Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 28

by Karen Deen

  “Well, why don’t you tell us then. Maybe it might get you a pay rise.” Franco laughs while I’m seething on the inside.

  “I don’t need more money. I have enough of that,” Tyson replies straight-faced. I can’t stand to listen to this. I’m about scream. Standing, I walk to my room and close the door. It looks like I’m using the bathroom, but I need to just breathe and take a minute to cool down.

  No, he doesn’t need fucking money, he has mine, and plenty of it. Bastard has the balls to sit there and throw that in my face, thinking he’s funny. I’ll give him funny when I send his ass to jail. I want to talk to Mason, but I know I can’t. This whole situation is shit.

  Just sitting on the bed for a few minutes, I channel my strength, stand up, smooth myself out again, and walk straight to my seat. Sitting down as the boys are still talking, my phone still silently records away.

  “So, we’ve covered what you do on the administration side. Do you work on the finance side at all with invoicing, ordering, or only with getting the information for Paige?” Interested to hear how Tyson answers Franco’s question, I snap back into the moment with my full attention.

  “No, I’d only ever look at invoices for Paige or for research into suppliers we are negotiating with or new tenders we’re seeking, and she needs background information.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Leave all that for those finance geeks, hey. So, what sorts of extra things are you working on outside office hours that Paige should probably be paying you extra for?” Franco keeps prying but not making it sound invasive.

  “Well, up until a certain captain came onto the scene, I was handling her personal diary and keeping Bent informed, so he knew where to be and when. The two of us work closely together. Apparently, that service is no longer needed, or so I’ve been informed recently. And as you heard this morning, Bent’s duties are being scaled back as well.” He’s looking directly at me although answering Franco.

  “Paige is a big girl. I’m sure she can look after her own personal diary.” Franco laughs, trying to break the moment. “The work you do at home, is it just things you don’t get time to do at work?”

  “Some of it, yes, or work that’s needed for the next day that comes up after we’ve finished. Basically, there are times Paige and I can be talking or messaging at eleven pm at night, trying to make sure something is right for the morning. That’s when we would have a good laugh or chat over a wine. Or, she has me coordinating with Brian, our VP. Sometimes I’m working with Brian late at night too, for things he’s contacted me directly about.”

  I’m a little taken back by what Tyson has just said. I don’t think I realized how much I’ve been working and how that impacts the people who work for me. If Tyson wasn’t robbing me blind, I would actually feel bad right now for not appreciating him more. I also didn’t know that he was doing extra work for Brian, either. Which doesn’t make sense as he has his own PA and team of staff. I’ve been so busy running the company and making sure we’re continuing to grow, that I’ve placed my trust in people who I thought had the same vision as myself. Ones who I thought had my back. Now I’m not so sure, and I’m a bit confused as to what else has been going on that I don’t know about. I know in my role as CEO that I can’t know everything all the time. My job is to focus on the big picture, however I feel like there are things happening that I’m missing. It’s not a comfortable feeling.

  “Is it okay if we do more of this later?” Tyson asks. “I have work to do before we get to the meeting. I’m happy to fill in any gaps on the return flight or later.” Part of me wants Franco to keep going with the questioning, but I know what Tyson is saying is right. We both have work to do before we get there.

  “Of course, young man. Sorry, I could talk all day, just ask my wife. She complains I never shut up. Get your work done and we can talk later. I’ll be around for weeks. This won’t be a quick process. There’s so much to learn.” With that, Tyson puts his head down and starts tapping away on his keyboard. I discreetly turn off my phone from recording. Then start with the work I need to get done. It helps to take my mind off everything we just learned from Tyson.


  The thump as we hit the ground upon landing is always a jerk through your body, but a good one. Knowing you made it safely through another flight and are on the ground. Collecting my bags, I hear Franco suggest to Tyson they head out to the town car and wait for me. I’m thankful he’s giving me a minute with Mason before I leave the plane. Holly and Aaron seem to get the same memo, heading out before me with just a quiet smile on their faces.

