Maggie the Milked Maid Collection

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Maggie the Milked Maid Collection Page 2

by Nicky Raven

  She thought back to the many questions and answers she had answered on the paperwork, she had been asked to fill in by the nurse. Was she sure she did not mind being restrained for procedures, was she happy with being sexually examined, and so on. Whilst she was a little bit woozy and in a bit of a dreamlike state, she now realised what it was all about, and how those questions related to the situation she was in at the moment.

  The harness she was hung in, took the weight of her body easily, and was padded in all the right places. Straps held her arms legs and body with ease, so she could not get out of the harness even if she wanted to. But she did not struggle anyway as the drugs in the ‘feed’ she had sampled so far kept her feeling quite restful, and subservient, and kept her mind off questioning anything too much. In fact she was feeling quite hungry and thirsty right now the thought popped into her head. Her head of course was being held in the counter balanced head harness, and she only had to move it slightly to be able to pop the feeding nozzle with its teat end into her mouth. She dragged on the teat like someone starving, all other thoughts went out of her mind at that point in time, other than consuming her fill of feed...

  Up in the control room, the doctor was monitoring Maggie’s vital signs. All the women hanging in their harnesses, in their pens, were oblivious to the fact that their bodily functions and signs were all carefully being monitored by the corporation’s computers. Everything was checked, double checked, measured, and analysed automatically, to check levels, and then alter the mix in the feed of each Hucow, to ensure they were getting the right amount of each drug, not too little and not too much. The nurse entered the control room, and spoke to the Doctor. “Doctor Smith, how is the new Hucow doing now?” she asked. Smith looked up from the control panel at the nurse. “Well Nurse Black, she seems to be responding fine”. “She is taking the feed, and the computer is balancing the various components of it to adjust to her bodies’ feedback.

  Back in the pen, without realising it, Maggie was in fact giving the doctor all the information and feedback his computer needed. Attached to her was a sort of butt plug / enema end and pipework. This periodically but gently, ever so gently, would flush any waste out of Maggie. The same applied to her urine, this was also being removed as it was being produced by a catheter, collected and measured by the machine. Small adjustments of the drug and chemical levels of the feed were then automatically made by the computer for Maggie, as they were made for all the women in all the pens...

  Maggie stopped sucking from the tube, she was unsure how many times or for how long she had been consuming, all she knew was she had an almost impossible thirst to quench. She also knew she was already hooked on the feed, it was like nectar to her taste buds. As she paused from feeding, she became more aware of her breasts, hanging as they were, with the funny cup things on them. She had grasped from the doctor that they were for milking her, and she had to admit the gentle feeling she was currently receiving from them, was like someone gently cupping her breasts with their hands. This was a pleasant sensation she had to admit, and she had not even been milked by them yet.

  Just then she was awoke from her thoughts, by the sound of someone entering the pen. She could not see who it was as she had the blinker type of devices on her head which only allowed her to see more or less straight ahead. But the person who entered the room walked round so Maggie could see it was Nurse Black. “Hello number 323” said the nurse, “My name is Maggie” came the reply from Maggie, “No for the period you are now with us, you are just a clinical trial number, and that number is 323” replied the nurse, “Try to remember that 323”.

  Nurse Black walked around to the rear of Maggie, and Maggie could hear her placing on some rubber gloves with the distinctive snap of rubber on skin we all know from visits to the doctors. “Right 323, its time for me to give you your first inspection and medical. You will be getting one every few days to check on your progress, and to make sure you are suitable to remain in the trial, so stay still while I carry out this inspection, and you might just enjoy receiving as much as I enjoy giving it to you” she said with a small wicked laugh.

  Maggie did not really comprehend at first what the nurse was saying, as the nurse was liberally applying some form of lubricant to Maggie’s pussy as she was speaking to her, which rather distracted her. Of course there was nothing Maggie, or should I say 323 could do anyway, as her hands and legs were restrained by the various straps. Maggie felt first one finger of the nurse pushing into her fanny, and this finger being worked in and out, in and out, in and out again, over and over, at first making Maggie tense at this intrusion to her body, but after the initial shock of a stranger thrusting fingers into her most private place, Maggie was starting to enjoy the feelings she was beginning to feel. Then a second finger slipped into her, and again moved in and out, up and down, and from side to side. 323 was really starting to enjoy herself, wait a minute she thought to herself, did I just think of myself as 323?

  The thought crossed her mind, but before she could dwell on that thought further, the nurses fingers caused 323 to have a much unanticipated orgasm, she could not control...323 was not sure if it was the effect of the drugs, or just the effect of the two fingers masturbating her pussy, but either way she had had an orgasm, and bucked against the bonds which both bound her and supported her. 323 could feel the wetness of her own juices both on her inner thighs and also dripping from her as it leaked slowly out of her labia, such was the intensity of the orgasm.

  “Well 323 you seemed to enjoy that I would say” said Nurse Black as she withdrew her fingers from inside of 323, “That will help you increase your milk flow we have found, so if you are a good girl, you might get more of that treatment 323” she said.

