Champion of Zenina

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Champion of Zenina Page 2

by Giselle Marks

  I write this now because it has been predicted I will die or be seriously injured in an assassination attempt upon my mother. I apologize for the distress this will cause you, but please make sure I’m a long way dead before you bury me. I hope I will regenerate and whilst a spark of life is left to me I will strive to live.

  I do not want my brain transplanted into another body. I accept my death if it cannot be avoided. Father O’Flaherty is to conduct my funeral. You and your work are in my thoughts.

  Your friend


  As an afterthought Marina had added the words, “If I do die, please look after Riyal for me.”

  Vellina then did as she was bid. She sealed the room, blackening the window. She said farewell to her young relative and dearest friend. To all who asked, she said she knew not whether Marina would live or die. Everyone assumed Marina was being nursed night and day, requiring specialised machines to keep her alive. Letinza, Chilka and Vlama haunted the hospital but Vellina would not explain the situation. Kabaneev came, demanding to see his daughter, but he too was repulsed.

  Chapter Two – Sanctuary

  Zadina stayed deep inside her Temple of Demina. She was terrified by the hatred of the people for her. She’d always known that the Zeninan population preferred Princess Marina to herself, but was unprepared for the violence of their feelings. “Only I, Zadina, know how to hate so fiercely, my hatred is a unique power I wield against my enemies.” The plebeian fury of the masses undermined that power. They used it against her and she did not like it.

  Irzina would not help. “My policewomen will turn against me if I order them to protect you.”

  Zadina was imprisoned in her own Temple with the stink of rotting refuse all around. The mob outside yelled to her acolytes to send her out and the Army lay in wait for her. Her staunch supporters were hot, the air conditioning had been turned off to conserve fuel and their heads were splitting with the continual mental demands to hand over Queen Kerina’s murderer.

  Zadina did not know what to do; she was terrified. The Zeninan people; the mob outside loathed her, the hatred of the mob was greater than even her hatred. She could not control it, a monstrous beast of nightmare wanting to gobble her up.

  The onslaught of outraged thoughts that had engulfed her since her sister Kerina’s murder forced her to wear a telepathic dampening helmet to shut them out. She wanted to be loved and reassured. She wanted to be held and told what to do. Zadina did not want to think or consider the consequences of her actions.

  There was her lover Prince Ga’Mikkal, nearly but not yet, her slave. She sought him out and by her very gentleness to him betrayed herself. Realising her fear, he comforted her. Very subtly he instructed her in what she must do. He held her hands kissing her tears away. She leant on him.

  Mikkal explained how to quieten her frightened followers. Ga’Mikkal advised they should ration the supplies and water. “So our enemies have cut off power, water and the transporter network. Isn’t there another way out of the Temple, underground perhaps?”

  Gradually she listened to him and their relationship underwent a weird transformation. She thought lovingly of Ga’Mikkal; he was someone she needed, whom she could not do without. Ga’Mikkal fuelled her dependent feelings, behaving dominantly but tenderly towards her. In the strangeness of adversity, they were drawn closer; their lovemaking more passionate, more loving.

  Prince Ga’Mikkal used the swing of the balance of power to manipulate and control Zadina, by the softening of her attitude he also become more enamoured of her. He no longer dreamed of Marina, who was dead or nearly so. He refused to mourn that which had not been. His unrequited love changed direction, for a time fixing upon Zadina; who needed and wanted him. The woman whose bed he occupied.

  Her feelings for him deepened as they clung together; confident he would sort everything out for them. Their different ambitions merged into one dream, forged from their divergent aims. They would rule Zenina together. They were convinced of it, they would make it so.

  Chapter Three - Mission Deferred

  Ten Kurgian ships under the command of Prince Ga’Mazadeh arrived at the boundary of Zeninan space. A small ship went forward to kidnap Princess Marina and take her to Kochab. The ship was promptly intercepted by a Zeninan Army patrol. The treaty between the Zeninan and Kurgian Empires negotiated by the Princess Marina with King Ga’Mishrin allowed free passage for passenger and cargo ships throughout their respective areas of space, but not military vessels.

