Trafalgar and Boone in the Drowned Necropolis

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Trafalgar and Boone in the Drowned Necropolis Page 12

by Geonn Cannon

  She had been very clear about what she would allow. And now she was certain Baker would behave himself. He would sit in his sad little throne and he would keep his lecherous hands to himself, and she would have a nice subaquatic journey. She would fill her time plotting against her adversaries. If they were already in Barcelona they had a daunting lead on her. She knew Baker’s ship was fast, but still she was worried it might not be fast enough.

  “Take us up to fifty-five knots.”

  Anger flashed across his features. “That isn’t--”

  Virago locked her eyes on him, not blinking.

  “That isn’t... too far outside the realm of possibility, Missus Potter.”

  She smiled, showing her teeth. “Good boy, Willie.” She pursed her lips in a mocking kiss and left the bridge in his capable hands. She would reach the Aegean when she reached it. If she beat Lady Boone, fine. If not... she would make sure that her rivals never returned from their watery tomb.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was the second day of the journey before Trafalgar was forced to excuse herself from the training and retreat to the front of the boat. It wasn’t necessarily seasickness, though the symptoms were basically the same. The sway of the deck under her feet reminded her of the day she killed Enoch Solomon. Her tongue felt heavy and she could taste the stone he’d put in her mouth to draw whatever entity he’d summoned into her body. She was queasy and unsettled as she gripped the railing and looked south toward the African coast, drawing in slow breaths of fresh air to settle her nerves.

  “I wish I could say it gets easier,” a man said from behind her, “but it doesn’t. Not always, not for everyone.”

  She turned and saw a man whose name she didn’t remember ever hearing. He was as tall as she was, but broader in the shoulders. He had a kind face that was prematurely aged by the sun and salt of the sea. He smiled as he approached.

  “Some people get used to it. Others go their whole lives getting on ships and spending the whole journey bent over the rails. There are some tricks to it, though.”

  “Oh, really?”

  He stretched out one arm and pointed two fingers across the water. “Focus on the horizon. Keeps you grounded, a bit. Helps your brain figure out what’s going on and that settles the other stuff. You could also, um...” He patted the pockets of his jacket until he found what he was looking for. He held out a cellophane wrapper that contained a small white lozenge with twists of red along its edge. “Peppermint. I don’t know how it helps, but people swear it does.”

  Trafalgar took the candy from him. The plastic crinkled as he passed it to her. “Thank you. I’m Trafalgar.”

  “I know. Bert Carroll.”

  She unwrapped the candy. She hesitated to put it in her mouth, fearful it would only intensify the memory of the stone. But she put it on her tongue and was surprised by the sharp and pleasant flavor of it. She moved it over between her cheek and gum. The tang actually helped suppress the memory. Instead of the flat, earthy taste of the stone, she could only taste the peppermint.

  “Thank you very much, Bert. I can already tell it will help.”

  “We have loads more down in the mess. Just ask and someone will get them for you.” He shifted his weight and said, “There’s one other thing I could do, but I’d have to touch your hand. If that’s all right.”

  She considered saying no, but she couldn’t think of any reason to refuse. She held out her left hand to him. He took her hand in his, then pressed the thumb of his other hand to a spot just below the crease of her wrist. He applied gentle pressure to the skin between the tendons.

  “Don’t ask me why,” he said. “Man who taught me this little trick never bothered to explain it. But it helps. Like the peppermint. Some of the power might be in just thinking it will work.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised. And yes, it does seem to be working.” She didn’t know if it was the pressure or the act that he was touching her that was helping calm her nerves. The power of touch could be an incredible thing. “Thank you. It really wasn’t necessary for you to help, but I’m glad you did.”

  Bert shrugged. “I’m happy to pass along tips when I can. Especially for someone like you.”

  “Someone like me?”

  “Sure. Miss Trafalgar of Abyssinia. We heard about you a lot these past few years. There was the incident in Turkey. Istanbul. There was, ah... let’s see. Brazil.”

