Enough ships remained to ensure no Kurgian ships returned into Zeninan space and the three inoperative Kurgian ships were towed back to Zenina whilst Zeninan engineers put them back into working order. The morale of the Zeninans was excellent; they expected prize bonuses for their share of the value of the three ships which could be refitted as cargo vessels and three ship loads of slaves. The slaves they adopted would be part trained when they reached Zenina increasing their price. If they were good enough they might even keep them.
After the loss of three ships, the General did not want to risk being enslaved himself. He need not have worried, as it was unlikely any Zeninan woman would have wanted him as a slave even for amusement value. The Kurgian flotilla slunk back to Kochab and King Ga’Mishrin’s wrath. The Admiral would have been quite acceptable. Not once but many times on the journey home, did he wish he had begged asylum from Queen Zadina or slavery on the Zeninan ships. It could not be worse than going back to King Ga’Mishrin.
Chapter Forty-eight - Monstrous Regiment
The Purple Daggers met a very different treatment from General Calzina. She escorted them through Zeninan space. Their commanding officer Colonel Ga’Angbad was welcomed by Queen Zadina and Prince Ga’Mikkal in private audience. Zadina apologized to him, there wasn’t a battle to fight quite yet, but they would discuss their plans later. For the present she quartered them in a pleasant barracks not far from Hemithea.
The Zeninan people muttered at the arrival of only one regiment of armed Kurgian soldiers on their land and Marina was persecuted by calls. They demanded her return and Marina could not even answer she was preparing to come back because Zadina would be forewarned. Marina’s head split with the pressure. After twelve hours continual calls Marina donned a helmet to shut them out, but the noise was so loud, even that did not silence the voices.
Marina needed quiet or felt she would go insane. Seeking peace she swallowed Kurgian treacle neat. She did not even bother to use a diluted extract. She switched her psychic abilities off for an indefinite period. She could ignore the hallucinogenic effects. She now thought with some semblance of clarity, but her first desire was a man. “So much for treacle and its side effects,” she thought but she obeyed her need. She set off alone leaving Ondiella with Chilka and Ivla. Dinka had gone out on the town already.
Marina found a healthy space-sailor who was more than willing. Normally she would have been more fastidious but with the treacle inside her, she found him adequate. Her desire sated, she decided to go for a swim. Alpha has no seas as such, but has artificially created canals and lakes to supply the water needs of the colonists. To one of these lakes or reservoirs, Marina set off. It was a gentle stroll downhill.
Dinka spotted her and raced to catch up. Dinka was not the only person to see Marina set off, but the two of them walked together talking amicably, unaware they were being followed. The water was refreshing and after a swim, Marina lay down naked by the pool and slept. Dinka threw pebbles into the water and pondered.
Dinka had often wondered what it would be like to be able to really read everyone’s minds and have the abilities of a Blue or Silver. She had never dared to aspire even in her imaginings to being Gold like Marina. It seemed to Dinka it must be the pinnacle of glory to be as clever as Marina. What Dinka was pondering was “if it was as good as all that, why did Marina have to take treacle to switch it all off?”She couldn’t quite understand how it would feel to be able to talk to more than one person at a time or to light fires with a click of her fingers, or even to move things around with your mind, but it must be great.
“To turn it all off like Marina has done, must be like losing an arm or a leg. Not permanent but painful and a damned inconvenience until it re-grew. Why would anyone ever turn it off? It seems a silly thing to do. It brings her almost down to my level; she is still strong and clever but just not as special. It must be frightening to switch it all off, because she’d be so defenceless.”
Chapter Forty-nine - Catching Up
Riyal said goodbye to his comrades at Gandora space-port. He took a hover-taxi to the small flat he owned in one of the less salubrious areas of Gandora town. He pushed the door open over a pile of unopened mail and switched the light on. He dumped his bags in the hallway and picked up his post. Apart from the mail and a heavy covering of dust, everything was as he left it. He sorted his post, confining those addressed to “the occupier” to the waste paper basket. The rest he put on a table, to which he also brought a bottle of Zigan spirits and a clean but dusty tumbler.