  A certain amount of espionage was tolerated in the avoidance of direct conflict. The ship was not obviously military in design and its fire power not excessive for the size of ship or cargo. The Zeninan Commander had no information concerning a specific act of aggression from the Kurgian Army. So the treaty held, the Zeninans were not fooled by the impersonation of a Kurgian Cargo ship but they let it pass, but its presence was reported to Fenzela.

  The news of Queen Kerina’s death had reached Prince Ga’Mazadeh’s party but not the news of Princess Marina’s injuries, the ship continued to Zenina in ignorance. At Hemithea space-port, the Captain assigned two sailors to discover Marina’s whereabouts and to report back where was the best place from which to lift her.

  The Kurgian lads easily found out where Marina was; everyone knew that information. Pleased to get off ship for even a brief spell, they decided as they had got the answer so quickly to risk their Captain’s displeasure and have a drink or two. They stopped off at a bar, getting into conversation with some local ladies. The Department of Internal Security had nothing to do with it; but they were unfortunately unable to return to their ship.

  The Captain waited a day for them before setting out accompanied by a large junior rating himself. They did not need to leave the space-port to discover Princess Marina was in hospital and not expected to live. The Captain deserted his two hapless sailors, what could he do to release them from their chains of sensuality? He returned to Prince Ga’Mazadeh with the prediction of Princess Marina’s imminent demise.

  Prince Ga’Mazadeh was unconvinced of the veracity of the story; he did not want to accept Marina would die, but he could not risk her life by kidnapping her from hospital. King Ga’Mishrin would not appreciate if his bride died in transit. “I don’t think there’s a chance Princess Marina will marry my king.”

  Prince Ga’Mazadeh mourning his beloved wife; had reluctantly taken this mission not wanting to leave his children unprotected. So Prince Ga’Mazadeh ordered his convoy to Alpha to wait until clearer news decided his actions. He sent a ship to Kochab with the news of Princess Marina and to obtain fresh instructions if any.

  Alpha was a free port - it was some distance from Zeninan space but considerably further from Kurgian Empire space. It precariously managed avoiding take over by any of the big planetary conurbations. Alpha had a private treaty with the Zeninan Empire which could call on Zenina for defence if threatened by war. That treaty was closer to a mercenary contract than the defence arrangements for Zeninan Empire Planets which were patrolled and garrisoned by Zeninan troops. Should Zenina have to defend Alpha then they would be charged for their military intervention in full.

  Zeninan ships docked in Alpha for shore leave and were tolerated despite an occasional Alphan citizen leaving with them not necessarily voluntarily. Zeninan ships’ captains tended to ensure the citizens would not be much missed in Alpha and as a gesture of openness in their dealings reported who they were taking with them. The bad boys preferred by Zeninan sailors usually had Alphan police records, so their removal and enslavement were generally ignored by Alphan authorities.

  Alpha was a noisy and corrupt planet, where everything was for sale at a price. Most sailors anticipated a few days there, off-loading their cargoes of luxury goods and spending their wages in the bars and brothels. It was an expensive place to live but had a lively atmosphere of depravity inducing all but the most innocent to succumb to its allure.

  Here Ga’Mazadeh waited for orders, n
ews or inspiration, whilst his crews enjoyed the flesh pots of Alpha’s towns. He did not demean himself by visiting even the most select houses in Alpha. spending time teaching or playing with his eldest son Prince Ga’Mazal, who he had refused to leave in Kochab, praying his four other children would stay alive and when he got home that he would see them again.

  Chapter Four – Life Goes On

  Colonel Bromarsh, after Queen Kerina’s death and the smashing of Marina’s body, put on a show of detachment, going through the motions of a normal everyday life. He ate without appetite or tasting, rode without pleasure and he helped out without conscious thought of his actions. He laughed louder at Tippy’s jokes than necessary and slept badly alone. All thoughts of Marina and Kerina and everything that reminded him of them he shut out. Sex reminded him of both. To enjoy sexual pleasure while Marina’s shattered body lay dying in Hemithea was to him an obscenity.