  Trafalgar laughed. “Have you been keeping tabs on me, Mr. Carroll?”

  “Inadvertently, maybe. I confess, I always hoped one day you would charter our vessel for one of your adventures. When the captain said Lady Boone was looking for passage, I convinced him to accept. I knew that the two of you were working together now. I feared it might be my only chance to meet you.”

  He was still massaging the inside of her wrist. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that the nausea had passed. To be honest, it felt too nice for her to want it to stop.

  “Our adventures don’t always have happy endings.”

  “True. But what’s life without risk?”

  She returned his gaze and found herself unaccountably uncomfortable. Not in a bad way, not in a way she wanted to stop, but in a way that was simply unfamiliar.

  “I believe you’ve struck upon a cure for what ails me, Mr. Carroll.”

  “Bert, please. And what did it? The peppermint or the massage?”

  Trafalgar smiled. “The company.”

  “Huey Conway is a bloody madman!”

  Trafalgar twitched at the sound of Dorothy’s voice, her hand slipping most of the way out of Bert’s grip. She moved her arm to free herself the rest of the way and turned to watch as Dorothy stalked toward them. There was sweat on her forehead and upper lip, and she shook her hair free from its braid as she neared the railing.

  “He locked me in the submersible! Can you believe that? He locked me in and refused to let me out until I had completed his interminable tests. I know. I know that once we’re underwater we won’t be able to just jump out whenever we want. But it’s a far cry between that and being locked in a tin can secured on the deck of a ship.”

  She exhaled forcefully and looked at Trafalgar, then turned her gaze on Bert as if she had just realized he was standing there.

  “Who is this?”

  “Bert Carroll,” Trafalgar said. “He’s a member of the crew.”

  Dorothy looked between them. “Oh. Oh!” Her eyes widened. “I apologize. I had no idea I was intruding.”

  “You’re not intruding,” Trafalgar said at the same time Bert said, “Nothing to intrude upon.” He was already backing away from the railing. “If you need anything else, Miss Trafalgar, there are some other curatives we could try. Just come find me.”

  “I will. Thank you, Bert.”

  He smiled to her and nodded to Dorothy before he turned his back to make a retreat. Trafalgar wasn’t aware she was watching him go until it was too late. Dorothy had noticed her watching and was smiling an insufferably knowing smile.

  “Stop that.”

  “I will not. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. A bit of flirtation helps pass the time.” She turned and rested her arms on the railing. “To be honest, I was getting a bit worried for you. I’ve never seen you with a suitor. I didn’t even know if you preferred men or women.”

  “Neither,” Trafalgar said. Dorothy looked at her curiously. “I mean I don’t have a preference for one or the other. Each has their... appeal...”

  Dorothy laughed. “I suppose they do.”

  Trafalgar sighed.

  “Oh, come on. We have two more nights on this rig. I plan to spend at least one of them with Trix. Why shouldn’t you have someone to warm your sheets?”

  “I’ll likely never see Bert again after this expedition.”

  “All the more reason to take advantage of the opportunity. Look, you know that Trix and I have an understanding. When I’m away, when I’m in the Philippines or Jordan and she’s home in London, I take lovers. It�
��s not because I’m a hussy. Although I suppose by some definitions, I certainly qualify. No, it’s because I understand that everything could be lost at any moment. Every expedition could be our last. The ship could sink, the submersible could fail when we’re too far down to be rescued, the world could erupt in another war and we could be caught unawares by the enemy.”

  “So sleep with whomever and damn the consequences?”

  “No. It’s not about sex, it’s about intercourse. It’s about being vulnerable and open with another human being. It’s as much about the sleeping together as it is the mechanics of the act. Skin to skin, sharing breath and sweat, enjoying one another, spending one... blissful moment with one another.” She chewed her bottom lip as she looked out over the water, eyes narrow. She tapped her fingers on the railing before pushing away. “I think I’m going to go find Trix. Take a break from the training.”

  Trafalgar smiled. “Have fun.”

