The Life of a Celebrated Buccaneer

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The Life of a Celebrated Buccaneer Page 22

by Richard Clynton


  We are in these degenerate days singularly unfortunate in many ways. Ourmeans of excitement are nothing like what they used to be. TheBuccaneer's island was no exception to the general rule. Indeed timeseems to have handled him very roughly. Not that he was altogether freefrom surprises. Occasionally an idiot obtained possession of a pistol,and either tried to commit or did commit a murder. Then at times a manwas knocked down, kicked and robbed, whilst the mighty house-breakerprowled about with pistol and crowbar in search of plunder. It is alsotrue that the Ojabberaways did all they could in the way of providingexcitement of a lively nature for the benefit of the old Buccaneer andall his people; but gone were his highwaymen. The vulgar thief aloneremained. A mutiny at sea, with the murder of a crew, was a thing of thepast. Yet we have to relate a dark conspiracy, which will be for everknown as the Cabal of the Cook's Caboose, and which might have beenproductive of the gravest results. Mention has already been made of aslight defection amongst a certain section of the crew.

  It was past eight bells, and the midnight watch had been setsufficiently long to allow all the look-out men to take up theirpositions of repose. Not a sound was to be heard upon the old Ship ofState except the heavy breathing of the watchman aloft and themonotonous tread of the look-out man aft, who had not as yet secured acomfortable place to pass his watch in. The Church Hulk was wrapped in adeep sleep and the Buccaneer's Chief Priest, with all his ecclesiasticalbig guns, minor canons, able priests, and ordinary deacons, were fondlylocked in slumber's arms. They kept no visible look-out, but angels withtheir silver wings, it was firmly believed by all devout Buccaneers,hovered over that old ship at night and kept the devil and all hisminions away. It was only when the dusky mantle of midnight rested uponthe island that silence ever reigned supreme upon that old Church Hulk.

  The look-out man on deck hailed the look-out man aloft. "What, hothere!" he cried. "Watchman! what of the night?" The man up aloft hadevidently been deeply meditating, for something very like a yawn brokethe stillness of the air, but presently a voice came down laden with thewords: "All's well! The twinkling eyes of Heaven look down upon a worldwrapped in peaceful slumber. All's well!"

  "All's well," went up from below in reply, and again there was a greatstillness. The eyes of all the houses on shore except one here and therewhich sat watching for the setting out of some poor weary soul to theregions that lie beyond the grave, were out. The dog that generallybreaks the stillness of the night on such occasions was also silent;probably asleep. The wind even had folded her wings and had ceased tosing her lullaby to the accompaniment of her many stringed lute.

  Presently a crouching form was to be seen creeping stealthily under thestarboard side of the old Ship of State. The suspicious looking objectwho was enveloped in the dark cloak and slouched hat usually worn byconspirators and hired no doubt for the occasion, made for the cook'sgalley, and in a voice scarcely above a whisper, exclaimed: "Pepper!"

  "Is that you, Chips?" came from the caboose.

  "The same," was the reply.

  "Where are the rest?" asked the cook.

  "They will be here directly," the carpenter said, as he darted into thegalley. Scarcely had he got well inside than his mate joined him, andshortly afterwards the burly form of Billy Cheeks, the butcher, was seentrying to conceal himself under the bulwarks. "Keep down, can't you?"cried the cook. "You'll have the look-out man see you."

  "Can't help it if he does; can't make myself any smaller than naturemade me," replied the butcher. "If I was as small as you, or a ringboltchaser like Chips, I might be able to do it." This was sarcasm. Thebutcher loved sarcasm; but the cheery cook turned it off by saying thatChips, and Chisel, his mate, must spokeshave Billy Cheeks down to theordinary and usual size of a conspirator. As the butcher did not seeanything funny in this he did not laugh; and so the joke fell like adead shell, quite harmless. But the cook, the carpenter, and his matesaid that Billy Cheeks was far too big for a conspirator.

  All was pitch dark inside the cook's caboose. The fire had long sincebeen out, and it would not have been safe to strike a light. No doubtthey had their dark lanterns, for conspirators would not be fullyequipped without them, but for some reason best known to themselves,they did not for the present produce them.

  "Your programme!" cried the butcher, who generally came at once to thepoint.