  Maggie’s head was spinning, the orgasm had totally taken her by surprise, apart from the drugs in her system which were clearly having some effect on her, she did not know what to think, she had, had sex with men before of course, and they had masturbated her before, let alone the many private times she had wanked herself in the privacy of her own bedroom, but this was different. Never before had a woman done this to her, and certainly not in this manner of course, and certainly not in such a matter of fact way...

  “Right 323 I think it’s time we started the pumps on you now” said Nurse Black, “We start off with timed gentle pumping, as you will see, and then over the next few days we switch to auto sensors, so as you start to lactate and drip, the pumps will start automatically, as each time you fill up and start to leak 323” she stated.

  Maggie’s mind was still in another place after her sexual release and so was hardly taking in the words from the Nurse, but was immediately aware of the suction she felt on her nipples and breasts overall as the Nurse started the machine via the control pad on the wall just out of the sight of Maggie. At first it was just an overall tightening of the skin all over her breasts, as a tighter vacuum was formed on the breast milking tubes, but soon after that the inner suction cup which lovingly held her nipples started to suck on her nipples and gently squeeze and pulse like a lover might do, a warm mouths lips gently teasing and sucking at the soft flesh. This nipple suction would last for about 10 seconds, then would stop for another 10, then start again, then rest, over and over. Maggie had no sense of time with regards to how long this went on for, but found herself again drawn to the feed tube, and was herself gently sucking on the feed tube as was being done to her nipples and breasts by the machine.

  Maggie was so drawn into her own little world, she did not even see or hear the Nurse leave, Nurse Black making her way back to the control room, where Doctor Smith was watching the monitors. “323 took to that routine well” he retorted to the Nurse as she entered the control room. “I think we will have a good Hucow there in the making with 323”. The doctor reached over and put on ‘monitor status’ for Maggie’s settings on her personal computer monitor page. This meant that as soon as Maggie started making milk, the alarm w
ould alert the doctor to this fact.

  Meanwhile back in the pen Maggie was busy sucking on her feed tube, and periodically the sucking sensation would start on her nipples, over and over this sensation was taking place. What Maggie was unaware off was one of the drugs in her feed, was a mild hypnotic drug, to make her relax, in fact it would put her in a half awake, half dream state. She was awake, and knew to use the feed tube, awake enough to feel and enjoy the sensations on her breasts, but half asleep enough to not care, nor wonder what was happening to her.

  Several hours passed in what seemed like minutes to Maggie, since the nurse had come in and made Maggie ‘cum’ herself. When the nurse returned to Maggie’s pen room. “Wake up 323” she said as she entered the room, “it’s time to move to the next stage for you.” Maggie could not really see what was going on due to the blinkers she had fixed to her head harness, but sensed the nurse was lowering something down from the ceiling above her head. “Don’t panic 323, these are just special headphones, nothing to worry about” said Nurse Black. As she placed them on Maggie’s head over her ears, Maggie was plunged into complete silence, she could not hear anything at all, and was for a second quite scared, but a few seconds later, she heard the voice of Nurse Black through the headphones. “It’s OK, 323, nod your head if you can hear me now” said the voice in the headphones. Maggie nodded back pleased to hear this voice reassuring her even though she hardly knew the person it came from. Without even realising or noticing it herself she was also answering to the name of 323...”we are going to play some soothing music for you 323, it will help you to relax and also help with your milk production, so just relax and listen 323” said the voice in her ears. As Maggie could not see behind her, nor hear now, she did not know that the nurse was leaving the room and returning to the control room.

  Once back in the control room Nurse Black confirmed to the Doctor that 323 was set up ready for the next stage in her course of treatment, that of the audio conditioning. “Excellent turn around on this one Nurse Black” he said in reply.

  Leaning over the desk and using the mouse of the computer to start the program, you could see the gleam in his eyes knowing exactly what he was doing, knowing he was changing the mind and life of this new Hucow forever with one click of the mouse. There it was done, the audio had started, the life change had begun...

  Back in the pen, the eerie silence 323 was experiencing was broken. What 323 did not know was up until then she had been hearing white noise to block out all other sounds. What now started playing in her ears, and was all she could hear, was a hypnotic chant, over and over.

  “I am a Hucow, I exist to produce milk, I enjoy producing milk, I love producing milk, I must drink all my feed, I am happy as a Hucow, My number is 323” and so it repeated, over and over, and over again.

  There was no escape from the voice, the ever so, insipid and persuasive voice, which just kept repeating over and over, “I am a Hucow, I exist to produce milk, I enjoy producing milk, I love producing milk, I must drink all my feed, I am happy as a Hucow, My number is 323” and so 323 did, she listened, and listened, she drunk from her feed tube, her waste was slowly was removed from her by the two tubes, and on a timer her nipples and breasts received suction on them, slowly sucking, slowly stretching her nipples, bit by bit making them longer and longer...