  Even though his love affair with Marina was over, he could not forget her or what she had done for him, saving his life, restoring his missing arm, protecting and sharing her bed with him. She had believed in his innocence, giving him the opportunity to study the Internal Security Department’s files in order to help him prove it.

  Bromarsh had shared something special with two of the universe’s greatest ladies. Even after he had shared her late mother’s bed, Marina had remained his friend. He wept in the solitude of his room and tried to harden his heart. His burden of loneliness seemed too much to bear and if it had not been for the existence of his children he would have followed Queen Kerina to her final resting place.

  To Colonel Bromarsh, Charles’s reaction to Marina’s wounding was callous in the extreme. Charles was Marina’s slave, who had lived with her for ten years. Charles seemed to have a smile glued to his face. There were few moments of the day or night when he was not plunged in the human warmth of one woman or another.

  Charles was not aware of the women he served. If they were ugly or good in bed he did not care. He picked at his food, often pushing away his meals untouched, he forced himself to exercise but without the food to fuel his muscles, he lost form and weight. Belabeza worried about him, cooking his favourite foods to tempt him to eat with little success.

  Konsky in his fear he would be left without a protector found his attachment to Kotenza, the farm manager more important than he had thought. “Princess Marina was a wonderful woman, I thought I was in love with her but she isn’t immortal. No one could survive that damage long, if she didn’t die naturally, one of the vultures, Dalzina or Zadina will finish her off.”Konsky did not really love that deeply and his heart reached to the one he was with and did not repine. Princess Marina was forgotten.

  Riyal was affected differently to Marina’s other men. He ate and slept but could not bear the artificial comradeship of the farm. He stayed kicking his heels for a few days before returning to Hemithea transporting himself direct. He would prefer to wait at the hospital. He sought Vellina and enquired after Marina. In answer Vellina gave him Marina’s letter which he read in silence. Riyal questioned her about Marina’s condition, but Vellina who had held her grief back so long could do so no longer.

  Vellina let her sorrow at Marina’s destruction flood out. Riyal lent his shoulder to cry on. In their mutual affection and mourning for Marina a bond of closeness not born from sexual desire drew them together. Marina’s father Kabaneev and Vlama had been driven from the hospital by Vellina at her most commanding, but Riyal stayed by her, dogging her footsteps as Vellina went mechanically through the rounds of her patients. He waited in the observation room as she operated, shared her meals and slept in the box-room of her apartment.

  Neither Vellina nor Riyal mentioned Marina, but few of their waking moments passed without their thinking of her. They counted the days until Vellina would enter Marina’s room but neither wanted to picture what she would find. Riyal, who had been squeamish about all things medical, was fascinated by the healing Vellina undertook as routine.

  The physical and mental attraction between them increased. They were always just too near each other, often brushing each other accidentally. Their eyes held each other’s gaze until one embarrassed looked away. They did not become lovers, but it was obvious that they could not long resist.

  The days came and went. The eve of the day when Vellina would reopen Marina’s room arrived. The sunset brilliant and vulgar in its display presaged nothing more than another glorious day. Twice during the day Vellina had found she was walking past Marina’s room and imagined the sweet smell of decomposition. She had given up any hope of Marina surviving. She almost wished she could believe in Marina’s God and it would give her some comfort or hope.

  That night, Vellina listened to the sounds of her own breathing; it was as if she could hear Marina stirring behind that locked door. As if it were possible anyone could live after that. She tried to read a Zigan medical journal, but she could not concentrate.

  She sought that refuge of the sex and sleep starved; the kitchen. Fixing herself a huge sandwich and a hot sweetened drink, she wished their consumption would make her sleepy. The lights flickered, then went out. Riyal who had been trying to read in his little room, called out to her. The emergency lighting switched on and Vellina went towards Riyal’s room. Riyal lay naked on his bed as she entered equally without clothes which she had discarded when going to bed. The power cut was forgotten as their eyes hungrily drank in each other’s bodies.

