Generals of the Army

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Generals of the Army Page 28

by James H. Willbanks

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., WWII career of: Ardennes Counteroffensive (1944–1945); Bradley and; Montgomery and; Operation Cobra and; as Operation Husky commander; Operation Market Garden and; as Operation Overlord commander; as Operation Torch commander; promoted to European Theater commanding general; promoted to General Staff war plans chief; promoted to lieutenant general; Rhine Campaign plan of; as SHAEF commander; strategies employed by

  Eisenhower, Edgar (brother)

  Eisenhower, Ida Stover (mother)

  Eisenhower, Jacob (grandfather)

  Eisenhower, Mamie Doud (wife)

  Eisenhower, Roy (brother)


  Enola Gay (bomber)

  envelopment strategy

  environmental treaties

  European Recovery Program

  Faircloth, Jean Marie. See MacArthur, Jean Faircloth (wife)

  Falaise (France)

  Field Artillery

  Fifteenth Army Group

  15th Infantry Division

  Fifth Air Force

  Fifth Army

  5th Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division

  V Corps

  57th Regiment

  Filipino Scouts

  1st Armored Division

  First Army: Bradley as commander of; Hodges as commander of; Marshall as Operations deputy chief of staff in; Montgomery and; Normandy breakthrough (1944); Normandy invasion (1944); Operation Coronet and; Rhine Campaign; during World War I

  First Army Group (fictitious)

  1st Cavalry Division

  First (I) Corps

  1st Infantry Division

  1st Parachute Division

  Force Public School (Washington, D.C.)

  Ford, Gerald


  Fort Benning (Ga.)

  Fort George Wright (Spokane, Wash.)

  Fort Jay (Governor’s Island.Y.)

  Fort Knox (Ky.)

  Fort Leavenworth (Kans.); Eisenhower as troop trainer at; MacArthur as engineering instructor at; Marshall as engineering instructor at. See also United States Army Command and General Staff College (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.)

  Fort McKinley (Philippines)

  Fort Myer (Va.)

  Fort Oglethorpe (Ga.)

  Fort Reno (Okla.)

  Fortress Monroe (Va.)

  Fort Riley (Kans.)

  Fort Sam Houston (San Antonio, Tex.)

  Fort Selden (N.Mex.)

  Fort Wingate (N.Mex.)

  45th Infantry Division

  42nd Division (“Rainbow Division”)

  Foulois, Benjamin D.

  4th Armored Division

  IV Corps

  4th Infantry Division

  France; air war against railroads in; German invasion of (1940); Indochina War; NATO treaty signed by; southern, Allied invasion of (1944). See also Normandy (France); specific locations

  Franco-Prussian War

  Franks, Frederick

  Fredendall, Lloyd R.

  French Fourth Army

  Fuller, Horace H.

  Funston, Frederick

  Gallipoli Campaign (1915–1916)

  Gavin, James M.

  Gela (Sicily)

  General of the Armies of the United States

  General Order No.

  General Services School

  Generals of the Army

  General Staff College

  George Marshall Institute

  Gerhardt, Charles H.

  German Army Group B

  German Fifteenth Army

  German 15th Panzer Grenadier Division

  German Fifth Army

  German Fifth Panzer Army

  German Fifth Panzer Division

  German Hermann Göring Panzer Division

  German 2nd Panzer Division

  German Seventh Army

  German Sixth Army

  German Sixth SS Panzer Division

  German 352nd Infantry Division

  Germany: Ardennes offensive of; France invaded by (1940); French ports destroyed by; plans intercepted/deciphered; Poland invaded by (1939); Soviet occupation of. See also specific battles; campaigns

  “Germany First,”

  Gerow, Leonard T.

  Gettysburg, Pa.


  Giles, Barney

  Gladwyne, Pa.

  Glassford, William A.

  Good, Milton

  Government Code and Cipher School (Bletchley, England)

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Grant, Ulysses S., III

  Great Britain

  Great Depression

  Greenstein, Fred I.

  Groves, Leslie

  Guadalcanal Campaign (1942–1943)

  Guatemala, U.S. covert anticommunist actions in

  Gulf War

  Guzzoni, Alfredo

  Hall, Charles B.

