Claiming Their Mate

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Claiming Their Mate Page 14

by Vella Day

  Drake tapped Chelsea’s thigh. “Open your legs so I can get the bench underneath you.”

  She did as he asked, and Drake’s cock poked her entrance. Just as she was about to dip her legs, he held her hips.

  “Here’s the thing, darlin’. I’m the one who’s going to move. Not you.”

  His dominant tone excited her. With one hand, he reached up and tugged on her nipple, and shards of joy raced between her thighs. Waiting to be impaled, her pussy vibrated. He pulled down on her hips as he rose up. The hard thrust filled her in one fell swoop. Her mouth opened and she gulped in air. Not meaning to, she milked his cock.

  “Easy, darlin’.”

  “Hold her still, Drake, while I get her ass ready. My cock is about to burst.” Her cheeks seemed to clench on their own in anticipation. Kurt patted her rear. “None of that. Obey, slave.”

  She wanted to be good, but with what they were doing to her body, it was so hard. “I’ll try.”

  A citrusy scent filled the air, and cold goo landed on her back hole. “Bend over and hold onto Drake’s shoulders.”

  That was easy for a sighted person to ask. Fortunately, Drake must have sensed her dilemma and guided her hands downward. The chains pulled from the wall and seemed to have more give this time, enabling her to rest her palms on his shoulders.

  Kurt rubbed her back hole and then punched in his finger up to his knuckle. This time, the sensation wasn’t foreign. In fact, after wearing the plug for a night, she could accommodate more.

  After he circled her tight muscle a few times, he added a second finger. It wasn’t until he opened and closed them that her nerves awakened. When he removed his hand, she could smell more lube.

  “Are you ready to be taken to another place, honey?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You are such a good little sub. Drake and I are going to reward you with the finest climax you’ve ever had.”

  She prayed she wouldn’t topple before they gave her permission.

  Kurt leaned over her back and reached around to cup both her breasts in one hand. His cock edged open her muscled ring. From the size, she wasn’t sure he would fit. For one, Drake had already taken up most of her insides.

  “Relax, honey.”

  She exhaled, and the head of his cock popped past the ring. The slight pinch disappeared quickly. He must have known the first time would be hard, because he seesawed in and out, his movements small.

  By the time he was halfway down her dark channel, she knew he’d never fit. Drake dropped his hips and almost completely pulled out, giving Kurt the chance to plunge in. He lowered his hands from her tits to her hips and guided his cock all the way to the end. He was way bigger than that plug. Her breath came out in little whooshes as her body adjusted to his size.

  “You okay, honey?”

  “Yes.” I think. Overwhelmed didn’t come close to describing what she felt. She was on the edge of something monumental.

  “Relax and let us love you.”

  She wanted that.

  When Kurt withdrew, Drake slid into her. It was as if they knew having both cocks in her at the same time would be too much. They alternated time and again, with neither one moving quickly or with much force. As her body got used to them, the pressure eased and the heat built.

  Kurt’s fingers tightened on her hips and when Drake rubbed her clit, she groaned so loud she thought they might protest. That must have been the signal they were waiting for because their speed increased. Still, she was basically only getting one cock at a time.

  “Faster, please.”

  She held her breath. Then the miracle occurred. They drove in and out until they became slightly out of sync. One would barely retreat before the other fully advanced. As if a switch was pulled, they purred and growled and thrust into her at the same time.

  She lifted her head and let out a feral yell. Kurt pinched her nipples as Drake rubbed her sensitive nub. Her body couldn’t take it any longer. Holding back was no longer an option as waves of ecstasy slammed into her. Her gurgled cry sounded strange even to her ears.

  “Come for us, darlin’.”

  Both men pistoned into her at the same time, and she came apart. It was like she’d been tossed into a volcano and the lava had swallowed her up. Her mind swam as she floated above a sea of carnal lust so strong, she almost couldn’t hear their growls or her own screams.

