Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 20

by Karen Deen

  Reaching for my ringing phone, I assume it’s Mason. Instead, I groan seeing Tyson’s name. I want to decline it, but I know I can’t. In the back of my head, I can hear my father’s voice. ‘Business first, Paige, before yourself.’

  “Tyson, what can I do for you on this Friday night?” I ask, trying to sound non-committal.

  “Sorry, are you busy?” He sounds quiet, his words timidly spoken.

  “No, I’m just getting ready to meet some girlfriends at Love Street for some drinks. What do you need me for?” I pull my shoes on as I talk.

  “Oh. You don’t do girls’ nights. This is new. Sorry, it can wait until Monday. Sorry to disturb you.” What is going on with him?

  “Tyson, we’ve talked about this with my private life. Are you sure everything is okay? You don’t normally call for nothing.” There is something weird about him tonight.

  “I just wanted to let you know that government order you need out by Wednesday at the latest will ship Tuesday night. That’s all it was. I know the order is very important.” For more reasons than Tyson can realize.

  “Thank you, that’s kind of you for letting me know. Now stop work for the night and enjoy your weekend. I will see you Monday. Goodnight,” I say, not wanting to give him the opportunity to keep the conversation going.

  “I never stop working, you used to be the same. Goodnight, Ms. Ellen.” With that, he’s gone.

  What the fuck was that phone call? I’m starting to get a little creeped out by him now. There are too many times he either knows or says inappropriate things. But I can’t let that ruin my night out.

  Time to clear my head. All I want to be thinking about is having fun and meeting new friends, and a night ending with some much anticipated, mega-orgasmic relief.

  My phone chimes to let me know Bent is downstairs waiting for me. Time to leave all the worries of work behind me for once. I should feel guilty. But I don’t! Tomorrow will be a shit day meeting with Franco, so why worry about that now. Plenty of time for that then. I need this. More than I realized. I’ve never given myself the air to breathe in life before.

  Tonight, that changes!


  “Paige!” Tilly’s up waving from the back of the room. Nestled in the soft pink leather benches sit the three other women. Crazily, I feel nervous all of a sudden. Walking with a little less confidence toward them, I needn’t have worried. Springing from her seat, Tilly wraps me in her arms. The cocktail she’s already about finished may have helped the excitement, but it’s nice to feel I fit in.

  “This is your girl squad. Fleur, my business partner and resident flirt, Hannah my hilarious neighbor who has the most adorable daughter Daisy and a husband who is deployed, and my future sister-in-law, Bella, who is going to make an amazing doctor just like her brother.” I’m in a flurry of hugs and talking, so that when they say pick a cocktail, I just say surprise me.

  That was the first mistake of the night. The second was not eating first. The third was…oh, I can’t remember what I was talking about. Shit, the room is spinning.

  “Paige, Paige, Paige. You need to tell us. Is Mason as good in bed as he looks?” Fleur leans over the table grabbing my hand for my attention.

  “Oh, my fucking god. He has this magic wand dick and it puts spells on me. Like magic orgasm spells,” I blurt out way more than is needed.

  “Of course he does. He is one of the Fuckalicious Four, after all.” Fleur laughs to herself as she says it.

  “What the hell? Fuckalicious Four…I can’t even deal with that. That’s perfect, Fleur.” Picturing the four boys, she’s so right.

  “But remember, my magic man is now off limits from the FF boys! Looking and no touching!” Waving my finger at them, we’re all giggling like schoolgirls.

  “My man is the G man. You know he knows his way around my G-spot like no other man. He is also gigantic…” Tilly is laughing as Bella yells at her.

  “No, stop! We agreed no sex talk about my brother. That’s just wrong.” Her hands are over her ears, only with how drunk we’re getting, she is completely missing her ears.

  “But he is so gorgeous and…”

  “Tilly!” we all yell and start giggling together while she starts pouting.

  “No fair.”

  Bella hugs her. “Find me a man, and I will make a deal you can talk about my brother’s dick all you want.” Bella lays her head on Tilly’s shoulder.

