Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 32

by Karen Deen

  “Are you for real? That pathetic little boy was so easy to manipulate. His biggest problem is that he’s in love with his boss, but then you’d know about that, wouldn’t you. Like a woman who pushes you around, do you?”

  I hear Paige’s voice in my head. ‘Promise me, Mason. Promise’. I need to keep breathing, otherwise I’ll kill him.

  “You just pretend to be tough but really she wears the pants. See, that was Tyson’s problem. He wasn’t strong enough for her either. She didn’t even give him a second look, but it didn’t stop him from trying. Then you came along. Really fucked up his plans, didn’t you. Made him very helpful with information for me, though. That and the secret cameras in my car. It’s easy to see their passwords when they type them in. They’re all so gullible.” Bent stands there telling me everything and how proud he is of what he did.

  “See, here’s the thing, Bent. Where you thought you were so smart, in fact you’re just fucking dumb. You could have had all you already took and more. That woman you tried to punish for something she couldn’t control has the biggest heart and is the strongest person I know. It’s a powerful combination. But you already knew that, didn’t you? You felt threatened by her strength. You didn’t want to play baby brother to your older sisters. So instead of getting to know them, you just wanted to destroy them. Epic fail, man. You see, we’ve been watching you for weeks, compiling evidence, and have a whole case on you and your fraud. Now we have Mia’s blackmail case too. You will be living in a place with plenty of male cell mates who will be happy to get close to you and play big brother.”

  “I’m not going there. I’ll kill you and run before I go to jail,” Bent says and starts to move his hand.

  “Wouldn’t try that if I were you.” Ashton says, his gun now at the side of Bent’s skull, cocked and ready. Leaning behind Bent, he pulls the gun from the back of his pants and then sticks it in his own. “See, it’s like this. I have this rule about my family. Both by blood and my brothers in arms. I look out for them. No one gets to hurt them. You would never have the gun out before I got the shot off. I’d be happy to kill you. But we made a promise to that beautiful lady out there. We promised we wouldn’t hurt you. And that was before she even knew you were her family.”

  I walk closer now that Ashton has him.

  “Bent, that’s where we’re all different to you. Life is about the people you share it with, not the money it brings you.” All the violence that had been building in my body has now settled. I don’t want to even waste my energy on him. “Pity you didn’t work that out. But don’t worry, I’ll enjoy living the rest of my life with your sister, as well as getting to know your other sister and the kids. I’ll look after them and keep them safe. That’s what I do. I value people’s lives. Enjoy jail.” I know I’m done now. I need to get to Paige. She needs me. Walking out of the bedroom, the policemen that Ashton and Lex would have organized are standing there waiting.

  “He’s all yours. Don’t play nice, he doesn’t deserve it.”

  Standing outside the door just breathing in, I know I need a moment before I go upstairs. If tonight had happened a few years ago, I don’t know how I would have handled it. I’m not a violent man, but I’ve seen a lot and had to do things that aren’t nice, for the good of my country. I struggled to get over the feeling of not saving someone, so if there were a threat against anyone I loved, I probably would have reacted first and thought about it later.

  Paige has changed all of that.

  She’s changed me.

  Helped to release me from my nightmare.

  Taught me what love is.

  Real love.

  The kind you can’t live without.

  You need it to breathe.

  Ashton walks out and places his hand on my shoulder, checking on me, to see if I’m okay. I realize for the first time in a long time… I am.

  Standing here, I’m breathing perfectly and know I’m strong enough to go and be the one that Paige needs.

  It’s my turn to be that person for her. Just like she was for me.



  HOLDING MY BREATH, I hear all the yelling.

  Mason telling Mia to get out with Kayla, and of course she’s refusing. I want to run in there and take Kayla from her so at least she’s out, but I know I can’t. She doesn’t trust me.

  Oh my god. Bent is her sister.

  Ashton comes quickly out the door with the two kids. Passing Kayla to Tate, he then shoves Jack towards me. Just as he does, I hear Bent say something I will never forget for as long as I live.

  “You’re such a stupid bitch, just like that other stupid sister of ours, your dad didn’t want you. You were girls. The weaker sex.”

