman.

  They’d each sat in an Adirondack chair, beer in hand, and chatted for over an hour.

  She’d almost been sorry when Ryker had come through the door with her friends. Not that she wasn’t happy Amy was okay. It was just that the hour had flown by, and she hadn’t had nearly enough time with Jacob.

  Heat coursed through her just thinking about him. He’d told her he wanted to take her out and kiss her goodnight—part of her was almost disappointed he hadn’t tried it last night.

  But there’d be time for that, she supposed. And they’d been waiting for Amy to get back from the ER, not been out on an official date or something. She was here all summer long, and maybe they’d go out a few times. It was nothing more than that, obviously, but—

  She shrieked as she turned the corner and nearly bumped into a tall, shirtless man standing there.

  “Whoa,” Ryker said, holding up both hands. “Easy there.”

  “Sorry, Jess,” Michelle giggled, walking out from the kitchen in a skimpy camisole and sleep shorts. Ryker’s eyes heated appreciatively as he glanced at her, and then they both looked over at Jessica.

  Ryker was ripped, with lean muscles across his abdomen leading down toward his boxer shorts. He had stubble across his jaw, and though he looked intimidating as hell at the moment, she knew that he wasn’t any sort of threat to them.

  “It’s fine,” she said, taking a step back. “I didn’t realize you’d stayed over.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t hear us,” Ryker said with a wink.

  She blushed, gesturing frantically at Michelle as Ryker turned to grab his phone buzzing on the coffee table. “A little warning, perhaps?” she hissed at Michelle.

  “Well, I didn’t know he’d stay the whole night. We started fooling around after you went to bed, and one thing led to another.” The women glanced over at Ryker as he spoke in a low voice on the phone, not at all fazed to be standing there in the middle of their beach house wearing nothing but boxers. “So, Jacob’s not here?” Michelle asked.

  “No, he’s not. I sent him on his way last night.”

  “He was into you,” Michelle said.

  Jessica shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. That doesn’t mean I wanted to sleep with him a couple of hours after we met. We’re planning to go out later this week. I gave him my number.”

  “A date, huh? Maybe we can double date!”

  Jessica shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. “Is Ryker the dating type?”

  “Only one way to find out. He was spectacular in bed though,” Michelle said, her eyes lighting up.

  “Oh hush.”

  “No worries. I’ll tell Amy about it later.” Jessica choked on her laughter as Ryker came back over, frowning. He glanced down at Michelle. “That was my commander—I’m needed on base ASAP.”

  “You have to leave now?”

  “Shortly,” he said, reaching out to briefly tousle her hair. “Something came up that’s urgent.”

  “Well, I’ll let you two say your goodbyes,” Jessica said, excusing herself as she headed toward the kitchen. She heard Michelle shriek with laughter a moment later and resisted the urge to turn around and see what was going on.

  Last night was good. Jacob was unexpected, but also...a good thing. He seemed like a nice guy, had a ton of friends, and had rushed off to rescue her friend at a moment’s notice. The fact that he was hot as hell didn’t hurt matters, either.

  She started the coffee maker, glancing out the window while her coffee brewed. Ten minutes later, Michelle reappeared in the kitchen. Jessica looked up, her mug halfway to her mouth. “Why’s your hair all wet?”

  “We showered together before Ryker headed out—and let me just say, that man can do amazing things with his tongue.”

  Jessica nearly choked on her coffee.

  “I hope you made the coffee extra strong this morning,” Michelle said with a wink. “We were up for hours.”

  “Why’d he have to go into base today? I thought they had off on the weekends.”

  “They do, I think. Ryker said they were getting sent off somewhere—some sort of mission I guess. He couldn’t really tell me any details.” She shrugged, moving toward the fridge to take out her creamer.

  “So...that’s it? They’re just leaving?”

  Worry churned through her stomach. She’d just met Jacob last night, but certainly he’d say if he was leaving...right? They’d made tentative plans for later in the week, so he’d at least tell her that he’d be gone. “I’ll be right back,” she said, jumping up.

  Hurrying down the hall toward her bedroom, she saw that Amy’s door was still shut. She’d have to check on her if she wasn’t up in an hour or so, just to make sure she was okay after yesterday. Getting caught in a riptide like that would probably tire anyone out though.


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