  “Soon, baby girl, soon we will find the perfect one.”

  A drink is sat down in front of me. I look up puzzled at the waitress and she points to the man across the room. “For you, he said.” She’s walking away as I finally see who it is.

  “Fuck me, it’s Tyson, my PA. Why is he here buying me a drink? He doesn’t listen!” My drunk brain isn’t paying attention, and I get up, pissed off, and decide to make him understand.

  “Paige, sit down. You look drunk,” Fleur mumbles.

  “Nope, I’m fine. Just going to talk work with my employee who is a major dick.”

  “Oh, shit’s going down.” Tilly laughs

  I try to look super cool but honestly, I’m struggling to walk straight.

  “Paige—I can call you Paige out of work time, can’t I? Or is that reserved for the macho fly boy?”

  “Wow, you just don’t get it, do you, Tyson? I’m your boss, not your friend.” He’s slouching on the bar. Feeling sorry for himself, obviously.

  “That’s right, you’re the mighty Paige Ellen. Totally untouchable, except for him.” His voice is rising and people are looking; even in my drunk state I know I need to get out of here before he starts saying things he shouldn’t.

  “Outside now, Tyson.” Taking his arm, I pull him behind me, not giving him a choice.

  “What, you don’t like someone answering you back?” he grumbles behind me as we make it out to the street.

  “Shut the hell up, Tyson. Why are you like this? What have I done to piss you off? The last few weeks you’ve been acting weird, making stupid comments, stepping over personal lines. You’ve never done this before. What the hell is going on?” The night air and my anger are sobering me up quickly. “Plus, this stupid jealousy of Mason. What the hell is that about?” I can keep going, but I’m trying to pull myself back. My father’s in the back of my head. Act professional. Don’t give them any ammunition to use against you.

  “You think it’s all me,” he starts yelling. “Our life was perfect. Until he came along. Everything was going to plan. We were a perfect team. You didn’t complain or look at me different.”

  He’s getting worked up and starts towards me. I walk backwards trying to keep my distance, feeling the building pushing into my back. He’s still yelling and getting closer. Why am I so stupid to walk outside on my own?

  “Tyson, you need to calm down and back away.” My voice isn’t as strong as usual. I try with all I have to draw up the bitch in me, but she’s just not coming.

  “Why? Just like you told me. This isn’t work time. I don’t have to listen to you!” He’s close enough I can smell the bourbon on his breath.

  As he’s lifting his hand towards my face, I’m getting ready to shove him hard.

  “You touch her, you will die. Back the fuck up before I rip you apart.” My racing heart is now running to a different beat.

  “Mason.” His name escapes my mouth with relief.

  As Mason steps between Tyson and me, my forehead drops onto his back and my hands grab his waist. I can feel his muscles shaking with restraint.

  “The macho hero appears. What’d you just ride in on your horse to rescue the princess? She’s more the witch, you know. Beware the poison apple.”

  “Go now!” His voice is deep and clear. Not to be messed with. “You’re drunk and need to leave.”

  “So’s she, but of course it’s my fault.” I can hear Tyson’s voice starting to get quieter. He’s moving down the street a little.

  “Always knew you were a pathetic dick. Today you just proved it,” M
ason yells after him.

  I’m still hiding like a coward behind Mason when everything going silent.

  “Mason,” I whisper.

  Turning, he pulls me so tight into his chest.

  “I’ve got you. You’re safe. I will always protect you.”




  “WHO’S IN CHARGE OF getting the drunk girls home?” Grayson asks, looking directly at me.

  “Why?” Lex looks up from across the poker table.

  “The messages I keep getting from Tilly tell me they’ve slammed too many cocktails. I can’t leave because of Daisy.”

  Lex and Tate both sit back chuckling and tap their beer bottle together.

  “Serves you both right for joining the couples’ team. Off you go, Mason, go get your drunk girl and all her friends.” Tate slaps me on the back, taking the cards out of my hands and swapping his hand with mine.

  “That’s cheating!” Lex complains, taking another sip of his beer.