The letters were mostly addressed to one Ga’Camzad, the name he had used when purchasing the flat. He put the letters from his mother and grandmother to one side together with a few notes from Alphan girls. There were two notes from Marina. The first dated several weeks earlier gave the address of her hotel. The second written a few days before gave her new address.
“I’ll get in contact with her as soon as I’ve read my mail.”
He read a letter, forwarded by his mother from a school acquaintance’s son seeking a berth on his ship as a pirate. The young man had romantic ideas about piracy and Riyal would not have taken him on even if he still had a ship. Assuming the lad was straight and not one of Ga’Mishrin’s spies. An older man he knew wrote telling him the price on his head had increased. Several advertising leaflets which must have taken his name from the electoral roll and a rates demand which the standing order should have taken care of.
There was one more letter but it was addressed to Riyal and had been hand delivered. The letter was from his step-brother Ga’Jumtaqur.
I’m in Alpha. Can I see you?
He gave a number to ring at, somewhere in one of the red light districts of Gandora. Riyal put the call through and a female answered. Could he speak to or leave a message for Lieutenant Ga’Jumtaqur?
He could hear the background sounds of Jumta being roused from bed and then he was pictured. Riyal apologized ostentatiously for waking Jumta; it was now lunch time, but Jumta only laughed.
“When did you get in Riyal?” he asked.
Ga’Jumtaqur was the only son of Riyal’s step-father from his first marriage. They had two younger half-brothers and a half-sister. They could not have got on better if they had been full brothers. Jumta was a Lieutenant in the Kurgian navy. The Kurgian Empire’s space-ships were controlled by their navy, each carrying a contingent of army officers and soldiers. The navy ran the ships, deciding when and if to fight. The army men were mainly used for fighting on land or boarding other ships.
Riyal wanted to know what the Kurgian navy had been doing in Alpha. Ga’Jumtaqur didn’t know and he wasn’t lying.
“We’ve been away from Kochab for months, on a seemingly pointless mission. First we travelled to the boundary of Zeninan space while one of our ships went to Zenina. Then to Alpha, returning to the Zeninan boundary as our leader, Prince Ga’Mazadeh went to Zenina, but he came back quickly. Then to Alpha again, now Prince Ga’Mazadeh has gone to Bellatrix whilst we kick our heels in Alpha.”
“We want to go home instead of spending our pay on the luxuries of Alpha.”
Riyal connected the destinations and time scale in his mind with Marina and wondered if their mission was connected with her, but said nothing to Jumta. They arranged to meet later in the evening that day. Riyal then tried to mentally call Marina, but he could not find her thoughts. So he used the mechanical means to contact her apartment. Chilka’s face answered and he asked about Marina. She seemed overjoyed to see him.
“I could not find her thoughts,” he told her, “so I rang instead.”
“Marina went out this morning and hasn’t yet returned. She took treacle because the calls from Zenina were giving her no rest,” Chilka told him.
This didn’t reassure Riyal who said he would come right over. Chilka did not mention Ondiella, but Riyal would see her when he came.
Chapter Fifty - Broken Spear
Crown-Prince N
eman had not been in time for Zadina’s Coronation. He had not thought Dalzina’s demise would be so swift. He knew Zadina’s hair could not have grown sufficiently and under Zeninan Law she was not entitled to become queen. The normal interval of a month between the death of the previous queen and coronation of the new queen had also not elapsed. Zadina crowned herself queen two days after she killed Dalzina. To Neman legality was not relevant; the fact of queenship was all that mattered. If Zadina was queen; he felt obliged to discuss the treaty with her, whether it was legal or not. He had done so before with all previous Queens of Zenina during his reign.
So three days after her coronation, Neman waited once more; calling to a Zeninan queen whom he did not expect to appear. He did not intend to wait long and would return to the sea after a decent interval. Zadina heard the call and went down to Neman. Neman surprised at her appearance, paid his respects and congratulated her on her accession.