  This went on for what seemed like an endless time for 323, but in fact was just three days. 323 as she was now becoming, due to the drugs, due to the semi sleeplessness of her situation, as she would not ever really sleep, but nap and slip in and out of sleep, due to the voice in her ears, over and over, was becoming to only think that she was 323, thoughts of her being Maggie had all but gone already. But she was happy, she was content, both from a combination of the drugs, but also because all her troubles and cares had been taken away. She had no money problems, she had no accommodation problems, she had no bills, she was warm, content, and fed, so her basic instincts had been taken care of, even if it was in the most bizarre of ways it would seem to an outside eye, which was not actually experiencing and feeling what she was feeling.

  The doctor was sitting with Nurse Black in the control room, looking at the monitors, and having a discussion with her about the audio programming. The nurse was asking him some probing questions, asking him if he felt or thought what they were doing was brain washing the women, and was he doing that against their wills. Absolutely not he replied, the audio conditioning was done for several reasons, first it relaxed the minds of the women he explained. They were going to be in the program for a minimum of six months, and if they were just left suspended without their minds being relaxed into this state they would potentially go crazy, they would certainly be bored beyond belief, neither of which was good for them nor the program. Second the audio programming helped them to produce a good milk flow, as it reinforced mentally what the drugs were doing physically to them, that of inducing not only normal lactation, but constant milk flow, of a higher grade and bigger and better quantity which was needed to supply to the customers they served. So no it was not brainwashing it was useful to all parties.

  Just as this was being discussed, the alarm monitor for 323 went off, as the sensor had detected the first drips of milk being produced by 323 into the milking teat cup. This alarm indicated the first milk to come from 323, which was music to the ears of the Doctor. “We can start the next level of the program now Nurse Black” he said, sending her off to 323’s pen to prep her ready for the next stage of the program. The nurse went to the pen of 323, and knowing she could not see her because of the blinkers, and could not hear her because of the ear phones gently spoke into the microphone in the room, to reassure 323 as she spoke to her in a soothing voice, to tell her what a good girl she was, and how she was now producing her first milk.

  323 even though in a happy drugged ecstatic state, was pleased to hear the words of the nurse and they made her feel happy, happy that she was producing milk, after all she was now 323 the Hucow, whose function it was to produce milk. The audio programming had done its job well, and 323 really did believe, and feel those feelings. Even thought she was at the clinic of her own free will, the audio programming had taken her that bit further, and made her even more content.

  “Now you are producing milk 323, the vacuum cups will now go to automatic and will milk you most of the time, as you produce milk 323, so there is nothing to be scared of” Nurse Black said to Maggie via the microphone. “Plus now you are producing milk we can also fit the pleasure device on you for being such a good girl” she also told her.

  Nurse Black started fitting the pleasure device on Maggie. Again it hung down from the ceiling on a cable, like the waste pipes which also went to her.

  The pleasure device was very similar to a vibrating dildo, in that it was penis shaped, but a good 9 inches in length, and being fairly ‘fat’ , it also came with a belt type of arrangement to keep it in place. First the nurse placed on some rubber gloves, as this insertion could get a bit messy, as the nurse squirted some lubricant into the area of Maggie’s pussy. She then proceeded to use her gloved hand and fingers to massage and rub the lubricant into the lips of Maggie’s now ever so willing pussy, rubbing and caressing the folds of flesh, and then dipping one and then two fingers into Maggie’s sex. Maggie of course was in ecstasy, with the combined effects of the drugs, the sucking on her nipples and breasts, and now two fingers going in and out of her, she had her first orgasm of this session, as her juices flowed freely.

  As Nurse Black feed the hungry pussy with her fingers, she started introducing the pleasure device into the crack of Maggie pussy as well, and started rubbing it up and down, lubricating both the device and Maggie more as she moved it up and down, and slowly in and out of Maggie. Then suddenly she pushed the whole length of it into Maggie, causing her to throw her head back in pure pleasure, as she came for the second time. As Maggie’s body relaxed and calmed from this second orgasm, Nurse Bla
ck made sure the pleasure device was fully in Maggie, filling her up, and she placed and tightened the holding belt onto her, thus holding in place deep inside her the device. Up till now Maggie had purely cum, with just the fact of fingers and the device in her. She was not prepared for the next thing to happen which was Nurse Black turning on the pleasure device to test its function was working correctly. As the device was switched to test mode, it started to vibrate, and the little nodules and balls built into the device also began to turn, rotate and vibrate inside Maggie’s pussy walls as well. Maggie hanging in her suspended harness, with all the various feelings and thoughts going through her body and mind, once again erupted nearly with the pure pleasure she was feeling from the pleasure device. As she came really hard, so at the same time did huge squirts of milk come from her tits, and was instantly sucked up by the teat cups under vacuum. “That’s it good girl” came the praise thorough the headphones from the nurse. “The pleasure device will give you what you want every time you fill the teat cups with your milk 323, so keep on feeding and producing that nice milk my precious little Hucow 323” said the nurse.

  Maggie did not need telling again, apart from the audio training which had programmed into her to feed, and then produce milk, she had grasped straight away that producing milk was linked to the pleasure device. She did not need to be told twice, and was already greedily sucking furiously on the feed tube, anxious to make as much milk as fast as she could to feel that internal pleasure again as quickly as she could.


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