Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 15

by Karen Deen

  “When you’re finished with that lake, we’ll just find another one of the Great Lakes that needs filling. You cry on my shoulder whenever you need. I want to be that person for you, Paige.”

  “You don’t understand, I don’t cry. Ever. But in the last few weeks there’s been a few tears, not a lot though.”

  “Until today. What does that tell you?” His kiss on my forehead is so soft and gentle. I’m beginning to love these kisses.

  “That I blame you,” I say, smiling as best I can at him.

  “Nice try. Let’s start at the beginning.”

  Taking a deep breath, I know I need to do this.

  “Maybe we should get coffee,” I suggest.

  He just looks at me with a smirk. “Again, nice try.” Taking my hand, he brings it up to his lips, kissing it and then placing it over his heart. “Whatever it is, I will use every beat of this to help you through it.”

  Jesus, can this guy get any more perfect? My body melting, the words start pouring out of my mouth.

  “The short version is that someone in my company is committing fraud and embezzling money. To make it worse, the way they are doing it is through the government contract we have. I’m trying to keep it hidden from them, clean up the mess, and then find the bastard who is out to hurt me. I don’t understand, Mason. What have I done that would make someone want to destroy me or my father? I won’t let them win. My father deserves better than to have his name dragged through the mud.” Feeling the tears coming again, I take a moment and Mason can see the pain. My hand starts pushing harder against his heart, wanting to take the strength he’s offered.

  “My Uncle Franco, who’s not really an uncle but like my family, is a retired police officer with the fraud squad of the Chicago PD. He’s the only person who knows. Well, and now you. You have to promise me on your own life you will not tell a soul. Please, Mason, I shouldn’t be telling you, especially because you work for…”

  “It’s okay, Paige, you can say it. Yes, I work for you, and I’m proud to be your pilot. You are once kick-ass boss, and I’m happy to take on any person who wants to debate me on that. It doesn’t have any bearing on what this is between us.”

  I can’t speak for a minute, needing to digest how easy he makes it all sound.

  “Everything you tell me stays between you and me. The same as I wouldn’t expect you to be telling everyone how exceptional sex is with me and the size of my huge cock. That will only create hysteria. Some things are best kept between us. Okay?”

  I’m unable to hold back my laugh. “Thank you. I needed that.”

  His lips land on mine, and we kiss to relieve the tension. All it does is raise another type of tension between us.

  “Now, let’s continue. What’s he found and who am I bashing to within an inch of his life.” He’s serious too.

  “That’s the thing, we don’t know anything yet. We don’t even know if it’s a male or female. What we do know is that it has to be someone on my management team, or it could be more than one person. Someone who knows a lot about my movements and contracts. We’re getting ready to run the next big order through the system to see if we can track them, but it also puts me at risk of the government picking up that I have an issue. Complicated, to say the least. Every time I turn a corner, it’s something new.” Feeling his other hand stroking my hair is so comforting.

  “On top of my father being on death’s door for a few days. Then some sexy-ass pilot who keeps flirting with me, I can’t think straight.” This woman is higher strung than normal. Now that’s saying something.”

  “No, you don’t get to blame me. If you didn’t keep swaying that perfect backside in front of me, then I might have had a chance. Then you open your smart mouth, and I’m gone. I love a good challenge.” I roll my eyes at him, and he laughs. “Besides, I have a great way to solve the high-strung woman problem…” he says, raising his eyebrows up and down.

  “Down, boy. Give my body a recovery break. For at least an hour anyway.”

  “The clock starts now, lady. Fair warning.”

  Both laughing, he hugs me tightly.

  He whispers in my ear, “I’ve got you, Paige. I will keep you safe. I promise.” Sagging into him, I believe every word.

  Giving me a moment to just get over the sharing of my life, he finally pulls back a little. Already I’m missing his warmth.

  “Now that we’ve got all that out and the word fine has left the building never to return again, let’s be serious for just a little bit longer. Paige, do you or your uncle believe you are in any physical danger?” His body tenses asking the question.

