Summer with a SEAL

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Summer with a SEAL Page 9

by Makenna Jameison

  “Sorry, angel. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. I’ll make sure he’s not leading her on or something.”

  “You will?”

  “Of course, I will,” he assured her. “If you’re worried about Michelle, I’ll tell him to back off. Or to let her know exactly where he stands. I mean, I assume she’d kick him out if she didn’t want him there though, right? They’re grown-ups and can make their own decisions.”

  Jessica sighed. “Yeah, she would. I just worry, you know?”

  “I know. I like that about you. But the good news is there’s only one more day until the weekend. Tomorrow should be crazy for me again, but are we still on for Saturday?”

  “Absolutely,” she assured him. “What’s the plan?”

  “We’ll hang at the beach with everyone in the afternoon. But then I’ll take you out to dinner. I play a mean game of putt-putt,” he added.

  “Putt-putt?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Hell yeah. If we’re still doing touristy things, putt-putt golf tops the list. Haven’t you seen all the courses around here?”

  “I have, I just haven’t been to any yet.”

  “Perfect,” Jacob said. “Hey, didn’t you say you and your roommates were making spaghetti?”

  “I did,” she said with a laugh, glancing back inside through the sliding glass doors. “Actually, it looks like Michelle is burning something,” she said with a frown. “I better get going. I can call you later if you want.”

  “Sure thing, angel. Call me before you go to bed.”

  “All right, bye Jacob.”

  “Bye sweetheart.”

  The call ended, and she stared at her phone a minute. He’d been calling her angel since she first met him. ‘Sweetheart’ seemed more intimate somehow. Maybe just because he’d never said it before. She smiled to herself as she stood up.

  As much as she was trying to avoid getting closer to Jacob, he was getting harder and harder to resist.

  Chapter 14

  “INCOMING!” JACOB SHOUTED Saturday afternoon, spiraling a football toward his buddies. Ryker ran across the sand and jumped up, nabbing it out of the air, as Noah and Mason whooped and hollered.

  “Hell yeah!” Noah shouted, adjusting his aviators.

  “They’re such boys,” Bailey said, rolling her eyes as her eyebrow ring gleamed in the sunlight. “Give them a football and cooler full of beers, and they’re happy.”

  “They don’t look like boys,” Michelle protested, adjusting her bikini top. “And I promise you, Ryker is definitely all man.”

  Jessica giggled, grabbing a beer from the cooler. “I think I could sit here and watch them play football on the beach all day.”

  “With the way Jacob keeps looking over here, I don’t think he’d mind that,” Amy said with a grin. “But seriously, couldn’t they have brought a spare guy for me? I’m the third wheel. Or ninth wheel,” she joked, “since there’s four couples.”

  “Jacob and I aren’t a couple,” Jessica protested.

  “Neither are Ryker and I. We’re having fun, but we totally aren’t serious.”

  “But they’re both with you,” Amy said. “I’m the only one without a date.”

  “There are tons of military guys in Anchors,” Taylor said. “You guys should come by one night. I’ll introduce you to someone.”

  “Or shoot, come back to my bar,” Bailey said. “I’ll set you up, lady. No worries. Believe me, I’ve got an eye for matchmaking now with all the people I meet.”

  Jacob came jogging over, his tanned, muscular chest a sight to behold. Jessica tried to resist the urge to ogle him. Heck, all the guys were in great shape, but seeing Jacob shirtless and standing right in front of her made her pulse pound.

  “Let’s go for a walk, angel,” he said, holding out a muscular hand. “The guys can toss a football around without me for a while.” She reached out and took Jacob’s hand, his sure grip steadying her as she stood up from her low beach chair.

  He smiled appreciatively as his gaze swept over her red bikini. Her skin heated at his appreciative look. The string bikini was skimpier than the one she’d been wearing when they first met, and from the way he was looking at her, he seemed to like it even better.

  She twisted her hair back into a loose ponytail, then took Jacob’s hand again. “Which way?” she asked.

