Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 26

by Karen Deen

  “Mason!” is already screaming from my mouth as he pinches my sensitive clit and sucks hard on my breast at the same time, making me combust into an instant orgasm racing through my body.

  He may have the extra energy, but he’s killing me with love tonight.


  “Remind me again why you thought we were the right people to be shopping for suits for Leroy. You said you would get your guy to sort it out.” Mason is grumbling about shopping on a Sunday.

  “Yes, you are my guy. Plus, I wanted to personally pick it. It needs to be just right. Give the impression they’re looking for. Someone who took the time to prepare and cares about the interview. But not too out there or expensive-looking that they don’t think he deserves the scholarship.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re overthinking this. Leroy will be happy if he just doesn’t have to turn up in his jeans and hoodie. Now just pick one and let’s get moving. Everyone is meeting for brunch and then to the park to give Gray’s dog Memphis and Daisy have a run around and play while we all lay back and do nothing.” He’s looking at this watch.

  “Is this what a normal Sunday is like for you?” I’m curious, still learning new things about him.

  “Not all the time, but yes, most of the time Sunday is for just chilling out and getting together with friends or doing something for myself. You need to get used to this, Paige. I’m not letting you work on a Sunday unless it’s urgent. Before you even say anything, I also get to determine what’s urgent.”

  My hands go to my hips instantly.

  “Let’s get one thing straight. You will not tell me how to run my life or what is urgent or not in my business. I might want to change things in my life, but I make those decisions, not you. Remember the rule, you’re the boss in the bedroom, mister, not the boardroom.”

  As I stare him down, his shoulders are shaking a little until he can’t hold it in anymore. The laughter escapes as he puts his hands on mine and pulls them off my hips.

  “Steady there, Tiger. Was just checking I hadn’t completely fucked you into submission. I still want my feisty girl…most of the time.” He kisses my forehead then steps back to the suit rack.

  “You’re an ass, you know that, right?” He turns his head to the side and winks at me and then keeps going. He’s lucky I love him.

  Although it was all a joke to him, I’m secretly glad I got to say my piece about my work. I don’t want it to become an issue. I’m not stopping working as hard as I do, just choosing the times I’m working.

  I must have been in my own little world when I feel his arms wrap around me.

  “Paige, stop thinking. I know nothing is changing in your life. I know there are times work will come first. I’m a big boy, I can cope with that. I don’t want you to change who you are because you’re with me. I just want to make your life easier with me in it, not harder. Relax and take a breath.” His lips land on mine, softly kissing me to take away any worry I was feeling.

  “Argh, what was I doing again?” His kisses have a habit of doing that to me. Damn, Magic Man.


  “Thank god that job is done. Remind me never to shop with you again.” Mason is still complaining as we walk into the café for brunch with his friends. Before I even get close, a little girl comes running at us and launches into my arms. Which causes laughter from all around.

  “Hello, Paige, I’m Daisy. Hannah is my mom and my dad is off fighting the bad guys. You are sitting next to me. Do you like pancakes? Because I love pancakes.” She’s not even drawing a breath.

  “Um excuse me, where’s my hug, kiddo? I’m the favorite around here, how come Paige got one first?” Mason ruffles her hair and leans in to kiss her cheek.

  “Because she’s the pretty lady and you’re just a stinky boy.” Her body wriggles in my arms, laughing at her joke. I can see why she and Mason get along.

  “Besides, you’re not the favorite. Memphis is.” With that, she’s squirming to get down and off across the café again.

  “Well, Mason, beaten in the favorites ranking by a dog. Now, that’s priceless,” I lean up on my toes to whisper in his ear. “You’ll always be top of my list, especially the one labelled sexy hot lover.” I walk away to the table, leaving him there puffing his chest at his quiet compliment.

  Men, it’s so easy to make them happy.

  The café must cringe when these guys walk in. There’s no quiet brunch happening. Besides, we take up half the tables when we join them all together. It’s funny how I’ve gone from meeting Mason to being included as part of his ‘family.’ It’s not just the Fuckalicious Four in this family, although they like to think the world revolves around their egos. Having the girls’ squad here too makes it one crazy bunch, everyone talking over the top of each other.