  “Not at the moment as there’s been no threat. But we don’t know why they’re doing it, so who knows. I must admit, I feel vulnerable. I hate that. I’ve never felt like this before. Everywhere I turn, I don’t know who’s watching me or listening to what I say. Yesterday I couldn’t take it. By the time I was back at the plane, I felt I was going to break. It’s like being under a microscope. It’s freaking me out.” My head hurts just thinking about it, but I’m actually feeling lighter. To be able to share this with someone other than Franco is a relief.

  His face has changed and looks serious. Lines are appearing on his forehead. Feeling his body, it’s getting tense.

  “Mason. Are you okay?” After a few seconds, he looks at me, and I can see my Mason coming back.

  “I’m good, but we need to set up a meeting with Franco. Let me be your protector, Paige. I can make sure I keep you safe even at work. My years in the military mean I’m trained to keep you safe. Besides, the rage that’s inside me at the moment, that someone could be thinking about hurting my girl. That alone is enough to make me want to protect you twenty-four seven.”

  “Your girl,” I repeat.

  “Of course, that’s all you took out of that sentence. Yes, Paige, my girl. Remember the conversation. There is no going back. You’re mine and I’m all yours for as long as you will have me. Which better be a fucking long time because I don’t plan on letting you go. Ever.”

  “How can you say that now? You hardly know me. I could be this really crazy-ass bitch.”

  “I already know you are, that’s okay, I’m prepared for that.” He taps my nose with his finger.

  “I’m being serious. How do you know you won’t get bored with me? You know nothing about me.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. I know lots about you. How you are the most punctual person I know. You never wear black shoes, colorful fuck-me heels are your favorite. Mine too, just quietly, we will discuss those later.” That makes me laugh, and I’m remembering that fact for a later date. “You like your coffee steaming hot. You never drink alcohol before a meeting, but a nice glass of bubbles is the preferred beverage to relax. When you’re concentrating, you lightly tap your foot on the ground. You love a tight skirt and love to wear G-strings under them because there is not a line to be seen. Take it from me, I’ve looked. You love your father very much and have a bigger heart than you have ever let anyone see. How am I doing so far?”

  “Pretty shit, really. I don’t wear any underwear at all.” Trying to keep the straight face, I fail after two seconds.

  “Fuck me dead.” Pulling me tightly to him, our mouths smash together with urgency. The tension of the situation is now coming out in our lust for each other. Hands are everywhere, and our bodies are trying to connect in every way possible. Our discussion is put to the side as Mason takes me, hard and fast, which is what we both need. It’s the release that we’re both longing for. It’s like he’s making sure I understand his claims. I’m his and he’s not letting me go.

  After we devour each other twice, shower through the third time, and finally make it into clothes, the morning has gotten away from us.

  “You need to eat.” He’s standing in front of fridge yelling at me as I’m throwing things in my work bag.

  “I don’t have time. Your fault, so don’t yell at me. I have a meeting in forty minutes in the office,
and I need to prepare when I arrive. Eat what you like, I’ll call you after the meeting.” I run across the room to kiss him before I leave. His scowl makes me want to laugh out loud, but I know he’s already struggling with no breakfast for me.

  “I’ll eat at the office. I promise. Stop pouting.” Reaching up, I kiss him softly, taking a moment to stop. “Thank you, wherever you’ve come from or whoever sent you. I’m grateful. You’re mine just as much as I’m yours.” He tries to talk, but I kiss him again and turn to leave.

  His arms grab me from behind. Burying his head in my neck, he breathes in one last time. “Stay safe,” he whispers and then lets me go. I don’t look back, otherwise I know I’ll never leave.

  The ride down the elevator is over too quickly, and I feel like I’m still rattled as I approach Bent and the car.

  “Morning, Ms. Ellen. Everything okay? You look flustered,” he asks, opening the door.

  “Fine— Sorry, I mean it’s all good.” His blank look at me makes me feel warm on the inside. Mason would be proud of my change of word. Seriously, this man is going to turn my world upside down, I can just tell.