  I push Jack into Grayson’s arms which makes Grayson let go of me. I’m through the door before the boys can stop me. I need to know. Is that why I feel so much when she’s near me? Do I have a brother and a sister? I have to ask.

  “Bent…are you my brother?” I feel calm because I’m in the room with Mason. Waiting for Bent’s answer, I look from him to Mia and back again. My mouth is dry and my mind is on overdrive.

  Mason orders us out, but I need to know more. I want to hear him say it.

  So many words are coming out of his mouth, but the only ones that seem to stick with me are, “We all have the same mom…” Bent’s voice drifts off and becomes a blur to me.

  I have a brother and sister. I have a family. They know where I come from. But wait, why has he done all this to us? He was the only one who knew we were family.

  That’s when I hear the word. That evil word that brings out the worst in people.

  Money. I should have guessed. The fraud. He was after money.

  “Bent, why? Why didn’t you just come to me? I would have given you the money, to both of you. As much as you needed. I’d have taken care of you. All I wanted all my life was a family. To know where I came from. You don’t understand what that feels like.” I’m trying so hard to hold it together, but I’m quickly losing the strength.

  Then she breaks me. Mia’s pain in her voice totally rips my heart apart. Her life was not like mine. She has been hurt, never felt love, been betrayed yet managed to still protect her babies. She never knew the love of a family, so she created her own and has done her best to keep them safe.

  I do the only thing I feel I can. I reach out and grab her, show her that I care. I’m the one person she wasn’t expecting in her life, yet I’m the one who has cared from the moment I saw her.

  Everything is becoming loud, and the words aren’t making sense. Ashton grabs both of us and starts pulling us outside to the kids. Mia breaks from me to grab them both as tight as she can. She’s looking at all of us and feeling very threatened. I’m trying to talk and make it okay. Just the words aren’t coming out. Tate has hold of me and is talking calmly, trying to get my attention.

  As soon as he says the words, “We’re taking you all upstairs. To get you safe,” I snap out of my haze.

  “No!” I yell at him. I try to pull out of his grip. “No, I’m not leaving Mason. Let me go. I’m going back to Mason!” They all ignore me, and both Gray and Tate have me and are dragging me to the elevator. The more I yell, the tighter their grips get on me. Lex is already holding the doors open with Mia and the kids inside. Jack is crying and has buried his head against his mom’s leg.

  “Paige, that’s enough. You’re scaring the kids. Stop now.” Tate is right in my face, totally shocking me that he would speak to me like that. But it’s sinking in as I look at poor Jack who now looks scared of me.

  “Ashton has his back. He’ll be okay,” Gray says quietly to me and then pushes me forward into the elevator. The doors close and the movement upwards makes my heart hurt that I’m leaving my love with a madman who’s here because of me. If anything happens to Mason, it will be my fault.

  Arriving home, the girls are all waiting, and the boys deliver me into Tilly’s arms as I break down and cry, sobbing on her.

bsp; Until I hear the small voice behind me. “Paige?”

  I pull myself together. Oh god, she’ll be so confused and scared. I’m supposed to be the big sister.

  “Mia, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. Did he hurt you? Are the kids okay? Oh, my sister Mia, whatever he told you, I had no idea.”

  We both fall into each other’s arms. I’m sobbing so hard I can feel my body heaving. We’re both full of distress, yet there’s a connection that I felt from the moment I saw her.

  Mia keeps trying to say something, and it’s all mumbled in the crying. I pull back to look at her so she can get it out.

  “I’m…so…so…sorry.” Then more tears are coming. This poor woman, all she has felt—all her life by the sounds of it—is that things are her fault.

  “Mia, no, you didn’t do anything. It was all Bent.” Hearing her so scared, my strong angry feelings are starting to come to life.

  “I believed him, but I should have asked you.” Her face is a mess with red blotchy skin and swollen eyes.

  “No, no, no. We can talk about this later. But don’t take any blame for anything. You’re here with me. You and the kids are safe, and nobody will ever hurt you again.” I’m holding her by the shoulders so she’s looking at me.