  Halsey, William F.

  Hansell, Haywood

  Harding, Edwin F.

  Hardy, Mary Pinkney. See MacArthur, Mary Hardy (“Pinky”; mother)

  Harmon, Ernest N.

  Harmon, Hubert



  Hazlett, Everett (“Swede”)

  Helianthus, The (Abilene HS yearbook)

  Hershey, Lewis B.

  Hidden-Hand Presidency, The (Greenstein)

  Himmler, Heinrich

  Hirohito (emperor of Japan)

  Hiroshima (Japan), atomic bomb dropped on (1945)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Ho Chi Minh

  Hodges, Courtney H.

  Hoover, Herbert

  Hurley, Patrick

  Hürtgen Forest

  Illinois National Guard

  Inchon (Korea), U.S. landing at (1950); map

  Indochina War

  Industrial Mobilization Plan—2930

  Industrial War College

  Infantry Journal

  Infantry Officer Advanced Course (Fort Benning, Ga.)

  Infantry School (Fort Benning, Ga.)

  Infantry Tank School

  International Military Tribunal for the Far East

  interwar period: antimilitary sentiments during; Arnold’s career during; demobilization during; Eisenhower’s career during; MacArthur’s career during; military education during

  Iran, U.S. covert anticommunist actions in

  Irwin, Stafford

  Italian Campaign (1943–1945). See also Sicily, Allied invasion of (1943)

  Italian Livorno Division

  Italian Navy

  Italian Sixth Army

  Iwo Jima, Battle of (1945)

  Jackson Barracks (New Orleans, La.)

  Japan: Allied occupation of; atomic bombs dropped on (1945); B-29 incendiary raids against (1945); China invaded by (1937); MacArthur in; Philippines invaded by (1941); post-WWII reforms; WWII surrender of. See also specific battles; campaigns


  Joffre, Joseph

  Johnson, Louis

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Joint Board

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS): Arnold as member of; Bradley as chairman of; CGSC graduates as chairmen of; chairman position created; Korean War and; MacArthur’s command removal and; Marshall and; permanent, formation of; WWII coalition-building and

  Judson, William V.

  Kasserine Pass (Tunisia), Battle of (1943)

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kenney, George C.

  Kesselring, Albert

  Kincaid, Thomas

  King, Edward L.

  King, Ernest J.

  Kirtland, Roy

  Kluge, Günther von

  Knox, Franklin

  Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (DPRK)

  Korea, Republic of (ROK)

  Korean War: atomic bomb proposed for use in; beginning of; Chinese intervention in; Inchon landing (1950); MacArthur’s career during; mobilization for; truce negotiated in

  Krueger, Walter

  Kuhl, Charles H.

  Kunming (China)

  Kuter, Lar

  Kyushu (Japan)

  Lae (New Guinea)

  Laidlaw, William

  Landrum, Eugene M.

  Lane University (Lecompton, Kans.)

  Langres (France), Staff College in

  Leahy, William D.

  Leary, Herbert F.

  Leavenworth Hall of Fame

  Leigh-Mallory, Trafford

  LeMay, Curtis

  LePere biplane

  Leyte Gulf, Battle of (1944)

  Lingayen (Philippines)

  Little Rock, Ark.

  Lorraine (France)

  Louisiana Maneuvers

  Luxembourg City (Luxembourg)

  Luzon (Philippines)

  MacArthur, Arthur (grandfather)

  MacArthur, Arthur, Jr. (father)

  MacArthur, Arthur, III (brother)

  MacArthur, Arthur, IV (son)

  MacArthur, Douglas: as Army chief of staff; as Army engineer; Arnold and; Asian focus of; atomic bomb use and; career overview; death of; distrust of higher command; education of; Eisenhower as military assistant to; as engineering instructor; family background; farewell address to Congress; as Filipino field marshal; first command positions of; interwar career of; leadership style of; legacy of; marriage of; Marshall and; medals/awards received by; military education of; on Mitchell court-martial board; personality of; political aspirations of; promoted to brigadier general; promoted to colonel; promoted to five-star General of the Army; promoted to major; promoted to major general; relieved of command; as Remington Rand board chairman; reputation of; sports interest of; Truman and; as UNC commander in Korea; war philosophy of; as West Point superintendent; during World War I. See also MacArthur, Douglas, WWII career of