  Normally I would hate this type of chaos.

  But I’ve never been happier in my life.

  Watching Daisy eating her pancakes is hilarious. At first, I didn’t realize what she was doing. Then it all clicked when I felt something wet on my hand that was sitting on Mason’s knee. Memphis is introducing himself with a lick on the hand. I’ve never had a pet, but this damn dog is so adorable. Loving him up under the table, Daisy then tells him to sit as she feeds him. Which he does straight away, and then she continues one mouthful for her, then one for Memphis. I’m not sure who this dog loves more, Grayson, Tilly, or Daisy.

  Can’t wait to see the two of them at the park in action. A small part of me is yearning to see Mason playing with this little girl and her puppy.

  For the first time ever, I feel my ovaries twitching.


  That’s a challenge I’m certainly not ready for.




  “Mason is the favorite fruncle.” I can listen to Daisy giggle all day as I tickle her. That and when she calls me a fruncle. Her way of saying we’re a friend that’s like an uncle. It’s so damn cute. Memphis is jumping around barking next to me, wanting to protect Daisy but also wanting to be part of the game.

  “If she wets her pants from laughing so hard, Mason White, it’s all your fault. You won’t get ice cream either.”

  Daisy and I both stop and look at each other.

  “Ice cream,” we both squeal at once. I jump up and throw her on my back for a piggyback ride, and we gallop over to the picnic table.

  “Ice cream, Mommy, we’ve been good. Haven’t we, Fruncle Mason?” she shrieks, bouncing up and down on my back.

  “Of course we have, kiddo. We are never naughty. So come on, Hannah, spill the beans. Where’s the ice cream you’ve been hiding?” I’m standing next to Paige at the table who has this strange look in her eye. She’s smiling, but it’s just more than that.

  “Yeah right, Mason,” Grayson laughs at me. “Hannah just has the ice cream sitting around in the sun waiting to give you one when you’re ready.”

  “Sounds like a good idea to me, what do you think, Daisy?” She’s too busy trying to make me move her up and down like a horse ride.

  I don’t think she’s listening, but she sure shows me. “You’re so silly, Mason, they would melt if she just let them sit there. That’s just dumb. Maybe you aren’t my favorite anymore.” Wriggling and sliding down my back, she’s off over to Tate to see how she does there.

  “Fruncle Tate is my favorite now because he isn’t silly like you, Mason.” Everyone is laughing at her except me.

  “Well, that means Tate is the person who has to go and get the ice creams for everyone then. Because he’s so special. He always says he’s the awesome guy who gets all the women. So now he has you too, Daisy. He is super lucky. Now let’s make a list of all the ice cream he needs to get. Fruncle Tate is so amazing, he’s also paying for ice cream for everyone.” We all cheer—except Tate, who’s trying to give me the evil eye. Which of course just makes me laugh harder.

  “How do you suppose I carry all this ice cream, genius?” Tate glares at me.

sp; “I’m sure Bella will help you. Isn’t that what interns get to do, be bossed around by their Doctor-in-Charge?” Tilly raises her eyebrows across at Bella who looks like she wants to kill her. Hmm, wonder what that’s all about.

  “Yeah, when we’re in surgery. Out here he can go suck a d…”

  “Bella!” Tilly, Gray, Hannah, and Paige all scream.

  “Sorry, well, you know what I was saying,” she grumbles.

  “As long as it’s not you sucking it, then there’s no problem,” Grayson pipes up, and all the boys are fist pumping.

  “Yeah right.” Fleur laughs. “Bella is not stooping that low. We are on the hunt for a very distinguished gentleman, not a hairy Neanderthal.”

  “Seriously, did you all leave home this morning deciding it was going to be pick-on-Tate day? I get enough of this shit at work.”

  Gray smacks his shoulder and says, “That’s because you’ve pissed off half the staff, but at least the other half still think you’re a nice guy.”

  “Mommy, Fruncle Tate said some naughty words,” Daisy breaks into the conversation.