  I’m standing in the cabin watching as he comes out of the cockpit towards me. His face says he’s concentrating on work, until he looks up and sees me standing there.

  “Hello, my beautiful lady, did you enjoy the flight?” Placing his arms around my waist, he kisses me quickly on the lips, then pulls back to check on my expression.

  “The flight was lovely and smooth, the captain did an excellent job,” I reply, giving him another kiss.

  “You’re good for my ego. But…”

  “The company was shit. Can you organize better passengers next time? These ones leave a lot to be desired.”

  Mason starts laughing at me.

  “You survived, though. He didn’t do anything to upset you?”

  “No, it’s okay. Anyway, I better get to my meeting.” I didn’t want to worry Mason with the things Tyson said. It would just get him angry, which I don’t need at this stage.

  “Knock ‘em dead at the meeting and then hurry your cute little ass back to me. I’m just on the end of the phone if you need me. Even if it’s just to vent because you’re spending the day with your dickhead assistant.” Mason strokes his finger down my cheek.

  “Don’t make me feel all mushy. Love you and will see you soon.” Kissing him quickly, I grab my bag and start walking out. I need to keep my tough shield up, and every time, Mason manages to make it melt away.

  He’s laughing behind me as I walk away.

  “Love you too, my Tiger.”


  Arriving back in Chicago, Mason checks on me again, telling me he won’t be too long and will meet me at my place. Traveling back with Bent, Franco, and Tyson, I’m quiet and lost in my own thoughts. It’s been a long day trying to be upbeat like nothing is wrong, concentrating on work and the meeting while not able to really talk with Mason and holding everything in my head. I’m just tired. The thought of backing it up and doing it all again tomorrow is exhausting just thinking about it.

  Bent drops us off at my apartment, and Franco and I are standing on the sidewalk waiting for his Uber to take him home.

  “Interesting day. Send that recording to me so I can relisten tonight and see what else I pick up. Did you know how closely Tyson and Brian were working together?”

  “No, not at all. I was surprised by that. Brian has his own PA and team under him. Sure, there’s the occasional time he would need information from Tyson, but not a lot. He should be working directly with me.” Feeling the strain of the day, I just want to head upstairs, take my shoes off and pour a glass of wine and wait for Mason.

  “Well, that’s something we need to add to our investigation then. I’ve had a message from Madam Hacker—or maybe we should just call her Miss H. Anyway, there have been no changes or opening of the invoice for the shipment, as yet. I don’t imagine it will happen until after the initial shipment has left, and then it will be quickly changed before the next morning when the invoice would be emailed by the accounts department. So, tomorrow night will be the one to watch. I need you to stay out of the system tomorrow night, so we know if anyone is using your login for anything also. I’ll let you know when you can go back in. So have the night off. Go on a date. Do something other than sit and worry about this. There is nothing you can do until he plays his hand.”

  Franco puts his arm around my shoulder, giving me a squeeze.

  “Doubt I’ll be able not to worry. I can’t get
it out of my head, no matter how much I try or Mason tells me to relax. I’ll just be glad when it’s over.” I sigh as his Uber pulls up to the curb.

  “Not long, sweetheart. We are so close. Just hang in there.” Kissing me on the cheek, he releases me.

  “I’m okay. He doesn’t get to win this. I do. Give Aunt Veronica a kiss for me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  We part ways, and I head into my building.

  Waiting for the elevator, it seems to be taking forever. I’m just thinking about tonight and what dinner I should organize for Mason before he gets home.

  The ding of the elevator’s arrival brings me back to the present.

  As the doors open, I get a shock to see the little boy from a few days ago standing in there on his own, looking a little timid. I doubt his mother knows where he is or that he should be down here on his own.

  I think the best course of action would be to just keep him here in the foyer for a few minutes to see if his mom turns up. If not, then I’ll start trying to work out what apartment he comes from.