  MacArthur, Douglas, WWII career of: American forces reorganization; appointed Allied Forces SWPA supreme commander; appointed Allied Powers supreme commander (SCAP); appointed U.S. Army Forces Far East commanding general; Japanese occupation overseen by; medals/awards received by; New Guinea Campaign (1942–1944); Philippines Campaign (1941–1942); Philippines Campaign (1944–1945); strategies employed by; strategy conferences

  MacArthur, Jean Faircloth (wife)

  MacArthur, Malcolm (brother)

  MacArthur, Mary Hardy (“Pinky”; mother)

  MacArthur Memorial (Norfolk, Va.)

  MacNelly, C. L.

  Manhattan Project

  Manila (Philippines)

  Mann, William A.

  Manteuffel, Hasso von

  Mao Tse-tung

  March, Peyton C.

  Mariana Islands

  Marshall, Elizabeth Coles (“Lily”; first wife)

  Marshall, George C.: appearance of; Arnold and; awards received by; birth of; Bradley and; candor of, with superiors; Chinese duty of; communicative abilities of; death of; education of; as 8th Infantry regimental commander; Eisenhower and; family background; as Fort Benning Infantry School commandant; during interwar period; legacy of; MacArthur and; marriages of; McCarthy’s charges against; military education of; personality of; during Philippine-American War; political views of; promoted to brigadier general; promoted to colonel; promoted to five-star General of the Army; promotion difficulties of; Regular Army rank of; reputation of; retirement of; as Secretary of Defense; as Secretary of State; staff assignments of; stepson of; during World War I. See also Marshall, George C., as Army chief of staff

  Marshall, George C., as Army chief of staff; appointment; armored units established by; authority of; Bradley and; challenges faced by; Eisenhower’s correspondence with; high command positions filled by; MacArthur and; medals/awards received by; Pearl Harbor bombing and; retirement of; as statesman; troop morale efforts of; WWII mobilization efforts of; WWII operations directed by; WWII strategy decisions of

  Marshall, George C., Sr. (father)

  Marshall, Katherine Brown (second wife)

  Marshall, Laura Bradford (mother)

  Marshall, Marie (sister)

  Marshall, Stuart (brother)

  Marshall, William (brother)

  Martin, Joseph

  Martin B-10 bombers

  Massive Retaliation policy

  math education

  Matthews, Francis P.

  McCaffrey, Barry

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McClain, Raymond

  McKinley, William

  McNair, Lesley J.

  McNarney, Joseph

  Mediterranean Allied Air Forces

  Memphis Belle (aircraft)


  Menoher, Charles

  Messina (Sicily)

  Metz (France)

  Meuse-Argonne offensive (1918)

  Meuse River


  Middleton, Troy

  Midway, Battle of (1942)

  Milburn, Frank M.

  Miles, Perry

  military education; deficiencies in; during interwar period; Marshall’s reforms; Root reforms and; School of Application and; during World War I. See also officer education system; United States Army Command and General Staff College (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.); United States Military Academy (West Point, N.Y.); specific schools; under specific generals

  military-industrial complex

  Milling, Thomas

  Milwaukee, Wis.

  Mindanao (Philippines)

  Mindoro (Philippines)

  Missionary Ridge (Tenn.), Battle of (1863)

  Missouri, USS

  Mitchell, Billy

  mobile warfare

  Model, Walter

  Montgomery, Bernard

  Morison, Samuel Eliot

  Morrison, John F.

  Mortain (France)

  Moseley, George

  Moselle River

  Mounted Service School

  Muir, James

  Munich Conference (1938)

  Musser, Christian

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nagasaki (Japan), atomic bomb dropped on (1945)

  Nanking (China), rape of

  Nashville, USS

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  National Defense Act (1920)

  National Guard; federalization of; mobilization of

  National Security Act (1947)

  Native American pacification campaigns

  Neillands, Robin


  Neutrality Acts (1930s)

  New Guinea Campaign (1942–1944)

  New Look policy

  Nimitz, Chester W.

