Willow Dark Storm

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Willow Dark Storm Page 2

by ZL Morris

  Zadimus steps away from his brothers and moves towards the Alpha with an air of confidence. The henchman and the Alpha both straighten to their full heights, but their appearance fails miserably at being more intimidating. The drugs warped their physiques. From Zadimus’s poised walk, he’s not afraid of them.

  He stops two paces away from the Alpha, and when he speaks in a calm voice, his threat is easily deciphered. “We’ll take her with us, but you need to understand the Argent pack isn’t happy with the stunts you repeatedly pull. I’m here to offer you a friendly warning. If you don’t stop this vendetta against the pack and the constant threat against the pack’s future Luna, then you leave them no choice but to start a war. You know as well as I do you won’t stand a chance against them. There might be more of you, but by the stink of Wolfsbane emanating from you, you’d lose!”

  The menace in Zadimus’s voice rattles me to the bones, sending shivers down my spine as my body unconsciously steps closer to Lazarus. The Alpha, even in his drug-induced state, can’t be dense enough to miss the threat. My body screams with the need to get out of here—I don’t want to witness a bloodbath. My mind visualises what would happen, and my hand settles against my stomach to stop the churning.

  “Zadimus, we’ll run late for our next appointment if we don’t leave soon,” the third brother speaks up for the first time.

  Nervously wrack my core as the Alpha faces off against Zadimus, and I wonder if they’re about to stand here all day, partaking in a staring contest, or if the Alpha will be stupid enough to provoke him so an attack comes a lot earlier than promised. I doubt they’d suck the Alpha dry. I’m not sure how, or if, Wolfsbane can affect a vampire, but I guess it wouldn’t be good. After all, it’s the heroin of the werewolf world.

  Zadimus turns on the spot and strides back towards his brothers. The way his lip curls up into what could be a smirk or sneer, he must feel satisfied with the knowledge the Alpha won’t attack while his back is turned. Or maybe he knows the Alpha isn’t stupid enough to pick on someone who’s visibly stronger than him.

  My eyes slowly move over his body. Torso clad in a black shirt, it’s not tight, but I’m able to make out a well-defined body underneath. My mouth dries as my eyes lower past his belt buckle to where his strong thighs are decked out in leather. He exudes being the epitome of badass, sex, and wicked things.

  Once he’s back in line with the three of us, Zadimus turns deadly eyes onto the Alpha. “I don’t want to come back here, but know if you do attack, I will. And I won’t be so forgiving next time.”

  He doesn’t wait for the Alpha to respond, but instead gently takes the lead I’m still attached to. Lazarus and the third brother flank me while we follow Zadimus closely. A bubble of nervous excitement courses through me. I’m finally able to leave here, still in one piece and, most importantly, alive.

  I just need to get to whatever destination the vampires are leading me to before I can decide whether this is the better option.

  It can’t be any worse, right?

  Chapter Three

  Jolting awake, the vampire’s car comes to a stop. I’m surprised I managed to sleep beside strangers. When we climbed into the vehicle, the time on the centre console displayed eleven in the morning. Now, the digital clock reads three in the afternoon. I don’t even remember falling asleep.

  Without thought, I touch the torn skin on my neck. I was barely conscious enough to notice the collar being removed once we were a safe distance from that nightmare.

  The third brother, who I learnt is Idris, sat in the back of the car beside me and gently removed it. Blood seeped from the wounds where it dug in over time.

  When Idris placed the collar in my lap, a moment of panic filled my chest and made it hard to breathe. With that sight of blood, I expected them to pounce on me, and I was speechless when nothing happened—other than Idris’s eyes briefly turning blue as his nose twitched.

  The tightness in my chest was replaced by shock at their self-control. Maybe they weren’t going to do what the Alpha suggested and use me as food.

  My hand searches for the release button on my seatbelt, but Idris’s hand catches mine before I can press the button. Stunned by how cold his hand is, I pull mine out of his reach.

  He frowns, then his expression turns blank. “My brothers will return in a moment. They’ve gone to collect a bandage and some cream for your neck. We need to fix it before you go inside.” He wrinkles his nose before continuing. “As much as you need a bath, the smell of your blood will be like a siren’s call to the younger ones. You’ll be a walking steak.”