  "Listen, my lads, and you shall hear," exclaimed the carpenter. "The oldman being away and the captain with him, we must make this the high tideof our prosperity, and carry out as pretty a little scheme as everentered the head of man, although I say it, as should not. The oldcoxswain is ashore amongst the landlubbers, so we have nothing to fearfrom him. For the rest of the crew on board belonging to our watch,well, if they will not join us, why, Billy, my man, you must do yourduty. First and foremost we must lighten ship."

  "That is easily done," said the cook, "by flinging overboard bodily theold man's Upper Chamber." It is wonderful what a hatred the cook had forthis room in the after part of the old ship. He himself said it was onaccount of their ignorance, want of intelligence, class prejudice, andthe airs and graces they gave themselves.

  "As you all know, my mates," continued the carpenter, "things ain't asthey ought to be on board this old craft; she is much too slow for thetimes. When a coat becomes too old to wear, what do we do? why, chuck itaway."

  The jolly little cook now had his say. "Without a doubt the old ship istoo bluff bowed for the rapid times we live in, and is more fit to drivepiles than to make way against the swift current of events. So, my lads,I am for seizing the ship, and my little game--"

  "What is that?" cried the butcher, as he laid his trembling hand uponthe carpenter's arm.

  "What is what?" exclaimed the carpenter, slightly startled. "Can't yougive Pepper time to explain himself. Hurry no man's cattle, is an oldand good proverb."

  "I heard a noise outside, as if someone was moving," said the butcher.

  "Then take a look round, Billy," said the carpenter.

  "I am too big," said the butcher, with a sneer, which was felt, thoughon account of the darkness it was not seen. "Let Pepper go; he is thesmallest; no one will see him, and if they do they will take no notice."This was veiled sarcasm, but the cook thought it better not to noticeit, because he knew the butcher could not help it.

  "Let every man stick to his trade," said the cook, "my place is insidethe galley and not out."

  Then up spoke the doughty carpenter. "What, my lads! is quaking feargoing to be present at our councils? Look at me. I am not afraid." As itwas pitch dark, of course nobody could see. "Chisel, my lad," he said,addressing his mate, "show these fellows the stuff you are made of."

  "And why should I do what others won't?" replied Chisel. "It is no moremy business than it is the cook's, and every man to his trade, say I,too."

  "Why don't you take a look round yourself?" cried the butcher.

  "Of course I will. Thus!" exclaimed the carpenter, "does conscience makecowards of ye all." Having delivered himself of the quotation, he took ahasty glance through the little square hole that acted as a window inthe back part of the galley, and said there was nothing. "I knew that,"said the cook. "That is why I did not take the trouble to look; but thisis a grievous waste of precious time." "Well, my lads," the carpentercontinued, ignoring the fact that the cook was, as the saying is, inpossession of the house, or rather, galley. "First and foremost we mustseize this old craft, run her ashore, break her up, and build a spic andspan new one, upon entirely new lines. We will take a hint here and ahint there. In such a thing our friend Jonathan would not be a bad manto go by. Then we will board the old ship alongside, and make herdisgorge, for the general good, some of her accumulated plunder. She isworth a pretty plum I can tell you. Been hoarding up for ages, and yetshe is always crying out poverty. Bah! there must be something wrongsomewhere, or where does all the money go? She does not apparently givetoo much of it amongst the poorer part of her crew; but as she rendersno accounts we
are all in the dark, my lads. It is a busy buzzing hiveof drones, though."

  "As you say, Master Chips," said the cook. "She does not seem to givemuch of her stored up wealth to her poor brethren, and Heaven knows thatthe priestly gabardine too often covers an empty stomach, while othersamongst them lead the lives of a Dives. Does poverty and penury findclothing or food out of her riches? Not a bit of it. Too many of hercrew, are they not proud? Have they not made an exclusive and anaristocratic high-cast priesthood of themselves?"

  "So wags the world, my mates; so wags the world," cried the carpenter."While one suffers from repletion, another starves. But that old Hulk isnow out of date, and she will cut up well you may be sure. Havingplundered her, and given every ecclesiastical dog a bone--no offence tothe sacred calling--we will bore a hole in her and let her sink. Then,when we are well across the bridge that connects her with this oldcraft, Chisel, my mate, shall saw the bridge through, and thus lay atrap for the rats; let them either sink or swim."

  "Rats, they say," remarked the cook, as he handled his three-prongedtoasting-fork, "always leave a sinking ship, and the ecclesiastical ratwill prove, I expect, no exception to the rule."

  "Honest Pepper!" cried the carpenter, "you speak, as you always do, likea book."