  “I shall.” She touched Trafalgar’s arm. “I suggest you do the same. You never know when you might get another opportunity.”

  “I’ll consider it,” Trafalgar said with a weary sigh.

  “Good girl. I should hurry before Huey comes looking for me.”

  She left Trafalgar alone on the deck considering her advice. She had never been one for casual flings, but it would certainly help with some of the stress and anxiety she’d been feeling for the past week. If a simple touch on the wrist could elevate her spirits, she could only imagine what a more involved massage could do. Bert fit the bare minimum of requirements she had for a lover. He seemed strong, he was kind, and he was tall. She liked being with tall men. And judging from the way he’d held her hand, he certainly seemed willing.

  “Oh, Lady Boone,” she sighed out over the water. “You are clearly a terrible influence on me...”

  She rolled her eyes and left the railing. Her stomach was quiet enough that she could wander the ship for a while until she decided what to do with the rest of her night.


  The submersible was technically called a bathysphere, a research vessel originally invented by Otis Barton during the Great War. His original design was unpowered, but recent technological advances had allowed him to provide a motor. Trafalgar hoped to use the engine to putter around whatever they found on the floor of the Aegean. She sat in what she considered the command chair, on the port side of the vessel, and ran her fingers over the console. The space was cramped, with her knees awkwardly folded out to either side to accommodate the yoke. Not the most comfortable conveyance she’d ever used, but it was not the worst, either.

  Night had fallen quickly. The rest of the crew was below decks either having dinner or settling in for the evening. Huey had declared it was too dark to see the controls, so there was no use trying to train them. Trafalgar wasn’t interested in the dials and levers that filled the compartment. She wanted to get comfortable in the device itself. She wanted to learn how it felt to be inside, to feel the walls curving all around her. It was so compact that every inch was filled with some necessary piece. Spending time in the machine would help her feel like one of those pieces.

  Through the glass, she saw someone coming toward the submersible along the railing. From his height, she could tell it was Bert. He slowed and craned his neck forward, squinting through the glass. Trafalgar flashed her lantern and he held up his hand in greeting. She unfolded herself from the seat and reached up to open the hatch in the top of the submersible. She was climbing down the side when Bert approached.

  “To be completely honest with you, Miss Trafalgar, that thing sort of makes me shiver. It looks like a giant eye sitting here.”

  Trafalgar looked at it again. “Good heavens, I suppose you’re right. I’ll never get that out of my mind now.”


  “No, no. It’s fine. And please, just Trafalgar is more than fine.”

  He nodded. “I was afraid maybe you were suffering more of that seasickness. Thought I’d come and offer you some more peppermint, if you needed it.”

  “How sweet. But no, I’ve been fine since our last encounter.”

  They stood together looking at the submersible. Trafalgar could hear Dorothy in her mind urging her onward, telling her to take the initiative.

  “We should be where we need to be by day after tomorrow,” he said. “Think you’ll have a handle on this thing by then?”

  “What I don’t know, I’m sure Lady Boone will be able to cover. I hope. That seems to be the way things go with us. She fills gaps I wasn’t aware I had.”

  Bert chuckled. “Best kind of partner there is.” He adjusted his coat and looked out over the water. “Well, I suppose... I mean, if you’re fine, I don’t want to impose...”

  “Wait,” Trafalgar said. He turned toward her, and she realized she had no clue what she was going to say next. So instead of saying anything, she stepped closer and kissed him. He pulled back in surprise and broke their contact. When she opened her mouth to apologize, he craned his neck forward and resumed the kiss, his hands moving to her waist. She arched her back and pressed against his chest, grabbing handfuls of his shirt and pulling him with her as she moved. She fell back against the curved side of the submersible.

  “This isn’t the sort of thing I normally do,” she said against his cheek, feeling the stubble there against her lips. “I want you to know that. I usually prefer a bed.”

  “I got one of those,” he said, breathing heavily.

  “No,” she said. “Here. Right now.”

