Champion of Zenina

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Champion of Zenina Page 16

by Giselle Marks

  “Marina it really is you. It’s wonderful to see you.”

  “Spiganeev, are you Ambassador here now?”

  “Didn’t you know? I’m heart-broken. I thought you’d come to ravish my body.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you. I was hoping for your assistance in your professional capacity.”

  They had passed the double doors and the Ambassador shut the doors behind them, before pushing her against the nearest wall and kissing her desperately. Marina kissed him back briefly, then gently pushed his away.

  “It’s not the time or place, Spiggy.”

  “I haven’t seen you for five years. How do you expect me to react, when I’ve been deprived of your company all that time?”

  “I heard you were dead. Someone said you’d killed yourself for love of me. I’m pleased they were mistaken.”

  “Not entirely, I was unsuccessful, that’s all. I cut my wrists and sat in the bath, waiting to die. I’d drunk a bottle of Samazen first but it still hurt like hell. I put a candle in the bathroom because I never could stand the sight of blood, especially my own. The next morning I was found asleep in the bath. My wrists had healed up and the bath was part full of mauve congealing liquid and I was a glowing Silver colour with a screaming head ache.”

  “You must’ve had some indication of colour change?”

  “I spent the days after you left Karanolla permanently drunk. I had symptoms but I thought the headaches were just hangovers and gave them the hair of the dog in generous measure.”

  “What happened to you then?”

  “They hushed it all up. They couldn’t admit their Ambassador to Karanolla had changed colour when he’d never visited Zenina itself. Nor that I’d tried to commit suicide over you. So they gave me to their shrinks for a bit, but I read their minds. I told them what they wanted to hear and they passed me fit. The mandarins decided I shouldn’t be allowed back in the Zeninan Empire so I’ve been posted here.”

  “Well, congratulations on your colour change. I suppose you know I’m in exile?”

  “Not officially, but we’ve been informed Dalzina is queen. You’ll return and fight her won’t you? I can’t see you letting a bad egg like Dalzina rule.”

  “I don’t know yet. I don’t want to make any decisions just now.”

  “I’d be overjoyed if you stayed in Alpha. I missed you so badly.” He began to smother Marina’s face with kisses. Spiganeev caressed her body, pulling her shirt up from her skirt and exposing her breasts. He bent down to kiss her nipples as the doors opened to admit his secretary. The girl stood dumbstruck.

  “I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed Sana,” Spiganeev yelled.

  “I’m very sorry Sir. I didn’t realise,” the young woman stammered backing towards the doors. Marina adjusted her clothing and walked across the room and shut the doors with Sana still inside the room.

  “I’m sorry you’ve been embarrassed Sana. I’d be grateful if you’d stay and chaperone us long enough for me to explain to Spiganeev what I want. Please sit down here.”

  Sana sat down still looking upset.

  “Spiganeev apologize to Sana for yelling at her and sit down too please.”

  “I’m really sorry I shouted at you Sana,” he said.

  “My Zeninan passport is no longer valid. Will you issue me with a Zigan one please?”

  “I can only issue passports to Zigan nationals.”

  “My father still has Zigan nationality. I believe that qualifies me to take Zigan papers.”

  “Yes of course it does. I’ll arrange the necessary papers.”

  “There’s one more thing I want you to do.”

  “At your service.”

  “Send a message to a man called Zigeneev Zablonsky in Ziga City. He’s my slave. I’ve allowed him to return to Ziga on holiday, but it isn’t safe for him to return to Zenina. Tell him I’ll send transport for him to come to me in Alpha.”

  “I’m not sure the Zigan Government would approve of me acting as postman between a Zeninan Princess and her slave.”

  “You mustn’t think of it like that. Think of it as helping two Zigan nationals to correspond and preventing a Zigan born man from travelling into mortal danger.”

  “Oh, you could also tell him I put his money into an account with the First Zigan Prudency Bank in Ziga Town, in Chazonsky Street. They’ll require his finger prints as identification.”