  Drake pulled her down and sunk his fangs into her neck at the same time Kurt did. Her orgasm took over, and both cocks exploded. She’d never been stretched and filled so much in her life, but the total bliss and connection she felt at this moment could never be matched.

  She wasn’t sure when they withdrew their fangs or when Kurt pulled out, but suddenly, one of them removed the blindfold and undid the straps on her wrists. Only then did Drake lift her off his cock. Everything throbbed, but she’d never been happier.

  Kurt swooped her up and brought her to the mattress on the bed. “Rest for a minute while I get something to clean you.” His grin spread wide.

  He returned with a warm towel and swiped her clean. Both men crawled next to her and drew her near. This time, she faced Kurt with Drake behind.

  Kurt threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her with such tenderness, her body melted. “Merry Christmas, honey.”

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Drake ran a hand under her arm and palmed her tit. There was no pinching this time, only gentle rubbing. “I’m thinking we need to have a New Year’s Eve party to celebrate our good luck. What do you say, Kurt?”

  Kurt ran the pad of his thumb over her lips. “Are you up for a little get-together with our friends?”

  As much as she loved being with her men, she missed seeing Liz and her other friends. “I’d love it, but would people come out here?”

  “We’d have it at our place in Gulfside. It’s secure.”

  She’d never seen their place and couldn’t wait. “I’d love that.”


  New Year’s Eve.

  Chelsea rushed around Kurt and Drake’s home, or should she say their warehouse, helping with the preparations. Their home was the entire second floor above a sheet metal factory. It kind of reminded her of Trax and Dante’s place, except instead of the modern look, they’d decorated the place in casual chic. The living room contained wicker furniture and paintings by local artists. No one would have qualms about putting their feet on the beat-up tables. A dining room table made of metal, which the owner of the property had made for him, was really cool.

  The one thing Drake had insisted on was having an upscale kitchen. Since the warehouse was basically one big room, the open concept made this perfect for a party.

  “Just leave the snacks and stuff on the island,” Drake said.

  There were two islands. Six stools snuggled under one giant metal slab, and the other contained a sink and preparation area. Drake was at the sink mixing some drinks.

  “Did I tell you how hot you look?” Drake winked.

  Only about a hundred times. “I thought you were a show me type of guy.”

  He laughed. “You are good for my soul, woman.”

  Kurt came out of his bedroom. He was freshly shaven, and his jeans were full of holes, but none in quite the right spots to show much. Ever since his decision to let the Pack take over removing Mendez from society, he’d been letting go a lot more. He was happier, that was for sure.

  Drake came around the island. “Chelsea wants us to show her how hot we think she is.”

  She held up her hands. “Not now. The guests will be here momentarily.”

  “But they’re not here, yet.” Drake wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with such urgency, she had to taste him.

  He tasted like the strawberry concoction he’d been blending.

  “Let me have some loving.” Kurt stepped behind her, slipped one hand between her legs, and cupped her pussy.

  That one touch had her clit throbbing. She pushed out of their grasp.
“I can’t start or I’ll be horny all night long.”

  Kurt’s cheeks dimpled. “That’s the point, honey.”

  The doorbell rang, saving her from any more frustration. “See? We were right not to begin.”

  Drake headed over to the door and pressed a button. “It’s Liz, Trax, and Dante.”

  She loved having security cameras over the doorway. The trio took the elevator upstairs. They entered carrying two six-packs of beer and a tray of hors d’oeuvres. Even with the fifty guests, there would be leftover food.

  “Let me take that tray.” Chelsea slid the food from Liz’s hand.

  They’d caught up a few days ago, but there was still tension around Liz’s eyes. With Harvey Couch at large, Liz had yet to relax. They’d jokingly commented that perhaps they should move out of state, but neither was willing to leave their lovers behind.

  Chelsea gave Liz the once over. “You look awesome.”

  “So do you. Hot pink suits you.”

  Chelsea tugged down her V-neck blouse to show off more of her attributes. “The men seemed pleased.”

  “So, how’s that going?”

  “Awesome, but I really want to get back to showing homes. I know I complain a lot about the people and how much they whine about how they don’t like this and they don’t like that, but it made me realize I’m a people person.”