  “You can’t say that. My life is always like that.” Before I can say a word, Lex is beside us.

  “Not anymore. Now that you have Paige it means you have family. We’re all here to protect you. That’s what we do.” Mia looks up at him, confused that a complete stranger would say anything like that. I see the girls have the kids in the kitchen, feeding Jack chocolate and Bella is rocking Kayla to sleep. Grayson, Tate, and Lex are all standing around us now.

  “Mia, these are my friends…actually, sorry, they’re framily… friends who are family. They will protect us all. You’re safe here, I can promise you that. Once Mason gets here, he’ll make sure of it.” The tears are coming back into my eyes as the panic is still just under the surface.

  I look at Tate. “You promised me. Where is he?” I’m struggling to be brave for Mia.

  “Keep breathing, he’ll be up soon. We all know there’s no way he’ll leave you alone with us handsome single studs for very long,” he says, trying to make me laugh, but it doesn’t work. All I can see is Mason standing in front of Bent.

  “Speak for yourself, I’m far from single. The rock on Tilly’s hand says so.” Grayson looks towards her while she’s waving her hand in the air.

  “Okay, smartass. Just me and Lex then. That’s enough to make Mason feel threatened anyway.” His arm wraps around my shoulder, and he guides me to the living room. Everyone is trying to cheer up Jack and explain to Mia who they are. Nowhere is quiet when we’re all together I’ve learned.

  “Get your arm off my woman,” is all I hear before I turn and run straight into Mason’s arms. I jump and wrap myself around him as he buries his face in my neck.

  “Mason,” I whisper as the tears are flowing again.

  “My Paige, you’re safe,” he says into my neck. Lifting his head, he kisses me like the world is ending. Like we’ve been close to danger but have come through the other side.

  Before we break the kiss, I hear the boys all cheering and wolf whistling. Which sets Kayla off crying, and that leads to the girls all yelling at the boys.

  Pulling back from his devouring lips, I take his face in my hands.

  “Welcome home, Mason, I want you to come and meet my family and let you introduce your framily.” The smile on his face at my name for his friends tells me everything is going to be okay. We have a lot to work out and deep wounds to heal. But together we can get through this.

  As he slowly puts me down but not letting me go, I hear a throat clearing behind us.

  “Fuck, sorry, man. Ashton, this is my girlfriend Paige. Paige, Ashton, who is one of the best men I know. Someone who will always have my back and yours.”

  Without a word, I launch out of Mason’s arms and hug Ashton tightly. “Thank you, for everything. For keeping Mia and the kids safe, and for bringing Mason back alive. Who knows what he would have done if you weren’t there?” Pulling back, Ashton starts laughing.

  “I know exactly what he would have done, but that’s not a story you need to hear. You’re welcome. I’ve talked to the police downstairs, and they’re taking Bent to the station. They’ll need to take statements from you all, but I convinced them to give you tonight together.” Ashton takes a step back from me at the same time Mason wraps his arms around me again. My man is feeling very territorial tonight. I can’t blame him, and to be honest, I don’t want him far away from me either.

  “I should leave you to it.” Ashton puts his hand out to Mason.

  “No please, stay,” I offer. “I know Mason wants you here. I’m sure you’d like something to eat, or wait, I know… a stiff drink. I think everyone needs a stiff drink. Please, Ashton.” He looks across at everyone, his eyes lingering on Fleur, and I can see he’s trying to decide.

  “Come on, man, I owe you a beer at least, and I need to debrief before tomorrow. That was intense. Besides, take it from me, Paige doesn’t take no for an answer.”

  Chuckling, Ashton nods, and we head over to the others.

  I notice Lex talking to Mia who now has Kayla in her arms and looks exhausted. I need to go to her. She needs me, and I need her too.

  “I need to sit with Mia,” I whisper to Mason, and he smiles and lets me go as he takes Ashton to meet the others.

  “Please come and sit with me. You must be exhausted, and I’m sure Kayla’s getting heavy.” Putting my hand on her elbow, I help her lower herself into the couch.