  Shivers wrack my body, uncomfortable from his explanation, so I stare out the tinted window to gain a better understanding of my surroundings. Several small cottages dot around a multistorey, main house, a mansion really. Above the tall windows, what appears to be gargoyle statues sits on a stone balcony. The property comes across as gothic, and I stifle a giggle at how cliché it is.

  Gothic house for vampires. What’s next? Coffins in the basement where they sleep?

  A snort of laughter bursts out before I can stop it, and I quickly smother my smile. Idris’s reflection stares back at me in the glass, and his scowl suggests he’s not entirely impressed with something.

  “We don’t have coffins in the basement. We don’t sleep,” Idris quietly answers.

  I spin around to stare at him in horror. Did I say that out loud? Can they read my thoughts?

  Idris smirks before answering my thoughts again. “We can only read your thoughts if we’re able to see your eyes.” He waves half-heartedly at his face. “Windows to the soul and all that.”

  “B-b-but you couldn’t see my eyes.”

  “You might not have been looking directly at me, but I could easily see your eyes in the reflection from the window.” He must recognise the sheer panic on my face because he rushes on, “Please don’t worry. My brothers and I are the only ones with this gift. Your thoughts are completely safe from everyone else.”

  A knock on the window behind me makes me scream, and I whip around to see Zadimus and Lazarus standing next to the car. Swallowing down my heart in my throat, I click the latch to release my belt, then open the car door. Zadimus opens the door wider, but instead of letting me out, he crouches and leans into the car. The small space grows uncomfortably smaller.

  Lazarus hands him a tube—I can’t see a label though, but it must be a type of antibiotic cream. Zadimus unscrews the cap and passes the lid to Lazarus. He squirts a generous amount onto his fingers and slowly reaches up to my neck. When Idris sweeps my hair out the way, I jump. Once Zadimus touches my skin, the coolness of his fingers and the cream soothe my torn-up neck, and I sigh in appreciation. The guys work in silence as Zadimus wraps a bandage around my neck to keep it covered and prevent further infection.

  Zadimus and Lazarus finally step back and allow me to exit the car. I don’t need to get anything from the boot of the car because I had no bags to bring with me. When I was kidnapped from my peaceful day out in the woods, I only carried a few possessions with me, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to push my luck and ask the Alpha to return my backpack and camera. The last thing I needed was to piss him off and have him change his mind about offering me up as food.

  As they lead me up the stone staircase to the huge front door, I try not to gawk at everything around me. My nerves kick up when Idris pushes the door open, and panic kicks in. If I step through that door, I’ll never come back out alive.

  A cold hand grasps mine, pulling me out of my head. My green eyes lock with Lazarus’s light purple ones, and the need to comfort him returns before he says, “You’ll be safe here. We won’t allow anyone to hurt you. This is your home now.”

  Confused, I frown at him. “My new h-home? Why?”

  I slap my free hand over my mouth and realise too late that I don’t have any right to ask questions. A prisoner shouldn’t ask questions. If I’m a nuisance, they’ll likely get pissed-off and kill me sooner. />
  Three barks of laughter make me stare at them while my mouth hangs open in shock. “You read my thoughts, again, didn’t you?”

  Idris smirks. “We did, sweet Willow. This is your home now, and please don’t censor yourself around us. It’s quite refreshing compared to the thoughts we hear from our own species. I promise we won’t kill you because of your thoughts.”

  What do vampires think about? Sex, blood, gore, and being bats?

  Idris’s eyes light up, and a laugh bursts free. My insides squirm at the noise, and I quickly divert my eyes before he can catch on to any more of my thoughts.

  A voice speaks up from behind the three men, and I take a small step back. “I didn’t know we would have a guest arriving. Would you like me to set up the guest bedroom?”

  “Not the guest bedroom. If you could have a bed moved into my room, Willow can stay there.” Zadimus shakes the man’s hand.

  The older gentleman in an impeccable, navy suit conceals the surprise on his face as he glances briefly at me. “Of course.” He takes a noisy sniff, and his eyes widen. He’s not able to mask his surprise so swiftly a second time. He clears his throat then speaks in a quiet voice, though I’m able to hear him. “W-would you like me to send someone for human food?”