  "I've some doubt on my mind, which I should like cleared up before we goany further," said the butcher.

  "Out with it, Billy, my man, out with it," exclaimed the carpenter."Your chest is big, but no doubt it will be the better for beinglightened, and an empty house is better than a bad tenant, any day ofthe week."

  "Well, you talked about running this craft ashore, and then turning yourattention to the Church Hulk; but if you do that, what is the use ofsawing the bridge in two. The bridge would be the plank we should haveto walk; with nothing but a drop of some fathoms deep into the pit wehad dug for ourselves."

  "Or rather the water, Billy," said the cook, who loved his joke.

  "That little error can easily be rectified by our settling with theChurch Hulk first; but these are mere details. The workers, my lads,shall have their reward; and the clerical Lazarus shall sit down at thesame table as the clerical Dives."

  "But robbing a church," said the butcher, "is about the last thing afellow ought to do, is it not?"

  "The end, Billy, will justify the means," the carpenter remarked.

  "Our master, the Buccaneer," said the cook, "was not above robbing achurch once, and who will say he did wrong? Of course hisconscience-healers will find justification for the act if he pays themwell, and as they read history by the light of faith, and not altogetherby facts, they can prove all things entirely to their own satisfaction,and what would have been an act of robbery in others, would be, whenthey were concerned, a most laudable action. Faith, as is well known, mymates, can work wonders, and it can overcome a mountain of the mostobstinate facts with the greatest ease."

  "But suppose they turn to and curse us," asked the butcher, whoevidently had some qualms of conscience.

  "And suppose they do," cried the cook. "Are we a lot of old women to befrightened by such things. Know you not the saying, Billy, that cursescome home to roost? Let them curse then."

  "Where is Chisel?" the carpenter asked.

  "I am here," a voice said out of the darkness.

  "Not hearing you, mate, I thought you must have slipped away."

  "It appears to me," replied the carpenter's mate, "that there is littleneed for me to say much, considering that I am expected to do all thedirty work."

  "Who will say that anything is dirty work?" replied the cook. "Theworker purifies and elevates the work." Pepper was a philosopher. Thecarpenter continued, "Mates, rest assured of this; if it suits theBuccaneer to sacrifice his Church Ship, he will do it, for he has anelastic conscience, which he will satisfy by saying prayers before andafter the act. And as for Dogvane, well, he will wait to see which waythe cat jumps. If he sees the time has come, why, then, the State Churchwill be cast adrift. It is not the first time that old William hasrobbed a church. I am not the man to say he did a wrong. Why should theChurch Hulk be kept moored alongsides of the old craft? All well enoughwhen she ruled the roast; but now more than two hundred sects areoutside her jurisdiction, and the Chief Priest and other officers underhim cannot at all times keep the unruly crew in order. They have theirmutinies, and their interior economy does not seem to be just as itshould be; so, my lads, she will either have to mend her ways or endthem, as has been said of another of our master's ancientestablishments."

  "Which, my mates," said the cook, "you may leave to me. I will have myknife into the Upper Chamber yet."

  "After duty comes pleasure," continued the carpenter. "Having settledthe Church Hulk we must turn our attention to old Squire Broadacre. Hishouse is in a terrible state, and must be put in order. We must paredown his property a bit, for there is a family called Hodge, a good,decent, honest, and industrious, though perhaps ignorant lot, who arebut poorly off. It is the squire's duty to look after this family; but,mates, it is well known that selfishness fills hell."

  "But do you suppose that the Buccaneer is going to allow all this to bedone?" exclaimed the butcher.

  "It appears to me, mates," replied the carpenter, "that our friend Billyis going to throw cold water on all our plans."

  "What is the use of our assembling here," asked the butcher, "if we arenot allowed to speak?"

  "Who wants to stop your speaking?" exclaimed the carpenter. "I certainlyam not going to undertake the task, I can tell you. Our master must betalked and wheedled over, and as for old Dogvane, well, we all know thathe has a damned tender conscience. (The oath must be pardoned. The bestof carpenters, and all sailors, swear at times.) Look here, mates, Ifancy I know as much about Captain Dogvane as most men. If he wants athing done, and if so be that he has set his heart upon it, bang goeshis conscience in that direction. Never was there a conscience underbetter control. It says to the captain's inclination, 'which way does mymaster want me to go, so that his servant may obey him?' Never yet didDogvane's conscience prove him wrong, and he is at all times on the bestof terms with it. Look you, our captain will say neither yea nor nay,and he will use so many words in saying so, that everyone will be atloggerheads, quarrelling over what he means, when in all probability hemeans nothing; but is only waiting to see which way the wind is going toblow."