  Marina eventually escaped from the Zigan Embassy, but not before agreeing to see Spiganeev that evening. He seemed over his suicidal urges. Having changed colour, Marina thought it unlikely he would try again. As for his colour change, Marina did not feel responsible. There must have been many other Zeninan ladies in his bed before her, for the month of their acquaintance to have triggered the transition.

  Marina settled down in her hotel suite to read her mail. There was a letter from Father O’Flaherty which told her of Plavina’s funeral which he conducted attended only by her father and brother. Sebie had been so distraught at the loss of his mother; Vellina decided he should not go. After the funeral his cathedral was once more locked up and he was advised to get out of Hemithea or he might be detained.

  Father O’Flaherty said Zadina had agreed to crown Dalzina. Many of Marina’s friends were displaced from their positions. Letinza would remain Captain of the Palace Guard for the time being. Lahoda was dismissed and Vlama had been ordered to resign her commission.

  Divak had written and described comically his lot on the farm. He told Marina that in nine months’ time they would be a glut of Gold and Silver babies, all looking like him. He seemed to be trying to make the best of it, but Marina could read between the lines and realised he was very miserable.

  Jang had sent a letter which he had written the day after she had left. It was a strange communication to openly teleport telling of how bereft he was of her companionship. It detailed explicitly what he would precisely like to do with her and seemed intended to embarrass her. Marina considered it fair. She thought putting his fantasies into action would be rather pleasant. He was entitled to get his own back a little. He wrote that if she intended staying in Alpha for several weeks he would come and be with her for a while. He was looking for an editor to replace himself in the newspaper.

  Belabeza had written announcing her own and Adelza’s pregnancies. Nerova sent a brief note through Zenina informing Marina that she had reached Fansun space-port in Markaba with Colonel Bromarsh and Tippy.

  For the next couple of weeks Marina spent a peaceful time. She ate and slept, drank, swam, ran and rested her mind. An occasional call from Zenina interrupted her but mostly they kept her informed of events in the capital. Vlama put through a call telling of Dalzina’s Coronation and how she had been asked to resign her post as General. Kabaneev, Marina’s father was still staying with her, though they had moved out of Army Headquarters. Divak had been recalled to Hemithea and was frightened. A new Imperial Council had been called and the new Council was packed with Dalzina and Zadina’s cronies.

  Chapter Thirty-eight - Political Manoeuvres

  Prince Ga’Mazadeh had received repeated instructions from King Ga’Mishrin. The King was getting impatient. He wanted Ga’Mazadeh and Marina in Kochab and quickly. So a week before Marina’s arrival in Alpha he set out once more for Zeninan space, heading for Bellatrix. His information was unfortunately out of date and his journey unnecessary. He arrived in Bellatrix to be informed of Marina’s current whereabouts and did an about turn back to Alpha.

  Marina had many friends, acquaintances and old lovers in Alpha. Gradually most of them made contact with her. The news of her presence in Alpha eventually filtered up to Government circles. The President of Alpha called her up and Marina knowing Quesden Hendet well, agreed to visit him at his residence. Quesden had been her lover on an occasional basis for years.

  Quesden was a short plump man in his sixties. He had an affable temperament unless crossed and an incisive intelligence. Although currently widowed, he was still quite
a ladies’ man. Marina did not mind bedding Quesden now and then as he had a wicked sense of humour and was very gentle. If his stamina was now fading fast, at least he treated it as a matter of small importance.

  Marina wore a long dress of pale apricot, the neckline and back cut low. Quesden was expecting her and she was admitted immediately to his private apartments. Quesden welcomed her and offered her a drink which she accepted. He was dressed in a burgundy silk dressing gown and pointed toed slippers. He chided her for not letting him know she was in Alpha.

  “Are you intending to stay in Alpha or will you return and claim your crown?”

  “I haven’t decided.” Then she kissed the top of his head before undoing the sash to his dressing gown and running her fingers down his round belly.

  “I hope you intend to feed me Quesden. I’ve been thinking lovingly of your chef since you called me.”

  “I’ll feed you if you’re nice to me, Marina.”