  “I hear ya. I’m in the same boat.”

  They walked over to the island. “How about a strawberry daiquiri? Drake makes a mean one.”

  “You so had me at daiquiri.”

  Chelsea grabbed two plastic glasses and filled them to the brim. She held up her glass. “To sexy werewolves!”

  “Who would have thought that nearly getting run over would lead to the best time of my life?” Liz said.

  “I can say the same. As sad as it is, if Mendez hadn’t killed Jeffrey, I wouldn’t be here today.”

  They touched glasses. “To ropes, blindfolds, and spankings.”

  They laughed and drank. More people came in, most of whom she didn’t know. It seemed as if the only women who came were those with a man or men. She had suggested inviting a few of her other friends, but both Kurt and Drake said if any of the men got drunk and mentioned the topic of werewolves, it wouldn’t be good. She’d agreed.

  Drake came over. “How are the drinks, ladies?”

  Chelsea wove a possessive arm through his. “Wonderful.” She nodded to the newcomers. “Is everyone here a shifter?”

  “Except for the women.”

  “Good, then I don’t have to worry about sharing any stories about my men.” She winked.

  He bared his teeth and gave her a mock growl. The kiss that followed was swift and delicious. “Behave.” He wagged a finger at her.

  As he walked away, she spotted Clay, Dirk, Kurt, and someone else huddled in the corner with their heads dipped low. She nodded to the secret little group. “I wonder what they’re talking about.”

  “I have no idea, but it looks serious.”

  Kurt stepped away from his group to answer his cell. He pressed a hand over his other ear. As he listened, he edged toward his bedroom and went in. She couldn’t blame him. The noise was rather loud. She figured it was probably his parents wishing him a happy new year.

  Kurt returned about two minutes later. The cell phone was still in his hand, and his brows were raised. He was shaking his head slightly.

  He tapped the wall. “Can I get everyone’s attention?”

  That quieted the crowd in a hurry. “The general just called.” He lifted his phone as if to prove his claim. “I have to say I am at a loss for words. I was just informed that Harvey Couch was killed a few hours ago, and Mendez is in solitary confinement. He’ll have a guard watching him twenty-four seven for the rest of his life.”

  Liz’s mouth opened, then turned into a smile. Both of her men raced over, lifted her up, and hugged her.

  Chelsea couldn’t be happier, either, not only for her best friend, but also for Kurt and what that would mean to him. She expected him to cheer and down his drink, but he stood there as if in a daze. She left the happy trio and rushed over to him. Drake headed over, too.

  Kurt turned to her, and she ran a hand down his arm.

  “I can’t believe it’s over. Jeffrey can rest in peace,” Kurt said.

  Chelsea didn’t understand the frown lines. “You don’t seem all that excited.”

  “I am. It’s taking me a minute to process.” He pulled her near. “I’m glad for Jeffrey’s sake, but Mendez was a small fish. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has already been appointed to replace him.”

  “At least it won’t be Couch. That bastard is dead.”

  He lifted her chin and pressed his lips together. “True, and that may be wonderful for Liz, but Harvey Couch was just one of the influential men who controlled things.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Well, that sucks.”

  “Hey, if all of the evil disappeared, what would Drake and I do for a living?” He tapped her nose.

  “You’d find something noble to occupy your time.”

  Drake placed a hand on her back. “For now, let’s celebrate. It’ll take time for everyone to regroup.”

  “Apparently not,” Kurt said. “I just spoke with Clay and Dirk. They have a new assignment.”

  She wasn’t sure if she should be privy to the inner workings of the Pack, but the men didn’t seem to worry about her overhearing.

  Kurt looked down at her. “It involves Elena Sanchez.”

  “Isn’t that Couch’s former secretary—the one Liz gave money to?”

  “Yes. They found her.”

  “Liz will be so relieved. Where is she?”

  “According to our sources, she’s in a warehouse, about to be sold to the highest bidder.”