  Here the cook spoke: "I have great faith in the old man; but if he doesnot go with us, what then? All the talent is not in one head, and as forhis first lieutenant, and one or two others, we can afford to lose them.They are too slow for the times."

  "Lads, in cases like this," cried the carpenter, "we must not mincematters; and if the worst comes to the worst Billy Cheeks must do hisduty."

  The paleness of the butcher at these ominous words was concealed. Therewas a terrible hidden meaning in what the carpenter said, and it madethe butcher's flesh creep and his blood run cold.

  "I am at all times prepared to do my duty," the butcher said, "atfly-flapping the tail end of a Tory cockerel, or at stopping the cackleof the older birds, I will give way to no man; but I love the oldcaptain, and I would not injure a hair of his venerable head on anyaccount. As we all know, he is but lightly covered."

  "Who wants you to injure his hair?" cried the carpenter. "Do you thinkwe want you to be ship's barber as well as ship's butcher?" Thecarpenter, who began to fear that he had gone too far, thought it bestto trim a bit, and therefore he advised the butcher not to be so sharpin coming to conclusions. "Of course," he said, "it's natural that youshould put a professional aspect on things."

  "There!" cried the butcher in alarm, "I heard the noise again."

  "Then go and see what it is," the carpenter said in disgust.

  "Ah! It makes no difference to me," the butcher replied. "If you otherfellows did not hear it, I must have been mistaken." The cook, thecarpenter, and Chisel his mate were extremely gratified at this generousadmission on the part of the butcher, and they one and all said theynever could remember the
time when Billy Cheeks had owned himself in thewrong before. The carpenter was quite softened. Even Pepper was touched,and they all hoped that it augured no ill to the butcher, for suddenchanges in disposition and character are often the unwelcome harbingersof speedy dissolution. They strongly advised Billy Cheeks to consult hismedical man. This painful episode for the time quite damped the spiritsof the conspirators. "If anything happens to you, Billy, where would youlike to be buried?" the cook asked. They left the butcher to think thematter over, and after a while the carpenter continued: "Having gotpossession of everything, we will all live happily together everafterwards." The butcher, who had recovered himself asked, "How aboutthe old lion which keeps watch over the Buccaneer's affairs?"

  "Your hand, Billy," cried the carpenter groping about in the dark, "Isee you are better, and have taken up your character again of ChiefObstructionist. If you don't like to join our party, go over to theother watch. They are in want of men of substance."

  "Why do you catch one up so precious sharp?" cried the butcher,irritated. "I suppose there is no harm in asking a simple question? Whowants to go over to the other watch? Haven't I always stood by you andPepper, and defended you when you were both blackguarded and abused? Onewould think you two were the Buccaneer's darlings, but you are neitherof you liked, though people may laugh at you, Pepper. What is the use ofmy being here, if I am to keep my mouth shut? Chisel may act the part ofa dummy if he likes, but I will not."

  "Messmate, your hand," cried the carpenter again. "No offence, old man.We are in the same boat, therefore we must pull together. There is anold adage that applies to us."

  "It is no use our quarrelling over trifles," said the cook. "The oldlion is asleep: or out of wind, and he is just about as harmless as ifhe were stuffed with hair or straw, and no one fears him now let himroar ever so loud."

  "But to ease your mind, Billy," said the carpenter, "my mate shall drawhis teeth and cut his claws."

  "And pray why should I have all the dirty and dangerous work to do?"said Chisel again.

  "What!" exclaimed the carpenter, in evident surprise. "Are you going totake a leaf out of the butcher's book, mate! It seems we commented uponyour silence too soon; but if you are afraid to do the work; well lethis teeth and claws remain. Thus the difficulty is got over with ease.After all, it is only a detail, and we will not come to loggerheads overa detail."

  "There it is again," cried the butcher, "I swear I saw something like ahand spread out fan-shape towards me. The thumb was from me, and seemedattached to a human nose."

  This was very terrible, and the conspirators felt a creepy sensation allover them. But the cook reassured them all, by saying, that very oftenpeople, whose stomachs were out of order, suffered from opticaldelusions. He said he felt sure Billy Cheeks must have eaten somethingthat had disagreed with him; so they took no further notice, andproceeded with the business of the evening.