  He nodded toward the northern end. “It’s quieter this way. If we head south, we’ll just hit the boardwalk and all the tourists.”

  “North it is,” she agreed, feeling content as they began to walk hand-in-hand along the water’s edge. The wind blew her ponytail in the breeze, and she closed her eyes for a brief moment, letting the sun beam down on her face.

  Sirens sounded in the distance, and after they saw a third police car racing by behind the row of beach houses, Jacob pulled his phone from his swim trunks.

  “What do you think’s going on?” she asked.

  He scrolled through his phone, frowning. “Not sure. Oh, a woman was robbed at an ATM earlier.”

  “In broad daylight?” she asked in disbelief.

  “So it seems. I just got an alert from base about the robbery. Didn’t you say you spotted a strange guy around the bank the other day when you were there?”

  “Yeah, sort of. He wasn’t anywhere near me at the ATM though. He was just waiting out front. I thought he was kind of creepy, but Michelle was there, too. She said that I was just overreacting.”

  “The police should release a description of the suspect. If it sounds like the guy you saw, you should probably report it to them.”

  “Yeah, definitely. This guy had tattoos up and down his arms. Pretty distinctive. Maybe they have camera footage of him, too.”

  Jacob tucked his phone back into his swim trunks, glancing down at her. “I can go with you the next time you need to go to the ATM if you want,” he offered. “At least until this guy is caught.”

  “Thanks, but I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “What are the chances he’d strike again so soon? Everyone will be looking for him.”

  “At least go inside the bank then. Don’t use the ATMs out front.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. At least for the time being. That’s so creepy a woman was robbed right in the middle of the day. I always avoid going to ATMs at night, but you’d think you’d be safe in broad daylight.”

  “That’s smart to avoid them at night,” he said. “I can handle myself and always am aware of my surroundings. I’ll be worried about you though.”

  She glanced up at him, taking in his strong profile. Jacob had shaved since she’d last seen him a few days ago, and she could see the outline of his strong jaw. “You’re sweet,” she said.

  He flashed her his crooked grin. “Because I’d worry about you? It’s what any decent guy would do.”

  “Not all guys are decent,” she countered.

  “You got me there,” he agreed with a chuckle. He tugged her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Did I tell you that I love this bikini you have on today?” he asked in a low voice. “Wow.”

  She flushed beside him. “You’re not so bad yourself, Jacob,” she teased.

  “What? Not so bad?” Before she could say another word, he’d scooped her up into his muscular arms and was jogging into the ocean. She shrieked in surprise, kicking her legs and laughing as she clung to him. He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and tossed it onto the dry sand, chuckling as he kept going.

  “Jacob! Put me down!”

  “Drop you in the water?” he joked, edging deeper in.

  He was up to his knees now and kept wading further out. A big wave crashed near them, and she ducked her head into his shoulder, shielding her face from the spray.

  “No, don’t drop me,” she protested, giggling more as he jokingly pretended to. She met his dark gaze, and then his head ducked down as he kissed her, his full lips brushing softly against hers. The salty spray of the ocean seemed to somehow intensify his masculine ta
ste, and with his muscular body tightly holding hers, heat spiraled down to her core.

  Without a word, he shifted her in his arms so that her legs wrapped around his waist. She snaked her arms around his neck, her breasts pushing against his muscular chest as she clung to him. She felt his erection pushing against her core, but rather than being frightened, it emboldened her. She aroused him just as much as he affected her.

  She clung to him and lightly rocked her hips against him, loving the feel of his hardness brushing up against her sex. She was nearly naked in her bikini, and there was something sexy and erotic about Jacob holding her close like this in the ocean.

  Jacob groaned, tightening his grip on her.

  “Hell, angel. You feel amazing. And this little bikini you have on is driving me out of my mind.”

  He kissed her again, and she opened her mouth to him, letting him delve deep. His tongue rubbed intimately against hers, and then he was lifting her up and down in his arms, rubbing her against his hard cock.