  Zadimus nods. “Yes, plea—”

  Lazarus cuts his brother off with a snigger and pulls me towards the older man by our still grasped hands. “Let me formally introduce you. Cassius, this is Willow. Willow, Cassius. If you need anything while we’re not around, then he’s the vampire to ask.”

  Cassius holds his hand out for me to shake. Lazarus makes no effort to let my hand go so I can shake Cassius’s hand. I settle for offering him my free left hand. That doesn’t go unnoticed, but Cassius doesn’t say anything to make the situation any more awkward.

  His grip is firm but not to the point of squeezing my fingers in a death grip. “It’s lovely to meet you, Miss Willow.” He looks into my eyes for a moment, and I panic that he too can read my thoughts, even though Idris said they’re the only three who can read someone’s thought. “You don’t have to be worried, miss. These men will keep you safe.”

  More vampy powers! Oh hell! Am I going to have to watch what I do, say, and think all the damn time now?

  Lazarus chokes on a laugh. “He can’t read your thoughts, but he can pick up on your emotions.”

  I nod and turn back to Cassius. “I’m sorry. The brothers explained they were the only three, but you somehow knew what was going through my head.”

  Cassius laughs and gently squeezes my elbow. “That’s okay, miss. I’ve no clue what you were thinking, but a sweet thing like you wouldn’t likely have a bad bone in your body. If you’ve come from the Blood Moon pack, I can’t blame you for acting out of sorts.”

  With that, he turns on his heel and disappears into the depths of the house. The churning in my stomach settles now that I’ve met Cassius, and I can only hope that everyone who lives here is as friendly as he is.

  Chapter Four

  All three walk me through the grand entrance, and my mouth drops open in awe. With its dark wood, wrought iron fixtures, and crimson splashes, the gothic theme runs into the house but not as overwhelming as the outside. Heavy, soft grey velvet curtains swoop dramatically over the double-story windows.

  My head tilts when I notice blinds over the windows. They’re slightly tilted so the sun doesn’t blast through, but still offer enough light so the building isn’t dark and cold. I wonder if they’re sensitive to direct sunlight inside but not outside. I shake my head because surely that’s not possible.

  Idris chuckles. “The older a vampire is, the less they’re likely to be affected by the sun. Our vamp babies, however, have to apply copious amounts of what humans call sunscreen before they can even step outside during the day. Otherwise, they’ll have a very nasty case of blisters, or too much exposure could result in death.”

  I groan. I need to learn to stop thinking so much now I know they can hear everything. Then my brain gets stuck on one part of his explanation. “V-vamp b-b-babies?”

  Zadimus smiles. “Well, they’re not babies like human babies. They’re newly changed vampires and at their weakest. Plus, they have to feed regularly, like a human baby, so that’s what we call them.”

  “F-f-feed? You mean on humans?” My anxiety spikes. They promised I wouldn’t get bitten, that I wouldn’t die! Yet here I am, served up as fast food. Although, I’m not much of a meal anymore, now I’m simply a bag of bones.

  Without warning, my chin is grabbed, and I’m forced to look up into the onyx pools of Zadimus’s eyes. He grits his teeth, and his sharp fangs appear, a lot sharper than when I caught a glimpse of them earlier. My body recoils from his grip, but his hand firmly holds me in place.

  “Yes, they feed on humans, but they don’t kill or hurt humans… unless that’s what they’re into. No, they won’t feed on you. And if I dare hear you say, or think, of yourself as anything other than perfect, God help your backside. You are beautiful and curvy in all the right places. My brothers and I won’t allow you to disrespect yourself like that!”

  Swallowing thickly, I try to say something, but all I can do is nod. His thumb idly strokes my chin a few times, making my body relax. Something inexplicable flows through me, and the urge to push my face into his hand enraptures me. Before I move though, he releases me and steps back. His eyes slowly change back to their normal purple.

  I shake my head to break whatever weird spell keeps happening when I’m around them. My mouth opens to apologise, but Zadimus decides the conversation is over by heading out of the entrance and into a study.