  “I might have to learn how to be nice, Quesden if I don’t return to Zenina. Do you think I could earn a living?” she teased.

  “Not if your only demand is a meal. I wanted to talk to you, Marina.”

  “Dalzina’s asked you to extradite me?”

  “She has, but it’s rather worse than that. She’s been trying to buy the members of the legislative council to persuade them to agree. I haven’t ascertained the size of the personal bribes she’s offered but she proposed to give Alpha an out-of-Empire monopoly on the sale and distribution of Zeninan personal force shields.”

  “Your members must be very tempted. Are you warning me to get out of Alpha?”

  “No, they’ve held fairly firm. Particularly once I pointed out that to receive bribes from a Foreign Government counts as treason which is a capital offence.”

  “Zenina has the means to blackmail most of them, but Dalzina probably hasn’t got access to the information yet. What grounds is she trying to extradite me on?”

  “Treason and murder.”

  “Whose murder?”

  “Queen Kerina’s. It was well argued that you had the opportunity, the means and motive.”

  “What motive could they ascribe?”

  “That you wanted the crown.”

  “Ridiculous. Hours before the bomb went off my mother offered me the throne in front of a room full of witnesses. I laughed at the offer.”

  “No Alphan would believe you turned her down.”

  “Except you.”

  “I think it would be better they weren’t told you don’t want to rule. I want you to meet the rest of the Legislative Council and win over their hearts. So long as they feel you’re in the right they’re likely to support you.”

  “I’m surprised they’re all so moral.”

  “They’re not, but they like to think of themselves as men and women of conscience.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Attend a Banquet in your honour next week. They’re far less likely to sell someone they’ve met and liked.”

  “I’d rather not have the publicity, Quesden, but I’ll attend if you think it necessary.

  Chapter Thirty-nine - Feel the Treason Sharply

  Ondiella arrived in Alpha two days later, but no-one would tell her where Princess Marina was based. Zeninan Ambassador Yanzala said she was unable to help. Ondiella thought she was lying although Yanzala had aligned officially with Dalzina, but Ondiella believed she was still protecting Marina. Twice Ondiella came close to Marina in the street but failed to recognise her as her skin colour was not Gold. Then the local media announced the exiled Princess Marina of Zenina, which described her as the rightful uncrowned queen would attend a banquet in her honour at the Presidential Residence to meet the Members of the Legislative Council in eight days’ time.

  Ondiella decided if she knew where Marina would be for just one night it would be enough. She would try to poison her at the banquet. The purchase of poison was easy enough; she told the hardware shop she wanted some rat poison. Rats were a major problem in the settlements of Alpha. Just to make sure she went to another shop and purchased a certain chemical weed killer for which she had read there was no antidote. Then Ondiella went to a library, skimming through a few books on the toxicity of basic products, she worked out a killing dose and trebled it. Now to find a way to administer the poisons and to ensure Marina was the only recipient.


  Riyal was delayed from setting off from Bellatrix. When he reached Bellatrude he found several of his men were in police custody mostly for brawling when drunk. It took him ten days to get them all released as several people wished to press charges. He had to disburse generous quantities of Zeninan gold to fund their freedom. Riyal’s crew were restless; they had kicked their heels in Zenina for months, then the same in Bellatrude. Now they were setting off for Alpha to hang about there, what was the point of it all?

  Riyal did not need to be told about the low morale of his men and tried to cheer them up on the journey to Alpha. It became clear to him they wanted to go pirating again, he agreed for them to leave him behind in Alpha. He might own the ship, but his long term plans were to be with Vellina as soon as Marina could be persuaded to go home and reign. They should choose a new leader and set off without him. They promised to meet up again in three months’ time but Riyal had no expectations of them keeping their promise.


  Dalzina went through the motions with Baraneev in the traditional public Fertility Cult Celebrations of her coronation. He performed dutifully, afraid of his new owner who was neither as kind nor as skilled as Plavina. Dalzina who’d never been involved in the Zeninan Sexual Examination system found the experience intimidating. She was conscious those around her were judging their love-making and she was being found wanting.