“Thank you, your highness; I’m sure we’ll be more comfortable discussing the treaty above ground. I’ll call some guards to carry you upstairs.”
“No thank you, your majesty, please join me in the water,” Neman replied.
Zadina seemed unprepared for his refusal. She summoned her guards, but Neman was not as foolish as Dalzina, he did not wait. He fled, diving into deeper water swimming fast for the water outlet. Zadina was not going to be so easily deprived of her prey. She plucked a spear from a display on the wall and hurled it into the water after him.
It was lucky for Neman, the javelin was not her best event and the water refracted his image spoiling her aim. Even so the spear caught him in the calf of his leg. He did not stop to tear the spear out but swam on, making the river before he pulled it out. He dived deep, the clamour of soldiers being driven into action above him swimming for his life.
The water behind him more blue than normal as blood flowed from the wound in his leg, Neman swam on undetected to the sea. He called for help and so whilst he healed himself, he was borne along by a small bi-finned whale to his under-sea palace. If Dalzina had broken the treaty, she had not acted deliberately against Neman and the sea-people. Zadina had attempted duplicitously to capture him and when her ruse failed, attacked him. He had continued to keep the terms of the treaty, even though the previous queen had failed to keep her side of the agreement. But now the treaty was broken and he was at war.
The ships waiting for the sea-people to supply them with the twice weekly harvest of the sea went away empty. Concerned they reported to Admiral Folada. She knowing nothing of Zadina’s attack on Neman told them to go the next day, perhaps there had been some difficulty. She worried about Count Nadan. Had he reached Marina? Would Marina return? She feared there was no longer peace between the two races of Zenina.
Over the following days the situation became clearer. No contact was made between the Sea-people and Zeninans. No fish, no seafood, no seaweed, no coral and no pearls were forth-coming. No sighting of sea-people was made at all, even among the navy. The people of Zenina complained there was no fresh fish in the shops. The restaurateurs moaned and changed their menus. Zadina noted the complaints and ordered several larger boats fitted out to fish. The communities living close to the sea were ordered to build traps for fish and seafood close to the shore.
The first fishing boats were swiftly prepared, but though they put down their nets, nothing swam into them, except an occasional jelly fish. It was as if the fish were being warned or driven away from the fishing boats. The ships took on board Mercuries who were expert at locating things underground. The Mercuries directed the ships’ captains to where the fish were to be found. The fishers put down their nets again. When informed their nets were full of fish, they pulled them up, to find the nets in tatters.
For the first time, Zenina imported fish from its colonies. The Zeninan people were fond of their diet and didn’t appreciate enforced variation. There were still complaints, as the varieties were not those to which they were used and the fish were not fresh. But the people were fed.
Chapter Fifty-one - Queen Zadina
Zadina demanded all Golds and Silvers swear allegiance to her. Many refused and were arrested. Serengia stood on the steps of the Imperial Council room and addressed the crowd who had gathered there.
“Zadina is not the queen most of us want. It is not Zeninan practice to lock up subjects because of their religion. How can we be forced to swear allegiance to the High Priestess of the fertility cult of the so called goddess Demina as queen? It has always been the right of free Zeninians to follow whatever religion they chose. Zadina’s demand that we follow her religion is not reasonable as Princess Marina pointed out when she was only a young girl which was confirmed by her mother, the late Queen Kerina who was murdered by her sister, the same Zadina. I denounce her as not a fit queen for Zenina and I as a member of the Roman Catholic church will not swear allegiance to Zadina or agree to follow the cult of Demina. I demand that she release our beloved Bishop Niall O’Flaherty and all the others that she has locked up…”
But a group of Fertility Cultists appeared and dragged Serengia away, still protesting that Zadina should not be queen and that freedom of religion was a basic Zeninan right.
Her mother, Calzina marched into see Zadina, “You’ve had my daughter Serengia arrested. I insist she is released at once,” she objected.
“I have no intention of releasing her. If you wish you can join her in captivity. Do you want to join your daughter?” Zadina enquired sweetly.