  I crouch down so I’m at his level.

  “Hello. What’s your name?”

  He looks at me, unsure if he should talk to me.

  “It’s okay, I’m a friend. I’m going to get you back to Mommy.” With that, he looks a little relieved.

  “Jack. I want Mommy.” The doors on the elevator are trying to close at this stage, so I hold them back.

  “I know, little man, come out here and we’ll find Mommy for you, Jack.” Holding out my hand to him, he looks at it for a moment and then takes it and walks towards me.

  “Good boy. Now let’s just wait here and see if Mommy comes down.” He looks at me funny.

  “Mommy’s crying.” Oh god, she might not even know he’s gone.

  “Is she hurt, Jack?”

  “Mommy’s sad, the man made her sad.” Shit, there’s something weird about all of this. I need to call Mason.

  “I’m just going to call my friend Mason while we wait, okay, Jack?” He nods at me and I don’t even know if he understands.

  “Hi, baby, I’m almost home. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but I just have a slight problem. A little boy who’s lost his mom is in my building. There’s something weird about it. He said his mom is crying and the man made her sad. I’m waiting in the foyer to see if she comes down.”

  “Don’t leave the foyer until I get there. Do you understand me? You don’t know what you’re walking into. I’ll be five minutes, just stay there.” His voice is stern, and I know it’s to make sure I’m listening and paying attention.

  “I’m not silly, I won’t. That’s why I called you.” Jack is looking at me, and his little lip is starting to quiver a bit. “I need to go. Jack is getting worried. I’ll be here waiting.”

  “You better be,” Mason yells as I hang up. I know he will now be driving like an idiot to get here. Now to keep Jack from panicking.

  “How old are you, Jack?” I watch him trying to get his fingers together.

  “I’m four,” he says as only a four-year-old can say, proud and with three fingers in the air.

  “Wow, you are a big boy then. What’s your mommy’s name?” He looks at me like I’m stupid.

  “Mommy,” he answers straight away. Oh god, this is going to be hard

  “Yes it is, good answer. But what do the other big people call her? Like, my name is Paige, so does Mommy have another name like that?” He’s thinking hard now.

  “The lady at the shop says Mia, but the mean man calls her bitch.” Fuck, this doesn’t sound good, I think she’s in a dangerous situation.

  “Is the mean man your daddy?” He shakes his head no.

  “Does your daddy live with you?”

  “No, he’s a cranky man too. I don’t like him.”

  Fuck, what is going on here?

  While I keep him talking, I’m watching the elevator to see when it finally lights up, what floor it starts on.

  I need to start a new conversation that isn’t something scary.

  “What’s your favorite toy, Jack?”

  His little face lights up. “I have this truck that’s red. It’s my favorite. But I like cars and planes and dinosaurs.” He starts to get wound up to tell me more.

  “That sounds really cool. My boyfriend, he’s a pilot, and he flies a plane. A big one that people go on.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see the elevator coming down from the eighth floor. I wonder if it’s his mom.

  “Can I go on his plane? With the big people? I’ve never been on a plane. Is it big?” Just as I go to answer, the doors for the elevator open and his mom comes rushing out with the baby girl on her hip. She races and grabs Jack into her arms and hugs him tight. Behind me, I hear the foyer door open, and Mason comes storming through it.

  I hold my hand up behind me to signal for him to slow down and be quiet, hoping he’ll get what I mean.

  Softly, I start to speak. “Jack, is this your mom Mia?” He nods his head excitedly.

  Her head jerks up from his neck where she had it buried.

  “How do you know my name?” She looks terrified.

  “It’s okay, Jack and I were just chatting until you came. I didn’t want him to wander off and get lost. He told me. My name’s Paige, by the way.”

  “What have I told you about talking to strangers, Jack? You can’t tell them our names. We have to go.” She stands, taking his hand.