  “You snooze, you lose,” Tate says with a smirk.

  Grayson looks intently at me as I signal over the boys’ heads what cards I had. Giving me the wink of acknowledgement, he slides his chips into the center, making his bet.

  As I get close to the bar, my phone starts blowing up with messages from Tilly.

  Tilly: You need to come. Some work guy Tyson is being a dick.

  Tilly: They went outside. Shit she’s drunk. She needs you.

  There’s no time to reply. I run the rest of the block. Turning the corner, I see him backing her towards the wall.

  He’s fucking dead, I swear I’ll fucking kill him.

  She’s in danger.

  My head is screaming voices, ‘Save her, you have to save her, faster otherwise you won’t save her.’

  Legs are moving even as the voices are screaming.

  “You touch her, you will die. Back the fuck up before I rip you apart.” I can’t stop my heart from racing. My hands itch to grab him by the throat and end him. Looking into her eyes, her fear is the only thing stopping me. I never want her looking at me with that fear. Trying with every ounce of strength I have, I calmly step between them, protecting her. Now he can try hurting me, but I doubt he’s brave enough.

  His words are just pathetic, and I’m not even registering what he’s saying. Leaving finally, I feel like I can take my first breath since I turned that corner. Turning, I pull her to me so I can feel her. My brain registering that physically she’s okay.

  My name whispered on her lips sends me over the edge.

  “I’ve got you. You’re safe. I will always protect you.”


  It’s okay, I kept her safe, I’ve got her. I didn’t fuck it up, I promised to keep her safe. It worked. The only word in my head that’s playing on repeat is ‘safe.’

  I have no idea how long I’m standing here holding her. Tilly’s voice is in the distance, calling my name, but I can’t reply. I can’t leave this bubble. Me and Paige, we are staying in the bubble.

  “Mason, baby. It’s Paige. Mason, come back to me, baby.” Her calming voice is getting louder.

  “Safe, she’s safe. Keep her safe.” The voices are slowing.

  “Yes, Mason, I’m safe. You saved me. I’m right here.” Looking into her eyes, I know I’ve exposed my worst secret.

  Shit, I’ve lost it and now she’ll know. I’m not whole. I can’t be the man she needs.

  “Are you okay to get him home? We’ll get a cab,” Tilly says from behind me.

  “Yes, we’re fine. Thanks. Talk to you later,” Paige tells her and then looks up at me. “Come on, Mason, let’s go home.”

  “Home. With you. You still want me to come home?” Feeling fragile, I don’t know what to expect.

  “Why wouldn’t I? You have a promise to keep.” Reaching up on her toes, her lips now touch mine. That tingle, my heart knows that feeling. Her calmness starts to ignite my soul again. I see her. Standing in front of me.

  Still there. Strong and smiling.

  My Tiger.

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you.” I feel ashamed.

  “Nothing to be sorry for. Let’s go home and talk. We’ve got all night.” I rest my forehead on hers. How the fuck did I get so lucky?

  “Bent, can you please pick me up? Yes, still at the bar. Thank you.” That call will cost her something. Her secret.

  “I’ll get a cab. Meet you later,” I say, trying to fix the situation.

  “No, Mason. You’re my boyfriend, you’re coming with me. Fuck what they think. I’m done with hiding.” Bent pulls up to the curb and jumps out to open the door.

  “Everything okay, Ms. Ellen?” He gives me an inquiring look.

  “Yes, thank you, Bent.”

  “Bent,” is all I say, following her into the car.

  “Mason,” he replies. He’s smart enough to just keep doing his job and not ask any questions.

  “Home, please, Bent. I expect you will keep my guest to yourself until I have spoken to my father.” Paige in full control is sexy as hell.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replies and pulls out onto the road again.

  Tonight has been full of surprises. Paige puts her head on my shoulder, snuggling into me. She couldn’t be any more perfect if she tried.