  “Jacob,” she gasped.

  “God, you feel good,” he muttered, his large hands digging into her ass as his grip tightened. She swore she felt his length harden impossibly more, and then he was moving them deeper into the water, past where the waves broke, and the ocean was calmer.

  Heat was building within her with every step he took, and his cock hit just so against her clit through their swimsuits. She cried out as he ground against her, clinging tightly to him.

  “Come for me, angel,” he said, his voice gravel. “I want you to come right now.” He lifted her up and down his cock, rubbing her against his thick length as she whimpered. Somehow, he spread her legs even wider as he held her. One hand snaked between them, rubbing one of her nipples through her bikini top. It hardened instantly under his touch, the only thing separating her from him a thin piece of fabric.

  She was dripping with arousal, even as the water lapped around them. His hard cock felt so good, she couldn’t have stopped her pending orgasm if she tried.

  Jacob bucked into her lightly, holding her to him, and then a brief moment later, she was clinging to him tightly as she cried out his name. “Jacob, Jacob, oh God!” she cried as waves of pleasure washed over her.

  Jacob grunted, holding her tightly, and capturing her mouth in a deep kiss.

  As her orgasm peaked, she finally relaxed in his arms, her entire body practically boneless with pleasure. He growled in approval, finally turning to carry her back to shore. “You’re beautiful when you come, angel.”

  “God, what if somebody saw us?” she gasped, burying her head in his shoulder.

  “Nobody saw,” he assured her, his lips at her ear. “That was for me alone.”

  She flushed as they waded through shallow waters, Jacob finally setting her down. “Are you blushing, angel?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “That was embarrassing,” she said, suddenly feeling shy.

  “It was erotic as hell,” he countered. “Nothing felt better than having you fall apart in my arms. Knowing I did that to you? Hell angel, I’ll be thinking about that all night.”

  “Jacob,” she protested, refusing to meet his gaze.

  “You’re mine, Jessica. I love that you came for me like that. Hell, you’re fucking perfect for me. There’s no need to be embarrassed, because I plan to make you come again and again sometime when we’re really alone.”

  Hesitantly she looked up, surprised at the heat that was evident in his eyes. “But you didn’t even—I didn’t even reciprocate.”

  “There’s plenty of time for that. This was all about you, sweetheart—your pleasure. And believe me, I enjoyed it just as much as you did. Now come on,” he said, taking her hand once more in his. “Let’s finish our walk.”

  Chapter 15

  JACOB’S CHEST FILLED with male pride as he walked down the beach with Jessica at his side. Her sexy little bikini had left him hard as a rock since the moment he first saw her in it. He loved that she didn’t insist on wearing her sundress over it for their walk—that she felt comfortable enough with him to wear it alone.

  The tiny little strings holding up her top had been tempting him all afternoon—he longed to give it one little tug, watching as the triangle cups fell. Exposing her bare breasts to him.

  Not that he’d do anything to make her feel uncomfortable, and he sure as hell didn’t want anyone else looking at her.

  He’d practically come himself feeling her sweet little pussy rubbing up against him in the water. He could feel the heat from her through the bikini bottoms she was wearing. All it would’ve taken was to move the fabric to the side, and he could’ve been pushing between her pussy lips and straight into her molten core.

  He longed to lay her down on the sand, gently remove her string bikini, and explore all her gorgeous curves.

  “We’ve walked a long way,” Jessica said as they passed the last set of beach houses. There was another development further down the beach, but at the moment they were finally all alone.

  “So we did,” he said, glancing back. They’d gone so far, he couldn’t even see their friends in the distance. “I should’ve grabbed our water bottles.”

  “They would’ve gotten lost in the ocean,” she said with a giggle.

  Jacob smirked. “Yeah, I wasn’t exactly planning on that. I loved holding you in my arms though.”

  She blushed, and Jacob felt his chest swell. Jessica might’ve been a little bit shy, but she’d certainly let go as he’d held her gorgeous body to his. He loved getting her to relax a little and come undone. He wanted her to open up to him in all ways—both her mind and her body.