  "Of course we shall want assistance; but we can count upon theOjabberaways, they are always ready for anything in the shape of a row.They have their price, then we shall have the Hodges, and the Sikes withus. They are all ripe for action. Now another thing presents itself. Wemust have a head, no body can get along without a head."

  "Some seem to get along very well without such a thing," said the cook.This also was sarcasm. The cook loved it, and his tongue it was said wasas sharp as needles. "Well, my mates," he continued, "of course we musthave a head; but mind you, let us have no hereditary fool to fill theoffice; and no baubles in the shape of crowns and court paraphernalia,no court flunkies, my lads, to eat the bread of idleness, no courtpimps. I am dead against crowns. They are expensive articles, no matterupon whose head they rest. Kings too often are little better than bloodsuckers, and blood spillers, and all by the grace of God forsooth."

  The subject of a head for the new commonwealth, or whatever it was to becalled, was of so grave a nature that for some few minutes not one ofthe conspirators spoke. Evidently each one was revolving in his own mindas to upon whom the selection ought to fall, and no doubt each couldhave solved the momentous question to his own entire satisfaction; butmodesty kept their thoughts locked up. Presently the carpenter spoke.

  "It's a detail," he said. They all agreed, and so the matter dropped,not, however, before there had been a slight passage of arms between thecarpenter and the cook. "Of course," said Chips, "you are out of thequestion, Pepper?"

  "And why so, pray?" was the indignant reply. "I didn't say I would takethe post if it were offered me; for I am not like some people I couldmention, of an ambitious turn of mind. No matter who falls, so long asthey mount." This must have hit the carpenter very hard.

  "Whoever heard of a cook being made a ruler?" the carpenter asked.

  "For the matter of that, whoever heard of a carpenter?" said the cook.

  "Why Pepper, my lad, where's your schooling? Does not a carpenter's son,and one who was a carpenter himself rule the whole Christian World? Butthat is neither here nor there. You are too small; you would not commandrespect."

  "Now I am surprised to hear a man of your ability, Chips, talk suchutter nonsense. You seem to judge men as a butcher does his meat, by thepound. That is the sort of thing perhaps a woman might do. If that is tobe your little game, you had better hoist Billy Cheeks up at once; he isnot exactly a skeleton, and, no doubt, he would fill the place as wellas any one else."

  "No offence, Pepper, no offence, mate; it is a detail," said thecarpenter.

  "Then let it be a detail; and I care not who you hoist over us, so longas our head is neither expensive nor too highly gilded. But mind you,the lumber room must go."

  They all agreed that this was a sensible way of looking at things, andto appease the cook, no doubt, they would there and then have lightenedthe ship by flinging over the whole of the Buccaneer's House of Lords,but the heavy tread of the watchman aft made them abandon the idea forthe present; but as that ancient hereditary institution had fallen underthe cook's displeasure, it was not likely that it could survive such athing for long.

  "What are we to do with our foreign relations?" asked the carpenter'smate.

  "Ah! Chisel, my lad, you are coming to the front," said the carpenter.

  "What have we to do with foreign relations?" the cook asked. "Let themmind their own business, and we will mind ours."

  "The unfortunate thing is," said the butcher, "that they won't mindtheir own business; no people will." The butcher gave another start anddeclared he heard the mysterious sound at the back of the galley.

  "Well, Billy!" the carpenter exclaimed, "for a big man, you have aboutthe smallest heart of any man I ever met."

  Thus did the conspirators settle the affairs of the Buccaneer's nation.But now another and most unmistakable sound saluted their ears. A cockcrowed loud and long. It is a well-known fact that neither spirits norconspirators can stand this sort of thing. "Ah!" cried the carpenter,"there goes the shrill herald of the morn." Conspirators generally speakin this florid manner. "The day has returned too soon. You have much toanswer for, Billy; for by your incessant interruptions you havesquandered our precious time. But no matter. My lads, one little thingbefore we part. We shall want money. We cannot get on without theneedful. It is money that makes the old mare go."

  "I have a scheme here," cried the cook, "of raising the necessary wind."

  "Quick, Pepper, my man, where is that lamp of yours you are so fond offlaunting before the eyes of people in the broad light of day. The torchof Truth you call it."

  "Ah! Master Chips, the light of that lamp is only shed on other people'sbusiness. It would never do here."

  It could never for a moment be supposed that these conspirators had nottheir dark lanterns; and presently one was produced from the ample foldsof somebody's cloak, and they all stooped down as the cook unrolled hisplan and the light from the dark lantern fell upon the eager faces ofBilly Cheeks, the carpenter, his mate, and the cook.