  He nodded and gasped, “Yeah, okay,” and moved his hands between their bodies. Her pants were undone first, pushed down and left gathered around her calves. She did the same to him but only pushed his pants down as far as she needed them to go. She pressed her palm against the base of him, wrapped her fingers around the shaft, and groaned with approval at what she found. Her other arm slid around his shoulders while his hands cupped her ass.

  Bert lifted, Trafalgar rolled her hips forward, and her hand guided him to her. She sank down onto him, her knees tight around his waist, holding tightly to his shoulders. They fit together well, and between the cold hull of the submersible and his strong hands supporting her, she was able to focus on moving her body against his.

  “Good lord, how have I waited...” she groaned, moving her lips to his neck. He felt wonderful inside of her. She curled her fingers into claws and dug the nails into his shoulder. Bert moved faster, knocking her against the submersible, breathing heavily. They both pulled back at the same time and kissed. He grunted and trembled, turning his head so that his lips were next to her ear. He whispered something and she nodded.

  They moved breathlessly, and she dropped to her knees in front of him. As she took him into her mouth, she put one hand between her legs to finish herself off. She climaxed with her lips around the head of his cock, feeling it throb as he reached his own orgasm. His groan of completion seemed to reflect off the side of the submersible and echo up and down the deck of the ship, but Trafalgar was beyond caring. She swallowed and touched the tongue to the sensitive tip. She smiled at the way it made him twitch.

  When she stood, Bert touched her cheek. “I didn’t expect that. I was just being nice.”

  “I know. That’s what made you deserve it.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “I hope you also understand that this was just...”

  “Oh. Yeah. If anyone understands what just happened, it’s a sailor. Trust me, I don’t expect anything more. Except... well. You’re not reaching land for another forty-eight hours at least. Hopefully somewhere in that time we can make it to a bed. I can show you what I’m really made of.”

  Trafalgar laughed. “I shall have to make the time in between training.”

  She could see the moonlight glinting off his teeth when he smiled. They kissed once more and then helped each other back into their clothes. Bert walked away toward the bow while Trafalgar took a sternward trajectory. Just before she reached the door that led below deck, it swun
g open to reveal Dorothy and Beatrice. They were both in their nightclothes under heavy coats, their hands clasped tightly. Dorothy stopped short when she saw Trafalgar and released Beatrice’s hand. The shame in that movement made Trafalgar feel sorry for them.

  “It’s just me.”

  “Oh,” Dorothy said. “I was just going to show Trix the submersible.”

  “In the middle of the night. In your pajamas.”

  Dorothy grinned. “Well.”

  “I see.” Trafalgar stepped to one side. “Don’t let me keep you. I was just about to retire.”

  Dorothy stepped closer and examined Trafalgar. There was just enough light from the corridor for her to make out details.

  “You look a bit... disheveled, Miss Trafalgar. Your hair... it can’t possibly be that windy out here, can it?”

  “Those Mediterranean winds.”

  Dorothy smirked knowingly. “They can be nefarious. Well. Good night, Trafalgar.”

  “And to you. Enjoy the submersible.”

  “We plan to.” Dorothy took Beatrice’s hand, leading her outside as Trafalgar went below. When the door closed behind her, she chuckled and shook her head. With everything they were certain to face in the coming days, she could think of worse ways to spend their evening. She just hoped Dorothy and Beatrice were cautious in their “exploration.” It wouldn’t do to have a sailor notice what was going on in the cramped compartment. But she had suspicions about a few crewmembers. If anyone made a fuss she would simply bring up their predilections. She was confident her new friends would be safe for the time being.

  She just hoped that safety continued when they reached the far more treacherous depths of the Aegean.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It looked like two monstrous men were hanging from hooks on the ceiling. The bodies were a combination of leather and rubber. Attached to the front of each suit was a manual control that trailed tubes to the bulky machinery attached to its back. More hoses stretched up to the helmet to make it look as if a man’s head had been replaced by an octopus or squid. There was a window on the front of the helmet, much like the one on the submersible.


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