  Although they were taking things slower than he usually did with a woman, he could see that being with her was worth the wait.

  The walked further down the beach, under an old fishing pier. The newer ones on the south end were popular with tourists—one even had a restaurant and giftshop at the end of it. This one was completely empty though. As they walked under it, out of the bright sun, he grabbed Jessica’s hand and pulled her to one of the support beans. Leaning his back against it, he let his hands land on her waist, bringing her closer.

  She trembled slightly at his touch, and he ducked down, kissing her softly.

  Jessica tasted of strawberries and slightly salty, like the ocean. Her lips were an amazing shade of pink, and he wondered if her nipples were the same color. Her nipped at her lips with a few gentle kisses as she sighed, and then he turned them so that her back was resting against the wood support beam, his body hovering over hers.

  “Jacob,” she gasped as he lightly ran his fingers along the edge of her bikini top.

  Her breasts were full and swollen. Perfect. Her skin soft and smooth. Gently, he palmed both breasts, loving the feel of their weight in his hands. “I want to undo your top,” he told her. “I want to see your gorgeous breasts.”

  She moaned as his thumb skated over her nipple.

  “If you don’t want that, tell me to stop,” he commanded, his voice gruff.

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide with arousal. “Don’t stop,” she whispered, her cheeks turning pink. He kissed her again, then fumbled with the ties behind her neck. She was so small compared to him, he felt like he’d have to always be careful with her.

  Slowly, he pulled on the strings of her bikini top, his cock hardening. A moment later, the scraps of fabric covering her breasts fell away, and she was bare to him. Perfect.

  Rosy nipples stood out against her full breasts, and he could see her tan lines. Rubbing his thumbs over her nipples, he watched as they hardened beneath him. “God, Jess,” he breathed. “You’re beautiful.”

  She flushed, and he wanted to soothe her. Assure her that she was okay with him.

  He kissed her again, moving down to her neck as she arched up against him. He kneaded her breasts with his hands, loving the little gasps of pleasure she made. It was erotic as hell having Jessica in nothing but her bikini bottoms, mostly naked for him to admire and touch. />
  He reached around her back to undo the remaining straps of her top when he heard voices in the distance. She jumped in surprise, and he quickly pulled her top back into place, tying the straps back around her neck as she adjusted her top, covering her breasts.

  “Damn,” he said, winking at her. “I could’ve looked at you all day.”

  “I might’ve let you,” she admitted with a shaky laugh.

  He adjusted himself in his swim trunks, watching as her eyes widened in surprise. “Sorry, angel. I can’t help it around you.”

  The group of voices coming toward them got louder, and Jacob took her hand, tugging her along with him so they could walk out from under the pier and head back the way they’d come.

  “Thank you, angel,” he said, his voice gruff.

  “For what?” she asked, looking up at him in surprise.

  “For trusting me.”

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out, seeing a text from Noah. “They’re getting subs from one of the shops down the beach. Do you want anything?”

  “Sure, I liked the Italian one I had the other day. Who’s going to get them? We’re not exactly close to the boardwalk from the north end.”

  “Noah and Bailey are going to drive down there and pick them up for everyone. Hopefully they won’t hit too much traffic on a busy Saturday afternoon.”

  “I think she was to work tonight. This is probably like an early dinner for her.”

  “You’re right. I’ll let him know we want some subs,” he said, thumbing a text back to Noah. “But save some appetite, because I’m still taking you out to dinner later on.”

  “How could I forget?” she teased. “I’m planning to win at putt-putt tonight. I didn’t tell you, but we played every summer at the beach when I was a kid.”

  Jacob chuckled. “I’m warning you—I’m pretty competitive.”

  “And you think I’m not?” she asked, playfully elbowing him.

  “I’m just saying, don’t think I’m going to let you win just because you’re a girl. That totally goes against my competitive nature.”


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