  “Yes, he did, and his punishment is he gets to take you and Memphis for a walk over to the ice cream van and get us all an ice cream. Maybe you can go with him and help him,” Hannah suggests, I’m sure to give herself five minutes of peace and quiet.

  “Plus, Bella, because she nearly said dick when you yelled at her,” Daisy says. Everyone stops dead and look at Daisy and Hannah. We don’t know if we should laugh or try to stand still like statues with no expression

  “Oh, Daisy Waisy,” Tilly says, trying so hard to keep a straight face, “you are so funny. Of course Bella wasn’t going to be naughty like Tate.”

  “Like hell she wasn’t,” Tate yells, and none of us can hold it in anymore. Including Hannah.

  “Tate, seriously,” Lex says, “I don’t think you should ever become a father. Your children will know every swear word by the time they’re three.” Lex throws Memphis’s ball at him, which has the dog going crazy.

  “Won’t be from me, more like their mother.”

  “What the…” Now it’s my time to catch my words. “Got something you need to share with the group, Doctor?” I look at him, trying to watch any body language that will give me a hint.

  “Nope. Now, what ice creams am I getting? And Bella, you’re coming too. You got me in trouble.”

  Daisy is jumping up and down with Memphis dancing at her feet. As we give our orders to Tate for him to put in his phone, Bella is watching him the whole time. She’s obviously not impressed with him for dragging her along. Although she’s a far bit younger than all of us, Bella fits in perfectly. She’s a little sister to us all. When Gray wasn’t around to protect her, then it was up to one of us to step in. Pretty sure she has wanted to kill us all on multiple occasions growing up, but she also knows how much we care.

  “Hey Bella, need help with controlling Tate at the ice cream shop? He throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way, if they don’t have his favorite flavor,” I call out to her to snap her out of whatever little thought she’s lost in.

  “I can handle Tate, let me assure you.” Smiling at me, she takes Daisy’s hand and is already heading across the park.

  “What’s the deal with those two?” Paige snuggles into my side and whispers in my ear.

  “Before today, I would have said nothing. Now I’m not so sure. Bella is currently working under Tate for her rotation at the hospital. Maybe it’s just a tough situation. Working for your almost brother.” Paige smiles and looks a little skeptical at my answer. To be honest, I’m not fully believing it either.

  After ice creams and plenty more banter, it’s time to head home and spend the afternoon getting ready for tomorrow. I know my primary objective will be to keep Paige calm. It’s going to be a tough day.

  “Not sure I’ll make basketball this Thursday. This week is a little busy, plus I’m prepping Leroy for his interview. So, you might have to find a substitute,” I tell the boys as I’m putting all our trash in the bin.

  “Not like we’ll even notice you missing. Hey Bella, want to fill in for Mason? You’ll be a better addition to the game anyway,” Lex throws in.

  “Better-looking,” Tate mumbles under his breath.

  “Depends if I’m stuck at the hospital,” Bella replies before giving Daisy a kiss.

  “It’s okay, we know the boss there, I’m sure he’ll let you out for a lunch break. That’s what he does to get to the basketball court.”

  “I’ll see, I can’t promise anything,” Bella says as she’s hugging Daisy goodbye.

  Daisy comes towards us, a little slower this time. I think all the running around with Memphis has tired her out. Just what Hannah was praying for.

  “Bye Fruncle Mason and bye Paige.” Her little hands are raising for hug. “Is Paige going to be my Fraunty too like Tilly?” Her innocent little face looks with love at Paige, waiting for the answer along with a hug. It’s one of her things. Daisy is big on hugs. Grayson told me it comes from her dad Trent being deployed overseas. She misses him and hugs make her feel loved and close to her special people.

  “I have to wait and see, Daisy. Mason might not want to marry me. Maybe if we wish hard it might come true.” Both of the girls look up at me with love in their eyes.

  “Maybe soon, sweetheart, send a big wish up to the sky. Be good for Mommy, won’t you?” I give her a big squeeze.