  “Paige, I was just saying to Mia, I’m going to go downstairs and see if the police will give me the baby port-a-crib. If not, I’ll go to the nearest Walmart and grab one and some diapers. The rest we can figure out tomorrow.” Lex is speaking in a quiet calming tone. Not like the man I see when he’s around his friends.

  “That’s awesome, thanks Lex. I can’t even think clearly, and to be honest, I know nothing about kids.” I kiss him on the cheek as I sit next to Mia. “I guess I’m about to learn. You do know I want you to stay here with me, Mia, for as long as it takes to sort this mess out and get you somewhere to live on your own.”

  It’s just the two of us now with Lex slipping away.

  “Thank you, but I don’t have any money or any way of getting any. I can’t have anything in my name. I ran away, Paige, from my husband. He threatened if I ever left and took his meal tickets with him that he would hunt me down. I can’t stay here for long, just tonight. I don’t want you in danger. Plus, I don’t know if Bent told him where I am. He threatened to so often that I’m scared he did.” The fear in her eyes is real, mixed with sheer exhaustion that’s from more than tonight’s ordeal.

  “Mia, look around you. Every person in this room is now on your team. No one will let him hurt you or the kids again. Lex is a lawyer, and he already knows your story and said he’ll help you. If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that Mason will sort your ex-husband out, I promise you that.”

  “Damn straight I will,” Mason says, joining us. “Mia, you’re safe with us. He will never get near you, and by the time I’m finished with him, he’ll wish he never met you, or your family. That’s more than a promise, it’s a fact.” Mason sits on the armrest of the couch next to me with his arm around me. The weight of it is a comfort to know he’s near.

  Mia nods, trying to hold back the tears.

  “I’m so sorry you’ve had a hard life, Mia. I feel guilty for all I’ve had, but I can assure you from now on, life will be full of love, happiness, and comfort for you and the kids.” I reach for her.

  “And family?” She looks at me with hope.

  “Forever. You are my family forever.” We both sit leaning into each other with our heads on each other’s shoulders. Quiet tears run down our faces. I look down at my niece, sleeping peacefully, unaware of tonight’s craziness. That will take some gett
ing used to. I’m now an aunty to two adorable little ones.

  “Baby, I spoke to Franco on the phone when I was downstairs and let him know everyone’s okay. I suggested that we see him tomorrow. I haven’t told him about Mia being your sister. I figured you might want to tell him that one.” Mason runs his hand over my head softly.

  “Thank you. Yes, that’s a conversation I need to have in person and not tonight.”

  “I’m going to leave you two to talk. There’s so much you need to work out. I’ll send all this rowdy bunch home, so you can get some quiet time. Plus, I think Jack needs some quiet time otherwise getting him to sleep is going to be interesting.” Mason gets up and leaves us alone.

  “They do exist,” Mia whispers.

  “Who?” I ask, confused.

  “Real men, kind ones.” Her eyes follow Mason across the room.

  “They sure do. The ones in this room are some of the best.” I want to reassure her that she’s safe with every single one of them.

  “I’ve only just found Mason, and I’m very grateful. One day, you’ll find your real man. He’s out there tonight waiting for you. We’ll both make sure this little one never knows any different than what a real man is.” I run my finger over Kayla’s cheek.

  “Sounds nice, but it’s not in my story, I don’t think. I’m just happy with my little ones and raising them right. That will be enough for me.”

  Today has been too unbelievable, and I hardly know Mia, so I let the comment go for now. It’ll be my job as her sister to build that self-confidence and sense of self-worth back up again until she’s standing on her own.

  By the time everyone has gone around in circles saying their goodbyes and offering support, it seems to take at least thirty minutes. As they’re waiting for the elevator, the doors open to Lex who has so many bags, I’m not sure how he got them all in there with him.

  “Lex, what the hell have you done?” I ask, stepping in to help carry some of them for him.

  “I just grabbed a few things that Mia and the kids will need. I figured new things would be better, you know, fresh start.” Looking a little flustered, he tries to get it all out so the others can get in. I keep waiting for everyone else to give him hell about it, but no one says a word. Mason steps forward to help him, and everyone else just proceeds to say goodbye and leave.


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