  Chelsea’s knees weakened, and she wondered if the horror would ever end.

  Rescuing Their Virgin Mate

  [Pack Wars-Book 3]

  By Vella Day


  Chapter One

  “Can anyone hear me?” Elena Sanchez’s voice cracked. She dropped her head against the rusty cage and her stomach lurched. “Help me. Please.” As she rattled the metal bars of her five-foot-by-five-foot cage, her sweaty palms slipped.

  Her voice echoed off the cavernous walls of the warehouse, sounding as empty as the hope in her heart. Had it not been for two small windows at the top of the tall building, she’d have been in total darkness. The stench of mold found its way into her nostrils, making her sick and weak. She sneezed and then groaned, “Why me?”

  She sank back, lifted the cross from her neck, and kissed the head of Jesus. “Please, God. Tell me what to do.” She would have cried, but the tears had dried up two weeks ago when those bastards kidnapped her.

  Every day she yelled until her throat grew dry and her voice disappeared, but no one ever answered. Never had she been so alone. Hungry, sweaty, and filthy, despair was her constant companion, but she refused to give up hope. There had to be a way out.

  Even after hours of self-reflection, nothing made sense. Why were they keeping her alive? What did they plan to do with her? She was glad they hadn’t killed her, but making her suffer by keeping her crammed in the cage defied logic.

  Had the stranger who’d approached her after work been responsible for her capture? The pretty girl had seemed rather desperate herself. She’d come out of nowhere and stopped Elena less than a block from her office. She said if Elena was willing to quit her job that day, the woman would give her five thousand dollars. Her mind couldn’t even comprehend such an amount of money. On her secretary’s salary, it would have taken her forever to save that much.

  She jumped at the offer. Working for Couch had been a nightmare. Twice he’d groped her in his office and even insisted she stay late several times without compensating her for her overtime. She’d already decided at the first of the year she’d look for another job. The woman’s offer appeared to be an early Christmas present.r />
  Even at the time, it seemed too good to be true, but did she listen to her conscience? No. And, that was the problem. Greed was the root of all evil—a sin. Now, she understood why she should have turned down the stranger’s offer even if that kind of money would have helped her mother’s family in Costa Rica. Her grandmother was ill. Since her mother met her father after high school, her parents had lived in Gulfside. Last year, her parents had given up their jobs and moved to Costa Rica to take care of Abuela.

  Elena gave up questioning why, because there never were answers.

  Her thin pillow was crammed in the corner, and she lay back down, waiting for the sullen guard to come. He never said a word and didn’t seem to understand English. He fed her three times a day and let her use the bathroom.

  Her captors had already confiscated her money and her suitcase on the day they’d taken her. They hadn’t violated her. Yet. She wasn’t naïve enough to think they wouldn’t.

  Her stomach grumbled. She lowered her head to her pillow as sleep won over the hunger pangs. She was about to doze when the metal garage door leading to her prison squeaked opened. She bolted upright. No one had used that door before.

  Sunlight streamed in. She squinted to stop the light from piercing her eyes, desperately trying to focus on what was outside. Cars passed by, but she didn’t recognize her location. She was tempted to scream, but the sight of two burly men with guns affixed to their shoulder holsters made her throat close up.

  Heart pounding, she believed this was the day they’d rip her from her cage and kill her. Her stomach tumbled and her muscles shook. The cool outside air made her skin prickle, but the scent was sweet and salty like maybe she wasn’t far from the Gulf.

  “Put those two next to the other bitch.” The command came from a skinny dude with the nasty goatee.

  As he got closer, her breaths quickened. She recognized those tattoos on his arm. He was the one who’d taken her. God have mercy. She hadn’t seen his face during the abduction, but when he’d stuck the needle in her arm that day at the airport, she’d spotted the unforgettable snake and devil design on the back of his hand.

  She shifted her gaze away from him and, only then, spotted women inside each of the two cages. One had dark hair like hers, and a second was a dirty blonde. Both girls looked close to her age. Though at twenty-three, she hardly considered herself a girl anymore.


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