  Silently, I follow while I absorb as much of the room as possible. Huge bookcases cover three walls. Floor-to-ceiling windows draped in the matching grey velvet curtains break up the bookcases in regular intervals. A huge stone fireplace is lit with a cosy fire. Judging by the size of it, I could easily stand in the middle and look up the chimney without the risk of a knock to the head.

  As I turn on my heel, my attention shifts to the wall with the door where we entered. With no windows on this wall, the large bookcases burst with thousands of books. I make a promise to myself: if I do stay here, then I’ll explore the treasures of this room.

  Zadimus leads us to huge cushioned sofas by the fire. The three men situate themselves. I can’t keep myself from admiring such beauty of all three of them together. Unlike Zadimus’s plain black shirt, Lazarus wears a blood-red shirt with leather straps that run atop his shoulders and leads down to thick straps across his ribs. Idris’s purple shirt with black trousers accentuates the natural colour of his eyes. They’re a real feast to behold, and I can’t remember a time when I ever felt such an instant attraction to anyone.

  Idris grins knowingly at me, and once again, I allowed my thoughts to run wild.

  I groan in resignation. My thoughts will never be my own again, and I’m in for a life of awkward embarrassment if I can’t control myself. I plonk my ass on the chair opposite them but more central to the fire.

  To avoid their all-too-knowing smiles, I stare at the flames. “You know, you could pretend to not read my thoughts and save me from embarrassment.”

  “We could. But your mind is a beautiful thing, and it constantly catches us off guard. Compared to what we usually hear, your thoughts are quite refreshing, so we find it harder than normal to not listen to them. But we are sorry, and we’ll try better to remember your thoughts are your own,” Lazarus says softly.

  Before I have a chance to consider a response, the door across the room opens, and Cassius comes through. Have we been in here for longer than it seems, or did he move that bed faster than any human possibly could?

  At my ridiculous thoughts, I smother the snort threatening to release. I’ve no idea what the vampires are truly capable of. Speed? Stamina? Killing humans? And here I am playing house with a bunch of them.

  Not a single hair on his head is out of place, and a bitter taste coats my mouth. Whi
ch is stupid. I can’t help envying that he just moved furniture and still manages to look so perfect. If I did it, I’d end up a big sweaty lump.

  Cassius frowns down at me before he turns to the three guys with a raised eyebrow. Then his expression blanks. “The bed has been delivered to your room, Zadimus. I’ve also had word that the groceries will arrive shortly. Is there anything else you’d like me to take care of?”

  Zadimus scans down my body and dismisses me just as quickly as he turns back to Cassius. “Would you arrange for Willow to either have a shopping trip tomorrow or for someone to come here and measure her? Our visitors arrive in the next couple of days, and I think Willow would be more comfortable if she was presentable.”

  Cassius nods. “Absolutely. I can accompany Miss Willow on the shopping exertion if that would best suit you?”

  Zadimus tilts his head slightly until he catches my eye, then turns his attention back to Cassius. For a brief moment, I wonder if he’s reading my thoughts or Cassius’s, but before I can decide whose, he nods. “Thank you. We all trust you, and we’d be happy for you do that. One more thing before you fix the kitchen up. Could you escort Willow to my room? We have a few things to discuss, and we don’t want to bore her with silly nonsense. Perhaps show her the bathroom, grab some towels, and possibly a fresh set of clothes.”

  Feeling as though I’ve been dismissed like a child and wanting to get out the way before the guys read my thoughts on it, I stand quickly without making eye contact with any of them. I walk towards Cassius, who’s now in the open doorway. He holds a hand towards the door, indicating for me to step through before him. I spin around when the door clicks behind me, and my eyes catch Cassius’s. He stares at me with a frown before he comes to some sort of unspoken decision and directs me to follow him.

  When Cassius talks while I follow him through the house, I nearly trip. “I know this all might be a little much for you now, Miss Willow. The Sires didn’t try to come off as rude. They’re not used to having to consider other people’s feelings—well, a human’s feelings anyway. I’m sure all this will appear better once you’ve had a long soak and wear clean clothes.”


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