  Perhaps they should have waited until they knew Marina was dead, but their self-imposed celibacy was very fragile. Neither could say who made the first move, but once Vellina was in Riyal’s arms, neither would have retreated if an out of control steam roller had flattened them.

  It was more than the frantic coupling of two people who desired each other for a long time. It was the coming together of two minds and souls who would never truly want to separate again. As dawn broke on them still clasping each other tightly, they knew they were deeply in love. For a few sweet hours, nothing else seemed important, even Marina had faded into a distant fond memory. Only the sound of each other’s voices, the touch of their fingers, and the wonder of their kisses mattered to them. So frenetic was their love making they were oblivious to everything, they did not even notice when the main lights switched back on.

  When Vellina failed to appear for her morning rounds, an orderly was sent to discover why. She entered Vellina’s apartment, finding Vellina’s bed empty, noticing the open door of the box room walked towards it. Her gasp of mortified surprise brought the lovers back to reality with a bang.They scuttled off to wash, dress and start the day.

  Chapter Five - Renaissance

  The day passed slowly as Vellina put off the hour when she must face the corpse of her friend. Finally she could find nothing further to delay her, she asked Riyal to wait in her apartment. The guards stepped aside as she unlocked the door. The putrid odour hit her, she stepped back in revulsion. A few flies escaped from the room but Vellina walked determinedly forward, shutting the door behind her. The light switched on before she ordered it and a familiar voice spoke in her mind.

  Vellina jumped with shock as Marina said to her “I don’t smell very sweet, Vellina. The seal on the room wasn’t adequate. I’m running alive with bugs.”

  Vellina looked at what was in the room with her. On the floor beside the bed lay the remains of a leg and a hand. They buzzed with flies. Smaller less identifiable fragments of tissue and bone had also reached the floor; they too buzzed with flies and other even less pleasant insects. On the bed lay Marina’s body, although bits were still missing, it no longer looked unviable.

  Neither foot had yet re-grown nor had one of her hands. Her chest appeared as flat as a boy and was missing a number of ribs. There was little flesh on her bones. Her hair streamed around her matted and teaming with life. Her eyes stared out, they had not re-grown eyelids. Her mouth was still full and generous but several teeth were missing. Her nose and the flesh of her cheeks and jaw were absent

  Vellina held a cloth over her mouth and nose to prevent retching. She felt guilty over Riyal, being so convinced Marina was dead. How could she explain she had stolen Marina’s man?

  “You needn’t worry yourself about it, Vellina. I’ve known Riyal was meant for you for weeks. I’m surprised you didn’t realise yourself. I’ve been training him for you, sort of as a wedding present.”

  “That’s very generous Marina, I wouldn’t give him up so easily.”

  “He’s never been mine to keep. Can you run me a bath and get some disinfectant. I need to be decontaminated.”

  Vellina ran the bath but was astounded when Marina transported herself directly into it because the energy usage for self-transportation was enormous. Whilst Marina divested her body and hair of their unwanted inhabitants, Vellina had the discarded remnants of Marina’s body incinerated and the room thoroughly cleansed. At length the vile smell and insects were eradicated. Vellina carried back Marina’s unfinished body and placed it on a cleanly made bed.

  “Now please cover me completely with a sheet; then have my father and Fenzela fetched.”

  Kabaneev was in the hospital despite Vellina’s strictures and came at once. Vellina left them together as Kabaneev listened to Marina’s instructions. Fenzela dropped what she was doing, transporting over as soon as Vellina relayed Marina’s request. Vellina ushered her in to Marina’s room and reluctantly left them together.

  Marina’s voice sang in Fenzela’s mind.

  “How do you like power, Fenzela?” Fenzela’s mind replied before she could suppress the thought.


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