Calzina said nothing further. She went away, still holding the rank of General. Since Vlama had been made to resign her commission and more recently had been imprisoned, and as Marina was absent, Calzina was by default Commander in chief of the Army. Calzina attempted to contact Marina in Alpha, but failed to make contact with Marina’s mind. Calzina could have reached many conclusions for her failure to contact Marina. The one she came to was incorrect. Calzina assumed cheerfully Marina was on her way home to Zenina and went about her business in good spirits. Vlama and Serengia would not remain imprisoned long. It would be best to acquiesce to Zadina and keep things running smoothly for Marina’s return.
An unsettling thought niggled at Calzina’s mind. “What damage could Zadina do with the Purple Daggers, a mechanically armed Kurgian Regiment? Their blasters, lasers and fire-spreaders are so threatening on a planet where mechanical and scientific weapons are banned.”
No Zeninan General had ever been faced with the problem of armed Kurgians on Zeninan soil. Calzina wondered whether she should discuss the matter with her officers, but who could she trust? A Fertility Cult member herself, even she did not know how many of her officers were Cult members. Even if they were members, would their loyalty be to herself and Marina or to Zadina?
So Calzina did nothing but watch and wait. It was not long before Zadina announced another development Calzina did not like. Zadina ordered the formation of a Corps of Fertility Militia. She declared they would act as a bodyguard and guard of honour for the queen. Colonel Letinza sought audience with the queen. Were the Palace Guard no longer good enough? Zadina only restated her decision and would not discuss it. Zadina smiled sweetly and sent Letinza back to her duties.
The Fertility Militia seemed comic in their pink uniforms, their hair garlanded with flowers, drilling with enthusiasm, but no style or precision. When Zadina paraded through the streets of Hemithea for the anniversary of Skaldina’s birthday, the Militia did not look amusing. Each carried a weapon of Kurgian design and pointed them directly at the crowd. The movement of the Purple Daggers and the Militia was carried out very discreetly. When a Zeninan battalion was to change their positions and hand over to another battalion, the battalion marched out and the militia moved in. Important military installations were taken over without a fight. The Purple Daggers were split into small companies and interspersed to strengthen the militia. The Purple Daggers were given the task of training the Cultists to use the weapons they brandished without understanding.
bsp; Kapalina, who had begun lessons with Stenlina when Plavina was queen, was now making progress. She was too undisciplined for Stenlina’s approval, but she had learnt a great deal. Vellina carried on alone at the hospital, her new body required an occasional man, but she had no great difficulty finding that commodity. She missed Riyal and worried about him and Marina. It had been a long time since she’d heard from either of them. It was not her habit to call those off planet, except in dire extremity. Yet she was tempted to call Riyal, if only to feel the touch of his mind again.
Sebie no longer resided in the palace. Zadina had given Marina’s nephew to Irzina, the Chief of Police. Irzina had been upset by the creation of the militia, thinking they should have been put under her control. Zadina insisted they report directly to her. Irzina was concerned they would negate the role of her police, so she was unhappy. She worried she would be replaced. The gift of Sebie, reassured her she was valued and needed. A generous gift, Irzina had never had a Golden slave before and Sebie was such a beautiful boy.
Folada wasn’t replaced but a detachment of the Purple Daggers was sent to liaise with her. A handsome young officer, Captain Ga’Lineques commanded them, dogging her every move. He sought her company and confidence, trying to win her heart. It Folada had not been a telepath she might have believed his honeyed words. Unfortunately he could not guard his thoughts against her or discern her intrusion. Her loyalty was in doubt.
Zadina had no intention of replacing her, but Ga’Lineques was there to minimise any damage she could do and keep an eye on her. Folada decided if she must be spied on, Zadina could not have sent a more charming spy. It was a shame about his name. Folada would choose a Zeninan one. Linz might do. There was plenty of time to decide. When Marina returned she would enslave him. In the meantime she began training him with his full co-operation but without his full comprehension.
Champion of Zenina Page 20