  “I’m always good, well, most of the time. Bye.” With that she moves onto the next Fruncle. Before Daisy came into my life, I hadn’t really thought much about children. It’s not that I didn’t want them, I just never really thought about them. Now I know I want them. More than one. Today I’ve even been picturing Paige lying naked on our bed with a beautiful rounded stomach carrying our baby. If I didn’t know before today, then that thought alone tells me she’s the one for me.

  Looking at Paige standing next to me, she looks a little taken aback.

  “Baby, you don’t need to waste a perfectly good wishe. There is no doubt we will be getting married. You just tell me when, and I’ll be there in full uniform, glasses and all, if that’s what you want.” This brings a smile to her face.

  “What about just the glasses and no uniform. That would be perfect.”

  “Oh yes, I’m sure the guests would love that. Especially your father.” I sweep her into my arms and lift her off the ground.

  “One day soon, baby, I’ll be on my knee for you. So, you better start working out your answer. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go. Even if we aren’t married, I don’t care. Forever is our end date. Nothing is going to change that. Actually, living in sin does sound kind of hot.” Loosening my grip, I let her slowly slide down my body until her mouth is level with mine. “Love you, Tiger, so damn much.” As I kiss her lips, softly and gently, I find myself full of the sensations she brings me.

  We break apart after hearing all the crap from the boys. We ignore them and still stand in our bubble.

  “I didn’t know love could be like this. Thank you, Mason, for opening my eyes to what I’ve been missing.” I place her on the ground, taking her face in my hands as I kiss her forehead. Holding my lips there just that little bit longer, taking in all I’m feeling, I hope she’s feeling it too.

  “Can you two go find a room, or even a car? Seriously, is this what it’s going to be like every time we’re together?” Tate says, half laughing and half complaining.

  “Absolutely, so get used to it!” Letting go of Paige, I run towards Tate.

  “Do you want a kiss too, lover boy? Are you feeling jealous?” He’s off running.

  “Don’t you dare come near me. I don’t want your germs contaminating this fine manly specimen.” Too busy watching me, he doesn’t realize Gray and Lex have come around the front of him. They tackle him as he’s passing, holding him down.

  “Come on, lover boy, do you want some lessons on how it’s done?” Making loud kissy noises, I lean down towards hi

  “How old are you boys?” Tilly yells out “Stop picking on the little boy in the playground.”

  “But it’s so easy, Miss Tilly,” I call out.

  “Mason, do not get Tate germs on those lips and expect to be allowed to kiss me again,” Paige yells to me.

  I laugh and play slap him on the cheek.

  “Saved by the girls.” Before I get to move, he’s caught me off guard and I’m on the ground with him.

  All four of us wrestling.

  Yes, Tilly is right.

  We are still kids at heart.

  I hope that never changes.


  Spending the day with the ‘family’ yesterday was just what Paige needed. What started as brunch dragged well into the afternoon. Then we picked up some takeout on the way home and sat on the floor in front of the television just watching some trashy movies.

  Paige fell asleep in my arms for a while, and then we finished the night with the bubble bath and some soft and passionate sex. I wasn’t expecting her to fall asleep as easily as she did. Maybe I wore her out.

  I’m lying awake now as the dawn is breaking, just watching her breathe and looking so peaceful like she doesn’t have a care in the world. That’s what makes her successful. Her poker face, but more than that, her poker personality. The ability to have her personality show how calm she is when really on the inside she’s freaking out.

  No matter what occurs over the next few days, I’m not letting anything happen to her. I would rather sit in jail after I kill Tyson than let anything happen to her. I’m just not convinced he’s working on his own. It seems too high-tech for Tyson, but then maybe it’s all a big act. I’m usually good at reading people, and I just don’t get that vibe from him. Yet all the fingers are pointing to him. Something seems a little off with Brian the VP for the company. Although he has offered to help her out, he didn’t try very hard, only traveling once to take her place. The day I met him and flew him to a meeting, he looked at me with a suspicious eye. Then when he was heading to the town car at the airport, he kept looking back at me like he was worried I knew whatever he was feeling guilty for.


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