  Then reality slaps me in the face again.


  “Morning, Ms. Ellen.” The sarcasm in his voice leaves me on edge slightly.

  “Morning, Tyson.” I decide not to take my coffee from him as I’m not really feeling like it. For some reason, coming from him this morning it just doesn’t appeal.

  “Thank you, but I’ve already had a coffee this morning. I’ll dispose of it at the office.” Truth be known I haven’t had any caffeine, but for the first time, I don’t need the rush to get me up on an adrenaline high. This morning’s boost was far healthier for my body than caffeine. Maybe just not acceptable for the office, though. Smiling at my own little joke, I turn to Tyson who looks like he’s frozen. His face is stunned, and he’s still holding the coffee in the air.

  “You never turn down a coffee. In fact, I would be fired if I didn’t arrive with one. What is going on? What do you need to tell me?” I didn’t realize until now how much Tyson tries to know about my life. Understandable to some degree on work time. My home life? Totally off limits.

  “Don’t be such a drama queen, Tyson. My routine can change, anytime I choose. I think you need to concentrate more on the work, than me personally.” How did my perfect morning turn to shit so quickly?

  “No! That’s my job to know everything about you. Everything.” His voice is raised and body language is tensing. Woah, that’s creepy.

  “Tyson, hold on a moment. I think we need to have a little discussion on your role. You are my PA for my work life. That is what I need in the running of the company and my workday. Not one part of my personal life or choices is any of your business. Do I make myself clear!”


  “No buts. End of discussion. Now tell me what I need to know for this meeting.” I’m staring him down to shut the topic of conversation off.

  His annoyance is written all over his face, but I don’t care. There’s a line and he is trying to cross it.

  Huffing, he opens the files he needs on his laptop.

  “Your meeting is at nine am with Sunshine Corp. I’ve proofread the proposal you wrote. There are no major changes. Then you have a meeting at twelve pm with Max about the new HR policies.” He pauses and then continues with attitude, “Under the new guidelines then I guess I don’t need to tell you your Brazilian waxing appointment is at three-fifteen pm.”

  Seriously, I’m about to let loose. I’ve had no coffee and he has already totally taken away my post-sex happy place. That line I thought he was crossing… he’s pole-vaulted past it and is totally into the forbidden land.

  “Thank you, Tyson. I think I can manage that myself.” Through gritted teeth, I make a note to check my joint calendar to see what else of my private life he seems to know. I only told him I have a beautician appointment. Which could be for a variety of reasons but what the fuck. How does he even know I get a Brazilian wax? This is weird and scary. I need to talk to Franco about this. Well, not about the waxing, but about how much Tyson seems to know of my life.

  Looking at him with steam coming out of my ears, I want to say ‘well, you’ve got that wrong, I don’t get a full Brazilian wax’ just to shut him up, but that is so private. Plus, if I even try to speak now, I’ll be screaming… loudly!

  Trying to take my mind off the last conversation, I look forward and then realize Bent heard the whole thing. We may as well have a little girls’ meeting on the pros and cons of waxing, full bare Brazilian or if they prefer to have some hair. I wonder what their beauty secrets are. I can’t believe both these guys know something so personal about me. For fuck’s sake. I just want to tell him, turn the car around and take me back to Mason and my apartment.

  It’s my new happy place.

  No dickheads allowed.

  Just one hot-as-fuck pilot who’s all mine.

  My man!



  THAT WOMAN MAKES MY control issues peak at an all-time high.

  I need to help get to the bottom of this with her. I might have been sent into a war-torn country to keep people safe. But we all know that in the end, it all comes back to money being the reason wars happen. People’s behavior becomes irrational when money’s involved. That’s why I’m worried about Paige, a lot more than I let on to her. I need to talk to Franco to see how I can help.

  Then the obvious question of her security needs to be discussed. She won’t like it, but I don’t care. It’s taken me too long to feel like this about someone. I’m not letting anything happen to her.