  Kissing the top of her head and wrapping her in my arm, I place my head on hers. Closing my eyes, I’m just breathing in her scent. The smell of freedom, that feeling that finally I’m going to live a life where this PTSD won’t define me. Paige is the key to me moving on. If I can get through tonight, that is. Let’s see when we make it upstairs how tonight pans out.

  I want to tell Paige about my worries with Bent, but it just doesn’t seem important tonight. The elevator reaches the penthouse, and we quietly walk in arm in arm. Guiding me to the couch, she pushes me down.

  “Sit, I’ll be back. Just give me a moment.” Dropping her bag and flicking her shoes off, she walks around lighting candles. Turning off the lights and giving us background music, Paige settles back in my lap.

  “How did you know I need you close?” I whisper into her neck.

  “Because if it were me, then that’s what I would need.”

  Sitting in silence, I know I need to start, but I just need a little longer.

  “It’s okay, Mason, no matter what you need to tell me. Nothing changes. We will still go upstairs, and you will make good on your promise. We will fuck like crazy and sleep in our bed together. Then tomorrow’s a new day.”

  “Paige.” I choke on her name, holding back tears. I’m supposed to be the strong one.

  “This wise man told me to let it all go, that we have plenty of spare lakes that need filling.”

  She’s done it.

  What no person has been able to do since the day the world fell apart.

  My tears fall and fall hard. They have been stuck for so long I can’t stop. I don’t know how. All I hear is Paige’s soft voice repeating over and over again as she runs her hands over my body.

  “I’m safe. Here with you. I’m safe. You’re safe too. Together we are always going to be safe.” It’s like I’m back in that bubble where the calmness drifts over me, but this time I know I’m not. The bubble’s gone and reality is all around me. Tears are a funny thing, they’re water that you never knew you had, but as they run, they cleanse not only your thoughts but your soul. The body’s release mechanism. Suddenly, it’s like I need to get it all out. I want Paige to know everything before I tell her what she really needs to know.

  “We were sent into an orphanage on a rescue mission. I was flying a seal team and my crew in on a night mission. It was already fucked up; we were being sent in at the last minute. We were rushing against time before the insurgents reached the compound. There were women and children stuck there.” Looking up, I only see deep caring eyes full of encouragement and compassion. Willing me to continue.

  “My job was to get the team on the ground, hold for ten minut
es, and be out of there before all hell broke loose. There were screaming kids and chaos. The noise in a war zone is like nothing you will ever know.

  “I’m yelling time frames at the team, and it was getting harder and harder to hear above the rotors, the approaching gunfire, the seal team working, and the kids screaming. There was one woman and two children left to get to the chopper. I’m watching and yelling as they’re running for the doors. Then the explosion happens, gunfire starts, and my gunners are trying to keep them at a distance. Getting the last kids into the chopper, I’m getting ready to take off and I hear through the headset the worst scream of pain I have ever heard. I’m trying to work out what the hell is going on and get my chopper off the ground as my team are signaling to go. The screaming doesn’t stop, just gets louder. It never goes away.

  “My medic yells we have a woman with gunshots to the abdomen and we need to get to the field hospital. Everyone is crying, screaming, and the soldiers are trying to calm them. One little boy is crying. Please help my mom, keep her safe, she needs to keep safe. He kept chanting it over and over again. It was coming through my headset the whole flight. I pushed that chopper to its limits, but I was already overloaded. I had to be careful. I had to back off on speed, for fear of something breaking. She was running out of time. My medic was calling for me to go quicker, her son was crying for me to keep her safe.” I stop when the noise in my head is too loud. I close my eyes and breathe. Focusing and trying to slow my breathing down.

  “Take your time, Mason. I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.” The feeling of her lips on mine has me opening my eyes again. Bringing me back to her.

  “I lost her, Paige. I couldn’t keep her safe. It’s my fault she wasn’t safe. I should have flown faster. Gotten her off the ground earlier. I couldn’t save his mom. I’ll regret that until the day I die.”

  “Mason, did you shoot her?”

  “Fuck no, those bastards did.”

  “Then you didn’t kill her. They did. It’s that simple. Do you understand?”

  “But it was my job to get her out of there safely.”


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