  "Time, mates, is short, so I come to the point. This is a bill of sale."
  "So, so, a bill of sale," they all said in a low tone as they eyed thepiece of paper.

  "We will have an auction," said the cook; "our foreign relations we havedecided to let go; for we get more kicks than half-pence from them; butour colonies we will sell."

  "Ha, ha!" laughed the butcher, hoarsely; "mind they don't sell you."

  "At it again, Billy," said the cook; "but it shows you're recoveringfrom your nervous attack. Lot No. 1. The Buccaneer's well-known propertyof India. A rich possession comprizing over 200,000,000 of faithfulsubjects, together with forts and garrisons fully armed and equipped,and a most lucrative trade."

  "The Eastern Bandit no doubt will bid for that lot or perhaps he'll takeit," said the carpenter's mate.

  "Proceed, Pepper," cried the carpenter.

  "That cock won't fight," remarked the butcher. "You don't suppose ourmaster will allow his dusky princess to be bought or taken by his oldenemy, the Bandit."

  "Go on, Pepper," cried the carpenter; "Billy's state of health israpidly improving. Haste, my lad, for the silver foot of day isadvancing. In a short time his eye will be over yonder house-tops, andif he looks upon us plotting in the cook's caboose, then farewell to ourplan and perhaps to our liberty as well."

  "Lot 2. Egypt. We may expect bidders for that country and 'caveatemptor' say I. That is a country replete with articles of virtu, theonly thing is to find them. It is the proud possessor of an ancienthistory. With this lot will go a discontented, harassed andpoverty-stricken people, and one or more high military reputations, andmay the devil fly away with the whole lot, say I. There are a fewothers--things scarcely worth mentioning--such as the royal robes, crownjewels, and other court paraphernalia."

  Here the discussion was suddenly put a stop to by the butcher, who gavesuch a start that he knocked the carpenter's mate up against the cook,who in turn nearly overturned Chips. The lantern was upset and the lightwas put out.

  "What the devil is up now!" cried the cook, recovering himself.

  "I saw it again," said the butcher, in a terrified whisper. They allpitied the butcher and declared that he was, without exception, about asuncomfortable a member of a conspiracy as could possibly be found. Therewas something almost uncanny about his behaviour, and no doubt lessdoughty men would have been scared. It was now too late to continue withtheir plans. They one and all said that the scheme was good and wantedscarcely for anything except the carrying of it out, which they agreedwas a mere matter of detail. They complimented the cook upon hissuggested method of raising the necessary wind. They were all very wellpleased one with another, and as the carpenter dismissed them, he said:"Bless ye, my lads! Away to your bunks, my honest fellows. The silverking treads close upon the heels of the sable queen, so away and snatcha few hours of repose. Then arise and buckle to your work. Mix wellamongst the people ashore. Sow broadcast the seeds of discontent, and soprepare the way for action. The womb of time is big with great events.Be civil, my mates, to the wild Ojabberaways, for at times it isnecessary to hold the candle to the devil himself. If we do not squarethem, the other watch will."

  "The greedy office grabbers," cried the cook, "will leave no stoneunturned to get the helm; but we must dish them. For my part I havealways found the Ojabberaways a merry and clever lot of gentlemanlydevils."

  "To their many wants then," exclaimed the carpenter, "lend a kindly ear;but keep your own counsel. Be thrifty of your words unless you use themas our noble captain does, to conceal your thoughts. Away then, my lads!What, does no one move? It is too late for ghosts to prowl about, and ofother things what have you to fear?"

  "Who is afraid, Master Chips?" the cook asked indignantly, "I was onlythinking."

  "Vast heaving, my hearties, while the cook thinks," cried the carpenter."In the meantime I will take a look round, the watchman may be about."Chips drew his cloak round him and pulled his slouched hat well downover his eyes; then with the stealthy walk peculiar to conspirators hetook a look round. Just as he reached the back of the cook's galley, heheard what sounded like a splash in the water. It made him start; andhis heart beat hard against his side, his hair stood on end, and he hadto lean against the water-butt for support. "Pshaw!" he cried as heshivered in the chill morning air, "I am getting as bad as BillyCheeks." The look-out man from aloft cried out, "All's well." Thusreassured, the carpenter told his companions that the coast was clear,so with cloaks well wrapped round them and hats well slouched theysneaked away to their beds.


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