  Heading home to change and get to the airport, my mind’s working on overdrive. I make lists in my head of things we need to discuss with Franco. I meant what I told Paige. I’ll keep her safe. Now I just need to work out how to do that.

  I’m sure this sort of thing happens in big business all the time, it just seems random to hit her company. It’s not like they are aggressive players in the industry or ones to be in the media all the time. From what I can see, they operate just like any other company. The more I think during the morning, the more it seems weird. Why now, after all these years, is it happening? Is it because of the government contracts she now has? Does that mean it’s more related to that, than her actual company? Or could it be a new staff member?

  So many questions that just open more doors. I’m just wishing for some answers. I need to forget about that technical part of the problem. That’s not where my skills lie. I’m trained to protect and that’s what I’ll do. My plan is forming in my head, and I’ll be ready when the time comes for the meeting with Franco.

  Knowing we aren’t flying today, I do the basics and keep everything ready and waiting in case Paige needs to travel tomorrow. I often wonder why Paige keeps a whole crew on standby. It would be far cheaper for her to get a company-contracted crew each time she needs to fly. Not that I’m complaining. This job is the dream. For more reasons than the great salary and work conditions. Not many jobs do you get to ogle your girl while you work. Plus, now I know she’s safe when she’s with me, and when we’re traveling, I’m never far away.

  My normal routine is over with quickly. Because there’s no flying today it gives me extra time to head back to the gym on my way home. I was hoping to have spoken to Paige. Since this morning, though, I’ve only received a few messages in between meetings. No wonder she ends up as stressed as she is. No one can ever accuse her of not working hard. She never seems to have time to stop and breathe. This eating—or more to the point, not eating—needs to stop too. That is one thing we’ll lock horns over, I’m damn sure.

  Pulling into the parking lot at the gym, my phone lights up with an incoming call.

  “Well, if it isn’t the resident man-whore, Doctor Tate. What’s happening, man?”

  “You should talk. Are you still dragging your bottom lip on the ground sulking over the boss lady?”

  This br
ings a smile to my face. “You’ll be pleased to know, my lip is no longer on the ground. It’s too busy locking lips with my lady. Who, yes, also happens to be my boss. Now it’s two each side. You single boys need to up your game, my friend.” I laugh at Tate’s groan.

  “Fuck off. You can’t leave me in the singles club on my own with Lex. You know he’ll want to kill me after the first hour we’re out in the bar or club. We need a solution for this and stat!”

  “Well, there’s an easy one. You can stop screwing every girl you meet and start looking for someone a little more permanent. It’s called growing up. Not sure you’ve heard the term or not, but maybe google it.” I’m leaning my head on the headrest, looking at myself in the rearview mirror, smiling at my own jokes.

  “You’re such a dick, Mason.”

  “Probably, but I’m okay with that. I can also confirm Paige is more than okay with my dick too.”

  “Just had to get that in there, didn’t you, lover boy. I’ll have you know, it’s not like I’m not getting any. My dick is a very happy boy too, for the record.” If I could see him, I’d bet he’s pouting a little.

  “Your own hand doesn’t count. Sorry.”

  “I think I’ll just hang up and forget I ever called,” Tate huffs. He never likes when someone’s humor is funnier than his.

  “Get over it and stop sulking. What’d you call for, buddy?”

  “I was just checking on your plans for tonight. Gray and Tilly are both off work so thought we might grab pizza at my place. Lex is good, so we just need you. Why don’t you bring Paige? All jokes aside, man, we’d love to meet her. That’s if you trust us not to scare her away.”

  I feel excitement and anxiety in my stomach. “I’ll have to let you know. I’m not sure on our plans tonight. We only finally got our shit together last night, so meeting all you Neanderthals now might be a little soon. I’ll talk to Paige and let you know.” I’m struck by a great vision of Paige on my lap as we all sit around chatting on Tate’s couch, just enjoying each other’s company. I’ve never thought I wanted this until just now.


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