  “Wait, please, let me help you. I think you’re in trouble and need some help.” Again, just like last time, I’m feeling this indescribable pull that I know her. “If you’re in danger, we can help to keep you safe. My boyfriend is ex-army, we can help you.” She keeps hitting the button for the elevator, hoping it’ll open for her. “Please, Mia, is someone hurting you?” I’m almost begging her.

  The doors open, and she quickly drags Jack into the elevator.

  “You can’t save me from you,” she mumbles as the doors close.

  “What the fuck?” I turn to look at Mason. “What did she mean?”

  He’s behind me by now with his arms around me.

  “I don’t know. I’m just glad you’re okay. What the hell is going on here?” Turning me to him, he takes my face in his hand.

  “You make life a damn roller coaster, don’t you, Tiger,” he says, kissing my forehead softly.

  “I’m worried about them, Mas, something is going on. Dad is a cranky man who doesn’t live there, and the mean man makes mommy cry. What the hell is all that?” I look at him for reassurance of what we can do.

  “Unfortunately, she doesn’t look like she wants our help. You offered it to her, but she ran. Let me talk to Lex and see what he suggests we do. He’ll know, having seen this sort of thing all the time in his work.” Mason squeezes me a little tighter and then picks up my bag that had been dropped on the floor. He pushes the button for the elevator.

  “There is something weird about that woman. I can’t tell you what, but it’s just a funny feeling I get when she’s here. Maybe it’s just the fear or sense of being lost I’m picking up on.”

  “Maybe it’s something completely different, like a mental health situation. Which would explain the weird comment before. Come on, we need to get you upstairs and pour a stiff drink. It’s been a hell of a day.” He leads me into the elevator through the open doors.

  “I need more than a drink. I’m almost at the stage that shots seem like a good option.” He laughs at what I’ve said.

  “Not on a school night, missy. How about I compromise, a straight scotch and a bath with bubbledubles in it.” I can see he’s trying to hold in his laugh.

  “You’re so funny, Mason. I’m not drunk now, well, not yet anyway. For trying to be funny, you get to run the bubble bath for me.” We enter the vacant elevator, but Jack and his mom and sister are still in my mind.

  “Cool, as long as I get to watch.”

  “Nope, you get to organize food. I’m hungry, and make sure there’s chocolate. Lot
s of it,” I demand. Feeling frightened for Jack and his family, it’s pushing me over the edge of manners.

  “Oh, angry anxious Paige has arrived. Any woman demanding chocolate is feeling stressed.”

  “Damn right, I’m stressed. My company is a mess, my PA is cheating on me, or better described as stealing money from me. There is a lady and her kids in my building in danger and I don’t know what to do about it. Plus, my boyfriend is picking on me. I deserve lots of chocolate, alcohol, and perhaps a good back massage for that.” To be honest, one drink and I’ll be asleep.

  “Okay, baby, I can arrange all that. I can even arrange the back massage with a happy ending,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  I smack him on the arm and then fall into his body for a hug.

  He shrugs. “What? It always makes me feel better if I’m stressed.”

  I look up at him horrified. “A massage with a happy ending? What the hell, Mason.”

  “No, crazy lady, calm down, I just mean the happy ending. Better known as sex with my girlfriend. Are we good now?”

  “Maybe, it’s yet to be seen.” Walking into my apartment, I still feel shaken. “Mason, should we go and try to find Mia, just to check on her?”

  “No, baby, but let me see what I can find out from Lex while you’re in the bath, okay?” I agree but reluctantly. I’m worried for her and the kids. I have to trust Mason, though. Hopefully he can find something out.

  “Okay. I don’t like it, but okay.”

  “Right, let’s get you in that bath, and I’ll bring the glass of scotch. Notice I said glass and not bottle.”

  “Haha, very funny. Always the comedian. It better be a big glass is all I can say.”

  Walking upstairs, I can’t believe the day it’s been.

  How did things get so hard?

  Life is supposed to get easier when you find the man of your dreams, but I keep finding drama to complicate life.


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