  XIX Corps

  19th Infantry Division

  90th Infantry Division

  99th Infantry Division

  Ninth Air Force

  Ninth Army

  IX Corps

  9th Infantry Division

  Norman, Rudy

  Normandy (France): Allied breakthrough from (1944), ; Allied invasion of (1944); hedgerow terrain in

  North African Campaign (1942)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)



  nuclear weapons

  Obama, Barack

  Odierno, Ray

  Officer Candidate Schools

  officer education system: early deficiencies in; instructors; reforms in; School of Application; School of the Line; students

  101st Airborne Division

  106th Infantry Division

  operational maneuver

  Operation Anvil

  Operation Brimstone

  Operation Cartwheel

  Operation Chromite

  Operation Cobra

  Operation Coronet

  Operation Dragoon

  Operation Halfmoon

  Operation Husky; map

  Operation Liège-Aachen

  Operation Market Garden

  Operation Off Tackle

  Operation Olympic

  Operation Overlord; map

  Operation Roundup

  Operation Torch; map

  Oran (Algeria)

  Ord, James

/>   Osmena, Sergio

  Owen Stanley Mountains (New Guinea)

  Ozawa, Jisaburo

  Palmer, Dave

  Palmer, John McAuley

  Panama Canal Zone

  Pan American Airways

  Paris (France)

  Pas-de-Calais (France)

  Patch, Alexander

  Patrick, Mason 7

  Patton, George S.: Ardennes Counteroffensive; Bonus March dispersed by; Bradley and; as CGSC student; Eisenhower and; leadership style of; North African Campaign; press coverage of; Rhine Campaign; as II Corps commander; Seventh Army commander; Sicily invasion; soldiers maltreated by; as Third Army commander

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of (1941)

  Pennsylvania National Guard

  Percival, Arthur

  Perret, Geoffrey

  Perryville (Ky.), Battle of (1862)

  Pershing, John J.: as AEF commander; as Battle Monuments Commission chief; as chief of staff; controversy with March; as General of the Armies of the United States; Langres course established by; MacArthur and; Marshall as aide-de-camp to; Marshall first meets; memoirs of; Mexican expedition commanded by; mobile warfare as viewed by; protégés of; retirement from Army

  Pétain, Philippe

  Petraeus, David

  Philippine-American War (1899–1902)

  Philippine Defense Plan

  Philippines: Arnold assigned to; commonwealth status conferred upon; Eisenhower as MacArthur’s aide in; MacArthur as commander of forces in; MacArthur as engineer in; MacArthur as military adviser in; MacArthur visit to; map; Marshall assigned to; strategic significance of; U.S. defense strength in; U.S. evacuation of

  Philippines Campaign (1941–1942)

  Philippines Campaign (1944–1945)

  Plattsburg Camps

  Plessy v. Ferguson

  Pogue, Forrest

  Poland, German invasion of (1939)

  Pool, Eleanor. See Arnold, Eleanor Pool (“Bee”; wife)

  Powell, Colin

  Prichard, Vernon

  Prince of Wales, HMS

  Protective Mobilization Plan (PMP) Army

  PT boat

  Public Law

  Public Law 333

  Puerto Rico

  Pusan (S. Korea)

  Pyle, Ernie

  Quadrant Conference (Quebec, Canada; 1943)

  Quayle, Mary. See Bradley, Mary Quayle (first wife)

  Quezon, Manuel

  Rabaul (New Britain Island)

  race relations

  Rainbow Plan

  Red Army

  Regular Army

  Remagen (Germany)

  Remington Rand Corporation

  Reserve Officers Training Corps


  Rhee, Syngman

  Rheims (France)

  Rhine Campaign (1945)

  Rhône River

  Richardson, William

  Ridgway, Matthew B.

  River Brethren

  Rockwell Field (San Diego, Calif.)

  Rommel, Erwin


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