  The coronation had fallen a bit flat. The procession had been poorly attended as if the people simply were not interested. A few spectators turned out to watch but there were few cheers for the new queen. The soldiers marched along perfectly turned out with Calzina at their head. Folada had reluctantly agreed to stay in post as Admiral, but only until a replacement was chosen. Letinza marched in front of the Palace Guard but there was a lack of enthusiasm in the participants.

  Sebie and Kabaneev both refused to attend. Dalzina threatened Kabaneev with a flogging if he persisted in refusing, but he stared her down. Vlama was not invited but still publicly wore mourning as an act of defiance, not as a gesture of respect for Plavina. Stenlina ignored the invitation, not even bothering to decline. Vellina did not attend either, pleading the press of work. She’d taken to visiting Marina’s wards, Carina’s three children, who accepted her as a distant relative even though she wore their mother’s body. They also took no part in the procession.

  Fenzela attended but the department contingent was reduced in size. She had allowed those whose conscience rebelled against Dalzina’s coronation, the freedom not to take part. Fenzela rode behind Kapalina, they tried to put on an air of joyfulness neither felt. Klivina and Jazina drove together in an open carriage, but neither seemed in good spirits.

  Zadina was prominent in Fertility Priestess robes with a large contingent of her acolytes. She at least seemed genuinely happy. Even the jeers and over ripe fruit hurled at her by the crowd failed to dent her good humour or the all-encompassing force shield she had insisted upon. Mikkal had come to terms with being back with Zadina. He hid his bargain with Marina from her and the knowledge of the tunnels as well. Zadina had been unceasingly charming and pleasant to him. She respected his wishes not to take part in the Cult rituals, allowed him to select his own clothes and sought his advice before making decisions. He was still wary of her, but life was bearable for him.

  Zadina had asked him to write a letter to the commanding officer of the Purple Daggers. She dictated the letter instructing them to enter Zeninan space in exactly two months’ time, nearly a month ago. They were to be prepared to fight a battle. They would receive further orders when they neared Zenina’s f
orce ring defences.

  Late that night Neman clambered out of the swimming pool at the Golden Palace and called the new Queen. Dalzina was carousing with her clique of cronies, but she heard his call. Neman continued to call but Dalzina did not budge, laughing she told her companions “The fish is demanding to have me.” She made an offensive gesture with her hands and said, “That for the fish!” and went on drinking.

  Kapalina had been on the edge of the party, but was not in the mood to drink, she pleaded exhaustion and left.

  She considered for a few minutes before going down to Crown Prince Neman. The mer-man waited in the shallow pool for Dalzina and he recognised Kapalina.

  “Why doesn’t your sister the new queen come? Does she send you in her stead?” he asked.

  “Dalzina is getting drunk with her friends. She has no intention of coming. I’m sorry.”

  “She doesn’t intend to keep the treaty? I can’t say I’m surprised, but at least I’ve kept my side of the agreement. You do not support your sister’s claim?”

  “I’ve sworn fealty to her, though the words stuck in my throat for Princess Marina ought to be Queen. I swore my loyalty to Marina after the sixtieth Jubilee of Queen Kerina.”

  “Marina will be a great queen, if only she learns to relax and enjoy it a little. I’ve had a long swim to serve a woman I don’t find attractive, only to be refused. You’re a pretty girl, Kapalina. Will you take your sister’s place tonight in honour of Marina?”

  “Is sex all you think about?”

  “Why don’t you examine my mind and find out?”

  Kapalina pushed her mind towards his and was amazed. Neman’s mind was as perfect as she could imagine a man’s mind could be.

  “Yes”, she said undressing, “I’ll have you if you promise to be gentle.”

  Neman reached out for her and pulled her to him. Kapalina entangled her tiny hands in his long damp green hair and kissed him searchingly. “Dalzina does not know what she’s missing,” she thought as he shimmered in her arms. Then all thoughts of her sister or Marina faded from her mind as her only thought was to let her mind float higher. Neman chuckled at her selfish concentration.


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